domingo, 2 de febrero de 2025




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)









Vocabulary, terminology


Word formation. See Linguistics. Specific. Word formation.

Terminology (in linguistics and philology). See Lit. theory-Specific. Other LT topics.






Aitchison, Jean. An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987.

_____. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

Allport, D. A., and E. Funnel. "Components of the Mental Lexicon." In The Psychological Mechanisms of Language. The Royal Society / The British Academy, 1981.

Broe, Michael and Janet Pierrehumbert, eds. Language Acquisition and the Lexicon. (Papers in Laboratory Phonology V). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.

Butler, Christopher S. "Enriching the Functional Gramar Lexicon." In The Structure of the Lexicon in Functional Grammar. Ed. H. Olbertz, K. Hengeveld and J. Sánchez. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1998. 171-94.

_____. "Multi-Word Lexical Phenomena in Functional Grammar." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 30 (Special monograph number on Functional Approaches to the Lexicon). Forthcoming 1998.

Cabré, María Teresa. "La enseñanza de la terminología en España: Problemas y propuestas." Hermeneus 2 (2000): 41-94.*

Castañer Martín, Rosa Mª. "Léxico común y léxico especializado: Unas notas sobre las denominaciones del umbral y del dintel." In Homenaje a Gaudioso Giménez: Miscelánea de estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Ed. Túa [José Angel] Blesa and María Antonia Martín Zorraquino. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando El Católico / Departamento de Lingüística General e Hispánica, U de Zaragoza, 2003. 145-55.*

Clark, E. V. The Lexicon in Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Cruse, D. A. Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Elms, Teresa. "Lexical Distance Between the Languages of Europe." Etymologikon 4 March 2008.*


Fernández Carril, Raquel. "Integrating Vocabulary Learning Strategies into CALL: A Preliminary Study." 2003. In Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN / Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference. Ed. Antonio R[odríguez] Celada, Daniel Pastor García, and Pedro Javier Pardo García. CD-ROM. Salamanca: Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Salamanca) / Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2004.*

Franckel, Jean-Jacques. "Rôle des unités morpho-lexicales dans la construction du sens des énoncés." In Représentations du sens linguistique. Ed. D. Lagorgette and P. Larrivée. Munich: Lincom Europa.

Geckeler, H. Semántica estructural y teoría del campo léxico. Madrid: Gredos, 1976.

Gonzalo García, R. C., and Valentín García Yebra, eds. Documentación, Terminología y Traducción. Madrid: Síntesis / Fundación Duques de Soria, 2000.

Gordon, P. "Level-Ordering in Lexical Development." Cognition 21 (1985): 73-93.

Graña López, Benilde. "The Denotative-Referential Dimension of Lexical Items." Miscelánea 17 (1996): 141-56.*

Hernández Sacristán, Carlos. (U de València). "Sobre denominación y percepción en teoría del lenguaje." In Miscel-lània homenatge Enrique García Díez. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia / Consellería de Cultura, Educació i Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana, 1991. 367-74.*

Hoey, Michael. Patters of Lexis in Text. 1991. (Duke of Edinburgh Award for the best book in applied linguistics).

Huth, Alexander, Shinji Nishimoto, An T. Vu, and Jack L. Gallant. "A Continuous Semantic Space Describes the Representation of Thousands of Objects and Action Categories across the Human Brain." Neuron 76.6 (20 Dec. 2012): 1210-1224.*



Huth, Alexander G., Wendy A. de Heer, Thomas L. Griffiths, Frédéric E. Theunissen, and Jack L. Gallant. "Natural Speech Reveals the Semantic Maps that Tile Human Cerebral Cortex." Nature 27 April 2016.*


Jiménez Catalán, Rosa María. "El concepto de competencia léxica en los estudios de aprendizaje y enseñanza de segundas lenguas." Atlantis 24.1 (June 2002): 149-62.*

Lapesa, Rafael. Léxico e historia. 2 vols. Madrid: Istmo, 1992.

Leont'eva, N. On the Semantic Incompleteness of Texts: Essays on Lexical Semantics. (Soviet Papers in Formal Linguistics). Stockholm, 1974.

Levin, Beth, and Steven Pinker, eds. Lexical and Conceptual Semantics.

Lyons, John. "4. Grammar: General Principles." In Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968. 133-69.* (Introductory – Formal Grammar – Grammar and Lexicon).

_____. "9. Semantics: General Principles." In Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968. 400-42.* (Introductory – Traditional Semantics – 'Meaningfulness' – Reference and Sense – 'Lexical' and 'Grammatical' Meaning).

Mendívil, José Luis. "Por debajo de la palabra, silencio: La sintaxis como interfaz y la naturaleza del léxico."   In La gramática del sentido: léxico y sintaxis en la encrucijada. Ed. J. F. Val Álvaro and M. C. Horno. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2010. 181-224. Online at Academia27 April 2015.*


Montero Martínez, Silvia. "La unidad terminológica: de la uniformidad a la variación." Hermeneus 2 (2000): 181-90.*

Otal Campo, José Luis. "Aspectos de la función textual de léxico." Miscelánea 6 (1985): 35-44.*

Penas Ibáñez, Mª Azucena. Cambio semántico y competencia gramatical. (Lingüística Iberoamericana, 33). Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt a/M: Vervuert, 2009.*

Perrot, Jean. "Le lexique." In Le Langage. Ed. André Martinet. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 25). Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 283-99.*

Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 30 (Special monograph number on Functional Approaches to the Lexicon). Forthcoming 1998.

Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J., and J. L. Otal. "Estrategias y principios pragmáticos en el componente léxico de la comunicación." Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de Lingüística Aplicada. Barcelona, 1994. 349-57.

Salazar García, Ventura. "Indagaciones en la enseñanza del léxico a través del análisis de necesidades." In Las lenguas en la Europa Comunitaria. III: La adquisición-enseñanza de segundas lenguas y-o de lenguas extranjeras - Las lenguas de minorías. Ed. Fermín Sierra Martínez and Carmen Hernández González. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999.

Salvador, G. "Lexemas puente y lexemas sincréticos". In Salvador, Semántica y lexicología del español. Estudios y lecciones. Madrid: Paraninfo, 1985. 42-50.

Sample, Ian. "Neuroscientists Create 'Atlas' Showing How Words Are organised in the Brain." The Guardian 27 April 2016.*


Sánchez, María Jesús, and Luisa María González. "Instrucción léxica y aprendizaje." Atlantis 28.2 (December 2006): 89-107.*

Singleton, David. Language and the Lexicon. London: Arnold, 2000.

Shopen, T., ed. Language Typology and Syntactic Description. Vol. 3: Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

Smith, Logan Pearsall. Words and Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926.

Sproat, R. W. On Deriving the Lexicon. Doctoral Dissertation. Cambridge (MA): MIT, 1985.

Talaván, Noa. A University Handbook on Terminology and Specialized Translation. Netbiblo, 2012.

Val Álvaro, J. F., and M. C. Horno, eds. La gramática del sentido: léxico y sintaxis en la encrucijada. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2010.

Wotjak, Gerd. "Acerca del significado léxico verbal visto desde la lexicología funcional: intento de síntesis en homenaje a un gran y entrañable amigo." Alfinge 9 (1997): 451-68.*

Wray, Alison. Formulaic Language and the Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.

Zubizarreta, M. L. Levels of Representation in the Lexicon and in the Syntax. Dordrecht: Foris, 1987.



See also Vocabulary; Words.








Ibarretxe Antuñano, Iraide. "What Translation Tells Us about Motion: A Contrastive Study of Typologically Different Languages." In Contrastive Cognitive Linguistics. Ed. Javier Valenzuela and Ana Rojo. Monograph issue of IJES 3.2 (2003): 151-76.* (Contrastive typology, lexicalisation).

Talmy, Leonard. "Lexicalization Patterns: Semantic Structure in Lexical Forms." In Language Typology and Syntactic Description, vol. 3: Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon. Ed. T. Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985. 57-149.





See also Word formation.







Almela Sánchez, Moisés. "The Treatment of Word Sense Inventories in the 'LACELL WSD Project." In Recent and Applied Corpus-based Studies. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies (Special issue 2009): 21-37.*

Barcelona Sánchez, Antonio. "Metaphorical Expressions in Interlinguistic Lexicography: A Cognitive Approach." In XVIII Congreso de AEDEAN (Alcalá de Henares, 15-17 diciembre 1994). Ed. Ricardo J. Sola, Luis A. Lázaro and José A. Gurpegui. Alcalá: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 1997. 82-92.*

Bascuñana, Juan F. "La obra lexicográfica de Nemesio Fernández Cuesta: su significación en la historia de los diccionarios bilingües francés-español, español-francés." Universitas Tarraconensis (Filologia) 14 (1992-93): 45-62.*

Battaner, Paz "Dos casos de definiciones morfológicas en los diccionarios." In Palabras, Norma, Discurso: En memoria de Fernando Lázaro Carreter. Ed. Luis Santos Río et al. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2005. 125-35.*

Casares, Julio. Introducción a la lexicografía moderna. Madrid: Revista de Filología Española, anejo LI (1950).

Comesaña Rincón, Joaquín. "Decoding and Encoding Grammatical Information in Adjectival Entries: The Basics." Atlantis 23.1 (June 2001): 27-40.*

_____. "Decoding and Encoding Grammatical Information in Adjectival Entries: Processes and Cases." Atlantis 23.2 (December 2001): 31-48.*

_____. "'An Old Friend': A Case in Point in Adjectival Entries." In Estudios de Filología Inglesa en honor de Antonio Garnica. Ed. Francisco Garrudo and Joaquín Comesaña. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2005. 113-22.*

Edo Marzá, Nuria. "Lexicografía especializada en el ámbito de la industria cerámica: un diccionario activo bilingüe en el entorno socio-económico de Castellón." In Los caminos de la lengua: Estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó. Ed. J. L. Cifuentes et al. San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante): Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2010. 521-36.*

Fábregas, A. and I. Gil. "Algunos problemas de la interjección en lexicografía." Actas de AESLA. Ed. R. Monroy and A. Sánchez. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2008. 631-638.

Felices Lago, Ángel Miguel. "The Possibility of Improving the Compilation of a Text Dictionary Using the Virtual Features Added by a Literary Author." Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 6 (1990): 55-62.*

Fernández, Francisco, and Ana B. Fernández Guerra. "Lexicographic Heritage from Twentieth Century Linguistics: Looking Forward to the Future." In Linguistic Interaction in/and Specific Discourses. Ed. Marta Conejero López, Micaela Muñoz Calvo and Beatriz Penas Ibáñez. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010. 79-108.*

Fernández Sevilla, J. Problemas de lexicografía actual. Bogotá: Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1974.

Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A. and Ascensión Arribas-Baño. Pedagogical Specialised Lexicography: The Representation of Meaning in English and Spanish Business Dictionaries. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008.

Garrido Medina, Joaquín. "Diccionario español de discurso: Fundamentos de diseño." Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 6 (1990): 31-42.*

Gimson, A. C. "Phonology and the Lexicographer." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 211 (1973).

Hartmann, R. R. K., ed. LEX'eter '83 Proceedings: Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter. 9-12 September, 1983. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1984.

Ilson, Robert. "Explanations in Monolingual Dictionaries of English and Spanish." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

_____, ed. Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning. (ELT Documents 120). Oxford: British Council / Pergamon Press, 1985.

Jackendoff, Ray. Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1972.

_____. "Morphological and Semantic Regularities in the Lexicon." Language 51 (1975): 639-71.

_____. "Regularidades morfológicas y semánticas en el lexicón." In La teoría estándar extendida. By N. Chomsky et al. Madrid: Cátedra, 1979. 73-116.

Jackson, Howard (U of Central England, Birmingham). Lexicography: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 2002.

Kwary, Deny Arnos. "Towards a Typology of Definition for Dictionaries." Journal of English Studies 9 (2011): 55-73.*

Martín Mingorance, Leocadio. "Functional Grammar and Lexematics in Lexicography." In Meaning and Lexicography. Ed. Jerzy Tomaszczyk and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. 227-53.

Martínez de Sousa, José. Diccionario de lexicografía práctica. Barcelona: Bibliograf, 1995.

Martínez del Castillo, Jesús Gerardo. "La lexicografía y la  intelección lingüística." In Actas del V Simposio Internacional de la Asociación Andaluza de Semiótica. Universidad de Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995.. 457-468.

McArthur, Tom. Worlds of Reference: Lexicography, Learning, and Language from the Clay Tablet to the Computer. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Nielsen, Sandro, and Sven Tarp, eds. Lexicography in the 21st Century: In Honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009.

Olbertz, H., K. Hengeveld and J. Sánchez García, eds. The Structure of the Lexicon in Functional Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1998.

Pérez Hernández, Mª Chantal. "Using Corpora in Bilingual Lexicography." Proceedings of the XIXth International Conference of AEDEAN. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra et al. Vigo: Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemana da Universidade de Vigo, 1996. 455-62.*

Periñán Pascual, José Carlos. "Las listas de densidad semántica y la lexicografía funcional computacional." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 26 (2000): 89-108.*

Periñán Pascual, Carlos and Francisco Arcas Túnez. "Reusing Computer-oriented Lexica as Foreign-language Electronic Dictionaries." Anglogermánica Online 4 (2006): 69-93.

Roberts, Roda P. "Dictionaries: Linguistics and Culture in Action". In Pathways of Translation Studies. Ed. P. Fernández Nistal and J. M. Bravo Gozalo. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2001.

Sánchez, Aquilino, and Pascual Cantos. "El ritmo incremental de palabras nuevas en los repertorios de textos...." Atlantis 19.2 (December 1997, pub. December 1998): 205-23.*

Santolaria García, Miguel, Carmen Santolaria Gracia, Manuel Giral Zanuy, Ana Santolaria Gracia, Marco Calvo Lafarga, José Ángel García Landa. "Zirano Cúpula, una aplicación de las variables conceptuales de la semántica conceptual multilenguaje." Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 43 (2009): 347-349


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Simpson, John. "Reliable Authority: Tabloids, Film, Email and Speech as Sources for Dictionaries." In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 187-92.*

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Tejedor Martínez, Cristina. "Análisis de necesidades sobre el uso del diccionario: realización de una prueba práctica." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 577-82.*

_____. "El diseño de un prototipo de diccionario." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998. Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 165-69.*

Tomaszczyk, Jerzy, and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds. Meaning and Lexicography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.

Valero Garcés, Carmen, and Alexandro Surí. "Diseño y elaboración de un diccionario de términos jurídicos español- inglés- rumano. Retos que plantean los lenguajes especializados y la terminología." In Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos) / Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference). Ed. Mª Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué and Claus Peter Neumann. CD-ROM. Zaragoza: AELFE / Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. 527-34.*

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Zgusta, L. Manual of Lexicography. (Janua Linguarum, Series Maior 39). The Hague: Mouton, 1971.





Hartmann, R. R. K., and Gregory James. Dictionary of Lexicography. London: Routledge, 2001.

Martínez de Sousa, José. Diccionario de lexicografía práctica. Barcelona: Bibliograf, 1995.








Revista de Lexicografía (Coruña) 15 (2009).





Societies and institutions


Lexicom project website






See also Dictionaries.















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Rey, Alain. La lexicologie. Paris: Klincksieck, 1970.

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Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José. "On the Role of Core and Peripheral Meaning in a Procedural Theory of Discourse." Actas del XV Congreso de AEDEAN. Logroño: Colegio Universitario de La Rioja, 1993. 363-71.

_____. "Predicate Types and Semantic Functions in Linguistic Theory: The Role of Roles." XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid, 1994. 307-18.

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_____. "Blended Spaces and the Pragmatic Approach to Cognition." In The Intertextual Dimension of Discourse: Pragmalinguistic-Cognitive-Hermeneutic Approaches. Ed. Beatriz Penas. Zaragoza: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1996. 233-44.*

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_____. "An Introduction to the Lexical Constructional Model (LEXICOM)." PDF in Lexicom.


_____ . "Challenging Systems of Lexical Representation." Journal of English Studies 5-6 (2005-2008): 325-56.* PDF in Lexicom


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_____. "Levels of Description and Constraining Factors in Meaning Construction: An Introduction to the Lexical Constructional Model." Folia Linguistica 42.2 (2008).

Sánchez García, Jesús M., Kees Hengeveld, and Hella Olbertz. "The Structure of the Lexicon in Functional Grammar (Tamás Pólya)." Studies in language: International Journal Sponsored by The Foundation "Foundations of Language" 24.3 (2000): 729-737.

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(Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism). Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, c. 2000.



See also Semantics; Lexical Functional Grammar.






Vocabulary and terminology


Agustín Llach, Mª Pilar. and Melania Terrazas Gallego "Examining the Relationship between Receptive Vocabulary Size and Written Skills of Primary School Learners." Atlantis 3.1 (June 2009): 129-47.*

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Ballester, Xaverio. Zoónimos Ancestrales. Valencia: Biblioteca Valencia, 2006.

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Carter, Ronald. Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. London: Routledge, 1998.

Faber, P. "Knowledge representation & descriptive terminology management." In Pathways of Translation Studies. Ed. P. Fernández Nistal and J. M. Bravo Gozalo. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2001.

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Hughes, Geoffrey. A History of English Words. (The Language Library). Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.

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Kennett, White. Parochial Antiquities. 1695. (Archaisms).

Manchón, Rosa M., Liz Murphy, and Julio Roca. "Lexical Retrieval Processes and Strategies in Second Language Writing: A Synthesis of Empirical Research." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 149-74.* (Backtracking, Dictionary use, Lexical problems, Lexical retrieval strategies, L1 use, output practice, transfer, second language writing)

Martín-Martín, José-Miguel. (U Pablo de Olavide, "Do Translation Students Learn Vocabulary When They Translate?" Atlantis 35.2 (Dec. 2013): 119-36.*

Meara, Paul. "Simulating Word Associations in an L2: Approaches to Lexical Organisation." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 1-20.*

McCarthy, M. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.

Miralpeix, Inmaculada. "Lexical Knowledge in Instructed Language Learning: The Effects of Age and Exposure." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 61-83. (Age, Exposure, Foreign language, Lexical frequency profile, School context, Vocabulary).

Nevalainen, Terttu. "Lexis and Semantics." In The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 3: 1476-1776. Ed. Roger Lass. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.

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Quinion, Michael. World Wide Words. Website.


Ray, John. A Collection of English Words Not Generally Used. 1674.

Read, John. "Second Language Vocabulary Assessment: Current Practices and New Directions." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 105-25.* (Vocabulary tests, assessment, corpus analysis, word frequency, registers, vocabulary size, depth of vocabulary knowledge, contexts of use)

Sager, Juan C. "Posibilidades de investigación en terminología." In Pathways of Translation Studies. Ed. P. Fernández Nistal and J. M. Bravo Gozalo. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2001.

Sánchez, Aquilino, and Rosa M. Manchón, issue eds. Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Monograph issue of IJES: International Journal of English Studies 7.2 (2007).*

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Wallace, M. J. Teaching Vocabulary. Oxford: Heinemann, 1982.





Internet resources



"Falsos amigos." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*





See also Dictionaries (English); Lexis (English); Words (English); Jargon; Professional discourse.







Almela, Moisés, and Aquilino Sánchez. "Words as 'Lexical Units' in Learning/Teaching Vocabulary." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 21-40.*

Ayala, Francisco. "Palabras, palabras, palabras: En la apertura del III Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (Noviembre de 2004)." In Ayala, La invención del Quijote: Indagaciones e invenciones cervantinas. Madrid: Suma de Letras-Punto de Lectura, 2005. 358-64.*

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Dennett, Daniel. "9. The Role of Words in Cultural Evolution." From Bacteria to Bach and Back. London: Allen Lane, 2017. 176-204.* (Words, Memes; Cultural evolution).

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Kenneally, Christine. The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language. USA: Viking Penguin, 2007.

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Kita, Sotaro, Asli Özyürek, Shanley Allen and Tomoko Ishizuka. "Early Links between Iconic Gestures and Sound Symbolic Words: Evidence for Multimodal Protolanguage." Abstract in The Evolution of Language. Ed. Andrew D. M. Smith et al. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010. 429-30.*

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_____. "Words as Syntactic Paradigms." In Wege zur Universalienforschung. Sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum 60. Geburtstag von Hansjakob Seiler. Ed. Gunter Brettschneider and Chr. Lehmann. Tübingen: Narr, 1980. 115-123.

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Locke, John. "Book III: Of Words." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

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_____. "III.II. Of the Signification of Words." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

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Lyons, John. "5. Grammatical Units." In Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968. 170-208.* (Introductory – The Sentence – The Morpheme – The Word – The Notion of 'Words').

Marcolongo, Andrea, and Andrea Ucini. El viaje de las palabras. Zahorí Books, 2022.

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O'Connor, J. D., and O. M. Tooley. "The Perceptibility of Certain Word Boundaries." In Honour of Daniel Jones. Longman, 1964.

Otegen, Nuraly, and Ziyadam Abduljanova Indira Rgizbaeva. "Communicative Structure of the Word." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 (21 Feb. 2014): 551-8. (4th World Conference on Psychology, Counseling and Guidance). Online at Science Direct.*


Palmer, H. E., and F. G. Blandford. A Grammar of English Words. 1938. Longmans, 1967.

Laskowski, Cyprian and Martin Pickering. "How Important Are Words for Conceptual Coordination?" Abstract in The Evolution of Language. Ed. Andrew D. M. Smith et al. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010. 435-36.*

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "On Language and Words." From Parerga and Paralipomena. 1851. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. "25. Sobre lenguaje y palabras." In Schopenhauer, Parerga y Paralipómena II. Madrid: Trotta, 2009. 577-92.*

Serjeantson, Mary S. A History of Foreign Words in English. 1935. 4th imp. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968.

Seyfzadeh, Manu, and Robert Schoch. "World's First Known Word at Gobëkli Tepe on T-Shaped Pillar 18 Means God." Archaeological Discovery 7 (2019), 31-53.* (Luwian, ancient indoeuropean language).

Online at Scientific Research Publishing.*


Smith, Logan Pearsall. Words and Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926.

Talaván, Noa. A University Handbook on Terminology and Specialized Translation. Netbiblo, 2012.

Trapiello, Andrés. El arca de las palabras. Essay. 2006.

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Winner, Ellen. The Point of Words. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988.

Yule, George. The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.








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Horno, Mamen. "Presentación libro de Mamen Horno "Un cerebro lleno de palabras." Interview by José Luis Mendívil. Video. YouTube (Filosofía y Letras Zaragoza) 15 April 2024.*



Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide. "Más que palabras. | TEDxZaragozaUniversity." Video. YouTube (TEDx Talks) Nov. 2022.*









See also Lexis; Morphology; Vocabulary; Word Formation.







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