jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2023

Drama y Teatro



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Drama and Theatre


History: General

Theory: General

Early works




History: General


Berthold, Margot. Historia social del teatro. 2 vols. Barcelona: Guadarrama.

Brockett, Oscar G. History of the Theatre. 6th ed. London: Allyn and Bacon, 1991.

_____. History of the Theatre: Sixth Edition. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.

Brown, John Russell, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.

Dumur, Guy, ed. Histoire des spectacles. Ed. Guy Dumur. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade). Paris: Gallimard, 1965.

Gahede, Cristian. El teatro desde la antigüedad hasta el presente. Barcelona: Labor, 1943.

Nagler, A. M., ed. A Source Book in Theatrical History. New York: Dover, 1952. 1959.

Nicoll, A. World Drama from Aeschylus to Anouilh. 1949.

Pignarre, R. Histoire du théâtre. 1950.

Torres Monreal, Francisco, and César Oliva. Historia básica del arte escénico. (Crítica y estudios literarios). Madrid: Cátedra, 1990. 4th ed. 1997.

Wilson, Edwin, and Alvin Goldfarb, eds. Living Theatre: A History of Theatre. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2011.







Theory: General


Amossy, Ruth, ed. Drama, Theater, Performance: A Semiotic Perspective. Poetics Today 2 (1981).

Arp, Thomas R., and Greg Johnson. "The Nature of Drama." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

Artaud, Antonin. Le théatre et son double.  Paris: Gallimard, 1938.

_____. The Theatre and Its Double. (Genet). Trans. Mary Caroline Richards. New York: Grove, 1958.

_____. The Theatre and Its Double. London: Calder and Boyars, 1970.

Austin, G. Feminist Theories for Dramatic Criticism. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1990. Rev. in Links and Letters 2 (1995).

Barker, Donald. "A Structural Theory of Theatre." Yale / Theatre 8 (1976): 55-61.

Barrault, Jean-Louis. Réflexions sur le théâtre. 1949.

Bentley, Eric. The Life of the Drama. New York, 1964. New York: Atheneum, 1975.

_____. What Is Theatre? London, 1969.

_____, ed. The Theory of the Modern Stage. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

Bettetini, G., and M. de Marinis. Teatro e comunicazione. Florence: Gnordi, 1977.

Bobes Naves, C. "El teatro." In Curso de teoría de la literatura. Ed. Darío Villanueva. Madrid: Taurus, 1994. 241-268.*

_____, ed. Teoría del teatro. 1997.

Bovet, E. Lyrisme, épopée, drame: Une loi de l'évolution générale. Paris: Colin, 1911.

Brandt, George W., ed. Modern Theories of Drama: A Selection of Writings on Drama and Theatre, 1840-1990. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.

Brecht. "A Short Organum for the Theatre." In Brecht on Theatre. Ed. and trans. John Willett. London, 1964. 179-205.

Brockett, Oscar G.  The   Essential Theatre.  4th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1988.

Brook, Peter. The Empty Space. London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1968.

_____. El espacio vacío: Arte y técnica del teatro. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

Brown, John Russell. Drama. London, 1968.

Bueno, G. "La esencia del teatro." Revista de ideas estéticas 46 (1954). Madrid: CSIC.

Cabo Aseguinolaza, Fernando, and María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar. Manual de Teoría de la Literatura. (Castalia Universidad). Madrid: Castalia, 2006. Online at Academia.*



Calderwood, J. L., and H. E. Toliver, eds. Perspectives on Drama. New York: Oxford UP, 1968.*

Cameron, Kenneth M., and Theodore J. C. Hoffman. A Guide to Theatre Study. New York: Macmillan, 1974.

Carlson, Marvin. Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey, from the Greeks to the Present. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

_____. Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey, from the Greeks to the Present, Expanded Edition. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1993.

Caute, David. The Illusion: An Essay on Politics, Theatre, and the Novel. New York: Harper, 1971.

Dawson, S. W. Drama and the Dramatic. London: Methuen, 1970. 1986. Rpt. Routledge.

Díez Borque, José María, and Luciano García Lorenzo, eds. Semiología del teatro. Barcelona: Planeta, 1975.

Domínguez Caparrós, José. "Capítulo IX. El teatro." In Domínguez Caparrós, Teoría de la Literatura. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2002. 135-48.*

Dort, Bernard. Théâtres. Paris: Seuil (Points).

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich. "Problems of the Theatre." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 25-50.*

Elam, Keir. The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama. London: Methuen, 1980.

Ellis-Fermor, Una M. The Frontiers of Drama. 1945. 2nd ed. London, 1954.

Elster, Ernst. Über die Elemente der Poesie und den Begriff des Dramatischen. Marburg, 1903.

Fergusson, Francis. The Idea of a Theater: A Study of Ten Plays—The Art of Drama in A Changing Perspective. 1949. Garden City (NY): Doubleday, 1953.

Fortier, Mark. Theory / Theatre: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 1997.

_____. Theory/Theatre: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 1997. 2nd ed. 2012.

_____. Theory/Theatre: An Introduction. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2016.*

Friedland, Louis S. Letters on the Short-Story, the Drama and other Literary Topics. 1965.

Frye, Northrop. "The Rhythm of Decorum: Drama." "Specific Form of Drama." In Frye, Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957. 268-70, 282-93.

Fuster del Alcázar, Enrique. Teatro y literatura. Madrid: Legados Ediciones, 2008

Goldman, Michael. The Actor's Freedom: Toward a Theory of Drama. New York: Viking, 1975.

Gouhier, Henri. L'Essence du théâtre. Paris: Flammarion.

_____. L'Œuvre théâtrale. Paris: Flammarion.

Granville-Baker, Harley. On Dramatic Method. 1931.

_____. The Study of Drama. 1934.

Hartnoll, Phyllis. The Theatre. 1968. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.

_____, ed. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. London: Oxford UP, 1957.

Hartnoll, Phyllis, and P. Found. Oxford Concise Companion to the Theatre. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993.

Hatlen, Theodore W. Orientation to the Theatre. 4th ed. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.

Hinchcliffe, Arnold P., ed. Drama Criticism: Developments since Ibsen. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979.

Hirt, Ernst. Das Formgesetz der epischen, dramatischen und lyrischen Dichtung. Leipzig: Teubner, 1922.

Jansen, Steen. Appunti per l'analisi dello spettacolo. Urbino: CentroInternazionale di Semiotica e Linguistica, 1977.

Kelsall, Malcolm. Studying Drama: An Introduction. London: Arnold,1985.

Kennedy, X. J., and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. 7th ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1998.

Kitto, H. D. F. Form and Meaning in Drama. New York: Barnes, 1957.

Kowzan, Tadeusz. Littérature et spectacle. The Hague: Mouton, 1975.

_____, ed. Analyse sémiologique du spectacle théâtral. Lyon: Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Théâtrales, 1976.

Lennard, John, and Mary Luckhurst. The Drama Handbook: A Guide to Reading Plays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Levitt, P. M. A Structural Approach to the Analysis of Drama. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.

Lukács, Georg. History of the Development of Modern Drama [in Hungarian]. Budapest, 1911.

Maestro, Jesús G. Teoría y didáctica del teatro. Principado de Asturias, 1995.

Mamet, David. Los tres usos del cuchillo: Sobre la naturaleza y la función del drama. Alba, 2001.

_____. Manifiesto. Trans. Ramón Buenaventura. (Los Tres Mundos, Ensayo). Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2011.

Marcus, Solomon, ed. The Formal Study of Drama II. Poetics 13 (1984).

McCarthy, Desmond. Drama. 1940.

_____. Theater. 1954.

Miller, Arthur. Theater Essays. Ed. Robert A. Martin. Viking, 1978.

Miner, Earl. "Drama." In Miner, Comparative Poetics: An Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990. 34-81.*

Morgan, Margery. Drama, Plays, Theatre and Performance. Harlow: Longman, 1987.

Nicoll, Allardyce. The Theatre and Dramatic Theory. Greenwood, 1978.

Ortega y Gasset, J. Idea del Teatro. (Obras Inéditas). Madrid: Revista de Occidente.

_____. "Idea del teatro." In Ortega, Obras completas. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1946. 2.349-50.

Page, Adrian, ed. The Death of the Author? Modern Drama and Literary Theory. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.

Pavis, Patrice. Problèmes de sémiologie théâtrale. Québec: Pressesde l'Université du Québec, 1976.

_____. Diccionario del teatro: Dramaturgia, estética y semiología. Barcelona: Paidós, 1983.

Petsch, Robert. Wesen und Formen des Dramas. Halle, 1945.

Pfister, Manfred. Das Drama: Theorie und Analyse. Munich: Fink, 1977.

_____. Das Drama: Theorie und Analyse. 11th ed. (UTB). Fink, 2012.

_____. The Theory and Analysis of Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

Platz-Waury, Elke.  Drama und Theater: Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1978.

Scholes, Robert, and Carl H. Klaus. Elements of Drama. New York, 1971.

Scholes, Robert, Carl H. Klaus and Michael Silverman, eds. Elements of Literature: Essay, Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Film. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.

Scholes, Robert, Carl H. Klaus, Nancy R. Comley, and Michael Silverman, eds. Elements of Literature. 4th ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.

Styan, J. L. The Elements of Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1960.* (Part I: The Dramatic Score; Part II: Orchestration; Part III: Values).

_____. The Dramatic Experience.

_____.  Drama: A Guide to the Study of Plays. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 2003. 2004.*

Szondi, Peter. Theorie des modernen Dramas. 2nd ed. Frankfurt, 1959.

_____. Theorie des modernen Dramas (1880-1950). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1963. 1965.

_____.Theory of Modern Drama. Ed. and trans. Michael Hays.

_____. Teoria del drama moderno. Torino: Einaudi, 1962.

Tennyson, G. B. An Introduction to Drama. New York: Holt, 1967.

Wells, Stanley. Literature and Drama. London, 1970.

Wilder, Thornton. "Some Thoughts on Playwriting." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 5-13.*

Wimsatt, W. K., and Cleanth Brooks. "Fiction and Drama: The Gross Structure." In Wimsatt and Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History. New York: Knopf, 1957. 681-98.*




Early works


Abhinavagupta. Abhinavabharati. Commentary on Bharata's Natya Shastra.

Aristotle. "Poetics." (Select.). In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968.*

Bharat Muni (Attr.). Natya Shastra. Ancient Sanskrit treatise on drama. (c. 200 BC-200 AD).

Brunetière, Ferdinand. Law of the Drama. Trans. Philip M. Hayden. New York, 1914.

Chambers, L. R. Aspects of Drama and Theatre: Five Kathleen Robinson Lectures Delivered in the University of Sydney 1961-63. Sydney: Sydney UP, 1965.

Chekhov, Anton. Letters on the Short Story, the Drama, and Other Literary Topics. Ed. Louis S. Friedland. New York: Blom, 1964.

_____. (Anton P. Chéjov). "Sobre el drama." 1884. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 931-34.*

Coleridge. The Progress of Drama. 1818. In Coleridge, Literary Remains.

Corneille, Pierre. "Discourse on the Three Unities." Trans. Clara W. Crane. Selection. In Literary Criticism from Plato to Dryden. Ed. A. H. Gilbert. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962.  57-89.*

_____. "Discourse on Dramatic Poetry." Trans. Clara W. Crane. Select. In Literary Criticism from Plato to Dryden. Ed. A. H. Gilbert. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962.  575-76.*

Diderot, Denis. Discours de la poésie dramatique. 1758. Paris: Larousse, 1970.

_____. De la poésie dramatique. In Diderot, Oeuvres esthétiques. Ed. P. Vernière. Paris: Garnier, 1988. 179-290.*

_____. Entretien sur le Fils Naturel. Paradoxe sur le comédien. (GF). Paris: Garnier-Flammarion.

Dilthey, Wilhelm. "La técnica del teatro." In Dilthey, Literatura y fantasía. Trans. Emilio Uranga and Carlos Gerhard. México: FCE, 1963. 125-49.*

Dryden, John. Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay. 1668.

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Rev. ed. 1684.

_____. An Essay on Dramatic Poesy. Ed. Thomas Arnold. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1889.

_____. Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Ed. Thomas Arnold, rev. W. T. Arnold. Oxford, 1903.*

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 255-310.*

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In Literary Criticism: From Plato to Dryden. Ed. Gilbert. 601-58.*

_____. Of Dramatic Poesie. In Of Dramatic Poesie and Other Critical Essays. Ed. George Watson. 2 vols. London: Dent, 1962.*

_____. Of Dramatic Poesie. Ed. James T. Boulton. Oxford, 1964.

_____. Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay. In Dryden, Selected Criticism. Ed. James Kinsley and George Parfitt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 17-76.*

_____ An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 249-89.*

_____. From An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.2114-18.*

_____. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "A Defence of an Essay on Dramatic Poesy." 1668. In Dryden, Selected Criticism. Ed. James Kinsley and George Parfitt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 77-93.*

_____. "A Defense of an Essay of Dramatic Poesy." In Dryden's Essays. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1912. 60-76.*

_____. "Nature and Dramatic Art: To the Right Honourable John, Lord Haughton; Epistle Dedicatory to The Spanish Friar; or, the Double Discovery." 1681. In Dryden's Essays. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1912. 156-60.

_____. Essays on Drama. Ed. William Strunk. New York, 1898.

_____. Selected Criticism. Edited by James Kinsley and George Parfitt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970.

_____. Of Dramatic Poesy and Other Critical Essays. London: Dent, 1971.

Freytag, Gustav. Die Technik des Dramas. 1863. Leipzig, 1881.

_____. Technique of the Drama. Chicago: Griggs, 1895.

Goethe, J. W., and F. Schiller. "Über epische und dramatische Dichtung." 1797. In Goethe, Sämtliche Werke. Stuttgart: Jubiläum Ausgabe, 1902-7. 36.149-52.

_____. "Über epische und dramatische Dichtung." 1797. In Goethes Werke. Ed. Erich Trunz. Vol. 12, Schriften zur Kunst, Schriften zur Literatur, Maximen und Reflexionen. Hamburg: Wegner, 1969. 249-51.

_____. "On Epic and Dramatic Poetry." In Goethe, Essays on Art and Literature. Ed. John Gearey. Trans. Ellen von Nardroff and Ernest H. von Nardroff. Vol. 3 of Collected Works. New York: Suhrkamp, 1986. 192-94.

Horace. Epistola ad Pisones. Barcelona: Bosch, 1966.

_____. The Art of Poetry. Trans. Edward H. Blakeney. In Gilbert 128-43.

_____. On the Art of Poetry. Trans. T. S. Dorsch. In Classical Literary Criticism 77-96.

_____. "Epistola II". In Obras completas. Ed. Alfonso Cuatrecasas. Barcelona: Planeta, 1986.

_____. Satires, Epistles, and Ars Poetica. New York: Loeb Classics, 1926.

Hugo, Victor. "El teatro." In Hugo, Literatura y filosofía. 1834. Trans. Manuel Granell. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1946. 59-62.*

Lope de Vega, Félix. Arte nuevo de hacer comedias en este tiempo. Madrid, 1609.

Luzán, Ignacio de. La poética: o reglas de la poesía en general, y de sus principales especies. 1737. 2ª ed.: 1789. Barcelona: Labor, 1977.*

Riccoboni, François. L'Art du Théâtre. Paris, 1750.

Schlegel, Wilhelm. Cours de littérature dramatique. 1813.

Scott, Walter. Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. 1868.

Sidney, Philip (Sir). "Rules of Drama." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 206-9.*

Spielhagen, Friedrich. Epik und Dramatik. Leipzig, 1898.

Veselovsky, A. N.  "II.3. De las lecciones sobre la historia de la lírica y el drama." 1882. In Veselovsky, Poética histórica. Madrid: Akal, 2014. 495-552.*







Archer, William. The Old Drama and the New. 1923.

Bareis, J. Alexander, and Lene Nordrum. How to Make Believe: The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts. (Narratologia, 49). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015.* (Introduction, 1-12; 1. Theory; 2. Literature and Film; 3. Theatre and Music; 4. Games).

Bellinger, Martha Fletcher., A Short History of the Drama. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1927.

Borges, Jorge Luis. "¿Qué sabe usted de teatro?" El Hogar 10 Feb. 1956. Rpt. in Borges, Miscelánea. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011. 1101-3.*

Bratton, Jacky. New Readings in Theatre History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Davies, Andrew. Other Theatres. London: Macmillan, 1987.

"Drama, Dramatic." From the Oxford English Dictionary. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 22 Nov. 2015.*



Feagin, Susan L. "9. Reading Plays as Literature." In The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. Ed. Noël Carroll and John Gibson. London: Routledge, 2015.

Girardin, Saint-Marc. Cours de littérature dramatique. 1843-68.

Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1974.

_____. Frame Analysis. New York: Harper-Colophon.

_____. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Foreword by Bennett M. Berger. Boston: Northeastern UP, 1986.*

Gouhier, Henri. Le Théâtre et l'existence. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1952.

_____. Le Théâtre et l'existence. Paris: Flammarion.

Granville-Barker, Harley. The Use of Drama. 1946.

Kesteren, Aloysius van, and Herta Schmid. Moderne Dramentheorie. Kronberg/Ts., 1975.

Maestro, Jesús G. "Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Semiótica: 'Lo Teatral y lo Cotidiano'." Epos 6 (1990): 575-84.*

Martínez Lillo, Rosa I. "10. Traducción del género dramático." In La traducción: Nuevos planteamientos teórico-metodológicos. Ed. Mª Azucena Penas Ibáñez. Madrid: Síntesis, 2015. 225-36.*

Martos Núñez, Eloy. Mediterráneo: cultura y tradición teatral. Mérida: Editora Regional, 1988.

Mito y personaje: III y IV Jornadas de Teatro, Universidad de Burgos. Burgos: Ediciones Aldecoa, 1995.

Pirandello, Luigi. "Escritos sobre teatro." In Pirandello, Ensayos. Madrid: Guadarrama, 1968. 255-92.

Pujante, Angel Luis, and Keith Gregor, eds. Proceedings of Congreso Internacional sobre Teatro Clásico en Traducción: Texto, Representación, Recepción. Murcia, 1996.

Rose, M. B., ed. Essays on Dramatic Traditions: Challenges and Transmissions. Cambridge: Northwestern UP, 1990.

Santoyo, Julio César. "Teoría y crítica de la traducción dramática: Panorama desde el páramo español." In Santoyo, Historia de la traducción: Quince apuntes. León: Universidad de León, 1999. 251-60.*

Schwanecke, Christine. A Narratology of Drama: Dramatic Storytelling in Theory, History, and Culture from the Renaissance to the Twenty-First Century. (Narratologia, 80). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2022. (I. Towards a Transgeneric and Contextual Theory of Narrative in Drama, Or, Reframing 'Drama' as a Narrative Genre; II. The History of Narrative and Narration in British Drama - The Cultural Dynamics and Performative Power of Dramatic Storytelling).




_____. "1. 'Enter Drama!' Putting the Genre (Back) Centre Stage in the Study of Literature and Culture." A Narratology of Drama. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2022. 1-34.*     




Toro, Fernando del. Intersecciones: Ensayos sobre teatro.

Turner, Victor. Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1974.

Vinaver, Michel. Écritures dramatiques: Essais d'analyse de textes de théâtre. 1993.




Anthologies (critical)



Darga, Scott T., ed. Drama Criticism. Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale, 2002.

Gerould, Daniel, ed. Theatre/Theory/Theatre: The Major Critical Texts from Aristotle and Zeami to Soyinka and Havel. Applause Books, 2003.






Anthologies (plays)



Antología de Teatro. Introd. Francisco Torres Monreal. Barcelona: Octaedro, 1999.  

González Ruiz, Nicolás ed. Antología de piezas cortas de teatro. 2 vols. (Grandes Antologías Labor). Barcelona, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico, Montevideo: Labor, 1965.* (Introd., 1.1-20; biog/bibliog. notes,  1.23-25; 1.491-93; 2.xii-xx; Vol. 1., drama in Spanish and German; Vol. 2., Nordic, US, French, Hungarian, Irish, British, Italian, Russian and Polish plays).

Vena, Gary, and Andrea Nourye, eds. Drama and Performance: An Anthology. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1996. (Anthology of world plays).







García Landa, José Angel. "Drama and Theatre." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (Art García) 20 Sept. 2015.*



_____. "Bibliografía sobre drama y teatro." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 20 Sept. 2015.*



_____. "Drama: Other Topics." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (Lavinia Adela) 6 May 2014.*



_____. "Drama: Specific topics." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (Lavinia Adela) 6 March 2015.*



Inter-Play. Online index to plays in collections, anthologies and periodicals. http://www.portals.org/interplay/whatis.html









El Gran Teatro del Mundo y el pequeño teatro de la mente


         2014 DISCONTINUED 2018 – Online at the Internet Archive:




El Gran Teatro del Mundo. Facebook journal. (José Angel García Landa).*




El si mágico. Blog on drama and film.




This Huge Stage – El Gran Teatro del Mundo. (José Angel García Landa).*









Dictionaries and encylopedias



Banham, Martin, ed. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Corvin, Michel. Dictionnnaire encyclopédique du théâtre. Paris: Bordas, 1991.

Dieterich, Genoveva. Diccionario del teatro. (El Libro de Bolsillo). Madrid: Alianza, 1995.

Gassner, J., and E. Quinn, eds. The Reader’s Encyclopedia of World Drama. New York: Courier Dover Publications, 2002.

Kennedy, Dennis. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Stanton, Sarah, and Martin Banham. Cambridge Paperback Guide to Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.*









An Awfully Big Adventure. Dir. Mike Newell. Based on the novel by Beryl Bainbridge. Cast: Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman and Georgina Cates.






Internet resources



Cognitive Science Network: Drama (SSRN).*




"Drama." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia




"Drama." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*




Dramaturg's Network



Dramaturgy Forum



EU Collective Plays.*





The Theatre Database




Theatre / Drama Studies discussion list. Perform@iubvm.earn (Autumn 1996).


Theatre Record




Theatre Voice












Acotaciones: Revista de investigación Teatral


Comparative Drama 22.3 (1988).


Drama 152 (1984).


The Drama Review 29 (Fall 1985).


Drama Survey 2 (1963).


Educational Theatre Journal 30 (1978).


Essays in Theatre 5.1 (November 1987).


Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 7.1 (1992).


New Theatre Quarterly 6.22 (1990).


Performing Arts Journal 41 (1992).






Plays and Players 454 (Nov. 1991).


Research in Drama Education 11.3 (2006).


Spectaculum. Drama review.


Stage 21 April 1949.


Studies in Theatre and Performance 26.1 (2006).


TDR (Tulane Drama Review) 13.3 (1969),


Teatro: Revista de Estudios Teatrales

Aula de Estudios Escénicos y Medios Audiovisuales

Departamento de Filología

Servicio de Publicaciones

Universidad de Alcalá

No. 20 (June 2004).


Telón de fondo:

Revista de Teoría y Crítica Teatral

Vol. 1.1 (Aug. 2005).




Texto y espectáculo (1995).


Theater 10.2 (1979).



Journal of theatrical poetics.

Ed. Jesús G. Maestro, c. 1996-

(U de Vigo).


Theatre Arts Monthly 16 (August 1932).


Le Théâtre dans le monde 4.1 (1954).

The International Theatre Institute.


Theatre History Studies 10 (1990).*


Theatre International Research 1.2 (1976).


Theatre Journal 39.1 (March 1987).


Theatre Notebook 42 (1988).


Theatre Quarterly.

Ed. Simon Trussler.


Theatre Research International.

Ed. Claude Schumacher (U of Glasgow).

Vol. 22 (1997). Info: http://www.oup.co.uk/tri/


Theatre Research / Recherches Théâtrales 5.3 (1963).










Bainbridge, Beryl. An Awfully Big Adventure. Novel. 1993. (Drama company performing Peter Pan).

_____. Una insólita aventura. Trans. Margarita Cavandoli. (La Voz de Galicia - Cine para Leer). Barcelona: RBA, 1995.*

Bulgakov, Mikhail. La novela teatral. 1962. (Posth).

Melo, Francisco Manuel de. "Soneto XXV – En alabança de una comedia." From El arpa de Melpómene. In Cartografía literaria: En homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018. 1.125. Online at Academia.*





See also Reflexivity in drama; World as stage.










Gilbert, W. S. Thespis. Opera. Music by Arthur Sullivan. Premiere at the Adelphi, 1871.









(Austral Teatro, 601). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2007.


(Colección Escena, 43). Madrid: MK Ediciones, 1983.*


(Contributions in Drama and Theatre Studies, 81). Greenwood Press, 1998.


(Hereford Plays). London: Heinemann Educational, 1964. 1966.*


(Literatura Dramática, 58). Madrid: Publicaciones de la Asociación de Directores de Escena, 2002.


(New Mermaids). Gen ed. Brian Morris (U of Sheffield), Brian Gibbons (U of York), Roma Gill (U of Sheffield). London: Ernest Benn; New York: W. W. Norton, c. 1979.*


(Penguin plays). Harmondsworth: Penguin, c. 1986.*


(La Quincena Teatral - La Farsa, 12). Madrid: Vox, 1980.*


(The Revels Plays). London: Methuen, 1964.


(Theatralia, 15). Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2013.









Bradley, Robert. "Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 20 May 2014.*



_____. "Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts: Lecture 1 – Introduction." YouTube (Missouri State University) 8 Feb. 2013.*



_____. "Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts: Lecture 9 —The Play." YouTube (Missouri State University) 8 Feb. 2013.*




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