miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2023

Personajes dramáticos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Characters in Drama




Bennison, Neil. "Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics and the Dramatic 'Character': Tom Stoppard's Professional Foul." Language and Literature 2.2 (1994): 79-100.

Brown, I. Parties of the Play. 1928.

Culpeper, Jonathan. Language and Characterisation: People in Plays and Other Texts. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.

Dodd, William. "Metalanguage and Character in Drama." Lingua e Stile 14 (1979): 135-50.

Elam, Keir. "Actant, Dramatis Persona and the Dramatic Model." In Elam, The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama. London: Methuen, 1980. 126-34.

Freeman, Lisa A. Character's Theater: Genre and Ideology on the Eighteenth-Century English Stage. U of Pennsylvania P, 2002.

_____. Antitheatricality and the Body Public: From the Renaissance to the NEA. Forthcoming 2007.

_____. "5. The Social Life of Eighteenth-century Comedy." In The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830. Ed. Jane Moody and Daniel O'Quinn. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 73-86.*

Freud, Sigmund. "Psychopathische Personen auf der Bühne." 1905 or 1906, pub 1942.

_____. "Psychopathic Characters on the Stage." Trans. Henry Alden Bunker. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 11 (1942): 459-64.

_____. "Psychopathic Characters on the Stage." In Freud, Standard Edition 7.303-10.

_____. "Personajes psicopáticos en el teatro." In Obras completas. Madrid: Orbis, 1988. 6.1272-6.

Fuchs, Elinor. "The Death of Character." (Postmodernism in drama). 1983. In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996.*

_____. "The Rise and Fall of the Character named Character." In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 21-35.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Somos teatreros." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 5 Sept. 2009.*



García-Bermejo Giner, Miguel M. "Notas a un personaje dramático." In Estudios humanísticos en homenaje a Luis Cortés Vázquez. Ed. Roberto Dengler Gassin. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1991. 1.283-88.*

Garín, Inmaculada. "El personaje dramático: Ascensión y caída de un concepto a través de la crítica shakespeareana de los siglos XVIII y XIX." Atlantis 5.1-2 (June-Nov. 1983): 23-38.*

Maestro, Jesús G., ed. Figuras del mal y personajes perversos en el teatro europeo. (Theatralia, 15). Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2013.

McIntosh, Angus. "As You Like It: A Grammatical Clue to Character." 1963. Select. in The Language of Literature. Ed. Norman Page. London: Macmillan, 1984. 109-22.*

El personaje teatral. Special issue of Theatralia. Ed. Jesús G. Maestro. (1998).

Rosenberg, Harold. "Character Change and the Drama." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 324-38.*

Sarrazac, Jean–Pierre. "El impersonaje. Una relectura de la crisis del personaje."  Revista de Literatura: Teoría, Historia, Crítica (Departamento de Literatura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 8 (2006): 353-69.



Schanzer, Ernest. The Problem Plays of Shakespeare: A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra. London: Routledge, 1963.

Schlueter, June. Metafictional Characters in Modern Drama. New York: Columbia UP, 1977.

Smith, Emma. Author vs. Character in Early Modern Dramatic Authorship: The Example of Thomas Kyd and The Spanish Tragedy. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1998.

Spencer, Theodore. "The Elizabethan Malcontent." In Joseph Quincy Dams Memorial Studies. Ed. J. G. McManaway, J. G. Dawson, and E. E. Willoughby. Washington (DC). Folger Liberary, 1948.

Stanislavski, Konstantin. Creating a Role. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. London, 1968.

_____. Building a Character. Trans. E. R. Hapgood. New York: Theatre Art Books, 1949.

_____. (Constantin Stanislavski). Building a Character. Trans. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. 1950. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.  Online at Google Books:



_____. (Constantin Stanislavski).  La construcción del personaje. Trans. Bernardo Fernández. (El Libro de Bolsillo, 573). Madrid: Alianza, 1975. 1980. 1984. 1985.*

_____. Stanislavski on the Art of the Stage. Ed. D. Magarshack. London, 1967.

Storm, William. "On the Science of Dramatic Character." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 241-52.*

Styan, J. L. "8. Manipulating the Characters: Arms and the Man, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Six Characters in Search of an Author." In Styan, The Elements of Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1960. 163-87.*

_____. "Manipulating the Characters." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 303-23.*

_____. "5. Characters in Search of an Actor: The Player and His Part." In Styan, Drama: A Guide to the Study of Plays. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 2003. 2004. 51-64.*








García Landa, José Angel. "Characters in Drama." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philoloy. Online at Scribd (Ward El Mouna Belarbi) 3 June 2014.*








Pirandello, Luigi. Six Characters in Search of an Author.  Drama.  1921.

_____. Six personnages en quête d'auteur. In Pirandello, Ce soir on improvise. Chacun son idée. Six personnages en quête d'auteur. (GF 744). Paris: Garnier-Flammarion.




See Characters (general); Characters (in narrative).





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