sábado, 3 de junio de 2023

Historia de la Literatura



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



History of Literature


General / European and Western literature



Oriental literatures





History of literature:

General / European and Western literature


Banús Irusta, Enrique. Literatura europea: Una introducción. Pamplona, 2002.

Benoit-Dusausoy, Annick, and Guy Fontaine, eds. A History of European Literature. London: Routledge, 2000.*

Blecua, José Manuel. Historia general de la literatura.  Zaragoza: Librería General, 1945.

Bloom, Harold.The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. New York: Harcourt, 1994.

_____. The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. London: Macmillan, 1994.*

_____. El canon occidental. Trans. Damián Alou. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995.

Bradbury, Malcolm, ed. The Atlas of Literature. London: De Agostini, 1996.*

Díaz-Plaja, Guillermo. Curso general de literatura. 2 vols. Barcelona: La Espiga, 1943.

Ford, Ford Madox. The March of Literature: From Confucius to Modern Times. 1938.

García, Juan Carlos, et al., eds. Historia de la Literatura. 5 vols + 100 books. Barcelona: RBA, 1999.* 2002.*

Gil de Zárate, Antonio. Manual de Literatura.

Hauser, Arnold. The Social History of Art. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957.

_____. Historia social de la literatura y el arte. Madrid: Guadarrama.

_____. Historia social de la literatura y el arte. 3 vols. Barcelona: Labor, 1983.

_____. Historia social de la literatura y el arte. I. Desde la prehistoria hasta el barroco. II: Desde el rococó hasta la época del cine. Introd. Valeriano Bozal. Trans. A. Tovar and F. P. Varas-Reyes. (Ensayo, Arte, DeBols!llo 89). Barcelona: Random House Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2004.*

_____. Historia social de la Literatura y el Arte. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, c. 2005.*

Iáñez, E. Historia de la Literatura Universal.  Barcelona: Tesys, Bosch.

Jeffares, Norman A., ed. Macmillan History of Literature.  12 vols. Hong Kong: Macmillan, 1982.

Llovet, Jordi, ed. Lecciones de Literatura Universal. Madrid: Cátedra, 1995.

Méndez Bejarano, Mario. Literatura. Madrid: Antonio Marzo, 1902.*

Perés, Ramón D. Historia de las literaturas antiguas y modernas. (Biblioteca Hispania). Barcelona: Ramón Sopena, 1941.*

Pérez Bustamante, C., gen. ed. Historia de la Literatura Universal. Madrid: Atlas, 1946.

Prampolini, S. Historia Universal de la Literatura. 13 vols. Buenos Aires: UTEHA, 1956.

Rascoe, Burton. Titans of Literature: From Homer to the Present. London: Routledge, 1933.*

Riquer, Martín de, and José María Valverde. Historia de la literatura universal. 1956-57. 10 vols. Barcelona: Planeta, 1991.

_____. Historia de la Literatura Universal. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, c. 2005.*

Шайтанов, Игорь. "«Мировая литература» как проблема и вызов." In «Меры не знал я, смертных любя»: к 90-летию российского филолога Владимира Серафимовича Вахрушева (1932—2011).  Редакторы-составители Людмила Комуцци и Павел Глушаков. Санкт-Петербург: Росток, 2022.   404-16.* (""World literature" as a problem and a challenge.")

Tunk, E. von. Historia universal de la literatura. 3 vols. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1964.

Vakhrushev, Vladimir S. Уроки  мировой литературы  в  школе.  5-11  классы.  Мoscow: Просвещение, Владос, 1995.

_____. Уроки мировой литературы в школе. Книга для учителя. Moscow: Просвещение, 1993. (Lessons on World Literature at School)

Zhenzhao, P. N. (A History of Foreign Literature). 4 vols. 2004. (In Chinese).

Zschirnt, Christiane. Bücher: Alles, was man lesen muss. 2002.

_____. Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Prólogo de Dietrich Schwanitz. Trans. Irene Pérez Michael. (Taurus Pensamiento). Madrid: Santillana-Taurus, 2004.*






Auerbach, Erich. Scenes from the Drama of European Literature. Manchester UP, 1984.

Banús Irusta, Enrique. "Europäische Literatur: Mitteilungen und Intertextualität." In Contemporary European Literature. Ed. Hans Felten and David Nelting. Frankfurt, 1999.

Cano, Rafael. Lecciones de literatura general y española.  2 vols.  Valladolid: Gaviria, 1892.

Casabo y Pages, Pelegrín. La civilización en sus manifestaciones artísticas, científicas y literarias en todo el mundo, desde los tiempos más remotos hasta nuestros días. 3 vols. Barcelona: Mir, Tarrados y Comas, 1881.

Combs, Richard E., and Nancy R. Owen. Authors: Critical & Biographical References. 2nd ed. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1993.

Curtius, E. R. Kritische Essays zur europäischen Literatur. 1950. 2nd ed. 1954.

_____. Ensayos críticos sobre literatura europea. Trans. Eduardo Valentí. Madrid: Visor, 1989.*

Damrosch, David. World Literature in Theory. Wiley Blackwell, 2014.*

Di Leo, Jeffrey R. American Literature as World Literature. (Literatures as World Literature). London: Bloomsbury, 2019.

Enciclopedia Temática Escolar Larousse. 12 vols. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores / Spes Editorial, 2002.* (Vols. 1-4, Ciencias de la Vida; Vols. 5-8, Ciencias técnicas; Vols. 9-12: Ciencias humanas; Vol. 1: Materia viva. Vol. 2: Salud y vida. Vol. 3: Geografía. Vol. 4: Medio natural. Vol. 5: Física y química. Vol. 6: Matemáticas. Vol. 7: Informática y comunicación. Vol. 8: Tecnología. Vol. 9: Historia del mundo y del pensamiento. Vol. 10: Arte y música. Vol. 11: Lengua. Vol. 12: Literatura).

France, Peter, ed. The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.

Fumaroli, M., Y. Bonnefoy, H. Weinrich, and M. Zink, eds. Identité littéraire de l'Europe. 2000.

Gallud Jardiel, Enrique. Historia estúpida de la literatura. 2014.

García Landa, José Angel. "Mapa de la literatura mundial." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 7 Jan. 2017.* (Hube et al.)



_____. "Mapa de la literatura mundial." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 7 Jan. 2017.*



Hoppé, A. J., ed. Reader's Guide to Everyman's Library. (Everyman's Library, 889). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.

Kerrigan, Michael. Como dárselas de experto en literatura. Barcelona: Mondadori, 1988.

Klabund, Alfred. Historia de la Literatura, Labor, c. 1938.

Magnus, Laurie. A History of European Literature. London: Nicholson and Watson, 1934.

Nabokov, Vladimir. Lectures on Literature. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Introd. John Updike. New York: Harcourt/Bruccoli Clark, 1980. 1982.

_____. Littératures I. Paris: Fayard, 1983.

_____. Littératures, 1. (English and French). Paris: Le Livre de Poche.

_____. Curso de literatura europea.  Barcelona: Bruguera, 1983. Trans. of Lectures on Literature.*

_____. Curso de literatura europea. Trans. Francisco Torres Oliver. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1987.

Priestley, J. B. Literature and Western Man. 1960. London: Readers Union / Heinemann, 1960.

Sánchez, José Rogerio. Textos y ejercicios para el estudio de la literatura. Madrid: Imprenta de "La Enseñanza," 1922.

Widdowson, Peter, ed. The Palgrave Guide to English Literature and its Contexts, 1500-2000. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Online PDF.*









Mack, Maynard, et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. 6th ed. New York: Norton, 1992.

Mays, Kelly J., ed. The Norton Introduction to Literature with 2016 MLA Update. New York: Norton, c. 2017.





Bibliographies. See Lit. Theory-General. Bibliographies.





Enciclopedia Temática Escolar Larousse. 12 vols. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores / Spes Editorial, 2002.* (Vols. 1-4, Ciencias de la Vida; Vols. 5-8, Ciencias técnicas; Vols. 9-12: Ciencias humanas; Vol. 1: Materia viva. Vol. 2: Salud y vida. Vol. 3: Geografía. Vol. 4: Medio natural. Vol. 5: Física y química. Vol. 6: Matemáticas. Vol. 7: Informática y comunicación. Vol. 8: Tecnología. Vol. 9: Historia del mundo y del pensamiento. Vol. 10: Arte y música. Vol. 11: Lengua. Vol. 12: Literatura).

Grand Atlas Universalis des Littératures. Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1990.






Internet resources



Classic Literature at About.com




Google directory: World Literature




Oxford University Computing Service "Text Archive". archive@uk.ac.oxford.vax


Oxford University. Humanities resources at HUMBUL Gateway. http://info.ox.ac.uk/departments/humanities/internationalhtml (Autumn 1996).













Acta Literaria


American Journal of Philology 57 (1936).


Annals of Scholarship

Marie-Rose Logan, Editor

Wayne State University Press

Orders: Fax 1 313 577 6131


Analecta Malacitana


The Atlantic Monthly

The Atlantic Monthly company

745 Boylston st.,

Boston MA 02116

Tel: 617-536-9500



The Cambridge Quarterly

Oxford Journals Subscription Department

Oxford University Press

Walton Street

Oxford OX2 6DP


Cauce: Revista de Filología y su Didáctica


The Centennial Review

R. K. Meiners, Editor

Michigan State Univerisy

312 Linton Hall

East Lansing, MI 48824-1044




Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly

P. O. Box 629

Terre Haute, Indiana 47806-0629


Vol. 10.4 (Summer 1990).



College Literature

West Chester University

210 East Rosedale Av.,

West Chester, PA 19383.

vol. 19 (June 1992); 27.2 (Spring 2000).

In Literature Online.* http://lion.chadwyck.co.uk




Critical Inquiry

Editor: W.J.T. Mitchell

Executive Editor: Arnold I. Davidson

The University of Chicago Press

Journals Division, Dept. SL4LF

P.O. Box 37005

Chicago, IL 60637


Vol. 3.2 (1976).



Critical Quarterly

Editor: Colin Mc Cabe

Journals Subscriptions Dept

Marston Book Services,

PO Box 87

Oxford OX2 ODT




Critical Survey

The Secretary

Roehampton Institute

Digby Stuart College

Roehampton Lane

London SW15 5PU

  Journals Subscriptions Department

Oxford University Press

Pinkhill House, Southfield Road,

Eynsham, Oxford OX8 1JJ




Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and The Arts

Department of English

Wayne State University

Detroit, Michigan 48202

Estados Unidos



Cruz Ansata


Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica.


The Dalhousie Review

The Editor,

Dalhousie University

Halifax, N. S.

Canada B3H 3J5

(902) 494-2541




Etudes Litteraires 19 (1986).



The Georgia Review

The University of Georgia


GA 30602



Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 41.1 (1991).



Habersham Review

Piedmont College

Demorest, GA 30535



Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture

Ed. Dr. Subhendu Mund.

Bubhaneswar (Orissa)

Vol. 5/6 (Jul 2010 – Jan 2011)


Kunapipi 6.2 (Aarhus, 1984): 53-66.


Literary Review

Editor: Auberon Waugh

51 Beak Street

London W1R 3LF

Tel: 071 437 9392

Fax: 071734 1844



Littcrit 14.1-2 (1988).



London Review of Books

28-30 Little Russell Street

London WC1A 2HN

Tel: 071-404 3336

Fax: 0710404 3337



Magazine Littéraire 338 (1995).


1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada 2 (1979).


Modern Philology

A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Liteature

Editor: Janel Mueller

The University of Chicago Press

Journals division, Dept. SF4TL

P.O.Box 37005

Chicago, IL 60637


Vol. 8 (1910).



New Literary History

A Journal of Theory and Interpretation

Editor; Ralph Cohen

Wilson Hall, University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia 22903


The Johns Hopkins University Press

P.O.Box 19966

Baltimore,MD 21211


Telephone: (410) 516-6987

Fax (410) 516-6968



The New York Times Book Review 21 October 1991.


The New York Review of Books

Rea S. Hederman, publisher.

250 West 57 street


Vol. 36.3 (2 march 1989).


North Dakota Quarterly


Notes and Queries

Pembroke College

Oxford OX1 1 PW

Vol. 27 (1980).


Papers on Language and Literature

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1434

Estados Unidos


Philological Quarterly

The Editors

University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa 52242






University of California Press Journals

2120 Berkeley Way


C A USA 94720

Phone: 510/642

Fax: 510/643-7127

Representations 8 (1984).


Revista de Literatura (CSIC)  93 (Jan.-June 1985).


Revue des langues

Abbes Bahous

Redacteur de la Revue des Langues

Institut des Langues Etrangères

Université d'Oran -

B. P. 05 Es Senia




Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature


English Dept.

Boise State University

Boise, ID USA 83725

Fax (208) 385-4373



Studia Neophilologica 36 (1964).


Studies in Philology 40 (1943).




Texas Studies in Literature and Language

Department of English

University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas 78712

Estados Unidos


Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature

TLS: The Times Literary Supplement


Universitas Tarraconensis. Filologia


La Zanahoria Metafísica










(Biblioteca de Literatura Universal). Series ed. Luis Alberto de Cuenca. Barcelona: Edhasa, c. 2015.*


(Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 18). Malden: Blackwell, 2003. Pbk. 2006.*


(Blackwell Essential Literature). Oxford: Blackwell, c. 2002.


(Blackwell History of Literature). Series ed. Peter Brown. Oxford: Blackwell, c. 2002.


(Blackwell Introductions to Literature). Oxford: Blackwell, c. 2003.


(Cambridge Introductions to Literature). Cambridge: Cambridge UP,  c. 2007.


(Contexts in Literature). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.*


(Contributions to the Study of World Literature, 90). Greenwood P, 1998.


(Literature in Perspective). London: Evans Bro., Ltd., 1971.*


(The Margins of Literature). Albany: SUNY Press, 1991.*


(Masters of World Literature). London: Macmillan, c. 1971.


(Penguin History of Literature). Harmondsworth: Penguin.


(La République des Lettres, 2). Leuven: Peeters, 2000.


(Theory and History of Literature, 64). Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989.*


(Twayne World Authors). New York: Twayne.


(Wellesley Studies in Critical Theory, Literary History and Culture, 21; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 2167). New York and London: Garland, 2000.*









Voth, Grant L. History of World Literature. Video lecture series. 2007. YouTube.*





Modern literature



Arranz, Manuel. "Textos, libros, lectores." Rev. of El orden de los libros: Lectores, autores, bibliotecas en Europa entre los siglos XIV y XVIII. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1994. Revista de Occidente 177 (Febrero 1996): 141-47.*

Travers, Martin. An Introduction to Modern European Literature: From Romanticism to Postmodernism. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997.

Van Tieghem, Paul. Compendio de historia literaria de Europa (desde el Renacimiento). Trans. José María Quiroga Pla. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1951. 3rd ed. 1965.*




Internet resources



17th, 18th and 19th Literature.



18th, 19th and 20th Century Literature Resources.

http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~anthony/ modlinks.htm


Modern Literature.







Journal of Modern Literature

Editor: Morton P. Levitt

921 Anderson Hall

Temple University

Philadelphia, PA 19122



Modern Language Journal

The Editor

4045 Brooklyn Avenue, N.E.

University of Washington, Seattle

Washington 98105



MLN: Modern Language Notes

The Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD 21218


Vol. 27 (1912).


Modern Language Review 31 (1936).


Modern Language Quarterly 1 (1940).


Modern Philology

A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Liteature

Editor: Janel Mueller

The University of Chicago Press

Journals division, Dept. SF4TL

P.O.Box 37005

Chicago, IL 60637


Vol. 8 (1910).


Renaissance and Modern Studies

University of Nottingham

Vol. 20 (1976)


Revista de Filología Moderna


Scriptorium 21 (1967): 321-326.



Ideas, Aesthetics and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era

Kevin L. Cope (Louisiana State Univ.).

AMS Press, New York NY 10003

Fax (212)995-5413

Tel. (212) 777-4700


Smith College Studies in Modern Languages 19.2 (1938).







(Blackwell Introductions to Literature). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.



(Cambridge Companions to Literature). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, c. 2002.*


 (Serie Literatura, 39). Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad deValladolid, 1997.







Oriental literatures




Hauser, Arnold. "II. Antiguas culturas urbanas orientales." In Hauser, Historia social de la literatura y el arte. I. Desde la prehistoria hasta el barroco. Barcelona: DeBols!llo, 2004. 39-71.*




 (Biblioteca Universal, Literaturas Orientales). Series ed. Juan Vernet. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, c. 1999.


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