viernes, 27 de enero de 2023

Figuras retóricas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Figures (Rhetorical)




Figures: General (For specific figures see under Figures of Speech, Figures of Thought).


Aradra Sánchez, Rosa María. "Tropos y figuras: Retrato de una transformación histórica." Tropelías 7/8 (1996/97 [Issued 1999]): 19-35.*

Arduini, Stefano. Prolegómenos a una teoría general de las figuras. Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la U de Murcia, 2001.

Bartel, Dietrich. Musica Poetica: Musical Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, c. 1998.

Bruns, Gerald L. "The Problem of Figuration in Antiquity." In Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects. Ed. Gary Shapiro and Alan Sica. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1988. 147-64.

Carter, Ronald. "Figures of Speech." In Carter, Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk. London: Routledge, 2004. 115-42.*

Cohen, Jean. "Théorie de la figure." Communications 16 (1970): 3-25.

_____. "A Theory of the Figure." In French Literary Theory Today: A Reader. Ed. Tzvetan Todorov. Cambridge: Cambridge UP; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1982. 64-91.*

Genette, Gérard. "Figures." In Genette, Figures I. Paris: Seuil, 1966. 205-21.

Herrera-Soler, Honesto, and Michael White, eds. Metaphor and Mills: Figurative Language in Business and Economics. (Application of Cognitive Linguistics, 19). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2012.

Leech, Geoffrey N. "Linguistics and Figures of Rhetoric." In Essays in Style and Language.  Ed. Roger Fowler.  London: Routledge, 1966. 135-56.

_____. "Figurative Language." In Leech, A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman, 1969. 147-83.

_____. "Linguistics and the Figures of Rhetoric." In Essays in Style and Language.  Ed. R. Fowler. London: Routledge, 1981. 135-56.

Mayoral, José Antonio. Figuras retóricas. Madrid, 1994.

Müller, Wolfgang G. "Interfigurality: A Study on the Interdependence of Literary Figures." In Intertextuality. Ed. Heinrich F. Plett. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1991. 101-21.*

Nagy, William. "Figurative Patterns and Redundancy in the Lexicon." Ph.D. diss. U of California at San Diego, 1974.

Olmos, Miguel Ángel. "Figuras retóricas." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 253-56.*

Paulhan, Jean. Traité des Figures. In Du Marsais, Traité des Tropes. With a postface by Claude Mouchard. Suivi de Jean Paulhan, Traité des Figures ou La Rhétorique décryptée. Paris: Le Nouveau Commerce, 1977.*

Penas Ibáñez, Mª Azucena. Cambio semántico y competencia gramatical. (Lingüística Iberoamericana, 33). Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt a/M: Vervuert, 2009.*

Plett, Heinrich F. "Die Rhetorik der Figuren. Zur Systematiker Pragmatik und Aesthetik der Elocution." In Rhetorik: Kritische Postionen zum Stand der Forschung. Ed. H. F. Plett. Munich: Fink, 1977. 125-66.

Quinn, Arthur. Figures of Speech: 60 Ways to Turn a Phrase. Salt Lake City: Gibbs M. Smith, 1982.

_____. Figures of Speech: 60 Ways to Turn a Phrase. London: Erlbaum-Hermagoras Press, 1993.

Rabatel, Alain, ed. Figures et point de vue. Monograph issue of Langue Française no. 160 (2008).

Readings, Bill. "Figure." In Readings, Introducing Lyotard: Art and Politics. London: London: Routledge, 1991. 3-52.*

Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José. "Understanding Figures of Speech: Dependency Relations and Organizational Patterns." Language and Communication 71 (March 2020): 16-38.*


Shapiro, M. Figuration in Verbal Art. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1988.

Stonum, Gary Lee. "Surviving Figures." In Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects. Ed. Gary Shapiro and Alan Sica. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1988. 199-214.*

Todorov, Tzvetan. "Apéndice: Tropos y Figuras." In Todorov, Literatura y significación. Barcelona: Planeta, 1971. 203-36.

_____.  "Figure." In Ducrot and Todorov 349-58.

Willbern, David. Poetic Will: Shakespeare and the Play of Language. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1997.

Wimsatt, W. K. Jr. "Verbal Style: Logical and Counterlogical." PMLA 65 (March 1950). Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. 201-20.







García Landa, José Angel. "Speech Figures." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (Golden Dubey) 6 June 2010.*






Internet resources



Harris, Robert A. Virtual Salt: A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices.*










(Figurative Thought and Language, 15). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2022.



See also: Imagery; Figurative language; Poetic language; Tropes.





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