Retropost, 2015:
2025. DELETED. No matter:
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Electronic texts
Top Ten
Specific topics
Blogs. See Cybernetics. Internet. Blogs.
Chat/IRC. See Cybernetics. Internet. Specific. Chat/IRC.
Electronic literature. See Cybernetics. Computers and Literature.
Email. See Cybernetics. Internet. Specific. Email.
Forums. See Cybernetics. Internet. Specific. Chat/IRC.
HTML. See Cybernetics. Hypertext. HTML
Hypertext. See Cybernetics. Hypertext.
Internet and language. See Motifs. I motifs. Internet. Internet&language.
Internet and publishing. See Publishing. Internet publishing.
Internet journals. See Genres. Journalism. Genres. Electronic journals.
Websites. See Genres. Other genres. Websites.
Word processing
World Wide Web. See Cybernetics. Internet. General.
Top Ten
Aarseth, Espen J. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997.*
Bolter, J. David. Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print. 2nd ed. Mahwah (NJ) and London: Erlbaum, 2001.*
Deegan, Marilyn, and Kathryn Sutherland, eds. The Electronic Text: Investigations in the Method and Theory of Computerized Textuality. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996.
Douglas, J. Yellowlees. The End of Books – Or Books without End? Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2001.
Heim, Michael. Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. New Haven: Yale UP, 1987.
Hockey, Susan. Electronic Texts in the Humanities: Principles and Practice. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.*
Landow, George P., and Paul Delany, eds. The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1993.
Romera Castillo, J., et al., eds. Literatura y Multimedia.. Madrid: Visor, 1997.*
Schreibman, Susan, and Ray Siemens, eds. A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.
Snyder, Ilana, ed. Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age. (Literacies). London: Routledge, 2002.*
Aarseth, Espen J. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997.*
Abbott, Chris. "Writing the Visual: The Use of Graphic Symbols in Onscreen Texts." In Silicon Literacies. Ed. Ilana Snyder. London: Routledge, 2002. 31-46.*
Abdullah, Mardziah Hayati. The Impact of Electronic Communication on Writing. Bloomington (IN): ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading English and Communication, 2003.
Baker, Mona, Gillian Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli, eds. Text and Technology: In Honour of John Sinclair. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1993.
Besser, Howard. "The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Libraries." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 557-75.*
Birke, Dorothee, and Birte Christ. "Paratext and Digitized Narrative: Mapping the Field." Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 65-87.*
Birkets, Sven. Elegía a Gutenberg: El futuro de la lectura en la era electrónica. Madrid: Alianza, 1999.
Boardman, Mark. The Langage of Websites. (InterText). London and New York: Routledge, 2005.*
Bolter, J. David. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1991.
_____. (Jay David Bolter). Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print. 2nd ed. Mahwah (NJ) and London: Erlbaum, 2001.*
Bootz, Philippe. Les Basiques: La littérature numérique. In OLATS (Dec. 2006).
Borràs Castanyer, Laura. Cartografies de l’hipertext. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, forthcoming 2004.
_____, ed. Textualidades electrónicas. (Manuales, 46). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2005.
Bridle, James. "Wrangling Time: The Form and Future of the Book."
Burrows, John. "Textual Analysis." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 323-47.*
Butler, Christopher, ed. Computers and Written Texts. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.
Calvo Tello, José. "Estado de la digitalización de la Edad de Plata: Un análisis cuantitativo." In Humanidades Digitales españolas: Innovación, globalización e impacto. Special issue of Humanidades Digitales 1 (2016): 76-95.*
Carpenter, Leona, Simon Shaw and Andrew Prescott, eds. Towards the Digital Library: The British Library's "Initiatives for Access" Programme. London: British Library, 1998.
Chernaik, Warren, Caroline Davis and Marilyn Deegan, eds. The Politics of the Electronic Text. Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication Publications, with The Centre for English Studies, U of London, 1993.
Chiappe, Doménico. "La experimentación o el desasosiego." Blogpost on electronic literature. Talleresdenarrativadomenicochiappe 1 June 2005
Cohen, Noam. "He Wrote 200.000 Books (but computers did some of the work)." New York Timesi 14 April 2008 (on Philip M. Parker, Professor of Management Science, Insead, Paris).
Cook, Scott D. N. "Technological Revolutions and the Gutenberg Myth." In Internet Dreams. By Mark Stefik [et al.]. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1996. 2001. 67-82.*
Coover, Robert. "The End of Books." New York Times Book Review 21 June 1992: 1, 23-25.
Crane, Gregory. "Redefining the Book: Some Preliminary Problems." Academic Computing 2 (February 1988): 6-11, 36-41.
Crane, Gregory, and Elli Mylonas. "Ancient Materials, Modern Media." In Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Ed. Paul Delany and George P. Landow. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1991. 205-20.
Deegan, Marilyn, and Kathryn Sutherland, eds. The Electronic Text: Investigations in the Method and Theory of Computerized Textuality. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996.
Deegan, Marilyn, and Simon Tanner. "Conversion of Primary Sources." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 488-504.*
Douglas, J. Yellowlees. The End of Books – Or Books without End? Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2001.
Driscoll, M. J., and Elena Pierazzo, eds. Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories & Practices. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2016.
Duarte Estrada, José. "Citar lo Digital. Criterios para Citar Documentos Electrónicos." Revista Digital Universitaria 4.2 (June 2003)
21 Jan. 2005.
Eco, Umberto. "From Internet to Gutenberg." 1996.
Emerson, L. Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound. (Electronic Mediations Series). Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2014.
Fernández de Lis, Patricia. "El ciberespacio se come al libro." El Paí 7 March 2007.
Fernández Toledo, Piedad. "New Technologies and Genre Variation: Printed and Electronic Documents in Tertiary Education ESP Courses." In New Trends in Computer-Assisted Language Teaching and Learning. Ed. Pascual F. Pérez-Paredes and Pascual Cantos-Gómez. Monograph issue of IJES 2.1 (2002): 251-68.*
Fernández Pedemonte, Damián. "La escritura expandida." The Conversation 16 Nov. 2022.*
Flanders, Julia. "The Body Encoded: Questions of Gender and the Electronic Text." In Electronic Text: Investigations in Theory and Method. Ed. Kathryn Sutherland. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997.
Furuta, Richard, ed. EP90: Proceedings for the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.
García Landa, José Ángel. "Menos volúmenes." In García Landa, Vanity Fea March 2008. (Electronic books).
_____. "Scribd / iPaper." In García Landa, Vanity Fea Jan. 2009.*
_____. "Conversores y conversiones." In García Landa, Vanity Fea April 2009.*
_____. "Un [ ] libro es un [ ] regalo (*buen)." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 June 2010.*
_____. "El ordenador renacentista." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 6 July 2010.* (Neil Rhodes, Jonathan Sawday).
Godin, Seth. "Buying Books Isn't Necessary." Publisher's Weekly 252.29 (25 July 2005): 86.
Hale, Constance, ed. Wired Style: Principles of English Usage in the Digital Age. The Editors of Wired, 1997.*
Harari, Yuval Noah. "6. Los nuevos miembros: En qué se diferencian los ordenadores de las imprentas." In Harari, Nexus. Barcelona: Debate, 2024. 239-78.*
Harpold, Terence. "Grotesque Corpus." Perforations 3/Aftr the Book: Writing Literature/Writing Technology (Spring-Summer 1992): 6.
Hayles, N. Katherine. Electronic Literature: What Is It? In The Electronic Literature Organization.*
_____.Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary. 2008.
Heim, Michael. Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. New Haven: Yale UP, 1987.
Herrera, Raquel. Érase unas veces: Filiaciones en obras narrativas digitales. Ph.D. diss. U Pompeu Fabra, 2014. UOC Press, 2015.
_____. "1. ¿Qué es una obra narrativa digital?" From Herrera, Érase unas veces: Filiaciones en obras narrativas digitales. UOC Press, 2015. Online at Academia:
Hockey, Susan. Electronic Texts in the Humanities: Principles and Practice. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.*
Holm, Theodor H. "Replacing the Printed Word: A Complete Literary System." IFIP Proceedings (Oct. 1980): 1013-23.
Iskold, Alex. "The Evolution of Personal Publishing." In ReadWriteWeb 11 Dec. 2007.
Izquierdo, Oriol. "Anécdotas, prejuicios y fantasías sobre la pantalla como soporte de la lectura." In Textualidades electrónicas. Ed. Laura Borràs. Barcelona: UOC, 2005. 129-36.*
Jennings, Edward. "The Text Is Dead, Long Live the Techst." Postmodern Culture 2.3 (1992).
Johns, T. "From Print out to Handout: Grammar and Vocabulary in the Context of Data-driven Learning." ERL Journal 4 (1991): 27-37.
Joyce, Michael. "Notes Toward an Unwritten Non-Linear Electronic Text, 'The End of Print Culture'." Postmodern Culture 2.1 (Sept. 1991).
Kahn, Paul, Julie Launhardt, Krzysztof Lenk, and Ronnie Peters. "Design of Hypermedia Publications: Issues and Solutions." In EP90: Proceedings for the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography. Ed. Richard Furuta. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 19990. 107-24.
Keating, J., A. Teehan, D. Gallagher and T. O'Connor. "A Digital Edition of a Spanish 18th Century Account Book: User-Driven Digitisation." Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 10 (2010): 169-78. Online at NUI Maynooth ePrints and eTheses Archive.
Кісельова А. А., & М. В. Мамич. (Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія»). "МЕРЕЖЕВА ЛІТЕРАТУРА ЯК УНІКАЛЬНЕ СЕРЕДОВИЩЕ ДЛЯ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ." Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Сер.: Філологія. 62.2 (2023): 72-75.* (A. Kiselova and M. Mamych, "Electronic literature as a unique interaction environment").
Koskimaa, Raine. "¿Qué es la literatura digital? Una panorámica general de la literatura digital: de los archivos de texto a los e-books." In Textualidades electrónicas. Ed. Laura Borràs. Barcelona: UOC, 2005. 81-94.*
Landow, George P. "Electronic Conferences and Samizdat Textuality: The Example of Technoculture." In The Digital World: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities. Ed. George P. Landow and Paul Delany. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1993.
Landow, George P., and Paul Delany, eds. The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1993.
Lanham, Richard A. "Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Practice, and Property." In Literacy Online. Ed. Myron C. Tuman. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1992. 221-44.*
Lyotard, Jean-François. "Logos and Techne, or Telegraphy." In Lyotard, The Inhuman. Trans. Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel bowlby. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1991.
McGann, Jerome. "Marking Texts of Many Dimensions." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 198-217.*
Millán, José Antonio. "Del papel a la red."
_____. "El patrimonio textual hispánico: entre el reto global y el polvo virtual." In El porvenir del español en la sociedad del conocimiento. Ed. Jaime Otero and Hermógenes Perdiguero. Fundación Caja de Burgos, 2006.
Montfort, Nick, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. "Acid-Free Bits: Recommendations for Long-Lasting Electronic Literature." Electronic Literature Organization. 2004.*
Moulthrop, Stuart, and Nancy Kaplan. "They Became What They Beheld: The Futility of Resistance in the Space of Electronic Writing." In Literacy and Computers. Ed. C. Selfe and S. Hilligoss. New York: Modern Language Association, forthcoming 1994.
Mullins, Phil. "The Fluid Word: Word Processing and Its Mental Habits." Thought 63.251 (1988): 413-28.
Nelson, Theodor Holm. Literary Machines. Swarthmore (PA): the author, 1981.
_____. Literary Machines. Swarthmore (PA): Theodore H. Nelson, 1987.
_____. Literary Machines. Ed. 87.1. Fredericksburg (TX): Theodor H. Nelson, 1987.
_____. Literary Machines 91.1: The Report on, and of, Project Xanadu Concerning Word Processing, Electronic Publishing, Hypertext, Thinkertoys, Tomorrow's Intellectual Revolution, and Certain Other Topics Including Knowledge, Education and Freedom. Sausalito (CA): Mindful Press, 1992.
_____. Literary Machines. Sausalito (CA): Mindful Press, 1993.
Nestvold, Ruth. "'Do You Want to Hear about It?' The Use of the Second Person in Electronic Fiction."
Norris, Christopher. Rev. essay on Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. By Michael Heim. Comparative Literature 41.3 (Summer 1989): 270-77.*
O'Donnell, James J. Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1998. 2000.*
Pániker, Salvador. "Literatura y electrónica." La Vanguardia 3 Dec. 1967 ("Los signos y las cosas" column). Online in Hemeroteca de La Vanguardia
Pérez Paredes, Pascual, and Juan García Iborra. "Internet English: Teaching Implications." 2003. In Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN / Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference. Ed. Antonio R[odríguez] Celada, Daniel Pastor García, and Pedro Javier Pardo García. CD-ROM. Salamanca: Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Salamanca) / Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2004.*
Presotto, Marco, and Sònia Boadas. "Teatro clásico y tradición textual: Una propuesta de edición crítica digital." In Humanidades Digitales españolas: Innovación, globalización e impacto. Special issue of Humanidades Digitales 1 (2016): 132-49.*
Renear, Allen H. "Text Encoding." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 218-39.*
Rettberg, Scott. "Destination Unknown: Experiments in the Network Novel." Ph.D. diss. Cincinnati: Department of English and Comparative Literature, U of Cincinnati, 2003. (discontinued)
R[odríguez] de las Heras, Antonio. "Hipertexto y libro electrónico." In Literatura y Multimedia. Ed. J. Romera Castillo et al. Madrid: Visor, 1997. 83-90.*
Romera Castillo, J., et al., eds. Literatura y Multimedia.. Madrid: Visor, 1997.*
Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Narrative and Digitality: Learning to Think with the Medium." In A Companion to Narrative Theory. Ed. James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2005. 515-28.*
Schreibman, Susan. Computer-Mediated Discourse: Reception Theory and Versioning.
Schreibman, Susan, and Ray Siemens, eds. A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.
Sjursen, Elin Johane. "A Comparative Analysis of Interfaces in Digital Poetry." PDF. c. 2005.
Smith, Abby. "Preservation." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 576-91.*
Smith, Martha Nell. "Electronic Scholarly Editing." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 306-22.*
Snyder, Ilana Page to Screen: Taking Literacy into the Electronic Era. London: Routledge / Allen & Unwin, 1998.
Stein, Bob. "A Defense of Pagination." If:Book 9 Dec. 2010.*
?Sutherland, Kathryn, ed. Electronic Text: Investigations in Theory and Method. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997.
Talens, Jenaro. "El lugar de la teoría de la literatura en la era del lenguaje electrónico." In Curso de teoría de la literatura. Ed. Darío Villanueva. Madrid: Taurus, 1994. 129-143.*
Terranova, Tiziana. "Redes abiertas: La edición electrónica y la inestabilidad del ciberespacio." In Textualidades electrónicas. Ed. Laura Borràs. Barcelona: UOC, 2005. 137-44.*
Thomas, Angela. "Positioning the Reader: The Affordances of Digital Fiction."
Tuman, Myron C. "First Thoughts." In Literacy Online. Ed. Myron C. Tuman. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1992. 3-16.*
_____, ed. Literacy Online: The Promise (and Peril) of Reading and Writing with Computers. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1992.*
University Publishing in a Digital Age: The Ithaka Report
Usó-Juan, Esther, and Mª Noelia Ruiz-Madrid. "Reading Printed versus Online Texts. A Study of EFL Learners' Strategic Reading Behavior." In Approaches to English as a Foreign Language Reading Comprehension: Research and Pedagogy. Ed. Piedad Fernández-Toledo and Françoise Salager-Meyer. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies 9.2 (2009): 59-79.*
Warwick, Claire. "Print Scholarship and Digital Resources." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 366-82.*
Willett, Perry. "Electronic Texts: Audiences and Purposes." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 240-53.*
Wilson, David. "Electronic Versions of Public-Domain Texts Draw Praise and Fire." Chronicle of Higher Education (12 August 1992): A15-16.
Winer, Dave. "The Web Is a Writing Environment." Davenet 17 April 2001.
Visel, Dan. "Reading vs. Writing." If:book 16 Jan. 2010.* (Publishing and the Internet)
Wurth, Kiene Brillenburg, ed. Virtualisms: Literature as an Interface of New Media Technologies. Fordham University Press, forthcoming 2009.
Yankelovich, Nicole. "From Electronic Books to Electronic Libraries: Revisiting 'Reading and Writing the Electronic Book'." In Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Ed. Paul Delany and George P. Landow. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1991. 133-41.
Yankelovich, Nicole, Norman Meyrowitz, and Andries van Dam. "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book." IEEE Computer 18 (1995): 15-30.
_____. "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book." In Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Ed. Paul Delany and George P. Landow. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1991. 53-80.
Hayles, N. Katherine, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettberg, and Stephanie Strickland, eds. The Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1. Volume One. CD-ROM and online anthology of selected works of electronic literature. College Park, MD: The Electronic Literature Organization, 2006.
Oxford Text Archive. (Oxford University, Bodleian Libraries).
García Landa, José Angel. "Bibliografía sobre textos electrónicos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 13 March 2015.*
Ciberescrituras. Personal blog. (Juliana).
Digital Narratives (Ruth Page, Birmingham).
Electronic Literature Organization
El futuro del libro. (José Antonio Millán).
Los futuros del libro: Libros, editores y lectores en el siglo XXI
If:Book: A Project of the Institute for the Future of the Book
Kairosnews: A Weblog for Discussing Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy.
Libros y Bitios. Blog. (J. A. Millán). Discontinued 2006; continued by El futuro del libro.
García Landa, José Ángel. "Tecnologías del texto." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Feb. 2008.
Internet resources
Arxiv. Mirror site. (Scientific e-publications).
Center for Digital Storytelling
Electronic Literature Organization
Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities: A Directory. By Matthew G. Kirschenbaum.
The Opening Books. eBook project.
The Oxford Humbul Electronic Text Centres, Text Archives and Literature
Project Muse (Johns Hopkins U)
Resources for Documenting Electronic Sources, Web page, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
Virgo catalog. (U of Virginia)
EBR: Electronic Book Review. Ed. Joseph Tabbi.
(Autumn 1996).
Vol 5 (1996): Ars electronica / Ars fabula.
InfLect: A Journal of Multimedia Writing.
School of Creative Communication, U of Canberra.
JCMC (Journal of Computer Mediated Communication) 4.4 (1999).
Online Journalism Review
USC Annenberg
See also Hypertext; Internet; Internet libraries; Literature and Computers; Literary resources; Computational linguistics; Digital humanities; Websites; Blogs; Internet libraries.
(Écritures électroniques). Ed. Béatrice Didier and Nathalie Ferrand. Series. Paris: PUF, c. 2002.*
(Digital Formations, 38). Series ed. Steven Jones. New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
Crane, Gregory. "The Written Work in an Age of Digital Reproduction." Savoirs ENS 31 May 2012.*
Electronic texts: Specific topics
Bon, François. Après le livre. Débats, 2011.
"Google gana la batalla a los autores estadounidenses y podrá digitalizar libros." Libertad Digital 20 April 2016.*
Lahoz, D., P. Mateo, J. I. Montijano and L. Rández. "Libros interactivos en asignaturas científicas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Ed. Antonio Herrera et al. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*
McCracken, Ellen. "Expanding Genette's Epitext/Peritext Model for Transitional Electronic Literature: Centrifugal and Centripetal Vectors on Kindles and iPads." Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 103-24.*
Stein, Bob. "The Future of the Book Is the Future of Society." If:Book 18 March 2013.*
Tranter, Rhys. "An Interview with Professor Robert Darnton." Cardiff Book History 3 Jan. 2012.*
Internet resources
Google Books
Lybrary: Electronic Books
See also Online libraries.
Internet resources
Libros PDF. Browser.
PDF Creator
PDFse. PDF search engine.
Programas gratis de PDF. In Fileheaven
Word processing
Bradley, John. "Text Tools." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 505-22.*
Fallows, James. "Living with a Computer." The Atlantic (July 1982). In
Holm, Theodor Holm. Literary Machines. Swarthmore (PA): the author, 1981.
_____. Literary Machines. Swarthmore (PA): Theodore H. Nelson, 1987.
_____. Literary Machines. Ed. 87.1. Fredericksburg (TX): Theodor H. Nelson, 1987.
_____. Literary Machines 91.1: The Report on, and of, Project Xanadu Concerning Word Processing, Electronic Publishing, Hypertext, Thinkertoys, Tomorrow's Intellectual Revolution, and Certain Other Topics Including Knowledge, Education and Freedom. Sausalito (CA): Mindful Press, 1992.
_____. Literary Machines. Sausalito (CA): Mindful Press, 1993.
Litt, Toby. "The Curse of the Cursor." In A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. (34th AEDEAN International Conference). Ed. José R. Ibáñez Ibáñez and José Francisco Fernández Sánchez. CD-ROM. Almería: AEDEAN / U de Almería / Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 2011. 45-46.* (Word processing).
Scott, Mike. "Developing WordSmith." In Software-aided Analysis of Language. Ed. Mike Scott et al. Monograph issue of IJES 8.1 (2008): 95-106.* (Wordsmith, processing, modular construction, pattern-seeking).
Internet resources
AIO Text Tools.*
Google Docs
The Online Books Page. University of Pennsylvania Library. (John Mark Ockerbloom).
Zoho Writer
Winterson, Jeanette. The.PowerBook. London: Jonathan Cape, 2000.*
See also Software.
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