miércoles, 19 de julio de 2023

Literatura india anglófona



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Indian literature in English





Allen, Richard, and Harish Trivedi. Literature and Nation: Britain and India 1800-1990. London: Routledge / Open U, 2000.

Amur, G. S. Transgresssions: Studies in Indian Literature in English. Bengaluru: Kanva, 2012.

Dwivedi, A. N. Indian Writing in English. 2 vols. 1991.

Naik, M. K. Studies in Indian English Literature. New Delhi: Sterling, 1987.

Walsh, William. Indian Literature in English. (Longman Literature in English Series). London: Longman.








Dissanayake, Wimal. "Towards a Decolonized English: South Asian Creativity in Fiction." World Englishes 4.2 (1985): 233-42.

_____.  "Towards a Decolonized English." World Englishes 4.2 (1985): 233-42.

Greet, Annie, Syd Harrex and Susan Hosking, eds. Raj Nostalgia: Some Literary and Critical Implications. Bedford Park (SA): Centre for Research in the New Literatures in English, 1992.

Gundur, N. S. Rev. of Transgressions: Studies in Indian Literature in English. By G. S. Amur. Atlantis 35.2 (Dec. 2013): 239-44.*

Nandi, Miriam. M/Other India/s. 2007.

Stephanidis, Stephanos. "Crossing Dark Waters: A Perspective on Indian and West Indian Postcolonial Fiction."  Gramma 3 (1995): 169-84.*

Suleri, Sara. The Rhetoric of English India. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992. Rev. in English Literature in Transition 37.2 (1994).*





Internet resources


Sasialit: Literature of South Asia and the Asian Diaspora.










Indialogs: Spanish Journal of Indian Studies.

U Autònoma de Barcelona

Vol. 7 (2020).*




Indian Literature 42.1 (2001).


Indian Literature Review

Vol. 3.3 (New Delhi, October 1985).



Journal of Commonwealth and Post-Colonial Studies.

Special issue on Literature and Society in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Ed. Paul A. Rodell (Georgia Southern U, Statesboro; rodell@gasou.edu). Forthcoming 2001.


Journal of Indian Writing in English 

Vol. 16.2 (Gulbarga, July 1988).


Language in India 13.3 (March 2013).*


The Quest: A Journal of Indian Literature and Culture

Vol. 22.2 (Dec. 2008)

Ed. Ravi Nandan Sinha

Ranchi, Jharkhand State, India


South Asian Review 30.1 (2009).












(Los Grandes Clásicos de la India, 4). Los Angeles: Fondo Editorial Bhaktivedanta, 1983.*








20th century


Butcher, Maggie, ed. The Eye of the Beholder: Essays on Indian Writing.   London: Commonwhealth Institute, 1983.

Chaudhuri, Una. "Writing the Raj Away." Turnstile 2.1 (1990): 26-35.

Crane, Ralph J., and Radhika Mohanram, eds. Shifting Continents/Colliding Cultures: Diaspora Writing of the Indian Subcontinent. (Cross/Cultures: Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, 42). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000.

Dissanayake, Wimal. "Towards a Decolonized English: South Asian Creativity in Fiction." World Englishes 2 (1984): 233-42.

Herz, Judith Scherer. A Passage to India: Nation and Narration. New York: Twayne, 1993. Rev. English Literature in Transition  37.1 (1994).

Jussawalla, Feroza. Family Quarrels: Towards a Criticism of Indian Writing in English. New York: Peter Lang, 1984.

Needham, Anuradha D. Resistance and the Literature of the African and South Asian Diasporas. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. (C. L. R. James, Rushdie, Ama Ata Aidoo, Michelle Cliff, Hanif Kureishi).

Rushdie. "The Indian Writer in England." In The Eye of the Beholder: Essays on Indian Writing. Ed. Maggie Butcher. London: Commonwealth Institute, 1983. 75-83.

Suleri, Sara. The Rhetoric of English India. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.

Verma, K. D. Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. (Sri Aurobindo, Mulk Raj Anand, Balachandra Rajan, Nissim Ezekiel, Arun Joshi, Anita Desai).

Wisker, Gina. "Writing by Women from the Indian Sub-Continent." In Wisker, Postcolonial and African American Women¡s Writing. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.







Rushdie, Salman, coed. Mirrorwork: 50 Years of Indian Writing, 1947-1997.







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