sábado, 12 de agosto de 2023

La Biblia: Textos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



The Bible: Texts




Partial editions and translations (canonical order of books)






The Bible. Trans. John Wycliffe. 1396.

The Bible. German trans. by Martin Luther. 1522, 1534. 1545.

Huguenot Bible. 1540, 1551, 1556.

Moralized Bible of Naples. Commissioned by Robert the Wise. 1540-50.

Biblia de Ferrara. Facsimile of the 1553 edition. Madrid: Sociedad Estatal del V Centenario, 1992.

Biblia de Ferrara. Ed. and introd. Moshe Lazar. Madrid: Biblioteca Castro, 1996.

The Bible and Holy Scriptures Contayned in the Olde and Newe Testament ... with most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may aappeare in the Epistle to the Reader. Geneva, 1560. ("The Geneva Bible", sic).

_____. The Geneva Bible: A Facsimile of the 1560 Edition. Introd. Lloyd E. Berry. Madison, Milwaukee and London: U of Wisconsin P, 1969.

Bishops' Bible. 1568. (Trans. revised by English and Welsh bishops, based on the Great Bible of 1539).

"Biblia del Oso".  Trans. Casiodoro de Reina. 1569.

Y BEIBL CYS- / SEGR-LAN. SEF / YR HEN DESTA- / MENT, A.R NEWYDD. / [2. Timoth. 3.14-15]. Imprinted at London, by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Most Excellent Majestie, 1588. (Welsh trans. by William Morgan, Anglican Bishop).

Nuremberg Bible. Multilingual. Ed. Elias Hutter. 1599.

The Bible. Trans. Casiodoro de Reyna.

La Biblia. Trans. E. Nácar and A. Colunga. (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos). 50th ed. rev. 1991.*

The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New. London, 1611. ("King James Bible" or "Authorized Version"):

_____. The Holy Bible, / Conteyning the Old Testament, / and the new. / Newly Translated out of the Originall / Tongues: & with the former Translations / diligently compared and revised. by his / Maiesties speciall Comandement. / Appointed to be read in Churches. / Imprinted at London by. Robert / Barker. Printer to the Kings / most Excellent Maiestie. Anno Dom. 1611. [Woodcut frontispiece: Framed arches of patriarchs and prophets, and a swan or pelican feeding its young.]

_____. Holy Bible: King James Version. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, 1979.*

_____. King James Bible. In Lion: Literature Online. Internet database. Chadwyck-Healey, 1996.

_____. The Bible: Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha. Ed. Robert Carroll and Stephen Pickett. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.

_____. The Bible: King James Version plus Apocrypha. Online at eBible:



_____. King James Bible Online.*



_____. Authorised Version of the Bible.

Biblia magna. Paris, 1644.

The English Hexapla. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1848. (Bible translations).

Biblia de Jerusalén. Ed. José Ángel Ubieta López et al. Bilbao: Ed. Española Desclée de Brouwer, 1967.

_____. Biblia de Jerusalén. Ed. Jose Ángel Ubieta et al. Bilbao: GRAFO, 1976.

_____. Biblia de Jerusalén: Nueva edición revisada y aumentada. Ed. José Ángel Ubieta López et al. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 1999.*

The New English Bible. Oxford: Oxford UP; Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1970.

The Holy Bible. New International Version.

The Holy Bible: An Ecumenical Edition. New York: Collins, 1973.

The New Jerusalem Bible. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1985. 1990.

The Holy Bible with Illustrations from the Vatican Library. London: HarperCollins, 1997.

Holy Bible. New York Bible Society, n.d.

The Holy Bible. Online at New Advent. 2009.



Biblia de Jerusalén. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 1998.

_____. Biblia de Jerusalén: Nueva edición revisada y aumentada. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 1999.*

Eliot, John. The Christian Commonwealth; or The Civil Policy of the Rising Kingdom of Jesus Christ. London, 1659.

Manusse Wunneetunapatamwe Up-Biblum God. Trans. John Eliot. Cambridge (MA): Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663. (First translation of the Bible into Algonquin)







HyperBible. Electronic hypertext. Beacon Technology.

MacBible. Electronic hypertext. Zonverdan Electronic Publishing.



Internet resources



The Bible: King James Version plus Apocrypha. Online at eBible:




Bible Browser



The Bible in English. In Lion: Literature Online. Internet database. Chadwyck-Healey, 1997.


Bible website (St. Sophia's Library, The Catholic Center, Georgia Tech). Includes Latin vulgate, Douay Rhaims Bible, Old English biblical texts.



King James Bible Online.*








Partial editions and translations

(Canonical / Chronological order)


Old Testament


Luther. Old Testament. German translation. 1534.

Daniell, David, ed. Tyndale's Old Testament. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.

 (Old Testament, German translation). Trans. M. Buber and F. Rosenzweig.

Knibb, Michael. Translating the Bible: The Ethiopic Version of the Old Testament. (Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archeology 1995). Oxford: Oxford UP / British Academy, 1999.

Taylor, R. Bruce, ed. Ancient Hebrew Literature (Being the Old Testament and Apocrypha). 4 vols. (Everyman's Library, vols. I and IV 253, 256). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.



Pentateuch          (Traditionally attributed to Moses)


Hertz, J. H., ed. Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Hebrew Text, English Translation and Commentary. London: Soncino, 1981.

Fox, Everett, ed. and trans. The Five Books of Moses: A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary and Notes.  Harvill Press, 1996.





Genesis B. OE text. C. 851.

Genesis. Ed. and trans. Robert Alter. 1996.






Exodus. OE text. C. 688.






Bacon. Translation of Certaine Psalmes into English Verse. 1625.

Brampton, Thomas. Metrical version of the Seven Penitential Psalms. 1414.

Buchanan, George. Latin verse trans. of the Psalms.

Denham, John (Sir), trans. (Psalms). 1660s.

Golding, Arthur, trans.. The Psalms of David and Others. With Mr John Calvin's Commentaries. 1571. In Writing and the English Renaissance. Ed. William Zunder and Suzanne Trill. Harlow (Essex): Longman, 1996. 293-94.*

Davison, Christopher. Translation of some Psalms in Francis Davison's Poetical Rhapsody.

Davison, Francis. Translation of the Psalms. In Davison, A Poetical Rhapsody: Containing divers Sonnets, Odes, Elegies, Madrigals, Epigrams, Pastorals, Eclogues etc. 1602. 1611?

Herbert, Mary Sidney (Lady), Countess of Pembroke, trans. Psalmes. c. 1595, pub. 1823.

_____, trans. Psalms (52, 53). In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.960-64.*

_____. The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke. Vol. 1: Poems, Translations and Correspondence.  Vol. 2: The Psalmes of David. Ed. Margaret P. Hannay, Noel J. Kinnamon and Michael G. Brennan. (Oxford English Texts). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Hopkins, John, trans. Psalms (58, to supplement Sternhold's).

Johnston, Arthur. Latin trans. of the Psalms.

Alexander, W., collab. in trans. with James I. The Psalms of King David. 1631.

Milton, John. "A Paraphrase on Psalm 114." c. 1623. In Poems. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 9.*

_____. "Psalm 114." Greek poem. From Poemata. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 157-58.*

_____. "Psalm 136." c. 1623. In Poems. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 9-11.*

_____. "Psal. I. Done into Verse, 1653." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 89.*

_____. "Psal. II. Done Aug. 8. 1654. Terzetti." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 90.*

_____. "Psal. III. Aug. 9. 1653. When he fled from Absalom." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 90-91.*

_____. "Psal. IV. Aug. 10. 1653. From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 91-92.*

_____. "Psal. V. Aug. 12. 1653." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 92-93.*

_____. "Psal. VI. Aug. 13. 1653." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 93-94.*

_____. "Psal. VII. Aug. 14. 1653. Upon the words of Chush the Benjamite against him" From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 94-96.*

_____. "Psal. VIII. Aug. 14. 1653." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 96.*

_____. "April, 1648. J. M. Nine of the Psalms done into Metre, wherein all but what is in a different Character, are the very Words of the Text, translated from the Original." (Psalms LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXII, LXXXIII, LXXXIV, LXXXV, LXXXVI, LXXXVII, LXXXVIII). From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 97-110.*

A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. Verse trans. George Sandys. 1636.

Psalms. Verse trans. by Dr. Henry King. 1651.

Smart, Christopher. The Poetical Works of Christopher Smart, vol.3: A Translation of the Psalms of David. Ed. Marcus Walsh. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

Slavitt, David R., trans. Sixty-One Psalms of David. New York: Oxford UP, 1997.

Sternhold, Thomas, trans. Psalms.





Haendel, G. F. Sing Unto God: Wedding Anthem for Prince Frederick and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Coburg. Based on Psalms 68, 106 and 128. 1736. In Handel, Music for Royal Occasions.. CD. London: Hyperion, 1988.*





Song of Songs


The Song of Songs. Bilingual ed. Trans. Chana Bloch. Notes by Ariel Bloch. Afterword by Robert Alter. New York: Random House, 1995.

Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón. Trans. Fray Luis de León. Ed. José Manuel Blecua. Madrid, 1994.







The Book of Job. King James Version. Online at eBible:









Book of Daniel. c. 164 BC.



New Testament


Greek and Latin New Testament. Ed. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

(Partial trans. of New Testament into Gothic, by Ulfilas). 4th c.

New Testament. German translation by Martin Luther. 1522. New Testament. Scots translation by Lorimer.

The New Testament. (Everyman's Library, 93). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.

The New Testament. King James Version. N. p.: Gideons International, 1987.



The Gospels


Eadfrith. Lindisfarne Gospels. C. 698. (Anglo-Saxon manuscript of the Vulgate text, written by Eadfrith).

Bright, J. W., ed. The Gospel of Saint Luke in West-Saxon. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1906.

The New Testament of Jesus Christ. Preface by Gregory Martin. 1582.

Los cuatro Evangelios. Barcelona: Guadarrama.

Evangelio 2003. Tercer año del siglo XXI y del tercer milenio. Ciclo "B." Evangelio de la Eucaristía diaria. Calendario litúrgico. Santoral según el "Martirologio" de 2001. Jornadas Eclesiales de 2003. Índice de citas evangélicas y de santos y beatos. Oraciones y vida cristiana. Ed. José A. Martínez Puche (Dominican). Madrid: Edibesa, 2002.*

Los Evangelios. Ed. Elisa Martín Ortega. Madrid: Cátedra, 2014.



St Paul


Paul (St). The Writings of St. Paul. Ed. Wayne A. Meeks. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1972.

_____. The Writings of St. Paul. Ed. Wayne A. Meeks and John T. Fitzgerald. 2nd ed. (Norton Critical Edition). (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 2001.





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  Retropost, 2015:   En este artículo sobre crítica literaria —donde pone "Bibliografía de Teoría literaria, crítica y lingüística...