domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2022

Interpretación: Hermenéutica en las humanidades


A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Interpretation: Related Works



Modern religious hermeneutics

Law hermeneutics

Hermeneutic philosophy

Hermeneutics of the social sciences





Modern Religious Hermeneutics


Allen, Douglas. Structure and Creativity in Religion: Hermeneutics in Mircea Eliade's Phenomenology and New Directions…  Foreword by Mircea Eliade. (Religion and Reason, 14). The Hague: Mouton, 1978.

Arnold, Matthew. Literature and Dogma: An Essay Towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible. London: Smith, Elder, 1873. 1883.

_____. God and the Bible. 1875.

Aulard, Stéphane, et al. Parole de Dieu et exégèse.

_____. Palabra de Dios y exégesis. Trans. Nicolás Darrícal. (CB, 74). Estella: Verbo Divino, 1992.

Banon, D. La lecture infinie: Les voies de l'interprétation midrachique. Paris: Seuil, 1987.

Barr, James. Old and New in Interpretation. New York: Harper, 1966.

Barthel, Pierre. Interprétation du langage mythique et théologie biblique: Etude de quelques étapes de l'évolution du problème de l'interprétation des représentations d'origine et de structure mythique de la foi chrétienne. Leiden: Brill, 1963.

Bartsch, Hans Werner, ed. Kerygma and Myth: A Theological Debate. Trans. Reginald Fuller. 2 vols. London: SPCK, 1953. 2nd. ed. London: Billing, 1964.

Behm, Johannes. "Ermeneuo, ermeneia. . . " 1935. Trans. Geoffrey W. Bromley. In Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Ed. D. Kittel. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964.

Berkhof, L. Principios de interpretación bíblica: Hermenéutica sagrada. (Orig. ed. Grand Rapids (MI): Tell, 1964, 1969). Trans. Samuel Vila. Terrassa: Clie, 1969. 1973. 1980. 1989.

Biser, E. Theologische Sprachtheorie und Hermeneutik. 1970.

Blackman, E. C. Biblical Interpretation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1957.

Borges, Jorge Luis. "El espejo de los enigmas." In Borges, Nueva antología personal. Barcelona: Bruguera, 1982. 252-7.* (Bloy, Bible, allegory).

Bori, P. C. L'interprétation infinie: l'herméneutique chrétienne ancienne et ses transformations. Paris Cerf, 1991.

Botha, Eugene. "The Potential of Speech Act Theory for New Testament Exegesis: Some Basic Concepts." HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 47.2 (1991): 277-93.*

         Online at Semantic Scholar.*



Braaten, Carl E. History and Hermeneutics. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1966.

Braun, H. "Der Sinn der neutestamentlichen Christologie." Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 54 (1957): 341-77.

Brown, James. Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Buber, and Barth: Subject and Object in Modern Theology. New York: Collier, 1962.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus. Berlin: Deutsche Bibliothek, 1926.

_____. Jesus and the Word. Trans. Louise Pettibone Smith and Erminie Huntress Lantero. New York: Scribner's, 1958. Trans. of Jesus.

_____. "Das Problem der Hermeneutik." In Bultmann, Glauben und Verstehen 2.211-35.

_____. "Ist voraussetzungslose Exegese möglich?" In Bultmann, Glauben und Verstehen 3:142-50.

_____. Glauben und Verstehen: Gessamelte Aufsätze. Tübingen: Mohr, 1952.

_____. "The Problem of Hermeneutics." In Bultmann, Essays Philosophical and Theological. Trans. J. C. G. Grieg. London: SCM, 1955. 234-62.

_____. History and Eschatology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP; New York: Harper, 1957.

_____. The Presence of Eternity. New York, 1957.

_____. Jesus Christ and Mythology. New York: Scribner's 1958.

_____. Theology of the New Testament. Trans. Kendrick Grobel. 2 vols. Losnon: Lowe and Brydone, 1959.

_____. The History of the Synoptic Tradition. Trans. John Marsh. Oxford: Blackwell, 1963.

_____. Jesus. Mythologie et démythologisation. Trans. of Jesus and Jesus Christ and Mythology (New York, 1958). Paris: Seuil, 1968.

_____. Faith and Understanding. Trans. L. P. Smith. London: CSM, 1969.

Butterfield, Herbert. Christianity and History. London, 1949.

Castelli, Enrico, ed. Il Problema della demitizzazione. Papers from the International Colloquium at Rome, January 1961. Padua: A. Milani, 1961.

_____. Demitizzazione e immagine. Papers from the International Colloquium at Rome, January 1961.Padova: A. Milani / Cedam, 1962.

Clark, Stephen H. Paul Ricœur. London: Routledge, 1990.*

Culpepper, James Edward. The Value of Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutic Philosophy for Christian Thought. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1989.

Daniélou, Jean. From Shadows to Reality: Studies in the Biblical Typology of the Fathers. Trans. Dom W. Hibbard. Westminster (MD): Newmann, 1960.

Dannhauer, J. C. Hermeneutica sacra sive methodus exponendarum sacrarum litterarum. 1654.

Dobschütz, E. "Interpretation." Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 1914. 7.390-95.

Doty, William G. A New Utterance: Studies in New Testament Hermeneutics. New York: Herder and Herder, 1969.

Ebeling, Gerhard. Evangelische Evangelienauslegung: Eine Untersuchung zu Luthers Hermeneutik. Munich: Kaiser, 1942.

_____. Kirchengeschichte als Geschichte der Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift. Tübingen: Mohr, 1947. Rpt. in Ebeling, Wort Gottes und Tradition.

_____. "Die Anfänge fon Luthers Hermeneutik." Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 48 (1951): 172-230.

_____. The Problem of Historicity in the Church and Its Proclamation. 1954. Trans. Grover Foley. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967.

_____. "Hermeneutik." In Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 3rd. ed. (1959): 242-64.

_____. "Wort Gottes und Hermeneutik." Zetischrift für Theologie und Kirche 56 (1959).

_____. Wort und Glaube. Tübingen: Mohr, 1960.

_____. The Nature of Faith. Trans. Ronald Gregor Smith. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1961.

_____. Theologie und Verkündigung: Ein Gespräch mit Rudolf Bultmann. Tübingen: Mohr, 1962.

_____. Theology and Proclamation. Trans. John Riches. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963. Trans. of Theologie und Verkündigung.

_____. Word and Faith. Trans. James W. Leitch. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963.

_____. Wort Gottes und Tradition: Studien zu einer Hermeneutik der Konfessionen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1964.

_____. God and Word. Trans. James W. Leitch. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967.

_____. Einführung in die theologische Sprachlehre. 1971.

Ebner, Ferdinand. Schriften. 3 vols. Munich: Kösel, 1963.

Farrar, Frederic W. History of Interpretation. 1884. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1961.

Finnern, Sönke. Narratologie und biblische Exegese: Eine integrative Methode der Erzählanalyse und ihr Ertrag am Beispiel von Matthäus 28. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.*


Finnern, Sönke, and Jan Rüggemeier. Methoden der neutestamentilchen Exegese. Tübingen, 2016.

Fobe, Jean-Luc. ( "A incorporaçâo da metodologia hermenêutica na exegese bíblica contemporânea." Diálogos 21 (March-Abril 2019): 121-47. Online at ResearchGate.*


Fraenkel, J. "Hermeneutic Problems in the Study of the Aggadic Narrative." Tarbiz 47 (1978): 139-72.

Frank, Erich. Philosophical Understanding and Religious Truth. New York: Oxford UP, 1945.

Franz, H. Kerygma und Kunst. Saarbrücken, 1959.

Frei, Hans. The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative. New Haven: Yale UP, 1974.

Frör, Kurt. Biblische Hermeneutik: Zur Schriftauslegung in Predigt und Unterricht. Munich: Kaiser, 1961. 3rd. ed., rev.: Wege zur Schriftauslegung: Biblische Hermeneutik für Unterricht und Predigt. Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1967.

Frye, Nortrop. The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1990.

Fuchs, Ernst. Hermeneutik. 1954. Stuttgart: R. Müllerschön, 1963.

_____. Sprachlehre des Glaubens. Bad Cannstatt, 1954.

_____. Zum hermeneutischen Problem in der Theologie: Die Existentiale Interpretation. Tübingen: Mohr, 1959.

_____. "Existentiale Interpretation von Römer 7, 7-12 und 21-33." Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 59 (1962): 285-314.

_____. Studies of the Historical Jesus. Trans. Andrew Scobie. London: SCM Press, 1964.

_____. Marburger Hermeneutik. Marburg, 1968.

Funk, Robert W. Language, Hermeneutic, and Word of God. New York: Harper, 1966.

Funk, Robert W., and Gerhard Ebeling, eds. History and Hermeneutic. New York: Harper, 1967.

García Landa, José Angel. "Conversión, Reinterpretación, Topsight y Retroacción." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 2 Aug. 2014.* (Berger & Luckmann).


Gardner, Helen. "The Historical Sense."  1956. In Gardner, The Business of Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1959. 127-57.* (Bible criticism).

Ghirardi, O. A. Hermenéutica del saber. Madrid: Gredos, 1979.

Grant, Robert M. A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. Rev. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1963.

Green, Garrett. Theology, hermeneutics and Imagination: The Crisis of Interpretation at the End of Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. (Biblical hermeneutics).

Hanson, R. P. C. Allegory and Event: A Study of the Sources and Significance of Origen's Interpretation of Scripture. London: S. C. M. Press, 1959.

Hart, Kevin. "Interpretation, Signs, and God." In Hart, The Trespass of the Sign: Deconstruction, Theology and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989. 1991. 3-39.*

Heinrici, Georg. "Hermeneutik." Realenzyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. 1899. 7.719.

Hermoso Félix, María Jesús. "Sentido y hermenéutica en el pensamiento de Paul Ricœur." In Con Paul Ricœur: Espacios de interpelación. Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Ed. Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016. 247-60.*

Herzog, Frederick W. Understanding God. New York: Scribner's, 1966.

Jasper, David, ed. Postmodernism, Literature and the Future of Theology. London: Macmillan; New York: St Martin's, 1993.*

Jowett, Benjamin. "On the Interpretation of Scripture." 1860. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002.289-98.*

Kant, Immanuel. El conflicto de las Facultades en tres partes. In Kant, Crítica del juicio Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Idea para una Historia Universal en clave cosmopolita. Probable inicio de la historia humana. El fin de todas las cosas. El conflicto de las Facultades en tres partes. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Kant, III). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2015. 387-486.* (Theology; Law; Medicine; Interpretation, Religious hermeneutics, Progress; Health).

Kibbey, Ann. The Interpretation of Material Shapes in Puritanism: A Study of Rhetoric, Prejudice and Violence. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 17). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Kraus, Hans-Joachim. Geschichte der historisch-kritischen Erforschung des Alten Testaments von der Reformation bis zum Gegenwart. Neukirchen: Verlag der Buchhandlung der Erziehungsvereins, 1956.

Kugel, James L., and Rowan A. Greer, eds. Early Biblical Interpretation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986.

Léon-Dufour, X., et al. Exégesis y hermenéutica. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1976.

Leeuw, Gerardus van der. Religion in Essence and Manifestation: A Study in Phenomenology. Trans. J. E. Turner. London: Allen, 1938.

Lorenzheimer, Theodor. Exegese und Hermeneutik: Eine vergleichende Darstellung der Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns, Herbert Brauns, und Gerhard Ebelings. Hamburg: Furche, 1968.

Macquarrie, John. An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann. London: SCM Press, 1955.

_____. The Scope of Demythologizing: Bultmann and His Critics. London: SCM Press, 1960.

Marlé, R. Introduction to Hermeneutics. Trans. E. Froment and R. Albrecht. New York: Herder and Herder, [1967]. Trans. of L'Herméneutique.

_____. Le próblème théologique de l'herméneutique. Paris: Editions de l'Orante, 1963.

_____. El problema teológico de la hermenéutica. Madrid: Razón y fe, 1965.

_____. Hermenéutica y catequesis. Barcelona: Herder, 1973.

Martínez, J. M. Hermenéutica bíblica. Tarrasa: Clíe, 1984.

Michalson, Carl. The Rationality of Faith: An Historical Critique of Theological Reason. New York: Scribner's, 1964.

Müller-Schwefe, Hans-Rudolf. Die Sprache und das Wort: Grundlagen der Verkündigung. Hamburg: Furche, 1961.

Neill, Stephen. The Interpretation of the New Testament: 1861-1961. London: Oxford UP, 1964.

Ogden, Schubert M. Christ Without Myth. New York: Harper, 1961.

_____. The Reality of God and Other Essays. New York: Harper, 1966.

Ott, Heinrich. Denken und Sein: Der Weg Martin Heideggers und der Weg der Theologie. Zollikon: Evangelischer Verlag, 1959.

_____. "Das Problem des nicht-objektivierenden Denkens und Redens in der Theologie." Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 61 (1964): 327-52.

Pannenberg, Wolfhart. "Hermeneutik und Universalgeschichte." Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 60 (1963): 90-121.

Prickett, Stephen. Words and the Word: Language, Poetics and Biblical Interpretation. 1986.

Ramsey, Ian. Religious Language: An Empirical Placing of Theological Phrases. New York: Macmillan, 1957.

Ricœur, Paul. "Herméneutique et critique des idéologies." In Démythologisation et idéologie. Paris: Aubier, 1973.

_____. "Herméneutique philosophique et herméneutique biblique." In Exegesis: problemes de méthode et exercises de lecture. Ed. F. Bovon and G. Rouiller. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1975. 216-28.

_____. "Le Récit interprétatif: Exégèse et théologie dans les récits de la Passion." RSR 73 (1985): 17-38.

_____. "Herméneutique philosophique et herméneutique biblique." In Ricœur, Du texte à l'action. Paris: Seuil, 1986. Rpt. (Points). 1998. 133-49.*

Robinson, James M. A New Quest for the Historical Jesus. London: SCM Press, 1959.

_____. The New Hermeneutics. New York, 1964.

_____. "Theology as Translation." Theology Today 20 (1964): 518-27.

_____. "World in Modern Theology and in New Testament Theology." In Soli Deo Gloria: New Testament Studies in Honor of William Childs Robinson. Richmond (VA): John Knox Press, 1968.

Robinson, James M., and John B. Cobb, eds. The New Hermeneutic. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

_____, eds. Theology as History. New York: Harper, 1967.

Rouner, Leroy S., ed. Meaning, Truth, and God. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1982.

Schökel, Luis Alonso (S. J.). "Hermeneutics in the Light of Language and Literature." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 25 (1963): 371-86.

_____. "Hermenéutica a la luz del lenguaje y la literatura." In Hermenéutica de la palabra. I. Hermenéutica bíblica. Madrid: Ediciones Cristiandad, 1986. 83-101.

_____. "Hermenéutica a la luz del lenguaje y la literatura." In Hermenéutica. Ed. José Domínguez Caparrós. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1997. 183-203.*

Senft, C. Wahrhaftigkeit und Wahrheit: Die Theologie des 19. Jahrhundert zwischen Orthodoxie und Aufklärung. Tübingen, 1956.

Smalley, Beryl. The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1952. 1962.

Smart, James D. The Interpretation of Scripture. Philadelphia: Westeminster Press, 1961.

Stacher, G. Die Neue Hermeneutik. 1967.

Stanton, Graham N. The Gospels and Jesus. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991

Steiger, L. Die Hermeneutik als Dogmatisches Problem. Diss. Gütersloh, 1961. Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1961.

Symbolism. Acts of the 14th International Conference on Sociology of Religion. Strasbourg, 1977. Paris: CNRS, n.d.

Tate, Randolph. Biblical Interpretation: An Integrated Approach. 2008.

Taylor, Charles. "Interpretation and the Sciences of Man." In Taylor, Philosophy and the Human Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

_____. Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers, 2. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

Tracy, David. Blessed Rage for Order: The New Pluralism in Theology. New York: Seabury Press, 1975.

_____. The Analogical Imagination. 1981. (Herm. Theology).

_____. Plurality and Ambiguity.

_____. Pluralidad y ambigüedad: Hermenéutica, religión, esperanza. Trans. María Tabuyo and Agustín López. (Estructuras y Procesos; Religión). Madrid: Trotta, 1997.

Wood, James D. The Interpretation of the Bible: A Historical Introduction. Naperville: Alec R. Allenson, 1958.

Yovel, Jonathan. "In the Beginning Was the Word: Paradigms of Language and Normativity in Law, Philosophy, and Theology." Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies  5 (2001). Online at SSRN:


Zagury-Orly, Raphaël. Questionner encore. Paris: Galilée, 2011.





Internet resources


Biblical hermeneutics: Online Resources







Zagury-Orly, Raphaël. "De la forclusion dans la phénoménologie de la vie religieuse." Video lecture (Colloque "Heidegger et les Juifs", La Règle du Jeu). YouTube (La Règle du Jeu) 20 March 2015.*






Law Hermeneutics


Arnauld, Andreas von. "Norms and Narrative." German Law Journal 18.2 (2017): 309-29. (Special issue: Law's Pluralities). Online at Cambridge Core.*


Behrends, Okko. Die fraus legis: Zum Gegensatz von Wortlaut und Sinngeltung in der römischen Gesetzesinterpretation. Göttingen, 1982.

Betti, Emilio. Interpretazione della legge e degli atti giuridici. 1949. Ed. Giuliano Crifò. Milan, 1971.

_____. Zur Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Auslegungslehre. Tübingen: Mohr, 1954.

_____. Teoria generale della interpretazione. 2 vols. Milan: Dott. A. Giuffrè, 1955.

_____. Allgemeine Auslegungslehre als Methodik der Geisteswissenschaften. Trans. E. Betti. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1967.

Calvo González, José. "Coherencia narrativa y razonamiento judicial." Revista del Poder Judicial (Madrid) no. 25 (March 1992): 97-102.

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_____. Derecho y Narración: Materiales para una Teoría y Crítica narrativista del Derecho. Barcelona: Ariel, 1996.

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_____. "Modelo narrativo del juicio de hecho: inventio y rationatio." In Horizontes de la Filosofía del Derecho. Libro Homenaje al  Profesor Luis García San Miguel. Ed. Virgilio Zapatero. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 2002. 2.93-102.

_____. Octroi de sens. Exercices d´interprétation juridique-narrative. Québec: Presses de l´Université Laval, 2007.

_____. "III.7. La controversia fáctica. Contribución al estudio de la quaestio facti desde una perspectiva narrativista del Derecho." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

_____. "IV.5. Sobre hermenéutica jurídica y Relato. Notas para una ilustración narrativista acerca de di-versiones y extra-versiones interpretativas." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

_____, ed. Verdad [Narración] Justicia. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, 1998.

_____, ed. Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Granada: Comares, 2008. (I: Derecho y literatura; II. Derecho en la litertura; III. Derecho como literatura; IV. Derecho con literatura).

Carcaterra, Antonio. Semantica degli enunciati normativo-giuridici (Interpretatio iuris). Bari, 1972.

Cárcova, Carlos María. "III.3. Ficción y verdad en la escena del Derecho." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

Clark, Gordon L. "Law and the Interpretive Turn in the Social Sciences." Urban Geography 10.3 (May June 1989)

Coaguila Valdivia, Jaime Francisco. "III.4. Narrativismo como método en la teoría del Derecho y modelo de la argumentación jurídica." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

Cornell, Drucilla. "Time, Deconstruction, and the Challenge of Logical Positivism: The Call for Judicial Responsibility." Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 11.1 (Summer 1990): 267-97.

_____. Beyond Accomodation: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction, and the Law. London: Routledge, 1991.

Cortese, Ennio. La norma giuridica: Spunti teorici nel diritto comune classico. 2 vols in 1. Milan: Giuffrè, 1962-1964.

Dworkin, Ronald. "Law as Interpretation." In The Politics of Interpretation. Ed. W. J. T. Mitchell. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1983. 249-70.

_____. "El Derecho como interpretación." Trans. Eugenio Contreras. In Hermenéutica. Ed. José Domínguez Caparrós. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1997. 205-39.*

Endicott, Timothy Andrew Orvville.  Vagueness in Law. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Engisch, Kurt. Die Idee der Konkretisierung in Recht und Rechtswissenschaft unserer Zeit. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1953.

_____. Einführung in das juristische Denken. Stuttgart, 1956.

Espinosa Pérez, Beatriz. "IV.4. Narraciones en el campo jurídico." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

Esser, J. Vorverständnis und Methode in der Rechtsfindung. 1970.

Fish, Stanley. "Working on the Chain Gang: Interpretation in the Law and in Literary Criticism." Critical Inquiry 9 (September 1982) 201-216.*

_____. Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies. Durham: Duke UP, 1989.

_____. Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.

_____. Práctica sin teoría: Retórica y cambio en la vida institucional. Trans. José Luis Fernández-Villanueva. Barcelona: Destino, 1992.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "10. Recuperación del problema hermenéutico fundamental." In Gadamer, Verdad y método: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica. Trans. Ana Agud Aparicio and Rafael de Agapito. (Trans. of 4th ed.). Salamanca: Sígueme, 1977.* 2001. 378-414.* (1. El problema hermenéutico de la aplicación. La actualidad hermenéutica de Aristóteles. El significado paradigmático de la hermenéutica jurídica).

García Landa, José Ángel. "Burdos engaños." [Common knowledge and presupposition in law] In García Landa, Vanity Fea


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_____. "El Legislador ha decidido remover." Ibercampus 15 Aug. 2017.*


_____. "El meollo del razonamiento." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 16 Nov. 2012.* ("Sobre el matrimonio unisexual, 2; Jurisprudence of same-sex marriage)


_____. "Sobre el Matrimonio Unisexual y su hermenéutica jurídica: El Legislador ha decidido remover - El meollo del razonamiento." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 21 Nov. 2022.*


_____. "Demasiado presuponer." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 July 2010.*


González Solano, Carlos. "III.5. La racionalidad o razonabilidad jurídica: una historia de ciencia ficción" In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008.

Habermas, Jürgen. Facticidad y validez.

Hassemer, Winfried. Tatbestand und Typus: Untersuchungen zur strafrechtlichen Hermeneutik. 1968. (The hermeneutic spiral, p. 78, 82).

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Iturralde, Victoria. "Interpretación jurídica." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 316-18.*

Jackson, Bernard S. "Conscious and Unconscious Rationality in Law and Legal Theory." In Reason in Law: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Bologna, 12-15 December 1984. ed. Carla Faralli and Enrico Pattaro. Milan: Giuffrè, 1988. 3.281-99.

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Kadish, Mortimer R., and S. H. Kadish. Discretion to Disobey: A Study of Lawful Departures from Legal Rules.

Kaser, Max. "Das Urteil als Rechtsquelle im römischen Recht." Festschrift Schwind. Wien, 1978.

Kaufmann, Arthur. Das Verfahren der Rechtsgewinnung: Eine rationale Analyse. 1999. (Hermeneutics; the hermeneutic spiral, W. Hassemer).

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Constitutional Commentary 27 (2010).






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See also Law; Legal texts; Jurisprudence; Trials.









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Dictionaries and encylopedias


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See also Heidegger, Martin; Ricœur, Paul; Gadamer, H.-G.; Hermeneutics.







Hermeneutics of the social sciences


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Laín Entralgo, Pedro. El diagnóstico médico: Historia y teoría. Barcelona: Salvat, 1982.

Leroi-Gourhan, André. "L'interprétation des vestiges osseux." In Leroi-Gourhan, Le Fil du Temps: Ethnologie et préhistoire. (Points; Sciences,  S48). Paris: Fayard / Seuil, 1986. 97-116.*

Meeser, S. B., L. A. Sass, and R. L. Woolfolk, eds. Hermeneutics and Psychological Theory. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers UP, 1988.

Polkinghorne, Donald. Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences. (SUNY Series in Philosophy of the Social Sciences). Albany (NY): SUNY Press, 1988.*

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Internet resources



History and the Limits of Interpretation. Symposium at Rice University, 15-17 March 1996. Online at Humanities Research Center.








Cultural Hermeneutics 2 (1975).




See also History (Theory).




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