viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023

Actores dramáticos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Theatre Actors


Early works

Theatre actors and acting: general


On individual actors




Early works


The Actors' Remonstrance. Pamphlet. London, 1643.

Archer, William. Masks or Faces? A Study in the Psychology of Acting. London and New York: Longmans, Green, 1888. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*


Bharat Muni (Attr.). Natya Shastra. Ancient Sanskrit treatise on drama. (c. 200 BC-200 AD).

_____. The Natyasastra Ascribed to Bharata-Muni. Trans. Manomohan Ghosh, M.A., Ph.D. (Bibliotheca Indica: A Collection of Oriental Works; work no. 272, issue 1559). Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1951.*

_____. Natya Shastra. Trans. Manomohan Ghosh. 1951. Internet Archive.


Churchill, Charles. The Rosciad. Satire against actors. 1761.

Diderot, Denis. Paradoxe sur le comédien. Written 1773-6, pub. 1830.

_____. Paradoxe sur le comédien. In Diderot, Oeuvres esthétiques. Ed. Pierre Vernière. Paris: Garnier, 1988. 290-385.*

_____. Paradoxe sur le comédien précédé des Entretiens sur le fils naturel. Chronologie et préface par Raymond Laubreaux. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1967.*

_____. The Paradox of Acting: Translated with Annotations from Diderot's 'Paradoxe sur le comédien'. Trans. Walter Herries Pollock. Prologue by Henry Irving. London: Chatto & Windus, 1883. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*


_____. Paradoja acerca del comediante. Ed. and trans. Luis Hernández Alfonso. Madrid: Aguilar, 1964.

D'Israeli, I. "Tragic actors." In D'Israeli, Curiosities of Literature. London: Moxon, 1834. 1.366-70.*

Hazlitt, William. "On Actors and Acting." 1817.

_____. "Sobre los actores y la actuación." In Hazlitt, Ensayos sobre el arte y la literatura. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2004. 73-79.*

Heywood, Thomas. An Apology for Actors. London: Cartwright, 1612.

_____. An Apology for Actors. London: Shakespeare Society, 1841.

_____. An Apology for Actors. Select. in Literary Criticism from Plato to Dryden Literary Criticism: Plato to Dryden. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962.553-64. 

_____. An Apology for Actors. In The English Stage: Attack and Defense 1577-1730. New York and London, 1973.

Lamb, Charles.  "On Some of the Old Actors." In Lamb, The Essays of Elia. London: Dent, 1906. 154-65.*

Larra, Mariano José de. "Yo quiero ser cómico." In Larra, Artículos. Ed. José Ribalta y Ana Navarro. Madrid: Anaya, 1986. 103-12.*

_____. "Yo quiero ser cómico." In Larra, Artículos. Ed. Enrique Rubio. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992. 218-26.*

Lewes, G. H. On Actors and Acting. 1875.

Riccoboni, François. L'Art du Théâtre. Paris, 1750.

Riccoboni, Luigi. Dell' Arte rappresentativa: Capitoli sei. Poem. London, 1725. (On Acting).

Sainte-Albine, Pierre Rémond de. Le Comédien. 1747.

_____. Le Comédien. Nabu Press, 2011.

_____. The Actor: A Treatise on the Art of Playing. 1750. 2nd part 1755. (Anonymous English work based on Saint-Albine, with English examples added).

Sticotti, Antonio Fabio. Garrick, ou les Acteurs Anglois. 1769. (Based on the English translation of Saint-Albine).

Trapp, Joseph. The Players Turned Academics. 1703.




Theatre actors and acting: general


Billington, Michael. The Modern Actor.

Goldman, Michael. The Actor's Freedom: Toward a Theory of Drama. New York: Viking, 1975.

Krasner, David, ed. Method Acting Reconsidered: Theory, Practice, Future. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Mann, David. The Elizabethan Player: Contemporary Stage Representation. London: Routledge, 1991.

Pérez López, Héctor Julio. "Los tres cuerpos de la narración: Una poética cognitivista de la interpretación actoral." L'Atalante 19 (2015): 17-26. Online at Academia.*


Redgrave, Michael. The Actor's Ways and Means. Heinemann, 1953.

Stanislavski, Konstantin. (C. Stanislavski). An Actor Prepares. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. New York: Routledge, 1936.

_____. An Actor Prepares. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. Bles, 1936.

_____. Stanislavsky on the Art of the Stage. Introd. and trans. D. Magarshack. Faber, 1950.

_____. Creating a Role. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. London, 1968.

_____. Building a Character. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. New York: Theatre Art Books, 1949.

_____. (Constantin Stanislavski). Building a Character. Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. 1950. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.  Online at Google Books:


_____. (Constantin Stanislavski).  La construcción del personaje. Trans. Bernardo Fernández. (El Libro de Bolsillo, 573). Madrid: Alianza, 1975. 1980. 1984. 1985.*

_____. Stanislavski on the Art of the Stage. Ed. D. Magarshack. London, 1967.

Sternberg, Joseph von. "Acting in Film and Theatre." In Focus on Film and Theatre. Ed. James Hurt. New Jersey, 1974. 80-98.

Thomson, Peter. On Actors and Acting. U of Exeter P, 2000.







Actor y técnica de representación del teatro clásico español. London: Tamesis Books Limited, 1989.

Aubrun, Charles V[incent]. La Comédie espagnole (1600-1680). Paris: PUF, 1966.

_____. La comedia española (1600-1680). Trans. Julio Lago Alonso. (Persiles, 36). Madrid: Taurus, 1968.* (Conventions, theatres, actors, authorship, Guillén de Castro, Lope de Vega, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, Tirso de Molina, Antonio Mira de Amescua, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Juan Pérez de Montalbán, Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, Agustín Moreto, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Faith, social order, love, honour, justice).

Barfoot, Cedric C. "The Actress as Surrogate Author and Marginalized Woman in Mrs Humphry Ward's Miss Bretherton." In Stvdia Patriciae Shaw oblata. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 1991. 3.31-52.*

Braudy, Leo. From The World in a Frame ("Acting: Stage vs. Screen"). 1976. In Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. 5th ed. Ed. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, 1999 419-25.*

Brecht, Bertolt. "A Short Description of a New Technique of the Art of Acting which Produces an Effect of Estrangement." Le Théâtre dans le Monde 4.1 (1954).

Brioso Sánchez, Máximo. "Notas sobre los actores y la actuación en el teatro griego antiguo." In Mvnvs qvaesitvm meritis: Homenaje a Carmen Codoñer. Ed. Gregorio Hinojo Andrés and José Carlos Fernández Corte. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2007. 111-19.*

Brockbank, Philip, ed. Players of Shakespeare 1: Essays in Shakespearean Performance by Twelve Players with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

Brook, Peter. The Open Door: Thoughts on Acting and Theatre. 1993.

_____. La puerta abierta: Reflexiones sobre la interpretación y el teatro. Trans. Gema Moral Bartolomé. Sant Llorenç  d'Hortons (Barcelona): Alba Editorial, 1994. 2nd ed. 1996. 3rd ed. 1997. 4th ed. 1999. 5th ed. 2002. 6th ed. 2004. 7th ed. 2007. 8th ed. 2010.*

Castilla del Pino, Carlos. "Estructura y dinámica del actor." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 205-16.*

_____. "Actor, autor y sociedad." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 217-26.*

Cook, A. J. The Privileged Players of Shakespeare's London, 1576-1642.. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1981.

Dolan, Jill. "Gender Impersonation Onstage: Destroying or Maintaining the Mirror of Gender Roles." In Women and Performance 2.2 (1985).

Foakes, R. A. "Playhouses and Players." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 1-52.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Acting Strange." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 May 2007.


_____. "Somos teatreros: El sujeto, la interacción dialéctica y la estrategia de la representación según Goffman." iPaper at 30 May 2012.*


_____. "Somos teatreros: El sujeto, la interacción dialéctica y la estrategia de la representación según Goffman (We Playact: The Subject, Dialectic Interaction and the Strategy of Representation according to Goffman). Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 30 May 2012.*


_____. "An Actor's Epitaph." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 Sept. 2012.* (Vitalis, c. 900).


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Oct. 2013.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." Academia 19 Dec. 2014.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 3 Feb. 2015.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." Social Science Research Network 13 May 2015.*


         Psychological Anthropology eJournal 13 May 2015.*


         Cultural Anthropology eJournal 13 May 2015.*


         Cognition & the Arts eJournal 13 May 2015.*


         Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 13 May 2015.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 26 May 2015.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." ResearchGate 24 Jan. 2016.*


_____. "El teatro de las emociones: Garrick, Shakespeare y la paradoja del comediante." Paper presented at the conference "Representación y Hermenéutica de las Emociones" (Grupo HERAF). Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 20 June 2017.*

_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Jan. 2016.*


_____. "Garrick, Shakespeare, y la paradoja del comediante." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 5 Jan. 2023.*


_____. "El teatro de las emociones: Garrick, Shakespeare y la paradoja del comediante." Paper presented at the conference "Representación y Hermenéutica de las Emociones" (Grupo HERAF). Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 20 June 2017.*

_____. "The Theatre of Emotions: Garrick, Shakespeare, and the Paradox of Acting (Хосе Анхел Гарсиа Ланда [Сарагоса, Испания]). Театр эмоций: Гаррик, Шекспир и парадокс игры)." In «МЕРЫ НЕ ЗНАЛ Я, СМЕРТНЫХ ЛЮБЯ» К 90-ЛЕТИЮ РОССИЙСКОГО ФИЛОЛОГА ВЛАДИМИРА СЕРАФИМОВИЧА ВАХРУШЕВА (1932—2011). Редакторы-составители Людмила Комуцци и Павел Глушаков. Санкт-Петербург: Росток, 2022. 200-15.*


García Lorenzo, Luciano, ed. Autoras y actrices en la historia del teatro español. Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2001.

Gardner, Lyn. "Youth Should Not Be Valued over Experience in Theatre." The Guardian Theatre Blog 3 Aug. 2009.

Gilder, Rosamund. Enter the Actress: The First Women in the Theatre. Theatre Art Books, 1960.

Gómez Rodríguez, Amparo. Sobre actores y tramoyas. Sociology. 1992.

Gossett, Suzanne. "'Man-Maid, Begone!': Women in Masques." ELR 18.1 (1988).

Graves, T. S. "Women on the Pre-Restoration Stage." Studies in Philology 22 (1925): 184-97.

Gurr, Andrew. "The Players." In Gurr, The Shakespearean Stage, 1574-1642. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. 80-114.*

Hagen, Uta. A Challenge for the Actor. New York: Scribner, 1991.

Hill, Errol. Shakespeare in Sable: A History of Black Shakespearean Actors. Amherst: UP of Massachusetts, 1984.

Howe, Elizabeth. The First English Actresses: Women and Drama, 1660-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Hunter, G. K. "7. The Boy Actors and the New Dramaturgy." In English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 2008. 279-358.*

Jakobson, P. M., ed. Psykhologija stesnicheskikh chstv aktera. Moscow: Gosizdat, 1936.

Jones, Marion. "Actors and Repertory." In The Revels History of Drama in English. Ed. T. W. Craik and C. Leech. 8 vols. London, 1975-83. Vol. 5 (1976).

Joseph, Bertram. "The Elizabethan Stage and Acting." In The Age of Shakespeare. Ed. Boris Ford. Vol. 2 of The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican, 1955. 1971. 147-61.*

King, T. J. Casting Shakespeare's Plays: London Actors and Their Roles, 1590-1642. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

López Pinciano, Alonso. "Epístola treze y vltima. De los actores y representantes." In López Pinciano, Philosophia antigua poetica. 1596. Madrid: CSIC, 1973. 3.259-97.

Magarshack, D., ed. Stanislavski on the Art of the Stage. London, 1967.

Marker, Frederick, and Lise-Lone Marker. "II.ii. Actors and their Repertory." In The Revels History of Drama in English, volume VI: 1750-1880. By Michael R. Booth et al. London: Methuen, 1975. 95-144.* (Garrick, Kemble, etc.).

Marshall, David. "5. Moll Flanders: Portrait of the Artist as a Play-Actor." In Marshall, The Figure of Theater: Shaftesbury, Defoe, Adam Smith and George Eliot. New York: Columbia UP, 1986. 105-30.*

Maus, Katharine Eisaman. "'Playhouse Flesh and Blood': Sexual Ideology and the Restoration Actress." ELH 46 (1979).

Merlin, Bella. The Complete Stanislavsky Toolkit. 2007.

_____. "8. Acting Hare: The Permanent Way." In The Cambridge Companion to David Hare. Ed. Richard Boon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 123-38.*

Moody, Jane, coed. Theatre and Celebrity in Britain, 1660-2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Mora, María José. "Type-Casting in the Restoration Theatre: Dryden's All for Love, 1677-1704." Atlantis 27.2 (Dec. 2005): 75-86.*

Murray, Peter B. Shakespeare's Imagined Persons: The Psychology of Role-Playing and Acting. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996. 

Oddey, Alison. Performing Women: Stand-ups, Strumpets and Itinerants. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Pérez Estanquero, Orestes. "Personas-performers (escénicos)." In Teatro, (auto)biografía y autoficción (2000-2018) en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo (Tomo III). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.

Pond, James B. Eccentricities of Genius: Memories of Famous men and Women of the Platform and Stage. New York: Dillingham, 1900.

Prynne, William. Histrio-Mastix, the Players Scourge, etc. 1633. Rpt. in The English Stage: Attack and Defense 1577-1740. Ed. Arthur Freeman. New York: Garland, 1974.

Rosenberg, M. "Elizabethan Actors: Men or Marionettes?" PMLA 69 (1954): 915-27.

Rosenthal, Laura J. "11. Entertaining Women: The Actress in Eighteenth-Century Theatre." In The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830. Ed. Jane Moody and Daniel O'Quinn. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 159-74.*

Roth, Moira, ed. The Amazing Decade: Women and Performance Art 1970-1980. Astro Artz, 1982.

Sibony, Daniel. Le jeu et la passe. ("La passe", a play).

Sprague, A. C. Shakespeare and the Actors.

Styan, J. L. "5. The Behaviour of the Words on the Stage - Voice, Pause, and Meaning, Pygmalion; Voice and Verse, The Confidential Clerk; Gesture and Meaning, Arms and the Man, The Apple Cart; Words and Movement, King Lear." In Styan, The Elements of Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1960.* (Eliot, Shaw).

Trussler, Simon. "10. The Actors Ascendant 1707-1728." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 146-61.* (Actos and the disappearing apron. Disputes at Drury Lane, and the era of actor-management. The beginnings of theatre criticism. Wils, Booth, and the 'ranting school'. Pathetic tragedy, reformed comedy. The multiple bill, and the popularity of farce. John Rich at Lincoln's Inn Fields, and the birth of English pantomime. Patterns of performance. Theatre in the suburbs, the fairs, and the provinces. Shakespeare—for stage and for study).

_____. "13. From Manners to Melodrama 1776-1814." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 194-211.* (The Sheridan phenomenon. From mannered comedy to political spectacle. Enlargement of the patent houses. Minor theatres and the origins of melodrama. Naval drama, topical and gothic spectacle. Underclass as audience. Tableaux vivants. The 'compilation bill'. Philip Astley and Joe Grimaldi. The 'Kemble religion'. The point of 'points'. Significance of the OP Riots. Kean: the Anarchy of the Passion).

Tynan, Kenneth. Show People. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.

Quinn, Michael. "Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting." New Theatre Quarterly 6.22 (1990).

Ríos Carratalá, J. A. Cómicos ante el espejo: Autobiografías de actores españoles. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2001.

Rush, Christopher. "An Apology for Actors." From Will. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 Nov. 2013.*


Sánchez Montes, María José. "El festival del actor. El II Festival Internacional de Teatro de Granada." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  

Styan, J. L. "5. Characters in Search of an Actor: The Player and His Part." In Styan, Drama: A Guide to the Study of Plays. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 2003. 2004. 51-64.*

Zeitlin, F. L. "Playing the Other: Theatre, Theatricality and the Feminine in Greek Drama." Representations 11 (1985): 63-94.

Thomson, Peter. "1. Acting and Actors from Garrick to Kean." In The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830. Ed. Jane Moody and Daniel O'Quinn. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 3-20.*

Vygotsky, L. S. "K voprosu o psikhologii tvorchestva aktera." In Psykhologija stesnicheskikh chstv aktera. Ed. P. M. Jakobson. Moscow: Gosizdat, 1936. (The Psychology of Actors' Feelings on Stage).

Wasserman, Earl R. "The Sympathetic Imagination in Eighteenth-Century Theories of Acting." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 46 (July 1945): 264-72.

Wilde, Oscar. "Fantoches y actores: Carta abierta." Daily Telegraph 20 Feb. 1892. In Wilde, Obras Completas. Ed. and trans. Julio Gómez de la Serna. Madrid: Aguilar, 1943. 1986. 1120-22.*

_____. "Fantoches y actores." In Ensayos. Artículos. Trans. Julio Gómez de la Serna. (Jorge Luis Borges: Biblioteca Personal, 3). Barcelona: Orbis, 1986. 280-83.*

Wiles, D. Shakespeare's Clown: Actor and Text in the Elizabethan Playhouse. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.

Wilson, John Harold. All the King's Ladies. (Restoration actresses). Chicago, 1958.







Holland, Peter, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume II: Garrick, Kemble, Siddons, Kean. (Great Shakespeareans, set I). London: Bloomsbury, 2010.*

Jackson, Russell (U of Birmingham), ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XVI: Olivier, Ashcroft, Dench. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*

Schoch, Richard, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Vol. VI: Macready, Booth, Irving, Terry. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*






Stanislavsky, Kostantin. An Actor Prepares. Audiobook. YouTube (Alex Kemper) 25 Oct. 2016.*









Nungezer, Edwin. A Dictionary of Actors and of Other Persons Associated with the Public Presentation of Plays in England Before 1642. New Haven: Yale UP, 1929.

Van Lennep, William, Emmett L. Avery, Arthur H. Scouten, George Winchester Stone, Jr., and Charles Beecher Hogan, eds. Biographical Dictionary of Actors and Actresses. Forthcoming in 1967.







Cradle Will Rock. Writer and dir. Tim Robbins. Cast: Hank Azaria, Rubén Blades, Joan Cusack, John Cusack, Cary Elwes, Philip Baker Hall, Cherry Jones, Angus Macfayden, Bill Murray, Vanessa Redgrave, Susan Sarandon, Jamey Sheridan, John Turturro, Emily Watson, Bob Balaban, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, Paul Giamatti. Photog. Jean-Yves Escoffier. Music by David Robbins. Prod. des. Richard Hoover. Ed. Geraldine Peroni. USA, 1999. 130'. (Spanish title: Abajo el telón).

Being Julia. Dir. István Szabó. Screenplay by Ronald Harwood, based on W. Somerset Maugham's novel Theatre. Cast: Annette Bening, Jeremy Irons, Bruce Greenwood, Juliet Stevenson, Lucy Punch, Miriam Margolyes, Maury Chaykin, Sheila McCarthy, Tom Sturridge, Michael Gambon. Costumes by John Bloomfield. Prod. des. Luciana Arrighi. Ed Susan Shipton. Music by Michael Danna. Exec. prod. Mark Milin, Marion Pilowsky. Coprod. Julia Rosenberg, Sandra Cunningham. Photog. Lajos Kolta. Prod. Robert Lantos. Myriad Pictures / Serendipity, c. 2004.* DVD. Barcelona: Filmax / SpeakUp, 2005.*

Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). Dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu. Written by Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris and Armando Bo. Cast: Michael Keaton (Riggan), Emma Stone (Sam), Naomi Watts (Lesley), Edward Norton (Mike), Clark Middleton (Sydney), Amy Ryan (Sylvia). USA, 2014.*

A Double Life. Dir. George Cukor. Screenplay by Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin. Cast: Ronald Colman, Signe Hasso, Edmond O'Brien, Shelley Winters, Ray Collins, Millard Mitchell. Music by Miklos Rozsa. USA, 1947. (Oscars for Coman and Rozsa).

The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Written by Terry Gilliam and Charles McKeown. Cast: Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Colin Farrell, Christopher Plummer, Jude Law, Lily Cole, Tom Waits, Andrew Garfield, Quinn Lord, Verne Troyer, Paloma Faith, Michael Eklund. Music by Jeff Danna and Mychael Danna. Cinematogr. Nicola Pecorini. Ed. Mick Audsley. Prod des. Anastasia Masaro. Art dir. Dan Hermansen and Denis Schnegg. Set decor. Carolin Smith, Shane Vieau. Costume des. Monique Prudhomme. Prod. Amy Gilliam, Terry Gilliam, Samuel Hadida. 2009.*

Jane Austen in Manhattan. Dir. James Ivory. Screenplay by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. Cast: Anne Baxter, Robert Powell, Michael Wager, Sean Young. Music by Richard Robbins. Photog. Ernest Vincze and Larry Pizer. Assoc. Prod. Connie Kaiserman. Prod. Ismail Merchant. Merchant Ivory Productions / Polytel International, 1980. DVD prod. HanWay Films. Spanish DVD: Jane Austen en Manhattan.  (Colección Merchant-Ivory). Spain: Manga Films, 2008.*

Limelights. Dir. Charles Chaplin.

Little Men. Dir. Ira Sachs. USA, 2016.*

Present Laughter. Comedy by Noel Coward. Cast: Donald Sinden, Dinah Sheridan, Gwen Watford, Elizabeth Counsell, Julian Fellowes, Belinda Lang. Prod. Alan Strachan. Recorded by BBC TV from the Stage of the Vaudeville Theatre, London. 1981. Online at YouTube (E.W.R. Many) 9 Feb. 2013.*


Stage Beauty. Dir. Richard Eyre. Written by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on his play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Cast: Billy Crudup (Ned Kynaston), Claire Danes (Maria Hughes), Rupert Everett (King Charles II), Hugh Bonneville (Samuel Pepys), Richard Griffiths (Sir Charles Sedley), Edward Fox (Sir Edward Hyde), Tom Hollander (Sir Peter Lely), Zoë Tapper (Nell Gwynn). Music by George Fenton. Cinematography by Andrew Dunn. Ed. Tariq Anwar. Prod. Des. Jim Clay. Art dir. Keith Slote, Jan Spoczynski. Set Decoration by Caroline Smith. Costume design by Tim Hatley.  Exec. Prod. Rachel Cohen, Richard Eyre, Michael Kuhn, Amir Malin, James D. Stern. Coprod. Michael Dreyer. Prod. Robert de Niro, Hardy Justice, Jane Rosenthal. Lions Gate Films / Qwerty Films, Tribeca Productions / N1 European Film Produktions / BBC Films, 2004.* (Spanish title: Belleza prohibida).

Ukigusa. Dir. Ozu. 1959. (Strolling players).

Die Unsichtbare. Dir. Christian Schwochow. 2011.







Internet resources



English Actors at the Turn of the Twentieth Century



"Masks or Faces?" Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*









Women and Performance 2.2 (1985).










Chejov, Antón P. "Actor trágico a pesar suyo." Drama. In Antología de piezas cortas de teatro. Ed. Nicolás González Ruiz. Barcelona: Labor, 1965. 2.1253-55.*

Dumas, Alexandre (fils). Kean, ou désordre et génie. Drama. 1836. Adapted by Jean-Paul Sartre as Kean.

Griffiths, Trevor. Comedians. Drama. Premiere at Nottingham and London, 1975. (Art and commerce, art and authenticity).

Hatcher, Jeffrey. Complete Female Stage Beauty. Drama.

Hayes, Douglas. A Player's Hide. Fiction. London: Granada-Panther Books.

Highsmith, Patricia. "Chorus Girl's Absolutely Final Performance." From The Animal-Lover's Book of Beastly Murder. In The Selected Stories of Patricia Highsmith. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 2001. 3-11.*

Marivaux. Les Acteurs de bonne foi. La Dispute. L'Epreuve. (GF 166). Paris: Garnier-Flammarion.

Marston, John. Histrio-Mastix. Or, THE PLAYER whipt. London: Printed [by George Eld] for Th. Thorp., 1610. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*


Maugham, W. Somerset. Theatre. Novel.

Osborne, John. The Entertainer. Drama. 1957. (Music-hall performer).

Sartre, J.-P. Kean. Drama. Paris: Gallimard, 1954.

Villiers, George (Earl of Buckingham). The Rehearsal. Drama. 1671.

Williams, Tennessee. The Two-Character Play, 1969. (On two deserted actors).

_____. Outcry. 1973. New version of The Two-Character Play.

Wood, Charles. Veterans. Drama. London, 1972. (Old actors).








Ludwig, Adam, et al. "Acting and Mirror Neurons." Panel discussion at the Philoctetes Center. With Blair Brown, Vittorio Gallese, Joe Grifasi, Robert Landy, Adam Ludwig, and Tom Vasiliades. YouTube (philoctetesctr) 29 Nov. 2007.*



Coward, Noël. "Noël Coward on Acting." Interviewed by Michael MacOwan.  YouTube (E. W. R. Many) 11 Feb. 2013.*



Hytner, Nicholas. "Stand and Unfold Yourself: How to Do Shakespeare." 2nd Annual Stanley Wells Lecture. YouTube (shakespeareatnd) 25 March 2013.*




See also Film actors; Performance; World as Stage.









Individual actors


Marta Abba


Bini, Daniela. Pirandello and His Muse: The Plays for Marta Abba. (Crosscurrents: comparative studies in European Literature and Philosophy). Tallahassee: UP of Florida, 1998.



Edward Alleyn

Main actor of the Admiral's Men; son-in-law of John Donne.




Jonson, Ben. "To Edward Allen (Alleyne)." From Epigrammes, 1616 (lxxxix). In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 152.*






Robert Armin


Armin. Two Maides of Moreclacke. 1609.



Bradbrook, M. C. "Robert Armin and Twelfth Night." In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night. (Casebook series). Ed. D. J. Palmer. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1972. 222-44.



Peggy Ashcroft


Sisson, Rosemary Anne. "Glen Byam Shaw's Production with Peggy Ashcroft's Rosalind." 1957. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 235-38.*




Jackson, Russell, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XVI: Olivier, Ashcroft, Dench. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*






Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).







Elizabeth Barry


Howe, Elizabeth. The First English Actresses: Women and Drama, 1660–1700. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.





The Libertine.








John Barrymore


Morrison, Michael A. John Barrymore: Shakespearean Actor. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.






F. R. Benson


Montague, Charles Edward. "F. R. Benson's Richard II." Manchester Guardian (1899). Online at Wikisource


Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).





Sarah Bernhardt




Aston, Elaine. Sarah Bernhardt. 1989.

Life of Sarah Bernhardt. 1907.

Ramos-Gay, Ignacio. "'Partly American!' Sarah Bernhardt's Transnational Disability in the American Press (1915-1918)." Atlantis 40.2 (Dec. 2018): 63-80.*


Strachey, Lytton. "Sarah Bernhardt." The Nation and the Atheaneum 5 May 1923. In Strachey, Characters and Commentaries. London: Chatto and Windus, 1933. 273-78.*

Stokes, John, Michael R. Booth and Susan Bassnett. Bernhardt, Terry, Duse: The Actress in her Time. 1988.





Wilde, Oscar. "To Sarah Bernhardt." (="Phèdre"). Poem. The World 11 June 1879.

_____. "Phèdre." In The Works of Oscar Wilde. Ed. G. F. Maine. London and Glasgow: Collins, 1938. 1957. 765.*








Trussler, Simon. "9. The Birth of a Bourgeois Theatre 1682-1707." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 134-45.* (The lean years of the United Company: plays, politics, audiences. Betterton defects to Lincoln's Inn. Attitudes to actresses, and the development of the benefit system. Formulating the 'rules' of acting. The rise of the younger generation, and the significance of Colley Cibber. The Collier controversy, the city, and the credit economy. George Farquhar, and 'hard' versus 'humane' comedy. The female wits. A new 'war of the theatres'. The companies reunited).





Stage Beauty. Dir. Richard Eyre. Written by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on his play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Cast: Billy Crudup (Ned Kynaston), Claire Danes (Maria Hughes), Rupert Everett (King Charles II), Hugh Bonneville (Samuel Pepys), Richard Griffiths (Sir Charles Sedley), Edward Fox (Sir Edward Hyde), Tom Hollander (Sir Peter Lely), Zoë Tapper (Nell Gwynn). Music by George Fenton. Cinematography by Andrew Dunn. Ed. Tariq Anwar. Prod. Des. Jim Clay. Art dir. Keith Slote, Jan Spoczynski. Set Decoration by Caroline Smith. Costume design by Tim Hatley.  Exec. Prod. Rachel Cohen, Richard Eyre, Michael Kuhn, Amir Malin, James D. Stern. Coprod. Michael Dreyer. Prod. Robert de Niro, Hardy Justice, Jane Rosenthal. Lions Gate Films / Qwerty Films, Tribeca Productions / N1 European Film Produktions / BBC Films, 2004.* (Spanish title: Belleza prohibida).








Schoch, Richard, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Vol. VI: Macready, Booth, Irving, Terry. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*





Philip Bosco




Bentley, Eric, and Philip Bosco. "Theater Talk: Life and Work of Playwright George Bernard Shaw." Interview. YouTube (cunytv75) 11 May 2011.*







James Burbage




"Privy Seal of Queen Elizabeth, May 7, 1574, granting a Licence for Dramatic Performances to James Burbage and Others." In The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Ed. William Carew Hazlitt. 1869. Rpt. New York, 1964. 25-26.



Internet resources



"James Burbage." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*










Richard Burbage (c. 1569-1619).





Toni Cantó




Cárdenas, Josué, and David V. Castro. "La Burbuja 03/10/2022." Audio. Decisión Radio 3 Oct. 2022.* (Toni Cantó; Jesús Quintero; Sexual violence, Vox; Felipe VI).







Jiménez Losantos, Federico. "Federico Jiménez Losantos entrevista a Toni Cantó." YouTube (esRadiovideos) 17 March 2021.*








María Casares




Camus, Albert, and María Casares. Correspondance 1955-1959. Paris: Gallimard.




Alberto Closas


Bravo, Julio. "Alberto Closas, un animal de teatro." ABC 12 July 2020.*








Internet resources


"Coluche." Wikipédia: L'Encyclopédie libre.*









Strachey, Lytton. "Coquelin." (Actor). 1908. In Strachey, Spectatorial Essays. London: Chatto, 1964. 203-7.







Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).




Judi Dench



Thompson, Flora. Lark Rise to Candleford. Audio. (Penguin Audiobook). Read by Judi Dench. London: Penguin.






Jackson, Russell, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XVI: Olivier, Ashcroft, Dench. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*







A Performance of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. TV prod. Royal Shakespeare Company, dir. Trevor Nunn. Cast: Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, John Woodvine and Bob Peck. YouTube (John Baxter) 17 Oct. 2019.*











Andrew Ducrow (1793-1848)


Manager of Astley's amphitheatre 1830-41.



Eleonora Duse




Stokes, John, Michael R. Booth and Susan Bassnett. Bernhardt, Terry, Duse: The Actress in her Time. 1988.

Weaver, William. Duse: Una biografía. Trans. Maribel de Juan. Madrid: Siruela.




Nuria Espert




Bizet. Carmen. Dir. Zubin Mehta. Theatre dir. Nuria Espert. With Maria Ewing. Rec. London, 1991. YouTube 14 Aug. 2014.*


García Lorca. Yerma. With Nuria Espert.

Shakespeare. La violación de Lucrecia. Monologue by Nuria Espert.







Amorós, Andrés. "Nuria y los chicos." In Amorós, Diario cultural. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1983. 133-41.* (Nuria Espert).







Gregorio Esteban Sánchez  (d. 2017 at 85)


(Spanish singer, comedian and humourist, a.k.a. "Chiquito de la Calzada")





Edith Evans




"Edith Evans as Rosalind at the Old Vic and the New Theatre." 1936, 1937. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 233-34.*










Dickens, Charles. "A propósito del arte escénico del señor Fechter." In Dickens, Obras completas. Trans. and notes by José Méndez Herrera. Vol. IV. Madrid: Aguilar. Rpt. Madrid: Santillana Ediciones Generales, 2004. 968-72.*





Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson (1853-1937)


(British actor, famous Hamlet)


Works: Writings


Forbes-Robertson, Johnston (Sir). A Player under Three Reigns. Memoirs. 1925. (Wilde, etc.).


Works: Films


Forbes-Robertson, Johnston (Sir), dir. Hamlet. 1913.





Juan Luis Galiardo


(Spanish actor, d. 2012)





Sir John Gielgud


Works: Writings


Gielgud, John. Stage Directions. (Staging). 1963.

_____. An Actor and His Time. London, 1979.



Works: Films


Gielgud, John, dir. Hamlet. Filmed drama based on a Broadway rehearsal. (= ¿ Hamlet. With Richard Burton. TV Film. Electronovision).





Davies, Brenda. "Hamlet." Monthly Film Bulletin 39 (1972): 163. (Richard Burton/John Gielgud).

Ellis, Ruth. "Gielgud's Production at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre." (Much Ado About Nothing." 1949. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 225.*






Shakespeare. William. King Lear. Radio play. (10 April 1994) - Starring Sir John Gielgud and Kenneth Branagh. The Renaissance Theatre Company / Glyn Dearman. BBC 3 radio drama. YouTube (Roman Styran) 15 June 2015.*


Sheridan, R. B. The School for Scandal. Audio. Dir. John Gielgud. John Gielgud (Joseph Surface), Ralph Richardson (Sir Peter Teazle), Geraldine McEwan (Lady Teazle), Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies (Mrs. Candour), Meriel Forbes, Laurence Naismith, Malcolm Keen, Richard Easton. Album, 1963. YouTube (Roman Styeran Audio Recording Collection) 3 July 2015.*


Vaughan Williams, Ralph. "The Pilgrim's Progress: Vanity Fair and the Death of Faithful." The Pilgrim's Progress: Complete Radio-Play with Incidental Music (from the BBC Broadcast of 5th September, 1943). Granville Bantock. Two Choruses. John Gielgud as Christian. BBC Symphony Orchestra and BBC Chorus / Sir Adrian Boult. YouTube (Sir John Gielgud - Tema) 30 April 2016.*








Charles Gilpin       (1878-1930)


(Black American actor and theatre manager, leader of all-black Lafayette company, Harlem)




Agustín González




Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Elogio de un actor." ABC 23 Feb. 1961. In Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 38-40.* (Agustín González).






Henry Goodman




Cordner, Mike. "Performing Ben Jonson's Volpone: Explorations with Henry Goodman at the University of York." Video. YouTube (TFTI) 1 Oct. 2016.*






Thomas Greene




Cooke, John. Greenes To quoque, or, The Cittie Gallant. As it hath beene divers times acted by the Queenes Maiesties Servants. Written by Io. Cooke Gent. Printed at London for John Trundle, 1614. (On THOMAS Greene, clown to Queen Anne's Men).






Nell Gwynn


Cunningham, Peter. Nell Gwyn, together with Mrs Jameson's Lives of the Duchess of Portsmouth and Cleveland. First pub. in Gentleman's Magazine. (Beaux and Belles of England). 1851.

Dasent, Arthur Irwin. Nell Gwynne. 1924. (Charles II, etc.).

Rodríguez-Loro, Nora. "Charles II's Mistresses and Patronesses of Drama: The Dedications Addressed to Cleveland, Gwyn, and Portsmouth." In (Re)defining Gender in Early Modern English Drama. Ed. Laura Martínez-García and María José Álvarez Faedo. Bern: Peter Lang, 2021. 23-48.*













Strachey, Lytton. "Mr Hawtrey." 1908. In Strachey, Spectatorial Essays. London: Chatto, 1964. 189-93.




Lola Herrera


Wikipedia. "Lola Herrera." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*





Maria Hughes




Howe, Elizabeth. The First English Actresses: Women and Drama, 1660–1700. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.





Stage Beauty. Dir. Richard Eyre. Written by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on his play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Cast: Billy Crudup (Ned Kynaston), Claire Danes (Maria Hughes), Rupert Everett (King Charles II), Hugh Bonneville (Samuel Pepys), Richard Griffiths (Sir Charles Sedley), Edward Fox (Sir Edward Hyde), Tom Hollander (Sir Peter Lely), Zoë Tapper (Nell Gwynn). Music by George Fenton. Cinematography by Andrew Dunn. Ed. Tariq Anwar. Prod. Des. Jim Clay. Art dir. Keith Slote, Jan Spoczynski. Set Decoration by Caroline Smith. Costume design by Tim Hatley.  Exec. Prod. Rachel Cohen, Richard Eyre, Michael Kuhn, Amir Malin, James D. Stern. Coprod. Michael Dreyer. Prod. Robert de Niro, Hardy Justice, Jane Rosenthal. Lions Gate Films / Qwerty Films, Tribeca Productions / N1 European Film Produktions / BBC Films, 2004.* (Spanish title: Belleza prohibida).





Hatcher, Jeffrey. Complete Female Stage Beauty. Drama.








Henry Irving




Diderot, Denis. The Paradox of Acting: Translated with Annotations from Diderot's 'Paradoxe sur le comédien'. Trans. Walter Herries Pollock. Prologue by Henry Irving. London: Chatto & Windus, 1883. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*





Works: theatrical productions


Cymbeline. Staged by Henry Irving, with Irving and Ellen Terry. London: Lyceum Theatre, 1896.






Archer, William, and Robert W. Lowe. (Anon.). The Fashionable Tragedian. Pamphlet. 1877. (Vs. Henry Irving).

Irving, Lawrence. Henry Irving.

Stoker, Bram. Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving. 1906.

Wedmore, Frederick. "Irving as Benedick and Ellen Terry as Beatrice." 1882. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 222.*

Wilde, Oscar. "Hamlet at the Lyceum." The Dramatic  Review 9 May 1885. Rev. of Henry Irving's production.

_____. "Hamlet at the Lyceum." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 47-50.*

_____. "Olivia at the Lyceum." Rev. of Olivia, by W. G. Wills, prod. Henry Irving, Lyceum Theatre. The Dramatic Review 30 May 1885.

_____. "Olivia at the Lyceum." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 53-56.*






Schoch, Richard, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Vol. VI: Macready, Booth, Irving, Terry. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*






Joseph Jefferson (US actor, 1829-1905)





Tomalin, Claire. Mrs. Jordan's Profession: The Actress and the Prince. London: Viking, 1994.






Dagny Juel


Kott, Jan. "Dagny and Lulu." In Around the Absurd: Essays on Modern and Postmodern Drama. Ed. Enoch Brater and Ruby Cohn. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1990. 11-18.* (Wedekind, Dagny Juel, Strindberg).




Charles Kean


Kean, Charles, adapt. King Lear.  In King Lear. (Acting Versions of Shakespeare). Cornmarket Press, 1969.


Cole, J. W. The Theatrical Life and Times of Charles Kean, F. S. A. 1959.

Nilan, Mary M. "Shakespeare, Illustrated: Charles Kean's 1857 Production of The Tempest."Shakespeare Quarterly 26 (1975): 196-204.

_____. "Shakespeare, Illustrated: Charles Kean's 1857 Production of The Tempest." In Shakespeare in the Theatre. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York: Garland, 1999. 232-40.*

_____. "Shakespeare, Illlustrated  Charles Kean's 1857 Production of The Tempest." In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 330-40.*



Internet resources


"Charles Kean." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*





Edmund Kean



Trussler, Simon. "13. From Manners to Melodrama 1776-1814." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 194-211.* (The Sheridan phenomenon. From mannered comedy to political spectacle. Enlargement of the patent houses. Minor theatres and the origins of melodrama. Naval drama, topical and gothic spectacle. Underclass as audience. Tableaux vivants. The 'compilation bill'. Philip Astley and Joe Grimaldi. The 'Kemble religion'. The point of 'points'. Significance of the OP Riots. Kean: the Anarchy of the Passion).


Internet resources



"Edmund Kean." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*






Dumas, Alexandre. Kean. Drama.

Sartre, J. P. Kean. Drama.







Goodman, Walter. The Keeleys on the Stage and at Home. 1895.





Charles Kemble




Hazlitt. Rev. of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. (Kemble et al.). The Examiner 11 Feb. 1816.

Marker, Frederick, and Lise-Lone Marker. "II.ii. Actors and their Repertory." In The Revels History of Drama in English, volume VI: 1750-1880. By Michael R. Booth et al. London: Methuen, 1975. 95-144.* (Garrick, Kemble, etc.).

Marshall, Gail. ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume VII: Jameson, Cowden Clarke, Kemble, Cushman. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*

Trussler, Simon. "13. From Manners to Melodrama 1776-1814." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 194-211.* (The Sheridan phenomenon. From mannered comedy to political spectacle. Enlargement of the patent houses. Minor theatres and the origins of melodrama. Naval drama, topical and gothic spectacle. Underclass as audience. Tableaux vivants. The 'compilation bill'. Philip Astley and Joe Grimaldi. The 'Kemble religion'. The point of 'points'. Significance of the OP Riots. Kean: the Anarchy of the Passion).


Internet resources


"Charles Kemble." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*




Will Kempe


Kempe, Will. Kemps Nine Daies Wonder Performed in a Morrice from London to Norwich. 1600.

_____. Nine Daies Wonder. In Henry Chettle, Kind-Hartes Dreame. Ed. G. B. Harrison. [With] William Kemp, Nine Daies Wonder (1600).  (Bodley Head Quarto 12). Bodley Head, 1923.




García Landa, José Ángel. "A Battle of Wills." Rev. of James Shapiro, 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespare. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 Jan. 2009.*





Edward Kynaston         (1640-1712)

Restoration actor, began performing women's roles.


"Edward Kynaston." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.






Stage Beauty. Dir. Richard Eyre. Written by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on his play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Cast: Billy Crudup (Ned Kynaston), Claire Danes (Maria Hughes), Rupert Everett (King Charles II), Hugh Bonneville (Samuel Pepys), Richard Griffiths (Sir Charles Sedley), Edward Fox (Sir Edward Hyde), Tom Hollander (Sir Peter Lely), Zoë Tapper (Nell Gwynn). Music by George Fenton. Cinematography by Andrew Dunn. Ed. Tariq Anwar. Prod. Des. Jim Clay. Art dir. Keith Slote, Jan Spoczynski. Set Decoration by Caroline Smith. Costume design by Tim Hatley.  Exec. Prod. Rachel Cohen, Richard Eyre, Michael Kuhn, Amir Malin, James D. Stern. Coprod. Michael Dreyer. Prod. Robert de Niro, Hardy Justice, Jane Rosenthal. Lions Gate Films / Qwerty Films, Tribeca Productions / N1 European Film Produktions / BBC Films, 2004.* (Spanish title: Belleza prohibida).






Hatcher, Jeffrey. Complete Female Stage Beauty. Drama.




Marie Lloyd


Eliot, T. S. "Marie Lloyd." In Eliot, Selected Essays.  3rd. ed. London: Faber, 1951. 456-9.*




Brian Logan


Cartoon de Salvo. Theatrical company, founded by actors Brian Logan and Alex Murdoch, 1997.





Michael Loughnan




Thomas, David, et al. William Blake. Documentary. Ed. and presented by Melvyn Bragg. With Michael Loughnan, Peter Ackroyd. BBC, 1995. YouTube (Manufacturing Intellet) 11 July 2018.*










William Charles Macready        (1793-1873)





Dickens, Charles. "Macready en el papel de Benedick." From Contributions to The Examiner. In Dickens, Obras completas XII. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar, 2005. 782-85.*

Downer, Alan S. The Eminent Tragedian William Charles Macready. Cambridge (MA), 1966.

Marston, Westland. "Macready as Benedick." 1888. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 221.*

Trussler, Simon. "14. The End of the Monopoly 1814-1843." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 212-26.* (The theatre and political reform. Neighbourhood playhouses. Competition in the West End. The decline of the patent theatres. Innovations in theatre design. Style in comedy. Coming of the critics. Kinds of melodrama. Extravaganzas, burlesques, burlettas, and prehistory of the music hall. The Theatres Act—and the Riot Act. The Eminent Mr Macready).






Schoch, Richard, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Vol. VI: Macready, Booth, Irving, Terry. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*




Lillah McCarthy


Internet resources


"Lillah McCarthy." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*




Jack McGowran


McGowran, Jack. Beginning to End. One-man TV show, BBC, 1965.




Lillah McCarthy (1875-1960)



(Actress and manager, married and divorced Harley Granville Barker)


Twelfth Night. With Lillah McCarthy as Viola. Staged by Granville Barker at the Savoy, 1912.



Donald McGill


Orwell, George. "The Art of Donald McGill." 1941. A Collection of Essays. New York: Harcourt, 1953?* 104-16. (Humorist artist).

_____. "The Art of Donald McGill." In The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell. Ed. S. Orwell and I. Angus. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1968. 2.155-65.





Sir Ian McKellen


McKellen, Ian, and Richard Loncraine. Richard III: A Screenplay.





A Performance of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. TV prod. Royal Shakespeare Company, dir. Trevor Nunn. Cast: Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, John Woodvine and Bob Peck. YouTube (John Baxter) 17 Oct. 2019.*


McKellen, Ian. "All Macbeth Soliloquies." Video. From A Performance of Macbeth, 1978. YouTube ()










Adah Isaacs Menken


(US actress, feminist, late 19th, worked in England)




Dickson, Samuel. "Adah Isaacs Menken." Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco.


Marías, Javier. Literatura y fantasma. Madrid: Siruela, 1993.*







Helen Mirren


Fenwick, Henry. "Mirren's Imogen." Radio Times 9-15 July 1983: 4.






Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. "El actor Morano." In Las máscaras. Essays on drama. 4th ed. In Obras selectas de Ramón Pérez de Ayala. Barcelona: AHR, 1957. 1320-30.*



José Luis Moreno

Spanish humourist, puppeteer and racketeer.




Egea, Alfonso, and Luis Miguel Montero. "Los papeles de Moreno prueban estafas a bancos usando las empresas que él mismo gestionaba." OK Diario 5 Feb. 2022.* (José Luis Moreno).









Alex Murdoch


Cartoon de Salvo. Theatrical company, founded by actors Brian Logan and Alex Murdoch, 1997.






Trevor Nunn.  See Film directors.





Seyi Omooba


BBC News. "Seyi Omooba: Actress Sacked Over Anti-Gay Post Loses Legal Fight." BBC News 17 Feb. 2020.*










Ángel Pavlovsky




Amorós, Andrés. "Pavlovsky, artista." In Amorós, Diario cultural. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1983. 207-10.*





David Payne


Payne, David. C. S. Lewis: My Life's Journey. Dramatic monologue. YouTube (University of California TV) 24 April 2008.*






José Luis Pellicena


Vidal, César. "Adiós a José Luis Pellicena." With an audio interview. La Voz 26 Nov. 2018.*





Francisco Piquer






Miller, Arthur. Las Brujas de Salem. Dir. Pedro Amalio López. Cast: Francisco Piquer, Irene Gutiérrez Caba, Gemma Cuervo, Vicente Soler, Antonio Ferrandis, Tina Sainz, Lola Gaos, Pastor Serrador. Broadcast TVE (Estudio 1). YouTube (Ampareichon) 10 April 2014.*


Shakespeare, William. "La tragedia de Macbeth." (Estudio 1). Shakespeare's drama filmed for TV. Prod. TVE. With Francisco Piquer, José María Escuer, Margarita Esteban, Carola F. Gómez, Julia Lorente, Vicente Vega, Julio Núñez, José Sepúlveda, Irege Gutiérrez Caba, Tomás Blanco, Julio Navarro, Eduardo Moreno, Víctor Fuentes, Ricardo Merino, Rosario G. Ortega, Pilar Bienert, Félix Dafauce, Ramón Reparaz, José Luis Lespe. YouTube (Ampareichon1) 8 April 2013.*






Joan Plowright     


(British actress, m. Laurence Olivier)




Christopher Plummer


Gates, David. "He's Every Inch a King." Newsweek 22 March 2004. 63. (Christopher Plummer as King Lear).







Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).





Madeleine Renaud


Renaud, Madeleine. "Beckett the Magnificant". In Calder, Beckett at 60 81-83.*

_____. "Laisser parler Beckett ou le sac de Winnie". In Chabert 171-174.*




Cahiers Renaud-Barrault 44 (Oct. 1963).






Ralph Richardson





Shakespeare. Richard III by William Shakespeare. Adapt. for radio drama. Cast: Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, et al. Old Vic Theatre Company / CBS Columbia Workshop, 1946. Audio. YouTube (Roman Styran) 6 June 2015.*


Sheridan, R. B. The School for Scandal. Audio. Dir. John Gielgud. John Gielgud (Joseph Surface), Ralph Richardson (Sir Peter Teazle), Geraldine McEwan (Lady Teazle), Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies (Mrs. Candour), Meriel Forbes, Laurence Naismith, Malcolm Keen, Richard Easton. Album, 1963. YouTube (Roman Styeran Audio Recording Collection) 3 July 2015.*





Adelaide Ristori    (b. Italy, 1821)


Ristori, Adelaide. Studies and Memoirs. Allen, 1888.





Wilde, Oscar. "Literary and Other Notes III." The Woman's World (Jan. 1888). (Madame Ristori, Elizabeth Rachel Chapman, Lady Augusta Noel, Alice Corkan, Emily Pfeiffer, Robert Ellice Mack, Frederic E. Weatherly, Ernest Wilson and St Clair Simons, Dora Havers, Oliver Goldsmith).

_____. "Literary and Other Notes III." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 107-19.*




Joan Rivers


Rivers, Joan. The Life and Hard Times of Heidi Abromowitz. Fiction. c. 1984.


Internet resources


"Joan Rivers." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*





Paul Robeson       (1898-1976)


(Black American actor and singer, political activist, supported Communism)


Duberman, Martin. Paul Robeson. New York: Knopf, 1989.

Schloseer, A. I. "Paul Robeson, His Career in the Theatre, in Motion Pictures, and on the Concert Stage." Ph.D. diss. New York U, 1970.





Sharon Huff Robinson




Shakespeare. Richard III - Actors Ensemble of Berkeley, dir. Sharon Huff Robinson. Video. YouTube (aeofberkeley) 1 May 2014.*















(Quintus Roscius Gallus, Roman comic actor. d. 62 BC).





W. G. Ross             (d. 1876)


(Scottish actor, b. Glasgow, music-hall performer)


Ross, W. G. "Sam Hall." Song. (On an execution).



Enrique San Francisco




Negre, Javier. "¿Qué piensan Bertrand Ndongo de VOX y Quiqu San Francisco de lo que ocurre en EE.UU. (Black Lives Matter riots)." Video. YouTube (Estado de Alarma) 7 June 2020.*






Rosa María Sardá


(Spanish actress, d. 2020)





Fiona Shaw



Shaw, Fiona. Foreword to Shakespeare's Sonnets. By William Shakespere. Ed. Eric Rasmussen and Jonathan Bate. (The RSC Shakespeare). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.


Goodman, Lizbeth. "Women's Alternative Shakespeares and Women's Alternatives to Shakespeare in Contemporary British Theatre." In Cross-Cultural Performances: Differences in Women's Re-Visions of Shakespeare. Ed. Marianne Novy. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993. 202-26. (Fiona Shaw, Tilda Swinton).

_____. "Women's Alternative Shakespeares and Women's Alternatives to Shakespeare in Contemporary British Theatre." In Shakespeare, Feminism, and Gender: Contemporary Critical Essays. Ed. Kate Chedgzoy. (New Casebooks). Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001. 70-92.*





Robert Stephens




Julius Caesar. Cast: Robert Stephens, Edward Woodward, Maurice Denham, Frank Finlay. (Play of the Month). BBC, April 13, 1969. Online at YouTube (Corkon Lukd) 28 Nov. 2015.*






Tilda Swinton


Goodman, Lizbeth. "Subverting Images of the Female: An Interview with Tilda Swinton." New Theatre Quarterly 6 (Aug. 1990).

_____."Women's Alternative Shakespeares and Women's Alternatives to Shakespeare in Contemporary British Theatre."In Cross-Cultural Peformances: Differences in Women's Re-Visions of Shakespeare. Ed. Marianne Novy. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993. 202-26. (Fiona Shaw, Tilda Swinton, Monstrous Regiment, RSC's Women's Project, Women's Theatre Group).

_____. "Women's Alternative Shakespeares and Women's Alternatives to Shakespeare in Contemporary British Theatre." In Shakespeare, Feminism, and Gender: Contemporary Critical Essays. Ed. Kate Chedgzoy. (New Casebooks). Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001. 70-92.*







Richard Tarlton


Tarlton, Richard. Tarlton's Jests. 1600.

_____. Tarlton's Jests. Shakespeare Society, 1844.





Goodfellow, Robin (Ps.). Tarltons Newes out of Purgatorie. c. 1590.




Ellen Ternan


Tomalin, Claire. The Invisible Woman: The History of Nelly Ternan and Charles Dickens.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.








Ellen Terry


Terry, Ellen. Four Lectures on Shakespeare.

_____. Ellen Terry's Memoirs. 1933.


Auerbach, Nina. Ellen Terry, Player in Her Time.

Stokes, John, Michael R. Booth and Susan Bassnett. Bernhardt, Terry, Duse: The Actress in her Time. 1988.

Wedmore, Frederick. "Irving as Benedick and Ellen Terry as Beatrice." 1882. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 222.*







Schoch, Richard, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Vol. VI: Macready, Booth, Irving, Terry. (Great Shakespeareans, set II). London: Bloomsbury, 2011.*







Wilde, Oscar. "Written at the Lyceum Theatre. (I. Portia. II. Queen Henrietta Maria)." In Wilde, The Complete Works. London: CWR Publishing, 2006. 280.* (To Ellen Terry).

_____. "Portia." Sonnet. (To Ellen Terry). In The Portable Oscar Wilde. Ed. Richard Aldington and Stanley Weintraub. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981. 666.*

_____. "Portia." In The Complete Illustrated Stories, Plays & Poems of Oscar Wilde. London: Chancellor Press, 1986. 768.*

_____. "Portia." Poem. The World (January 1880).

_____. "Portia." In The Works of Oscar Wilde. Ed. G. F. Maine. London and Glasgow: Collins, 1938. 1957. 766.*

_____. "Portia." In Wilde, De Profundis and Other Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986. 222.*







La Veneno




Parejo, Isaac. "La Veneno hoy sería de Vox." Video. YouTube (Infovlogger) 5 March 2023.*





Alberto Trifol Verdú




Royuela, Santiago. "El actor Alberto Trifol Verdú fue mandado asesinar por el Fiscal Mena Álvarez." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) 25 Dec. 2020.*










Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree  (1853-1917)


(British actor and director, manager of the Haymarket from 1887, then built Her Majesty's Theatre, his base 1897-1915)



Works: Writings


Tree, Beerbohm. Thoughts and Afterthoughts. London, 1915.



Works: Films


Tree, Herbert Beerbohm (theatrical dir.). King John. Promotional performance starring Beerbohm Tree. 1898.

_____. Henry VIII. Film. With Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. 1911.


Works: Theatre


Shakespeare. Much Ado about Nothing. Staged by Beerbohm Tree.

_____. Henry IV Part I. Staged by Beerbohm Tree, 1896.

_____. Julius Caesar. Staged by Beerbohm Tre. 1911.

Shaw. Pygmalion. Staged by Beerbohm Tree, 1914.

Trilby. Staged by Beerbohm Tree. Based on the novel by George du Maurier. 1895.






"Advertisement" of Henry VIII, with Sir Herbert Tree (film). Bioscope 2 March 1911: 21.

Beerbohm, Max, ed. Herbert Beerbohm Tree. 1920.

Strachey, Lytton. "The Sicilians." In Strachey, Spectatorial Essays. London: Chatto, 1964.* (Beerbohm Tree).

Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).




Tom Tylor


Trussler, Simon. "15. Towards a Respectable Theatre 1843-1871." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 228-45.* (Class, cash, and theatre. The growth of the music hall. From stock to touring. The railway age. Effects of the long run. The quest for respectability. Boucicault and Tom Tylor. Vintage years of farce. West End and neighbourhood theatre. Phelps at Sadler's Wells. The quest of 'archaeological' accuracy. Cups and Saucers Realism at the Prince of Wales).




Vitalis    (fl. c. 900)


García Landa, José Angel. "An Actor's Epitaph." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 Sept. 2012.*






Lewis Waller (1860-1915)


(British actor, famous for playing Dumas' The Three Musketeers and Booth Tarkington's Monsieur Beaucaire)


Internet resources


"Lewis Waller." (Actor). Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia





Frederick B.  Warde    


(British actor, b. 1851, w. in USA)




Keane, James, dir. The Life and Death of Richard III. With Frederick B. Warde. Prod. M. B. Dudley. USA, 1912. (First surviving American feature film. Rediscovered 1996).

Warde, Ernest, dir. King Lear. Filmed performance. Cast: Frederick B. Warde, Lorraine Huling, Ernest Warde, Ina Hammer, Wayne Arey, Edith Diestal, Charles Brookes. Prod. Edwin Thanhouser. b/w, 43 m. USA, 1916.





Woods, Alan. "Frederick B. Warde: America's Greatest Forgotten Tragedian." Educational Theatre Journal 29 (Oct. 1977): 333-44.





Billie Whitelaw   (1932-2014)


(Billie Honor Whitelaw, collaborated with Samuel Beckett for 25 years)




Samuel Beckett. Ευτυχισμένες Μέρες. (HAPPY DAYS, Billie Whitelaw, Greek dubbing). YouTube  29 Jan. 2015.








Whitman sisters


(4 black women, US touring company 1899-1942)




George-Graves, Nadine. The Royalty of Negro Vaudeville: The Whitman Sisters and the Negotiation of Race, Gender and Class in African-American Theater 1900-1940. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.






Nicol Williamson




Alvarez, A. "Williamson: I Hate Intellectual Actors." New York Times 27 April 1969: 1D.

Greenspun, Roger. "Williamson as Hamlet: Richardson Film Based on Debated Version." New York Times 22 Dec. 1969: 143.










Rimbault, E. F. Who Was Jack Wilson? 1846.




Margaret ("Peg") Woffington


            (Irish-born Georgian actress, lover of David Garrick and several aristocrats and gentlemen, collapsed from a stroke onstage)


Reade, Charles. Peg Woffington. Novel. 1853. New York: Dodd, 1897.

Reade, Charles, and Tom Taylor. Masks and Faces. 1852. (Play on Peg Woffington).


Internet resources


"Peg Woffington." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*







Joanne Woodward




"Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre." With Joanne Woodward et al. (PBS American Masters, season 3, episode 8, 26 June 1989). Online at YouTube (Arbiter) 6 March 2017.* (Stanislavki's Method acting).







Margarida Xirgu


Balcells, José María. "Cartas inéditas de Margarita Xirgu sobre Benavente." Universitas Tarraconensis 10 (1986): 39-48.





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