sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2023

Directores teatrales


A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Directors, Producers, Managers





Chinoy, Helen Krich. "The Emergence of the Director." In Toby Cole and Helen Krich Chinoy, eds., Directors on Directing: A Sourcebook of the Modern Theatre. Rev. ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963. 1-77.

Cole, Toby, and Helen Crich Chinoy, eds. Directors on Directing: A Sourcebook of the Modern Theatre. Rev. ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963.

Cook, Judith. Director's Theatre. London, 1974.

Eyre, Richard. "9. Directing Hare." In The Cambridge Companion to David Hare. Ed. Richard Boon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 138-50.*

Kott, Jan. "Prospero, or the Director: Giorgio Strehler's The Tempest." First trans. as "Prospero, or the Director: Giorgio Strehler's The Tempest (Piccolo Teatro di Milano)." Trans. Barbara Krzywicka. Theater 10.2 (1979): 117-22. Rev. version in The Bottom Translation: Marlowe and Shakespeare and the Carnival Tradition. Trans. Daniela Miedzyrzecka and Lillian Vallee. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1987. 133-41. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 364-70.*

Ley, Graham, and Jane Milling. "Theoretical Practitioners." In Ley and Milling, Performance and Theory from Stanislavski to Boal. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Muir, Kenneth. "The Critic, the Director and Liberty of Interpreting." In The Triple Bond. Ed. Joseph G. Price. U of Pennsylvania, 1975. 20-29.

Nagler, A M. Misdirection: Open Production in the Twentieth Century. Hamden (CT): Archon Books, 1981.

Nickevic, Sanja. "British Brutalism, the 'New European Drama', and the Role of the Director." New Theatre Quarterly 21.3: 255-72.

Schafer, Elizabeth. Ms-Directing Shakespeare: Women Direct Shakespeare. London: Women's Press, 1998.

Turner, Barry, ed. The Writer's Handbook 2009. Foreword by Ion Trewin. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. (Publishers, magazines, literary agents, newspapers, broadcasting, theatre producers, writers' courses, fellowships, societies, services, libraries, press cutting agencies, consultants, festivals, prizes….)

Whitmore, Jon. Directing Postmodern Theater: Shaping Signification in Performance. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1994.

Wu, Duncan. Making Plays: Interviews with Contemporary British Dramatists and Directors. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.








Mazer, Cary M., ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XV: Poel, Granville Barker, Guthrie, Wanamaker. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*







Synecdoche, New York. Written and dir. Charlie Kaufman. Cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams, Catherine Keener, Sadie Goldstein, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Hope Davis, Tom Noonan. Prod. Charlie Kaufman, Anthony Bregman, Bruce Toll, Ray Angelic, Sidney Kimmel. Cinemat. Frederick Elmes. Music John Brion. USA: Sony Pictures / Sydney Kimmel Entertainment, 2008.*








Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Der Schauspieldirektor - The Impresario - Le directeur de théâtre-L'impresario. (Fragment). KV 486. Comedy with music in one act. Libretto by Gottlieb Stephanie der Jüngere. Reconstructed by Erik Smith. Premiere 7 Feb. 1786 at the Schönbrunn Orangerie, Vienna.

_____. Der Schauspieldirektor: Ein Gelegenheitsctück in einem Aufzuge. Scores. Vienna: Joseph Eblen, 1786.

_____. Der Schauspieldirektor. Scores. Ed. Gerhard Croll. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke). Kassel: Bärenreiter.

_____. Der Schauspieldirektor. Clifford Grant, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Ruth Welting, Ileana Cotrubas. London Symphony Orchestra / Sir Colin Davis. Prod. Philips, 1975. In Mozart, Zaide. Der Schauspieldirektor. 2 CDs. (Complete Mozart Edition). Germany: Philips Classics, 1991.*











Premio Nacional de Dirección (Spain)





(Directors in Perspective). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.




See also Performance; Impresarios; Theatres.





Individual directors



Stella Adler




"Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theater." With Joanne Woodward et al. (PBS American Masters, season 3, episode 8, 26 June 1989). Online at YouTube (Arbiter) 6 March 2017.* (Stanislavki's Method acting).




"The Origins of Acting and 'The Method'." YouTube (Filmmaker IQ) 29 April 2015.* ('The Group' Theatre)





Basil Adams




Adams, Basil, dir. Hamlet. BBC TV live broadcast. UK, 1947.










Fuchs, Elinor. "JoAnne Akalaitis's Cymbeline." 1989. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 185-93.*








Mason, A. E. W. Sir George Alexander and the St James's Theatre. 1935.








Marga Altolaguirre




Jonson, Ben. Volpone. Spanish prod. Dir. Marga Altolaguirre. San Sebastián, 2012. YouTube 30 Aug 2012.*







José Carlos Álvarez




Mamet, David. Edmond. Drama. Dir. José Carlos Álvarez. Cerbuna Teatro, Zaragoza, 2019.








Roberto Andò




Bellini, Vincenzo. Norma. June Anderson, Daniela Barcellona, Shin Young Hoon, Ildar Abdrazakov, Leonardo Melani, Svetlana Ignatovitch. Chorus of the Verdi Festival (Martino Faggiani). Europa Galante / Fabio Biondi. Stage dir. Roberto Andò. DVD. (La Gran Ópera). Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, c. 2004.





Germán Andrés Marcos




Alonso de Santos, José Luis. Yonquis & Yanquis. Dir. Germán Andrés Marcos. Grupo de Teatro Campus de Soria, U de Valladolid, 2019.




André Antoine

Dir. of the Théâtre Libre de Paris, late 19th c.


Chothia, Jean. André Antoine. (Directors in Perspective). 1991.





Luz Arcas


Pérez-Rasilla, Eduardo. "Trayectoria y directrices estéticas de Luz Arcas con la compañía La Phármaco." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  







Miguel del Arco





Arco, Miguel del, dir. La violación de Lucrecia. With Nuria Espert. Teatro de las Esquinas, Zaragoza, 25-26 Oct. 2014.*







Alfredo Arias





Bizet, G. "CARMEN Paris-Bastille Opera, conductor: Frédéric Chaslin. Béatrice Uria-Monzon, Sergei Larin." Plus Norah Amsellem, Gino Quilico. L'Orchestre et les Chœurs de l'Opéra National de Paris. Scenog. Alfredo Arias. Prod. RD Studio / La Sept Arte / France 3 / Opéra National de Paris / Radio France. YouTube (Frederic Chaslin) 5 July 2014.*








Grischa Asagaroff


Rossini, G. A. El Barbero de Sevilla. Vesselina Kasarova, Reinaldo Macias, Manuel Lanza, Carlos Chausson, Nicolai Ghiaurov, Elizabeth Rae Magnuson. Chorus and Orchestra of the Zurich Opera / Nello Santi. Stage dir. Grischa Asagaroff. DVD. (La Gran Opera). Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, c. 2004.





Florencia Ayos




Beckett. Los días felices. Dir. Florencia Ayos. YouTube 30 May 2014.*






Eugenio Barba


Innes, Christopher D. "Anthropology, Environmental Theatre and Sexual Revolution." (Eugenio Barba, Schechner, Joe Chaikin, Living Theatre). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 167-92.*



Jean-Louis Barrault    (1910-1994)




Barrault, Jean-Louis. "Artaud, Blin, Beckett: ou le plus grand auteur dramatique des temps modernes". In Samuel Beckett. Ed. Pierre Chabert. (Special issue of Journal d'Esthétique, 1986). 175-178.*

_____. Mise en scène de Phèdre. (Points). Paris: Seuil.

_____. Autour d'une mère. 1935. Drama based on Faulkner's As I Lay Dying.

_____. Réflexions sur le théâtre. 1949.

Carrière, Jean-Claude. Le Mahabbarata. Drama. With Jean-Louis Barrault and Peter Brook.






Innes, Christopher D. "Ritual and Acts of Communion." (Barrault, total theatre). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 95-107.*




Cahiers Renaud-Barrault 44 (Oct. 1963).




John Barton




Billington, Michael. "John Barton's Production at the Aldwych Theatre." (Much Ado About Nothing). 1977. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 230-31.*






Anthony Besch






The Mikado. Dir. Stuart Burge. Film based on Gilbert and Sullivan's musical play. Based on the stage production by Anthony Besch. D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Cast: John Reed as Ko-Ko, Kenneth Sandford as Pooh-Bah, Donald Adams as the Mikado, Valerie Masterson as Yum-Yum, Philip Potter as Nanki-Poo, Christene Palmer as Katisha, Peggy Ann Jones as Pitti-Sing, Thomas Lawlor as Pish-Tush, Pauline Wales as Peep-Bo, George Cook as Go-To. Settings by Disley Jones. Photog. Gerry Fisher. Art dir. Peter Howitt. Ed. Alma Godfrey. Exec. Prod. Anthony Havelock-Allan and John Brabourne. Assoc. prod. Richard Goodwin. City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Isidore Godfrey. UK, 1966. Online at YouTube (viddywell2001) 20 March 2020.*








Guillermo Blanco Marín




Shakespeare. Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Dir. Guillermo Blanco Marín. Morfeo Teatro, Zaragoza, 2019.






Roger Blin




Beckett, Samuel. En attendant Godot. 1st performed dir. Roger Blin, 1953.

Genet, Jean. Les Paravents. Pub. 1961, staged by Roger Blin 1966.




Related works


Genet, Jean. Lettres à Roger Blin. Paris: Gallimard, 1966.

_____. Letters to Roger Blin. Reflections on the Theatre. Trans. Richard Seaver. New York: Grove, 1969.





Augusto Boal




Boal, Augusto. Theatre of the Oppressed. London: Pluto Press, 1979.






Ley, Graham, and Jane Milling. "Boal." In Ley and Milling, Performance and Theory from Stanislavski to Boal. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.





Michael Bogdanov




Bogdanov, Michael, dir. King Henry VI: House of York - "Henry VI Part II."  from The Wars of the Roses: A Sequence of Seven History Plays by William Shakespeare, by the English Shakespeare Company (live at the Grand Theatre, Swansea). with Paul Brennen as Henry VI, June Watson as Margaret, Barry Stanton as York, Michael Cronin as Warwick, Philip Bowen as Edward, John Dougall as Clarence, Andrew Jarvis as Gloucester, Michael Pennington as Jack Cade. Portman Classics / Contracts International / Windmill Lane Productions; Broadcast at Full House with Shany Fleff). YouTube (Jason Sager) 22 July 2014.*



_____, dir. Macbeth. TV movie, based on Shakespere's play. Sean Pertwee, Greta Scacchi. Home Vision Entertainement. Channel 4 Schools, 1998. YouTube (Shakespeare on Screen)









Michael Boyd


(Artistic Director, Royal Shakespeare Company)




Boyd, Michael. "Foreword." In William Shakespeare: Complete Works (The RSC Shakespeare). Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. Chief associate ed. Héloîse Sénéchal. London: Macmillan, 2007. Pbk. 2008. 64.*




Alfred Bradley




Priestley, J. B. I Have Been Here Before. (BBC Radio Drama). Broadcast BBC Radio 4, 22 Sept. 1984. Dir. Alfred Bradley. Cast: Lesley Nichol, George A. Cooper, Geoffrey Banks, Alan Rothwell. YouTube (Cecily Parsley) 7 Dec. 2018.*



_____. Yo estuve aquí una vez. Trans. Aurora Bernárdez. In Priestley, Teatro completo. Madrid: Aguilar, 1963. 187-252.*





Peter Brook


            (Assoc. Dir. of the Royal Shakespeare Company; Dir. of the International Centre for Theatre Research, Paris; Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur, OBE, Hon. member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, hon. doctorate by several universities, Tony prizes, Emmy, Molière, Laurence Olivier prize; Premio Princesa de las Asturias de las Artes 2019)




Works: Writings


Brook, Peter. Preface to Ring Around the Moon. By Jean Anouilh. Trans. Christopher Fry. 1950. (Trans. of L'Invitation au Château).

_____. "Shakespeare on Three Screens." Sight and Sound 34 (1965).

_____. Introd. to  Marat/Sade. By Peter Weiss. New York, 1966.

_____. The Empty Space. London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1968.

_____. The Empty Space. New York, 1969.

_____. The Empty Space. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican, 1973.

_____. El espacio vacío: Arte y técnica del teatro. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

_____. Draft shooting script for King Lear. 5 Dec. 1968. Unpublished. Library of the Shakespeare Institute, U of Birmingham.

_____. Draft shooting script for King Lear. 1968. Microfilm copy, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.

_____. Orghast. Drama. 1971. Prometheus myth).

_____. The Open Door: Thoughts on Acting and Theatre. 1993.

_____. La puerta abierta: Reflexiones sobre la interpretación y el teatro. Trans. Gema Moral Bartolomé. Sant Llorenç  d'Hortons (Barcelona): Alba Editorial, 1994. 2nd ed. 1996. 3rd ed. 1997. 4th ed. 1999. 5th ed. 2002. 6th ed. 2004. 7th ed. 2007. 8th ed. 2010.*

_____. Hilos de tiempo. Autobiography. 1998. Siruela.

_____. Evoking (and Forgetting).

_____. Shakespeare. 2002.

_____. There Are No Secrets. 1993.

Holland, Peter, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XVIII: Hall, Brook, Ninagawa, Lepage. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*



Works: Theatrical productions


Brook, Peter, dir. Titus Andronicus. Theatrical prod. 1955.

_____, dir. Marat/Sade.




Works: Films


Brook, Peter (stage direction). King Lear. Dir. Andrew McCullough. TV film of a theatrical production. Cast: Orson Welles, Natasha Parry, Arnold Moss, Bramwell Fletcher, Margaret Phillips, Beatrice Straight, Alan Badel, Frederic Worlock, Scott Forbes. Music by Virgil Thomson. Prod. Fred Rickey. b/w, 73 min. USA, 1953.

_____, dir. The Beggar's Opera. Film of John Gay's opera, dir. Peter Brook. With Laurence Olivier. 1953.

         An episode: "Macheath in Newgate."



_____, dir. The Lord of the Flies. Based on the novel by William Golding. 1963.

Brook, Peter, dir. Marat/Sade.  (The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum at Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, a.k.a. Marat/Sade). Dir. Peter Brook. Filmed version of the play by Peter Weiss. Trans. Adrian Mitchell. Royal Shakespeare Company, with Patrick Magee, Glenda Jackson, etc., dir. Peter Brook. 1966. DVD.  MGM/UA Video, 2001. YouTube (Fidelis Scardanelli) 18 Oct. 2012.*



_____. Marat/Sade. Dir. Peter Brook. Online at YouTube.*



_____. "Marat/Sade." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 10 Jan. 2013.*



_____, dir. King Lear. Dir. Peter Brook. Screenplay by Peter Brook, based on Shakespeare's play. Cast: Paul Scofield, Irene Worth, Jack MacGowran, Alan Webb, Cyril Cusack, Patrick Magee, Robert Lloyd, Tom Fleming, Susan Engel, Annelise Gabold, Ian Hogg, Barry Stanton, Soren Elung-Jensen. Photog. Henning Kristiansen. Music by Robert Allen. Prod. des. Geroges Wakévitch. Ed. Kasper Schyber. Prod. Michael Birkett and Mogens Skot-Hansen. b/w, 137 m. UK/Denmark: Filmways/Athena-Laterna, 1969. (Bodil Festival prize for best actor, Paul Scofield, 1971).






Trewin, J. C. Peter Brook: A Biography. London, 1971.






Acker, Paul. "Conventions for Dialogue in Peter Brook's King Lear." Literature/Film Quarterly 8.4 (1980): 219-24.

Allombert, Guy. "Le roi Lear."Rev. of Peter Brook's film. Image et son 282 (March 1984): 103.

Andrews, Nigel. Rev. of King Lear. Dir. Peter Brook. Sight and Sound 40 (Autumn 1971): 223-4.

Berlin, Normand. "Peter Brook's Interpretation of King Lear:  Nothing Will Come of Nothing." Literature/Film Quarterly 5.4 (1977): 299-303.

Brasil Campos, Vanessa. "Un zumbido que retumba desde la tierra: Una lectura de El Señor de las Moscas, de Peter Brook." Trama & Fondo 42 (2017): 97-120.*



Braun, Eric. Rev. of King Lear. Dir. Peter Brook. Films and Filming 18 Oct. 1971: 54-6.

Croyden, Margaret. "Peter Brook's Tempest." TDR (Tulane Drama Review) 13.3 (1969): 125-28. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 357-60.*

Davies, Anthony. Filming Shakespeare's Plays: The Adaptations of Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, Peter Brook and Akira Kurosawa. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.*

Hetherington, Robert A. "The Lears of Peter Brook." Shakespeare on Film Newsletter 6.1 (1982).

Howard, Tony. "When Peter Met Orson: The 1953 CBS King Lear." In Shakespeare, the Movie: Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV and Video. Ed. Lynda E. Boose and Richard Burt. London: Routledge, 1997. 1999. 121-34.* (Peter Brook, Orson Welles).

Hunt, Albert, and Geoffrey Reeves. Peter Brook. (Directors in Perspective). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Innes, Christopher D. "Myth and Theatre Laboratories." (Brook). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 125-48.*

Johnson, William. "King Lear and Macbeth." Film Quarterly 25 (1972): 41-8.

Kael, Pauline. "Peter Brook's 'Night of the Living Dead'." New Yorker 11 Dec. 1971: 135-7. (King Lear).

Lambert, J. W. "Plays in Performance." Drama (Summer 1970): 15-28. (Brook's King Lear)

Manvell, Roger. Interview with Michael Birkett. (On Brook's King Lear). In Manvell, Shakespeare and the Film. London, 1971. Rev. ed. Cranbury, NJ, 1979. 136-43.

Millar, Sylvia. "King Lear." Monthly Film Bulletin 38 (1971): 182-3.

"Peter Brook, Premio Princesa de Asturias de las Artes 2019." ABC 25 April 2019.*



Reeves, Geoffrey. "Finding Shakespeare on Film: From an Interview with Peter Brook." Rpt. in Focus on Shakespearean Films. Ed. Charles W. Eckert. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall, 1972; London, 1972.

_____. "Finding Shakespeare on Film: From an Interview with Peter Brook." In Film Theory and Criticism. Ed. Gerald Mast and Marshal Cohen. 1st ed. 316-21.

Wilds, Lillian. "One King Lear for Our Time: A Bleak Film Vision by Peter Brook." Literature/Film Quarterly 4 (1976): 159-64.








Brook, Peter. "Shakespeare Unlimited: Peter Brook." Audio interview. Folger Shakespeare Library.*








Ernesto Caballero


(Dir. of Centro Dramático Nacional and dir. of company El Cruce)


Caballero, Ernesto. Acto. Metadrama.

_____. Rezagados. Metadrama. (Cyclists).

_____. Solo para Paquita. Metadrama.

_____. Destino desierto. Metadrama.

_____. Maniquís. Metadrama.

_____. Naces, consumes, mueres. Metadrama.

_____. "Mi theatrum mundi." Lecture at Fundación Juan March 26 May 2015.*










Rafael Campos Lozano


(Escuela Municipal de Teatro de Zaragoza)





Brecht, Bertolt. Cabezas redondas y cabezas puntiagudas. Theatrical production. Trans. and adapt. Rafael Campos Lozano. Taller de Alumnos de Tercer Curso de la Escuela Municipal de Teatro de Zaragoza. Zaragoza: Teatro Principal, 11-12-13 June 2018.*




Patrice Caurier




Handel. Giulio Cesare. Andreas Scholl (Giulio Cesare), Cecilia Bartoli (Cleopatra), Anne Sofie von Otter (Cornelia), Philippe Jaroussky (Sesto), Christophe Dumaux (Tolomeo), Ruben Drole (Achilla), Jochen Kowalsky (Nirena), Peter Kálman (Curio). Il Giardino Armonico / Giovanni Antonini. Stage dir. Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. Live video from the Salzburger Pfingstfestspiele. YouTube 7 Oct. 2013.*








Fabio Ceresa




Vivaldi, Antonio. "Orlando furioso (Fasolis/Ceresa)." Sonia Prina, Angelica Francesca Aspromonte, Lucia Cirillo, Loriana Castellano, Raffaele Pe, Carlo Vistoli, Riccardo Novaro. Theatrical dir. Fabio Ceresa. Scenery by Massimo Checchetto. Choreog. Riccardo Olivier. Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice (Ulisse Trabacchin) / Diego Fasolis. YouTube (Teatro La Fenice) 23 March 2020.*





Peter Cheeseman




Cheeseman, Peter, dir. The Knotty. Verbatim theatre. Prod. Victoria Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, 1966.

_____. "Peter Cheeseman . . . on Documentary Theatre." In Talking to Terrorists. By Robin Soans. London: Oberon, 2006. 104-7.





Mariame Clément




Monteverdi, Claudio. Le Retour d'Ulysse dans sa patrie. Rolando Villazón, Magdalena Kozena, Katherine Watson, Kresimir Spicer, Anne-Catherine Gillet, Isabelle Druet, Maarten Engeltjes, Callum Thorpe, Lothar Odinius, Jean Teitgen, Mathias Vidal, Emiliano Gonzalez, Jórg Schneider, Elodie Méchain. Le Concert d'Astrée / Emmanuelle Haïm. Stage dir. Mariame Clément. Video. YouTube (France Musique) 2 March 2018.*








C. B. Cochran


(Music Hall impresario)


____.  Houp la!  Music hall. St Martin's theatre, 1916.







Jeremy Cole




Marlowe. Doctor Faustus - Directed by Jeremy Cole. Actors' Ensemble of Berkeley. YouTube (Actors Ensemble of Berkeley) 27 Dec. 2009.*





Michael Colgan




Beckett, Samuel. Happy Days. Prod. Michael Colgan. YouTube (27 Oct. 2015):






Jacques Copeau  (1879-1949)


(French director, pro experimental drama)




Copeau, Jacques. Souvenirs du Vieux-Colombier. 1931.

_____. Le Théâtre Populaire. 1941. (Pro experimental drama).

Gide, André. Correspondance avec Jacques Copeau, I. (Cahiers André Gide 12). Paris: Gallimard.





Kurtz, M. Biographie d'un théâtre. 1951.

Ley, Graham, and Jane Milling. "Meyerhold, Copeau and Brecht." In Ley and Milling, Performance and Theory from Stanislavski to Boal. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.




Manuela Salas Cortés Báez




Sanchís Sinisterra, José. Terror y miseria en el primer franquismo. Morfeo Teatro, dir. Manuela Salas Cortés Báez. YouTube (Filosofía y Letras Zaragoza) 21 May 2015.*






Albert de Courville


(Music hall impresario, London, early 20th c.)


_____. Hullo, Rag-Time! Hippodrome music hall, 1912.









Ley, Graham, and Jane Milling. "Craig and Appia." In Ley and Milling, Performance and Theory from Stanislavski to Boal. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.





Bridget D'Oyly Carte


Gilbert, W S., and A. Sullivan. "The Pirates of Penzance with the D'Oyly Carte Opera featured on Omnibus." 1955. Presented by Alister Cook. Dir. Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Joy Mornay (Kate), Joyce Wright (Edith), Neville Griffiths (Fredric), Don Adams (Pirate King), Margaret Dobson (Isabel), Ann Drummond-Grant (Ruth), Muriel Harding (Mabel), Trevor Hills (Samuel), Fisher Morgan (Sergeant of Police), Peter Pratt (Major General Stanley). D'Oyly Carte Opera Company / Isidore Godfrey. YouTube (globalimageworks) 7 Nov. 2014.*






Stephen Daldry




The Hours. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Screenplay by David Hare, based on the novel by Michael Cunningham. Cast: Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris, Toni Collette, Claire Danes, Jeff Daniels, Stephen Dillane, Allison Janney, John C. Reilly, Miranda Richardson. Music by Philip Glass. Costume des. Ann Roth. Ed. Peter Boyle. Prod. des. Maria Djurkovic. Photog. Seamus McGarvey. Exec prod. Mark Huffam. Prod. Scott rudin and Robert Fox. USA: Paramount / Miramax, 2002.*


El lector. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Written by David Hare, based on the novel by Bernhard Schlink.  Cast: Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, Alexandra Maria Lara, Bruno Ganz, David Kross, Lena Olin. Music by Nico Muhly. Ed. Claire Simpson. Prod. des. Brigitte Broch. Photog. Chris Menges, Roger Dieakins. Exec. prod. Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein. Prod. Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack, Donna Gigliotti, Redmond Morris. The Weinstein Company (etc), 2008. Spanish DVD: El lector. RBA-SpeakUp / The Weinstein Company, [2009].*









Aragay, Mireia, Hildegard Klein, Enric Monforte, and Pilar Zozaya, eds. British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with directors, playwrights, critics and academics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (I, Directors: Stephen Daldry, Ian Rickson, Max Stafford-Clark; II, Playwrights: Neil Bartlett, Martin Crimp, Kevin Elyot, Joe Penhall, Mark Ravenhill; III, Critics: Michael Billington, Nicholas de Jongh, Aleks Sierz; IV, Academics: Dan Rebellato, Graham Saunders, Alan Sinfield).

Goldstein, Ben, and Mike O'Neill. The Reader. (SpeakUp booklet). Barcelona:  RBA Edipresse, [2009].* (On Stephen Daldry's film, misleading copyright page date, "1985").






Glass, Philip. The Hours: Music from the Motion Picture. CD. Miramax / Nonesuch, 2002.*










De Loutherbourg





O'Keefe, John, and De Loutherbourg. Omai, or a Trip round the World. Pantomime. 1785.




Lawrence, W. J. "The Pioneers of Modern English Stage Mounting: De Loutherbourg." The Magazine of Art (March 1895).

Trussler, Simon. "12. The Garrick Years 1741-1776." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 178-93.* (Imperialism emergent, respectability triumphant. Competition from the novel. Garrick goes to Drury Lane. The leading actors and their styles. Foote at the Little and Colman at Covent Garden. Comedy, tragedy—and sentimentality. The Shakespeare industry gathers pace. Spectacle and pantomime. De Loutherbourg and the scenographic revolution. The fairgrounds dispossessed, the provinces legitimized. Dawn of the industrial revolution—and of the movement for reform).





Gilbert Deflo




Monteverdi, Claudio. "L'Orfeo - Favola in Musica - Representación de Jordi Savall." Montserrat Figueras (La Música), Furio Zanasi (Orfeo), Arianna Savall (Eurídice), Sara Mingardo (La Mensajera), Cécile van de Sant (La Esperanza), Antonio Abete (Caronte), Adriana Fernández (Proserpina), Daniele Carnovich (Plutón), Fulvio Bettini (Apolo), Marilía Vargas (Ninfa). Francesc Garrigosa, Carlos Mena, Gerd Türk, Iván García (Pastores / Espíritus). Capella Reial de Catalunya / Jordi Savall. Gran Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona. Staged by Gilbert Deflo. Dir. Brian Large.  YouTube (Belarmo) 20 Sept. 2011.*






Sven Delarivière




Shakespeare. Henry IV. (Full Play). Adapted from Shakespeare's Henry IV Part I and Part II. Dir. Sven Delarivière. Brussels Shakespeare Society. Filmed at the Petit Varia, Brussels, 2017. YouTube (Alasil) 7 Oct. 2017.*







Jean Gobie Diebel




Shakespeare. "Richard III - Hofstra Shakespeare Festival." Dir. Jean Gobie Diebel. Hofstra Globe Stage. (70th Annual Hofstra Shakespeare Festival). jlhgYouTube (Hofstra University) 19 April 2019.*





Julie Dimas-Lockfeld




Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. Dir. Julie Dimas-Lockfeld. Prod. Shelton Theatre. YouTube (lastwavefilm) 28 Sept. 2019.*





Declan Donnellan




As You Like it. All-male production. Dir. Declan Donnellan for Cheek by Jowl. International tour, 1991-92.





Charles Dullin      (1885-1949)


(French actor and director)






Matthew Dunster




Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. Dir. Matthew Dunster. Dir. For the screen by Ian Russell. DVD prod. James Whitbourn. Cast: Paul Hilton, Arthur Darvill, Charlotte Broom, Richard Clews, Jonathan Cullen, Robert Doodale, William Mannering, Sarita Piotrovski, Pearce Quiigley, Iris Roberts. Beatriz Romilly, Felix Scott, Jade Williams, Chinna Wodu. (Globe Theatre on Screen). UK: Opus Arte, 2012.*






Gale Edwards




Jesus Christ Superstar. Dir. Gale Edwards and Nick Morris. Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Tim Rice. A New Stage Production. Cast: Glenn Carter, Jérôme Pradon, Renée Castle, Fred Johanson, Michael Shaeffer, Cavin Cornwall, Tony Vincent, Rik Mayall, Peter Gallagher, Michael McCarthy, Philip Cox, Mathew Cross, Kevin Curtin, Paul Vickers, Mykal Rand. Exec. prod. Austin Shaw, Dusty Symonds, Kevin Wallace. Cinematography Nic Knowland. Ed. Nick Morris. Costumes by Roger Kirk. DVD. UK: Really Useful Films, 2000.* (Won Emmy 2001).





Robert Estes




Shaw, G. B. Heartbreak House. Dir. Robert Estes. YouTube (Actors Ensemble of Berkeley) 25 Oct. 2012.*







Richard Eyre


         (British theatre, film and TV director, Artistic Director of the Royal National Theatre for ten years)




Eyre, Richard. Changing Stages: A View of British Theatre in the Twentieth Century.

_____. "9. Directing Hare." In The Cambridge Companion to David Hare. Ed. Richard Boon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 138-50.*




Works: Productions


Richard III. Dir. Richard Eyre. With Ian McKellen. Royal National Theatre, 1990.







Yuriria Fanjul




Purcell, Henry. Dido y Eneas. Cast: Paola Gutiérrez, Jorge Escutia, Cynthia Sánchez, Vladimir Rueda, Yunuen Xolotzin Flores, Shaoni Odette Sarabia, Salvador Márquez, Alejandro Lemus. Music dir. Jorge Cózatl. Stage dir. Yuriria Fanjul. Choreog. Claudia Lavista. Orquesta y Coro de la Academia de Música Antigua de la UNAM. Compañía Juvenil de Danza Contemporánea de la UNAM. YouTube (TV UNAM) 13 Nov. 2020.*










Ramón Fontseré




Roth, David. "El nacionalismo es xenofobia: es decir somos mejores y los otros son peores: Entrevista a Ramón Fontseré." Ideal 27 Oct. 2021.*










Elizabeth Freestone




The Duchess of Malfi. By John Webster, Greenwich Theatre production. Dir. Elizabeth Freestone. Cast: Peter Bankolé, Edmund Kingsley, Tim Treloar, Mark Hadfield, Tim Steed, Richard Bremmer, Conrad Westmaas, James Wallace, Aislin McGuckin, Harvey Virdi, Brigid Zengeni, Maxwell Hutcheon, Louis Houghton. Recorded live at Greenwich Theatre. DVD. (Stage on Screen). London: Stage on Screen, 2010.*

Volpone. By Ben Jonson. Greenwich Theatre production, dir, Elizabeth Freestone, Cast: Richard Bremmer (Volpone), Mark Hadfield (Mosca), Conrad Westmaas (Nano/Avvocato), Harvey Virdi (Androgyno/Avvocato), Edmund Kinglsey (Castrone/Peregrine/Avvocato), Maxwell Hutcheon (Corbaccio), Tim Steed (Corvino), James Wallace (Sir Politic Would-Be), Aislin McGuckin (Celia), Peter Bankole (Bonario/Corvino's Servant), Brigid Zengeni (Lady Would Be). Prod. Film dir. Chris Cowey. DVD. London: Stage on Screen, 2010.*






Mario Gas




Torres, Rosana. "Mario Gas vs. Lluís Pasqual." Mercurio 179 - Centenario Shakespeare: La invención de lo humano (March 2016): 6-9.*









E. W. Godwin




Wilde, Oscar. "The Cenci." Rev. of Percy B. Shelley's play, prod. by the Shelley Society and E. W. Godwin, Grand Theatre, Islington. The Dramatic Review 15 May 1886.

_____. "The Cenci." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 60-62.*

_____. "Helena in Troas." Rev. of John Todhunter's play. Prod. E. W. Godwin, Hengler's Circus, London. The Dramatic Review 22 May 1886.

_____. "Helena in Troas." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 62-65.*

_____. "As You Like It at Coombe House." Rev. of Lady Archibald Campbell and E. W. Godwin's production. The Dramatic Review 6 June 1885. In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. *

_____. "As You Like It at Coombe House." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 56-58.*







José Gómez Friha




Villán, Jaime. "Un hombre de este tiempo." Rev. of Tartufo, dir. José Gómez Friha. El Mundo 19 Nov. 2016.*







Scott Graham


Frantic Assembly. Theatrical company, dir. Scott Graham and Steven Hogett.


Graham, Scott, and Steven Hoggett. The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre. London: Routledge, 2009.

Steiger, Nina. "'Absolute Immediacy': A Conversation with Scott Graham." Contemporary Theatre Review 16.3 (2006): 312-17.






J. T. Grein. See English Aesthetic criticism 1830-1900.








Manuel Guede Oliva




Shakespeare, William. Ricardo III. Book and video. Dir. Manuel Guede Oliva. Critical study by Manuela Palacios González. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia, 2005.







Tyrone Guthrie


Works: Writings


Guthrie, Tyrone. A Life in the Theatre. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1960.

Guthrie, Tyrone, and Leonard Kipnis, trans. Anton Chekhov: The Three Sisters: An Authoritative Text Edition. New York: Avon Books, 1965.




Works: Productions


Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Prod. Tyrone Guthrie. With Laurence Olivier. Old Vic, 1937.

Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Version by W. B. Yeats. Prod. Tyrone Guthrie, Stratford, 1957. Online video. YouTube 1 Feb. 2013.*










Forsyth, James. Tyrone Guthrie. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1976.






Mazer, Cary M., ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XV: Poel, Granville Barker, Guthrie, Wanamaker. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*







Sir Peter Hall


(Dir. Royal Shakespeare Theatre, then of National Theatre)


Works: Writings


Hall, Peter. "Interview." In Pinter in the Theatre. Ed. Ian Smith. London: Nick Hern Books, 2005. 131-57.

_____. Interview in Director's Theatre. Ed. Judith Cook. Harrap, 1974.

_____. Platform Paper 'The Oedipus Plays', by Peter Hall and Peter Stothart, National Theater, 21 Sept. 1996.






Works: Theatrical productions


Hall, Peter, dir. Jean Seberg. Musical. National Theatre, 1983.

_____, dir. Antony and Cleopatra. By William Shakespeare. National Theatre, 1987.

_____, dir. The Knot Garden. Opera. Libretto by Sir Michael Tippett. 1st performed Covent Garden, London, 2/12/1970. Dir. Peter Hall. (On psychotherapy).

Holland, Peter, ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XVIII: Hall, Brook, Ninagawa, Lepage. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*





Hall, Peter, dir. The Wars of the Roses: Adapted for the Royal Shakespeare Company from Shakespeare's Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III and Richard III. Adapt. John Barton in collab. with Peter Hall. Royal Shakespeare Company filmed performance. UK, 1970.

_____, dir. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Royal Shakespeare Company filmed performance. Cast: Diana Rigg, David Warner, Michael Jayston, Ian Richardson, Judi Dench, Ian Holm, Bill Travers, Hellen Mirren. UK, 1968.





Hodgdon, Barbara. The End Crowns All: Closure and Contradiction in Shakespeare's History. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990. 1991.

Holderness, Graham. "Radical Potentiality and Institutional Closure: Shakespeare in Film and Television." In Political Shakespeare. Ed. Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield. Manchester, 1985. 182-201.

_____. "Radical Potentiality and Institutional Closure." From Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism. Ed. Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield. Manchester, 1985. (New Casebooks, 182-92, 199-200) (Hall, Kurosawa).

_____. From "Radical Potentiality and Institutional Closure: Shakespeare in Film and Television." In Shakespeare: Macbeth. Ed. John Wain. 2nd ed. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1994. 258-62.*

Mullin, Michael. "Peter Hall's Midsummer Night's Dream on Film." Educational Theatre Journal 27 (1975): 529-34.

Robinson, David. Rev. of Peter Hall's King Lear. Financial Times 23 July 1971.








Oscar Hammerstein     (c. 1847-1919)


(US theatrical manager, b. Germany, grandfather of Oscar Hammerstein II)




Augustus Harris          (1852-96)


(Impresario at Drury Lane theatre, 1879-96; specialised in Christmas pantomimes)



Babes in the Wood. Pantomime. Staged at Drury Lane, 1888.



Johann Jakob Heidegger


(Manager of the Queen's Theatre, London)


A Seasonable Apology for Mr. H—g—r. (Heidegger). Anonymous pamphlet. London, 1724.







Philip Henslowe


Works: Writings


Henslowe, Phillip. Diary. Ed. John Payne Collier. 1845. (With forgeries added by Collier).

_____. Henslowe's Diary (2 vols.) and Henslowe Papers. Ed. W. W. Greg. 1904-7.

_____. Henslowe's Diary. Ed. R. A. Foakes and R. T. Rickett. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961.

Henslowe et al. "Contract for the Building of the Fortune Theatre." 1600. In The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1997. 3330-32.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Inventory of Properties Belonging to the Admiral's Company." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 Oct. 2012.* (Philip Henslowe).







Korda, N. "Household Property, Stage Property: Henslowe as Pawnbroker." Unpublished paper, 1995.





Carson, Neil. A Companion to Henslowe's Diary. 1988.





Shakespeare in Love.





Steven Hogett


Frantic Assembly. Theatrical company, dir. Scott Graham and Steven Hogett.


Graham, Scott, and Steven Hoggett. The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre. London: Routledge, 2009.





Nicholas Hytner




Hytner, Nicholas. "Stand and Unfold Yourself: How to Do Shakespeare." 2nd Annual Stanley Wells Lecture. YouTube (shakespeareatnd) 25 March 2013.*



Stoppard, Tom. The Hard Problem. Drama. Premiere at the National Theatre, London, dir. Nicholas Hytner, 2015.*




Jonathan Kent




Billington, Michael. Rev. of Sophocles' Oedipus, dir. Jonathan Kent, 16 Oct. 2008.





Barry Kyle


Theatrical productions


Henry VI. By William Shakespeare. Production by Barry Kyle. New York: Theatre for a New Audience, 1995.




Barnes, C. "Troupe's Henry VI Fit for a King." New York Post 8 March 1995. (Rev. of Bary Kyle's production).

Disch, T. M. "Regarding 'Henry'–Highly." New York Daily News 7 March 1995. (Rev. of Barry Kyle's Production of Henry VI.).

Hampton, W. "3 into 2: History Plays Rearranged." New York Times 7 March 1995. (Rev. of Barry Kyle's prod. of Henry VI).






Brian Large




Monteverdi, Claudio. "L'Orfeo - Favola in Musica - Representación de Jordi Savall." Montserrat Figueras (La Música), Furio Zanasi (Orfeo), Arianna Savall (Eurídice), Sara Mingardo (La Mensajera), Cécile van de Sant (La Esperanza), Antonio Abete (Caronte), Adriana Fernández (Proserpina), Daniele Carnovich (Plutón), Fulvio Bettini (Apolo), Marilía Vargas (Ninfa). Francesc Garrigosa, Carlos Mena, Gerd Türk, Iván García (Pastores / Espíritus). Capella Reial de Catalunya / Jordi Savall. Gran Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona. Staged by Gilbert Deflo. Dir. Brian Large.  YouTube (Belarmo) 20 Sept. 2011.*






Wilford Leach




Gilbert, W. S., and Arthur Sullivan. The Pirates of Penzance. Dir. Wilford Leach. Broadway cast 1981. Musical dir. William Elliott. Choreog. Graciela Daniele. Kevin Kline (Pirate King), Stephan Hanan (Samuel, His Lieutenant), Rex Smith (Frederic), George Rose (Major-General Stanley), Linda Ronstadt (Mabel), Alexandra Korey (Edith), Marcie Shaw (Kate), Wendy Wolfe (Isabel), Estelle Parsons (Ruth, A Pirate Maid), Tony Azito (Sergeant of Police). And Pirates, Police, Stanley's Daughters. Album prod. Peter Asher. Album. Elektra, 1998. Online at YouTube (UnclaimedFr8) 20 April 2013.*





Elizabeth LeCompte


Fuchs, Elinor. "Elizabeth LeCompte and the Wooster Group's The Road to immortality (Part Three): Frank Dell's the Temptation of Saint Antony." 1988. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 183-85.*







Moshe Leiser




Handel. Giulio Cesare. Andreas Scholl (Giulio Cesare), Cecilia Bartoli (Cleopatra), Anne Sofie von Otter (Cornelia), Philippe Jaroussky (Sesto), Christophe Dumaux (Tolomeo), Ruben Drole (Achilla), Jochen Kowalsky (Nirena), Peter Kálman (Curio). Il Giardino Armonico / Giovanni Antonini. Stage dir. Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. Live video from the Salzburger Pfingstfestspiele. YouTube 7 Oct. 2013.*







Michael Lindsay-Hogg




Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. dir. by Michael Lindsay-Hogg (2001). Cast: Barry McGovern (Vladimir), Johnny Murphy (Estragon). Alan Stanford (Pozzo), Stephen Brennan (Lucky), Sam McGovern (Boy). Online at Facebook (Samuel Beckett).*






Joan Littlewood


(Director of Theatre Workshop Company, Theatre Royal, East End, 1960s)




Littlewood, Joan. Oh What a Lovely War. Drama. 1959.

_____. O What a Lovely War. Musical. 1963. (1st WW).




Pedro Amalio López




Calderón de la Barca, Pedro. La Vida es Sueño. Cast: Julio Núñez, José María Caffarel, Fiorella Faltoyano, Mercedes Barranco, Julio Gorostegui, Víctor Valverde, Paco Sanz, Víctor Fuentes, Juan Lizarraga, Julio Muñoz. Adapt. and dir. Pedro Amalio López. Prod. Florencio Guerra. TVE (Estudio 1). YouTube (Ampareichon1) 7 June 2012.*








Carlos Los



"El Gran Teatro del Mundo." By Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Lajarana Teatro / Teatro del Estrecho. Dir. Carlos Los. Teatro Principal de Puerto Real. 1st scene: YouTube







Julien Lubeck




Purcell, Henry. Dido and Aeneas. Libretto by Nahum Tate. Cast: Anat Czarny, Oded Reich, Tal Ganor, Guy Mannheim, Shiri Hershkowitz, Shked Strul, Maya Bakstansky, Yaniv D'Or. Dir. and scenography Cécile Roussat and Julien Lubeck. Israeli Opera Chorus (Ethan Schmeisser). The Baroccade Orchestra / Ethan Schmeisser. YouTube (Culiner Creative Circle) 16 Aug. 2018.*









James Macdonald




Kane, Sarah. Cleansed. Drama. 1998. Premiere at Royal Court's theatre Downswairs, dir. James Macdonald.

_____. 4.48 Psychosis. Experimental drama. 1999. first performed at the Royal Court Jerwood Theatre Upstairs, London, on 23 June 2000, dir. James Macdonald. Online PDF:





Carlos Martín


Theatrical productions


Esteban, José Luis. Don Quijote somos todos. Dir. Carlos Martín. Teatro del Temple. Zaragoza, Teatro Principal, 6-10 Nov. 2019.

Los Hermanos Marx Esperando a Godot. Teatro del Temple. Dir. Carlos Martín. Zaragoza: Teatro del Mercado, 2003.

Plou, Alfonso, and Carlos Martín. Sonetos de amor y otros delirios.  Rehearsal comedy on Shakespeare's Sonnnets and A Midsummer Night's Dream. Premiere by Teatro del Temple, dir. Carlos Martín, at the Teatro Principal, Zaragoza, March 2006.*






Blanche McIntyre


Theatrical productions


Stoppard, Tom.. Arcadia. English Touring Theatre. Dir. Blanche McIntyre. Theatre Royal Brighton, 2015.








Vsevolod Meyerhold



(Russian theatre director, became Bolshevik, Director of Moscow's Theatre of the Revolution after 1917 Revolution; then dissident, accused of espionage, executed by Stalinism 1940)






Meyerhold, Vsevolod, ed. L'Amour des trois oranges. Review. 9 issues, 1914-16.

_____, rev. and prod. Taras Bulba. By N. Gogol.





Leach, Robert. Vsevolod Meyerhold. (Directors in Perspective). 1993.

Ley, Graham, and Jane Milling. "Meyerhold, Copeau and Brecht." In Ley and Milling, Performance and Theory from Stanislavski to Boal. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Regnault, François. "El visitante de la noche: ¿Cómo se puede hablar de un espectáculo?" (Stanislavski, Meyerhold). Bilingual ed. Analecta Malacitana 19.2 (1996): 499-548.*





Eyre, Richard. "Meyerhold." (Ten Artists that Shook the World, 4 of 10). BBC Radio 3 (The Essay) 9 Nov. 2017.*









Roger Michell




Spencer, Charles. "A Masterpiece Has Found the Production It Deserves." Rev. of Roger Michell's production, London, Donmar Warehouse, 2004. Daily Telegraph 8th July 2004. Rpt. in Harold Pinter.org







Katie Mitchell




Mitchell, Katie. "Interview." In Pinter in the Theatre. Ed. Ian Smith. London: Nick Hern Books, 2005. 191-98.

Crimp, Martin. Attempts on Her Life. New prod. Katie Mitchell, National Theatre, 2007.





Hodgdon, Barbara. "Making it New: Katie Mitchell Refashions Shakespeare-History." In Transforming Shakespeare: Contemporary Women's Re-Visions in Literature and Performance. Ed. Marianne Novy. 1999. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2000. 13-34.*

Solga, Kim. "Body Doubles, Babel's Voices: Katie Mitchell's Iphigenia at Aulis and the Theatre of Sacrifice." Contemporary Theatre Review 18.2 (2008): 146-60.





Ariane Mnouchkine




Mnouchkine, Ariane, and the Théâtre du Soleil. Les Clowns. 1969.

_____. 1789, la Révolution doit s'arrêter à la perfection du bonheur. 1970.

_____. 1793, La Cité Révolutionnaire est de ce monde. 1972.

_____. L'Age d'or. 1975.




Cixous, Hélène. L'Histoire terrible mais inachevée de Norodom Sihanouk Roi du Cambodge. History play.  Staged by Ariane Mnouchkine. Paris: Théâtre du Soleil, 1985.






Innes, Christopher D. "Interculturalism and Expropiating the Classics." (Shakespeare, Heiner Müller, Robert Wilson, Ariane Mnouchkine). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 193-213.*





Ricardo Moya




"Pinter brinda por los 'Viejos tiempos'." RNE-El ojo crítico 28 May 2012.* (Ricardo Moya, dir.).








Nikolai Okhlopokov


(Russian modernist theatre director, disciple of Meyerhold).


Theatre productions


Okhlopokov, Nikolai, dir. Hamlet. Mayakovsky Theatre, 1954.





Óscar Orzáiz Resano





Chacón, Dulce. Algún amor que no mate. Dir. Óscar Orzáiz Resano. Grupo de Teatro de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, 2019.







José Osuna




Buero Vallejo, Antonio. La Fundación. Prod. TV2 ("El Teatro"), 1977. Cast: Francisco Valladares,  Jesús Puente, Manuel Gallardo, José Mª Guillén, José Caride, Luis García Ortega. Prod. Rafael García Mediano, Celia Castro, Rafael Duque. Dir. José Osuna. YouTube (Ampareichon1) 6 April 2013.         http://youtu.be/2AsUQt4spdg




Lluís Pasqual


Torres, Rosana. "Mario Gas vs. Lluís Pasqual." Mercurio 179 - Centenario Shakespeare: La invención de lo humano (March 2016): 6-9.*



Theatre productions


Pasqual, Lluís, adapt. and dir. Hamlet. By William Shakespeare. Music by Josep María Arrizabalaga. Cast: Eduard Fernández, Marisa Paredes, Helio Pedregal, Aitor Mazo, Jesús Castejón, Rebeca Valls, Iván Hermes, David Pinilla, Javier ruiz de Alegría, Alberto Berzal, Lander Iglesias, Joseba Apaolaza, Antonio Rupérez. Teatro Arriaga; coprod. Teatro Español / Teatre Lliure. Zaragoza: Teatro Principal, 22 April 2006.

_____, adapt. and dir. La Tempestad. By William Shakespeare. Trans. Patricia Zángaro.. Music by Josep María Arrizabalaga. Cast: Francesc Orella, Helio Pedregal, Iván Hermes, Lander Iglesias, Joseba Apaolaza, Antonio Rupérez, Rebeca Valls, Alberto Berzal, Pablo Viar, Javier Ruiz de Alegría, Aitor Mazo, Jorge Santos, Jesús Castejón, Eduard Fernández, David Pinilla, Anna Lizaran, Itxaso Corral, Alberto Berzal, Luis Rallo.  Teatro Arriaga; coprod. Teatro Español / Teatre Lliure. Zaragoza: Teatro Principal, 22 April 2006.




Luis Peirano




Calderón de la Barca, Pedro. El Gran Teatro del Mundo. Dir. Luis Peirano. Perú: PUCP, 1997. Online video. YouTube (costumbresandinas) 9 Dec. 1994.*






Marta Pérez Seguí




Pérez, Lute. "Marta Pérez Seguí y el Grupo Teatral 'Através Arte'." (Tardes Literarias). Audio. YouTube (Radio Sapiens) 28 Feb. 2021.*









Erwin Piscator


(Avant-garde director and producer)


Piscator, Erwin. Political Theatre. French trans. 1962.




Nigel Playfair




Gay, John. The Beggar's Opera. Version by Frederic Austin, for Nigel Playfair's production. Premiere at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, 1920.

_____. Polly. Music by Frederic Austin. Prod. Nigel Playfair. London's Kingsway Theatre, 1922.





"Nigel Playfair's Production at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre." Rev. of As You Like It.  1919. In Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing and As You Like It. Ed. John Russell Brown. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979. 232.*



Related works






William Poel


(British actor, and director, advocated a bare-stage Shakespeare)





Webster. The Duchess of Malfi. Staged by William Poel, Independent Theatre, 1892.

Shakespeare. Measure for Measure. Staged by William Poel. 1893.






Speaight, Robert. William Poel and the Elizabethan Revival. London, 1954.




Aaron Posner




Shakespeare. Macbeth. Folger Theatre / Two River Theater Company, co-directed by Teller and Aaron Posner. YouTube (FolgerLibrary) 25 March 2020.*













Josep Maria Pou




Díaz-Guerra, Iñako. "Josep Maria Pou: 'Me han hecho sentir un mal catalán por no estar de acuerdo con el procés'." El Mundo (Papel) 27 Sept. 2018.*










Harold Prince




Hirsch, Foster. Harold Prince and the American Musical. Foreword by Harold Prince and Stephen Sondheim. (Theater Directors in Perspective). 1989.







Ron Pyle




Shakespeare. "Macbeth." Bob Jones U Classic Drama. Dir. Ron Pyle. YouTube (Bob Jones University) 30 March 2020.*






Ellis Rabb




Hart, Moss, and George S. Kaufman. You Can't Take It With You. Drama. Pulitzer Prize 1937. TV film, dir. Ellis Rabb (stage) and Kirk Browning (TV). Cast: Jason Robards, Elizabeth Wilson, Jack Dodson, Carol Androsky, Maureen Anderman, Nicholas Surovy, Meg Mundy, Richard Woods. (Showtime). 1984. VHS. YouTube (mitchellivers) 29 Jan. 2015.*






O'Connor, John J. Rev. of You Can't Take It With You. TV film of Hart Moss's and George S. Kaufman's play, dir. Ellis Rabb (stage) and Kirk Browning (TV). New York Times 21 Nov. 1984.*







Paul Radford






Shakespeare. Hamlet. Dir. Paul Radford. YouTube (Bob Jones U) 30 March 2020.*







Zanali Razvi





Williams, Tennesee. A Streetcar Named Desire. Dir. Zanali Razvi. Pace Drama Alliance, Fall 2014. YouTube (Zanali Razvi) 7 March 2015.*








Ralph Richardson




Hobson, Harold. Ralph Richardson.







Ian Rickson





Beckett, Samuel. Krapp's Last Tape. Dir. Ian Rickson. With Harold Pinter as Krapp. Royal Court Theatre, 2006.









Aragay, Mireia, Hildegard Klein, Enric Monforte, and Pilar Zozaya, eds. British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with directors, playwrights, critics and academics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (I, Directors: Stephen Daldry, Ian Rickson, Max Stafford-Clark; II, Playwrights: Neil Bartlett, Martin Crimp, Kevin Elyot, Joe Penhall, Mark Ravenhill; III, Critics: Michael Billington, Nicholas de Jongh, Aleks Sierz; IV, Academics: Dan Rebellato, Graham Saunders, Alan Sinfield).





Àlez Rigola





Peral Vega, Emilio "El público según Àlex Rigola: Lorca en el abismo (escénico) de su deseo." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  











Sanford Robbins




Potter, Lois. "A Brave New Tempest." Shakespeare Quarterly 43.4 (1992): 450-55. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 371-78.* (Sanford Robbins).





Cécile Roussat




Purcell, Henry. Dido and Aeneas. Libretto by Nahum Tate. Cast: Anat Czarny, Oded Reich, Tal Ganor, Guy Mannheim, Shiri Hershkowitz, Shked Strul, Maya Bakstansky, Yaniv D'Or. Dir. and scenography Cécile Roussat and Julien Lubeck. Israeli Opera Chorus (Ethan Schmeisser). The Baroccade Orchestra / Ethan Schmeisser. YouTube (Culiner Creative Circle) 16 Aug. 2018.*












Chris Rovers




Gay, John. The Beggar's Opera. Amateur performance by KWLT (Sept. 2009). Dir Chris Rovers. Music arr. Margaret Rovers. YouTube (kwlittletheatre) 9 March 2011.*






Oliver Salas Herrera




Marlowe, Christopher. Eduardo II. Recorded performance. Dir. Oliver Salas Herrera. Cast: Noé Lifona, Paco Bastida, Amanda Ríos, Alfonso Otón, Pablo Domínguez, José Luis Guerrero, Cristina González, Pablo Fortés, José Caballero, J. Antonio palomino, Roque García. Video. Creaciones Muscaria. Video by Oliver Salas. YouTube (Oliver S. H.) 6 Nov. 2012.*








Alan Schneider      (b. Russia, 1917; l. USA)


Schneider, Alan. "Working with Beckett". Chelsea Review (Fall 1958): 3-20. Rpt. in Graver and Federman 173-88.*

_____, dir. Waiting for Godot. TV film of Beckett's play. Cast: Burgess Meredith, Zero Mostel, Kurt Kasznar, Alvin Epstein, Luke Halpin. Introd. Barney Rosset. 1961. Online at Facebook (Samuel Beckett) 10 Dec. 2019.*



_____, dir. Film. Screenplay by Samuel Beckett. Starring Buster Keaton. 1965.

_____. "Waiting for Beckett". In Calder, Beckett at 60.*

_____. "Sobre el rodaje de Film".  In Samuel Beckett, Film  (ed. Tusquets) 75-112.*

_____, dir. Rockaby. Video. Dir. Alan Schneider. With D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus. Cast: Billie Whitelaw. 1982. Online at Facebook (Samuel Beckett) 16 Dec. 2019.*





Cohn, Ruby. "Inexhaustible Alan." In Beckett Translating / Translating Beckett. Ed. Alan Warren Friedman, Charles Rossman, and Dina Sherzer.University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1987. 227-32.*

Haughton, Hugh. "Sorry to Be So Vague." Rev. of Man from Babel, by Eugene Jolas, and No Author Better Served, ed. Maurice Harmon. London Review of Books 29 July 1999: 18-21.*



Peter Sellars


Fuchs, Elinor. "Peter Sellars's The Count of Monte Cristo." 1985. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 176-78.*



Andrei Serban


Fuchs, Elinor. "Andrei Serban's The Marriage of Figaro." (Beaumarchais). 1982. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 165-69.*




Caleb Simone


Euripides. Herakles. Dir. Caleb Simone. Barnard Columbia Ancient Drama, Minor Latham Playhouse, New York, 4-6 April 2019.



Oliver Smith       (1918-1977)


(US set designer and theatrical producer)



Kevin Spacey


(Artistic Director of Old Vic 2003-)






Oswald Stoll


(Music hall impresario at the Middlesex Music Hall and the Coliseum)


_____. C'est Bon! Music hall spectacle,  early 20th.

_____. Cachez ça! Music hall spectacle,  early 20th.

_____. C'est Chic! Music hall spectacle,  early 20th.



Lee Strasberg




"Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theater." With Joanne Woodward et al. (PBS American Masters, season 3, episode 8, 26 June 1989). Online at YouTube (Arbiter) 6 March 2017.* (Stanislavki's Method acting).



"The Origins of Acting and 'The Method'." YouTube (Filmmaker IQ) 29 April 2015.* ('The Group' Theatre)








Giorgio Strehler


Strehler, Giorgio. "Beckett ou le triomphe de la vie". In Samuel Beckett. Special issue of the Revue d'Esthétique. Ed. P. Chabert. (1986): 212-15.*



Hirst, David. Giorgio Strehler. (Directors in Perspective). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Kott, Jan. "Prospero, or the Director: Giorgio Strehler's The Tempest." First trans. as "Prospero, or the Director: Giorgio Strehler's The Tempest (Piccolo Teatro di Milano)." Trans. Barbara Krzywicka. Theater 10.2 (1979): 117-22. Rev. version in The Bottom Translation: Marlowe and Shakespeare and the Carnival Tradition. Trans. Daniela Miedzyrzecka and Lillian Vallee. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1987. 133-41. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 364-70.*




Janet Suzman




Suzman, Janet, dir. Othello. Filmed theatrical production. with John Kani as Othello. Market theatre, Johannesburg, 1988.






Jennifer Tipton


Anderson, Randall Louis. "Shakespeare at the Guthrie: The Tempest Through a Glass, Darkly." Shakespeare Quarterly 44.1 (1993): 87-92. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 404-12.* (Jennifer Tipton).





Tamzin Townsend




Tomás Moro: Una utopía. Dir. Tamzin Townsend. Trans. Aurora Rice and Enrique García-Máiquez. Adapt. Ignacio García May. Cast: José Luis Patiño (Tomás Moro), Ángel Ruiz (el historiador), Manu Hernández (Erasmo). Fundación Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2013.*








J. E. Vedrenne


(With Harley Granville Barker, managers of the Court theatre, 1904-7)







César de Vicente Hernando




García Simón, Carlos. "Muere César de Vicente Hernando, teórico de la literatura y figura fundamental del teatro político en España." El País 23 Jan. 2022.*










Jean Vilar (1912-1971)


(French dramatic director, founder of Avignon drama festival, 1947)





Simon, Alfred.  Jean Vilar.  Paris: La Manufacture, 1991.









Sasha Waltz




Dusapin, Pascal. Passion. Barbara Hannigan, Georg Nigl. Choreog. and stage: Sasha Waltz. Vocalconsort Berlin. Ensemble Modern / Franck Ollu. World premiere, Opéra de Lille, 2 Feb. 2012. YouTube (grinblat) 2 Feb. 2019.*













Mazer, Cary M., ed. Great Shakespeareans, Volume XV: Poel, Granville Barker, Guthrie, Wanamaker. (Great Shakespeareans, set IV). London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*







Clifford Williams



Theatrical productions


As You Like It. By William Shakespeare. All-male production. Dir. Clifford Williams. With Anthony Hopkins and Derek Jacobi. Royal National Theatre. 1st perf., Old Vic, 1967.







Robert Wilson




Shakespeares Sonette. Dir. Robert Wilson. Music Rufus Wainwright. Berliner Ensemble. YouTube (morganistik) 13 Aug. 2012.*







Fuchs, Elinor. "Robert Wilson's Alcestis." 1986. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 178-83.*

Innes, Christopher D. "Interculturalism and Expropiating the Classics." (Shakespeare, Heiner Müller, Robert Wilson, Ariane Mnouchkine). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 193-213.*




George C. Wolfe


Brustein, Robert. "Tempest in a Smokepot." The New Republic 4 Dec. 1995. In The Tempest: Critical Essays. Ed. Patrick M. Murphy. New York; Routledge, 2001. 413-15.* (George C. Wolfe).




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