martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Dramaturgos, Autores teatrales



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Authorship in drama/Playwrights/Dramatists



Aubrun, Charles V[incent]. La Comédie espagnole (1600-1680). Paris: PUF, 1966.

_____. La comedia española (1600-1680). Trans. Julio Lago Alonso. (Persiles, 36). Madrid: Taurus, 1968.* (Conventions, theatres, actors, authorship, Guillén de Castro, Lope de Vega, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, Tirso de Molina, Antonio Mira de Amescua, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Juan Pérez de Montalbán, Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, Agustín Moreto, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Faith, social order, love, honour, justice).

Berney, K. A., et al., eds. Contemporary British Dramatists. Londres, Detroit, Washington, D.C.: St. James Press, 1994.

Bicât, Tina, and Chris Baldwin. Devised and Collaborative Theatre: A Practical Guide. Marlborough: Crowood, 2002.

Bigsby, Christopher W. E. Contemporary American Playwrights. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Billingham, Peter. At the Sharp End. London: A&C Black, 2007. (Interviews with British dramatists).

Braunmuller, A. R. "2. The Arts of the Dramatist." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 53-92.*

Castilla del Pino, Carlos. "Actor, autor y sociedad." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 217-26.*

Davies, Robertson. "III. Playwrights and Plays." In The Revels History of Drama in English, volume VI: 1750-1880. By Michael R. Booth et al. London: Methuen, 1975. 145-270.*

Dromgoole, Dominic. The Full Room: An A-Z of Contemporary Playwriting. London: Methuen, 2001. (British playwrights).

Edgar, David. State of Play: Playwrights on Playwriting. London: Faber and Faber, 1999.

_____. "Unsteady States: Theories of Contemporary New Writing." Contemporary Theatre Review 15.3 (2005): 297-308.

_____. "The Playwright's Still the Thing." The Guardian (Comment Is Free) 29 Jan. 2015.*


Edgar, David, et al. "Is the Playwright Dead?" University of Oxford - Podcasts  (2015).*


Fisher, Amanda Stuart. "The Playwright in Residence: A Community's Storyteller." The Drama Review 48.3 (2004): 135-49.

Gardner, Lyn. "Writing as Collaboration: Experiments in Form." In The Skeleton Key. Cheshire: Action Transport Theatre Company, 2007. 9-11.

Gómez Torres, Ana. "El concepto de dramaturgo y sus límites en El público de Federico García Lorca." In Autor y texto: Fragmentos de una presencia. Ed. Ángeles Sirvent, Josefina Bueno, and Silvia Caporale. Barcelona: PPU, 1996. 381-86.*

Giannachi, Gabriella. "From the 'Infinity of the Unsaid': Instances of Authorial Silence in Modern Drama." In Anatomies of Silence. Ed. Ann R. Cacoullos and Maria Sifianou. Athens: U of Athens, 1998. 46-53.*

Gómez Torres, Ana. "El concepto de dramaturgo y sus límites en El Público de Federico García Lorca." In Autor y texto: Fragmentos de una presencia. Ed. Ángeles Sirvent, Josefina Bueno and Silvia Caporale. Barcelona: PPU, 1996. 381-86.*

Hunka, George. "Playwrights Writing: Procedure and Polemic." PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 87 (2007): 119-23.

Kewes, Paulina. Authorship and Appropriation: Writing for the Stage in England, 1660-1710. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Klein, Hilde. "The Dramatist Can Help to Create a New Theatre by the Way He Writes." In Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Alicante: AEDEAN, 1991. 325-30.*

Lane, David. "Chapter 3: Writing and Devising—The Call for Collaboration." In Lane, Contemporary British Drama. Edinburgh UP, 2010.* (David Eldridge, Bryony Lavery, Hidden City Festival, Cartoon de Salvo).

López Mozo, Jerónimo. "Cuando el autor también es personaje (El escenario como espejo del creador)." In Teatro, (auto)biografía y autoficción (2000-2018) en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo (Tomo III). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.

Mardock, James. Our Scene Is London: Ben Jonson's London and the Space of the Author. London: Routledge, 2006.

Masten, Jeffrey. Textual Intercourse: Collaboration, Authorship and Sexualities in Renaissance Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.

Oddey, Alison. Devising Theatre: A Practical and Theoretical Handbook. London: Routledge, 1996.

Page, Adrian, ed. The Death of the Author? Modern Drama and Literary Theory. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.

Pinter, Harold. "Between the Lines." Speech to the Seventh National Student Drama Festival in Bristol. The Sunday Times 4 March 1962.

_____. "Writing for the Theatre." Rev. version of "Between the Lines." in The New British Drama. New York: Grove Press, 1964.

_____. "Writing for the Theatre." In Pinter, Plays: One. London: Methuen, 1986. 9-16.*

Powell, Lucy. "Whose Lines Are They Anyway?" The Times 13 March 2006.

Richardson, Brian. "Point of View in the Drama: Diegetic Monologue, Unreliable Narrators, and the Author's Voice on Stage." Comparative Drama 22.3 (1988): 193-214.

Sanders, Wilbur. The Dramatist and the Received Idea. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968.

Sierz, Aleks, Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer, eds. The Methuen Drama, 2011.

Shapiro, James. Rival Playwrights.

Sierz, Aleks. "Beyond Timidity? The State of British New Writing." PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 81 (2005). 55-61.

Sierz, Aleks, Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer, eds. The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary British Playwrights. Methuen Drama, 2011.

Stephens, John Russell. The Profession of the Playwright: British Theatre, 1800-1900. 1992.

Wu, Duncan. Making Plays: Interviews with Contemporary British Dramatists and Directors. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.








Dolor y gloria. Dir. Pedro Almodóvar. Spain, 2019.










Buckingham. The Rehearsal.

García Lorca, Federico. El público.

Jonson, Ben. "On Playwright." Quatrain. Poetry Foundation.*




See also Drama: Ages, Areas.





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