lunes, 9 de octubre de 2023

Otros géneros dramáticos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Other Dramatic Genres



Dramatic subgenres: General


Danson, Lawrence. Shakespeare's Dramatic Genres. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Frye, Northrop. "Specific Forms of Drama." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 137-47.*

Orgel, Stephen. "Shakespeare and the Kinds of Drama." Critical Inquiry 6 (1979): 107-23. (U of Chicago P).

_____. "Shakespeare and the Kinds of Drama." In Shakespeare and the Literary Tradition. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York and London: Garland, 1999. 33-50.*

Styan, J. L. "7. Kinds of Drama: Genre, Mood and Mode." In Styan, Drama: A Guide to the Study of Plays. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 2003. 2004. *




Auto sacramental


"Auto sacramental." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.


Durá Celma, Rosa. "Tiempo para hablar y tiempo para callar: Uso y función del silencio en un auto religioso de fines del XVI." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 39 (2013): 27-46.* (Auto de la cena a lo divino).

Egido, Aurora. La fábrica de un auto sacramental: Los Encantos de la Culpa. Salamanca: Universidad, 1982.





Cilveti, Angel L., and Ignacio Arellano. Bibliografía crítica para el estudio del auto sacramental con especial atención a Calderón. Kassel: Reichenberger/Universidad de Navarra, 1994.


See also Morality plays.





Burlesque drama


Bevis, Richard W. "Lay All Aristotle's Rules Aside: Musicals and Irregular Forms 1738-1779." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 237-41.*

Bliss, Lee. "Pastiche, Burlesque, Tragicomedy." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 237-61.

_____. "7. Pastiche, Burlesque, Tragicomedy." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 228-53.*

King, Bruce. "Heroic and Mock-Heroic Plays." Sewanee Review 70 (1962): 248-64.

Romero Mariscal, Lucía P. "Mimo: El descaro teatral del Imperio Romano." The Conversation 28 Sept. 2021.*


Trussler, Simon. "14. The End of the Monopoly 1814-1843." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 212-26.* (The theatre and political reform. Neighbourhood playhouses. Competition in the West End. The decline of the patent theatres. Innovations in theatre design. Style in comedy. Coming of the critics. Kinds of melodrama. Extravaganzas, burlesques, burlettas, and prehistory of the music hall. The Theatres Act—and the Riot Act. The Eminent Mr Macready).

_____. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).









Bouissac, Paul. "Poetics in the Lion's Den: The Circus Act as a Text." Modern Language Notes 86.6 (December 1971): 845-57.

Holland, Charlie, ed. Strange Feats and Clever Turns: Remarkable Speciality Acts in Variety, Vaudeville and Sideshows at the Turn of the 20th Century, as Seen by Their Contemporaries. London: Holland and Palmer, 1998.

Verne, Jules. "Inauguración del circo municipal de Amiens." In Verne, Viaje al centro de la mente: Ensayos literarios y científicos. Trans. and notes Mauro Armiño. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2018. 265-78.*





At the Circus. Dir. Edward Buzzell. With the Marx brothers. 1939.

The Greatest Show on Earth. Dir. Cecil B. DeMille. Cast: Betty Hutton, Charlton Heston, Cornel Wilde, Dorothy Lamour, Gloria Grahame, James Stewart, Henry Wilcoxon, Lawrence Tierney, Lyle Bettger. USA, 1952. (Oscar for Best Picture and Story).

König der Diebe. Dir. Ivan Fila. Czech Republic / Germany / Belgium / Slovakia /Austria / France / Slovenia / Netherlands, 2003. (El rey de los ladrones).






Yeats, W. B. "The Circus Animals' Desertion." Poem. 1939. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2120-21.*







Clowns and Clowning


Borges, Jorge Luis. (Unsigned). "Los tres evadidos de la realidad." Revista Multicolor no. 5 (26 Aug. 1933). In Borges en Revista Multicolor: Obras, reseñas y traducciones inéditas de Jorge luis Borges. Diario Crítica: Revista Multicolor de los sábados, 1933-1934. Ed. Irma Zangara. Foreword by María Kodama. 2 vols. Editorial Atlántida, 1995. Rpt. Madrid: Club Internacional del Libro, 1997. 1.36-40.* (Clowns, ventriloquists, Chaplin).

Caron, Jeme E. "Silent Slapstick Film as Ritualized Clowning: The Example of Charlie Chaplin." Studies in American Humor 3.14 (2006). Online at JSTOR.*


Culwell, Lori M. "The Role of the Clown in Shakespearean Theatre." Electronic edition URL:






Pound, Ezra. "Pierrots"—From the French of Jules Laforgue (1860-1887). In The Translations of Ezra Pound. London: Faber and Faber, 1970. 438-9.*







Leoncavallo, Ruggiero.  I Pagliacci. Opera.

_____. Pagliacci. Carlo Bergonzi, Joan Carlyle, Giuseppe Taddei, Ugo Benelli, Rolando Panerai, Giuseppe Morresi, Franco Ricciardi. In Mascagni, Cavalleria Rusticana. Ruggiero Leoncavallo, Pagliacci. Coro e Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala / Herbert von Karajan. Prod. 1966. Intermezzi. Berliner Philharmoniker / Herbert von Karajan. Prod. 1968. 3 Cds. Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, n.d.*

_____. I Pagliacci. José Carreras. Philharmonia Orchestra / Riccardo Muti. EMI, 1980.

_____. Pagliacci. Opera. Plácido Domingo, Teresa Stratas, Juan Pons, Alberto Rinaldi, Florindo Andreolli. Chorus & Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala di Milano / Georges Prêtre. CD. Philips Classics.




See also Burlesque drama.







Commedia dell'Arte


Barasch, Frances K. "The Lady's not for Spurning: An Investigation of Italian Actresses and their Roles in Commedia dell' Arte as Shakespeare's Inspiration." Unpublished paper.

_____. "Theatrical Prints: Zany, Pantalone, and the Elizabethans." In On Page and Stage: Shakespeare in Polish and World Culture. Ed. Krystyna Kujawinska Courtney. Krakow: Universitas, 2000. 21-48.*

George, David. The History of the Commedia dell'arte in Modern Hispanic Literature with Special Attention to the Work of García Lorca. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1995.




Documentary drama


Ascherson, Neal. "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" The Observer 9 Nov. 2003. (Documentary drama)

Bottoms, Stephen. "Putting the Document into Documentary: An Unwelcome Corrective?" The Drama Review 50.3 (2006): 56-68.

Cheeseman, Peter. "Peter Cheeseman . . . on Documentary Theatre." In Talking to Terrorists. By Robin Soans. London: Oberon, 2006. 104-7.

Dromgoole, Dominic. "Reality Check." The Guardian 23 Oct. 2004. (Drama and society).

Edgar, David. "Secret Lives." The Guardian 19 April 2003. (Documentary drama).

Forsyth, Alison, ed. Get Real: Documentary Theatre Past and Present. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Hare, David. "Why Fabulate?" The Guardian 2 Feb. 2002. (Documentary drama).

Martin, Carol. "Bodies of Evidence." Drama Review 50.3 (2006): 8-15. (Documentary drama).

Paget, Derek. "'Verbatim Theatre': Oral History and Documentary Techniques." New Theatre Quarterly (1987).

Schweitzer, Pam. Reminiscence Theatre: Making Theatre from Memories. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.

Waters, Steve. "The Truth Behind the Facts." The Guardian 11 Feb. 2004. (Documentary drama).

Young, Stuart. "Playing with Documentary Theatre: Aalst and Taking Care of Baby." New Theatre Quarterly 25.1 (2009): 72-87.





Barry, Kieron. Stockwell: The Inquest into the Death of Jean Charles de Menezes. Verbatim drama. Prod. Landor Theatre, Clapham, 2009.

Brittain, Victoria, and Gillian Slovo. Guantanamo: 'Honor Bound to Defend Freedom'. Documentary drama. London: Oberon, 2004.

Hammond, Will, and Dan Steward, eds. Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. London: Oberon, 2008.

Holmes, Jonathan. Katrina. Drama. 2009.

_____. Fallujah: Eyewitness Testimony from Iraq's Besieged City. 2007.

Justifying War. Documentary drama. Dir. Edward Norton-Taylor. (David Kelly case).

Soans, Robin. A State Affair. Verbatim drama. Prod. Joint Stock, 2001.

_____. Talking to Terrorists. Verbatim drama. Prod. Joint Stock, 2005.






Dramatized visits


Martínez Thomas, Monique, and Raimundo Villalba Labrador. "Dramaturgia(s) de visita(s) turística(s): Un ejemplo de teatro aplicado." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018. 






Educational drama


Marsella, Stacy C. "Experiences Authoring Interactive Pedagogical Drama." International Journal of Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning 18.2 (2008). Online at Inderscience.*

         Online ref. at Semantic Scholar.*










Huerta Calvo, Javier. El nuevo mundo de la risa: Estudios sobre el teatro breve y la comicidad en los Siglos de Oro. Barcelona: Oro viejo, 1995.

Soons, Alan. "El trasfondo de una obrita festiva: El Entremés del mico." RILCE 12.1 (1996): 99-138.*






Hunter, G. K. "Appendix: Entries, Masques, Jigs." In English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 2008. 525-33.*




Epic Theatre


Benjamin, Walter. "What is Epic Theater?" 1939. In Benjamin, Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 147-54.

Brecht, B. Escritos sobre teatro. Barcelona: Nueva Visión, 1970.






Baroja, Pío. "La farsa de Pachi." In Pío Baroja: Obras Completas XVI: Obra dispersa y epistolario: Textos dispersos - Páginas de autocrítica - Prólogo a textos ajenos - Artículos - Epistolario selecto. Ed. José-Carlos Mainer. Rev. Juan Carlos Ara Torralba.  Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 2000. 679-82.

Bevis, Richard W. "The Confused Muse: Georgian Comedy and Farce." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 212-36.*

Dryden, John. "Of Comedy, Farce, and Tragedy: Preface to An Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer." 1680. In Dryden's Essays. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1912. 77-86.

Mendoza Ramos, Mª del Pilar. "La manipulación en las farsas medievales francesas." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 163-74.





García Peinado, Miguel Angel, and Esperanza Cobos, eds. Maese Pathelin y otras farsas. (Letras Universales). Madrid: Cátedra.

Inchbald, Elizabeth, ed. A Collection of Farces and Other Afterpieces. 7 vols., 1809, 1815.





Folk drama


Bogatyrev, Petr. "Znaky divadeini." Slovo a slovesnost 4 (1938): 138-49.

_____. "Semiotics in the Folk Theater." Trans. B. Kochis. In Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions. Ed. Ladislav Matejka and Irwin R. Titunik. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1976.33-50.




Happening. See Performance art.




Heroic Plays


Bevis, Richard W. "The Noble Experiment: Heroic Drama." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 40-52.*

Deane, Cecil V. Dramatic Theory and the Rhymed Heroic Play. Oxford, 1931.

_____. Dramatic Theory and the Rhymed Heroic Play. New York: Arden Library, 1978.

Dryden, John. "Of Heroic Plays: Prefatory Essay to The Conquest of Granada." (1672). In Dryden's Essays. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1912. 87-94.

_____.  "Of Heroique Playes, an Essay." Introd. to The Conquest of Granada. (Nonesuch Edition).

_____. "Of Heroic Plays." In Essays of Dryden. Ed. W. P. Ker. 1900. 148-59.

_____. "Of Heroic Plays." In Dryden, Of Dramatic Poesy. Ed. George Watson. 2 vols. London and New York, 1962. 1.156-66.

_____. "Heroic Poetry and Poetic Licence: The Author's Apology prefixed to The State of Innocence and Fall of Man, an Opera." 1677. In Dryden's Essays 108-17.

Gibbons, Brian. (U of Münster). "Romance and Heroic Play." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 207-36.

_____. "6. Romance and the Heroic Play." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 197-227.*

Jefferson, D. W. "The Significance of Dryden's Heroic Plays." Proceedings of the Leeds Phil. and Lit. Soc. 5 (1940): 125-39.

_____. "The Significance of Dryden's Heroic Plays." 1940. In Restoration Dramatists. Ed. Earl Miner. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1966.

King, Bruce. "Heroic and Mock-Heroic Plays." Sewanee Review 70 (1962): 248-64.

Kirsch, Arthur C. Dryden's Heroic Drama. Princeton, 1965.

Pérez Bowie, José Antonio. "Sobre el teatro biográfico y su relación con el biopic. Una propuesta metodológica." In Teatro, (auto)biografía y autoficción (2000-2018) en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo (Tomo III). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.

Russell, T. Wheeler. Voltaire, Dryden and Heroic Tragedy. New York: Columbia UP, 1946.





Improvised drama


García, Mariano. "El Festival Improvisa 2017 trae a Zaragoza a los mejores actores instantáneos de todo el país." Heraldo de Aragón 16 Nov. 2017: 55.*








Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. "Entremés de entremeses." Lecture at the Ateneo de Madrid. In Las máscaras. Essays on drama. 4th ed. In Obras selectas de Ramón Pérez de Ayala. Barcelona: AHR, 1957. 1406-12.* (Early modern Spanish drama).

Watkins, J. "The Allegorical Theatre: moralities, interludes and protestant drama." In The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. Ed. D. Wallace. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.






Hunter, G. K. "Appendix: Entries, Masques, Jigs." In English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 2008. 525-33.*









Shively, Donald H. "The Social Environment of Tokugawa Kabuki." In Japanese Aesthetics and Culture: A Reader. Ed. Nancy G. Hume. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. 193-244.*



See also Japanese drama.






Lyrical drama.  See Poetic drama.







Anglo, Sydney. Spectacle, Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy. Oxford, 1969.

Bacon, Francis. "Of Masques and Triumphs." In Bacon's Essays. Ed. F. Storr and C. H. Gibson. 3rd ed. London: Longmans, Green, 1891. 320-27.*

_____. "Of Masques and Triumphs." From Essays. 1625. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.1539-40.*

Bergeron, David M. "Pageants, Masques, and History." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays. Ed. Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. 41-56.*

Berry, Ralph. "Masques and Dumb Shows in Webster's Plays." Eth 7 (1980): 124-46.

Bevington, David, and Peter Holbrook, eds. The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque. 1998.

Fletcher, Angus. From "The Transcendental Masque." From The Transcendental Masque. (Comus). 1971. 161-94. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1672-75.*

Gossett, Suzanne. "'Man-Maid, Begone!': Women in Masques." ELR 18.1 (1988).

Hunter, G. K. "Appendix: Entries, Masques, Jigs." In English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 2008. 525-33.*

Latham, Agnes M. C. "The Masque inside the Play in Shakespeare." (From the preface to As You Like It). In García Landa, Vanity Fea 17 May 2014.*


Lindley, David. The Court Masque. (The Revels Plays Companion Library). Manchester and Dover (NH): Manchester UP, 1984. Online at Google Book.*


"Masque." In The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Norbrook, David. "The Reformation of the Masque." In The Court Masque. Ed. David Lindley. Dover (NH): Manchester UP, 1984. 94-110.

Orgel, Stephen. The Jonsonian Masque. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1965.

_____. "7. The Masque." In English Drama to 1710. Ed. Christopher Ricks. (Sphere History of Literature in the English Language, 3). London: Sphere Books, 1971. 354-69.*

_____. The Illusion of Power: Political Theatre in the English Renaissance. Berkeley: U of California P, 1975.

Orgel, Stephen, and Roy Strong. Inigo Jones: The Theatre of the Stuart Court. 2 vols. Berkeley: Sotheby Parke Bennet; London: U of California P, 1973.

Princeps fidelissimus. "La mascarada." Noble y Real 6 Jan. 2012.*


Schwarz, Kathryn. "Amazon reflections in the Jacobean Queen's masque." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900  35.2 (Spring 1995). Online ed. in Magda Amundsen's Some Articles on Literature


Styan, J. L. "The Court Masque." In Styan, The English Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 187-98.*

Sutherland, Sarah P. Masques in Jacobean Tragedy. AMS Press, 1983.

Trussler, Simon. "7. The Caroline and Commonwealth Theatre 1625-1660." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 106-17.* (Plague, patronage, and the players. The matter of audiences. The Queen, the court, and the triumph of spectacle in the masque. Playwrights, cavalier and professional. Political plays—and the play of politics. The closure of 1642, and the plight of the actors. The residual theatre of the interregnum: closet plays, drolls—and opera by default. Theories of a reformed stage).

Welsford, E. The Court Masque. Cambridge, 1927.

Walls, Peter. Music in the English Courtly Masque, 1604-1640. (Oxford Monographs on Music). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.





Evans, H. A., ed. English Masques. Blackie, 1935?

Lindley, David, ed. Court Masques: Jacobean and Caroline Entertainments, 1605-1640. (Oxford Drama Library / World's Classics). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.

Masques Performed before the Queen. 1592.

Spencer, T. J. B., and S. Wells, eds. A Book of Masques. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1967. Rpt. 1980. (Jonson, Daniel, Campion, Beaumont, W. Browne, Davenant).







Newcastle (William Cavendish, Duke of). The Variety. Drama. 1641. (Satire on the court masque).

Shakespeare, William. As You Like It. many editions

_____. The Tempest. many editions




See also Masquerades.









Heilman, Robert Bechtold. Tragedy and Melodrama: Versions of Experience. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1968.

_____. "Tragedy and Melodrama: Speculations on Generic Form." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 148-62.*

Trussler, Simon. "13. From Manners to Melodrama 1776-1814." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 194-211.* (The Sheridan phenomenon. From mannered comedy to political spectacle. Enlargement of the patent houses. Minor theatres and the origins of melodrama. Naval drama, topical and gothic spectacle. Underclass as audience. Tableaux vivants. The 'compilation bill'. Philip Astley and Joe Grimaldi. The 'Kemble religion'. The point of 'points'. Significance of the OP Riots. Kean: the Anarchy of the Passion).



See also Aesthetic categories. Melodrama.







Mimes and Dumb Shows


Berry, Ralph. "Masques and Dumb Shows in Webster's Plays." Eth 7 (1980): 124-46.

López, Aurora, and Andrés Pociña. "Notas básicas para un tratamiento del mimo latino." In Mvnvs qvaesitvm meritis: Homenaje a Carmen Codoñer. Ed. Gregorio Hinojo Andrés and José Carlos Fernández Corte. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2007. 509-17.*

Mehl, Dieter. The Elizabethan Dumb Show: The History of a Dramatic Convention. London: Methuen, 1965.

Romero Mariscal, Lucía P. "Mimo: El descaro teatral del Imperio Romano." The Conversation 28 Sept. 2021.*








Miracle plays




Cawley, A. C., ed. Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays. (Everyman's Library). London: Dent, 1961.






Buezo, Catalina. "El rey y los reyes en la mojiganga dramática." In Estado actual de los estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro. Ed. Manuel García Martín et al. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1993. 203-8.*



Monodrama / Monologue


Chicharro, Antonio. "Antonio Machado y el monólogo: 'Sobre el teatro al uso' y 'Poema de un día (Meditaciones rurales)'." In Teoría y análisis de los discursos literarios: Estudios en homenaje al profesor Ricardo Senabre Sempere. Ed. S. Crespo et al. Salamanca: U de Extremadura / Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2009. 95-108.*

Culler, A. Dwight. "Monodrama and the Dramatic Monologue." PMLA90 (1975): 366-85.

Vacca, V. John. "Telling Women's Lives: African-American One-Person Plays." American Drama (Spring 1997): 58-66.*







Chatfield, Roy. The Other Shakespeare. Drama. 2014. (A monologue for Anne Hathaway).









Morality Plays


Fernández, Josefa. "De la moralidad inglesa al teatro alegórico español del XVI: Everyman y la Farsa del Sacramento." In XVIII Congreso de AEDEAN (Alcalá de Henares, 15-17 diciembre 1994). Ed. Ricardo J. Sola, Luis A. Lázaro and José A. Gurpegui. Alcalá: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 1997. 409-12.*

Styan, J. L. "The Early Morality Play." In Styan, The English Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 40-59.*

Watkins, J. "The Allegorical Theatre: moralities, interludes and protestant drama." In The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. Ed. D. Wallace. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

"Morality Play." In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia







Lester, G. A., ed. Three Late Medieval Morality Plays. (New Mermaids). London: A&C Black, 1981.

Wickham, Glynne, ed. English Moral Interludes. London: Dent, 1976.





Internet resources



"Morality Play." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.






Unsworth, Barry. Morality Play. Novel. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1995.*

_____. Morality Play. London: Penguin-Hamish Hamilton, 1995.*



See also Auto sacramental








Music Hall


Banks, Morwenna, and Amanda Swift. The Joke's On Us: Women in Comedy from Music Hall to the Present. Pandora, 1987.

Barthes, Roland. "Au music-hall." In Barthes, Mythologies. Paris: Seuil, 1957. (Rpt. Points). 176-9.*

Brain, Jessica. "The Great British Music Hall."  Historic UK.*


Dixon, Briony. "The Good Thieves: On the Origins of Situation Comedy in the British Music Hall."  In King and Paulus, eds. Slapstick Comedy. New York and London: Routledge, 2010. 31-36.

Ortega y Gasset, José. "Elogio del Murciélago." From El Espectador, vol. 3. ("Incitaciones"). In El Espectador: Tomo III y IV. (El Arquero). Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1961. 145-58.* (Music-hall).

Portillo, Rafael. "Music Hall Techniques in Osborne's Early Plays." Atlantis 1.1 (July 1979): 25-29.*

Sallée, André, and Philippe Chauveau. Music Hall et Café Concert. Paris: Bordas, 1985.

Trussler, Simon. "14. The End of the Monopoly 1814-1843." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 212-26.* (The theatre and political reform. Neighbourhood playhouses. Competition in the West End. The decline of the patent theatres. Innovations in theatre design. Style in comedy. Coming of the critics. Kinds of melodrama. Extravaganzas, burlesques, burlettas, and prehistory of the music hall. The Theatres Act—and the Riot Act. The Eminent Mr Macready).

_____. "16. The Speculative theatre 1871-1891." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 246-60.* (Popular culture, the Victorian Christmas, and the new pantomime. Music hall as big business. Political reform and economic decline. A boom in theatre building. The coming of electricity. Irving, the fashionable tragedian. Management and influence of the Lyceum. Prosperity in the West End. New laws of copyright, and harbingers of a 'new drama'. Light opera, farce, and society drama: Gilbert, Pinero, Jones, and Wilde. Critical controversy: Scott, Archer, and Bernard Shaw. Influences from abroad—and intimations of Ibsenism).

_____. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).

Van Damm, Sheila. We Never Closed. (On The Windmill, London).

Van Damm, Vivian. Tonight and Every Night. (On The Windmill, London).





Cabaret. Based on John Kander's musical.

Mrs Henderson Presents. Dir. Stephen Frears. Screenplay by Martin Sherman, based on We Never Closed by Sheila Van Damm and Tonight and Every Night by Vivian Van Damm. Cast: Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins, Will Young, Christopher Guest, Kelly Reilly, Thelma Barlow, Doraly Rosen. Photog. Andrew Durn. Ed. Lucia Zucchetti. Music by George Fenton. Prod. Des. Hugo Luczyc-Wyhowski. Art dir. Tony Woolard. Costumes by Sandy Powell. Prod. Norma Heyman. Pathé / BBC, 2005.* (On The Windmill, London).

_____. Mrs. Henderson presenta. English/Spanish DVD. DeA Planeta / Speak UP, 2006.*

Tonight and Every Night. Dir. Victor Saville. With Rita Hayworth. 1947. (On The Windmill music hall, London).







Kander, John. Cabaret. Musical.










Bevis, Richard W. "Lay All Aristotle's Rules Aside: Musicals and Irregular Forms 1738-1779." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 237-41.*

Hogarth. Memoirs of the Musical Drama.

Romero López, Dolores. "Beyond the Fence, de Pablo Gervás: El teatro musical entre el mito de Prometeo y el cíborg." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  

Trussler, Simon. "17. Romance and Realism 1891-1914." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 260-77.* (From Victorian to Edwardian. The social and the intelelctual divide. The actor-managers and the vogue for romance. Actresses, the 'woman question', and the suffragette drama. The problem play and the nature of naturalism. The play-producing societies and the Vedrenne-Baker partnership. Playwrights and popularity. The self-fashioning of Bernard Shaw. Censorship, training, and organization. The repertory movement and the Irish renaissance. Approaches to Shakespeare: Tree, Benson, Poel, Barker—and Craig. Musical comedy and revue. Music hall and the arrival of cinema. From Burlesque to Revue).

_____. "22. Theatre and the Marketplace 1979-1990." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 362-77. (Politics and economics of Thatcherism. Sponsorship and the theatre. The Arts Council in the 'eighties—and some clients. Institutional and West End theatre. The decade of the musical. The international dimension. The fringe: from counter-culture to chamber theatre. Alternative comedy. Female and male: directors, actors, dramatists. Plays for changing times. Heritage as theatre, the taste for spectacle, and the curious case of karaoke. The theatre of the streets, and a cautionary tale).





Brightman, Sarah. The Songs that Got Away. CD. Anthology of songs from musicals. Prod. Andrew Lloyd Webber. London: Decca / Really Useful Records, 1989.*

La mejor música de Broadway, vol. 5. CD. (Club Tiempo). Madrid: CRIN-Creativos Independientes / Grupo Zeta, n.d.* (Selections from Anything goes, Annie Get Your Gun, West Side Story, Cotton Club Revue, Fiddler on the Roof, mame, Me and My Girl, Oliver!, My Fair Lady, Cabaret, Return to the Forbidden Planet).







García Landa, José Ángel. "Summer Nights." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 July 2011.*










42nd Street. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Cast: Warner Baxter, Ruby Keeler, George Brent, Bebe Daniels, Dick Powell, Guy Kibbee, Una Merkiel, Ginger Rogers, Ned Sparks, George E. Stone. Busby Berkeley. USA, 1933. (Adapted for the stage 1980s, Reissued in computer colored version).




Internet resources


STLyrics: Soundtrack Lyrics Source








 (The Broadway Collector Series). DRG. 


 (The Broadway Musicals Series). Enfield (England): Prism Leisure, 2002.*


 (Columbia Broadway Masterworks). Sony Music-Legacy-Columbia, 1999.*






Mystery Plays


Diller, Hans-Jürgen. The Middle English Mystery Play: A Study in Dramatic Speech and Form. Trans. Frances Wessels. (European Studies in English Literature). 1992.

Shapiro, James Oberammergau: The Troubling History of the World's Most Famous Passion Play.

Trussler, Simon. "3. The Later Middle Ages 1400-1485." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 32-49.* (Famine, plague, politics, and faith. Midsummer 'tamed': the Feast of Corpus Christi. 'Official' and 'Unofficial' pagenatry: from 'entries' and tableaux to mystery plays. The cycles as gothic art, their locations, and forms of staging. Cornish rounds. Clerks' plays and saints' lives. Interludes, secular and moral. Fol drama for the elite: Mummings and disguisings).

Woolf, Rosemary. The English Mystery Plays. London and New York, 1972.





Happé, Peter. English Mystery Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin.



See also Medieval drama; English drama (medieval).







Claudel, Paul. L'Oiseau noir sous le soleil levant. 1923-25.

Rimer, J. Thomas, and Yamazaki Masakazu. On the Art of the Nô Drama: The Major Treatises of Zeami. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984.

Rubio, Carlos. "II.7. El Noh: Un teatro ritual." In Rubio, Claves y textos de la literatura japonesa: Una introducción. Madrid: Cátedra, 2007.* (1. La magia del noh. 2. Atsumori. 3. Hanjo).

Yourcenar, Marguerite. "Nô." Magazine littéraire 283 (1990): 41-43.*

Ueda, Makoto. "Zeami and the Art of the Nô Drama: Imitation, Yûgen and Sublimity." In Japanese Aesthetics and Culture: A Reader. Ed. Nancy G. Hume. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. 177-92.*






One-Act Plays


Caine, Cindy S. A. M. "Structure in the One-Act Play." Modern Drama 12 (1970): 390-98.

Trussler, Simon. "18. The War and the Long Weekend 1914-1939." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 278-99.* (The First World War—and after. Expansion on Shaftesbury Avenue. Old dramatists, new dramatists—and directors. A scenographic renaissance. The 'other theatre'. Stratford and the Old Vic. Actors and vehicles. The cinema, the provinces, and the declining music hall. The coming of broadcasting. The autodidactic 'thirties. Amateur theatre and the one-act play. The Workers' Theatre Movement. Intimations of war and the theatrical response).

Wilde, P. The Craftsmanship of the One-Act Play. 1937.







Hampden, John. Introd. to Twenty-Four One-Act Plays. Enlarged ed. (Everyman's Library, 947). London: Dent; New York: Dutton. (Plays by T. S. Eliot, Sean O'Casey, Laurence Housman, W. B. Yeats, James Bridie, Noel Coward, Lord Dunsany, Wolf Mankowitz, etc.).

Martin, Constance M., ed. Fifty One-Act Plays. London: Gollancz, 1934.

Richards, Stanley, ed. Best Short Plays 1981. Radnor (PA): Chilton Book Co., 1981.








French Operetta / Operettes Françaises / Französische Operette. Sutherland. Crespin. (Opera Gala). MC. London: Decca, n.d.*

Hendricks, Barbara. Airs d'Opérettes / Operetta Arias / Oppereten-Arien. Ambrosian Singers. Philharmonia Orchestra / Lawrence Foster. Notes by Michel Parouty and Andrew Lamb. CD. (EMI Classics). EMI France, 1992.* (Lehár, Stolz, Zeller, J. Strauss, Messager, Offenbach, Sullivan, Romberg, Loewe, Herbert).


See also Zarzuela.






Pageants and Parades


Anglo, Sydney. Spectacle, Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy. Oxford, 1969.

Bergeron, David M. "Pageants, Masques, and History." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays. Ed. Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. 41-56.*

Claus, Peter "Recalling the City: The Lord Mayor's Show and Pageants of Memory." RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines no. 36 (2003): ESSE 6—Strasbourg 2002. 3- Cultural Studies. Gen. ed. A. Hamm. Sub-eds. Christian Civardi and Jürgen Schlaeger. Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, Service des périodiques, 2003. 139-44.*

The Drama Review 29 (Fall 1985): Processional Performances.

Jennings, Gary. Parades! Celebrations and Circuses on the March. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1966.

Kipling, Gordon. Enter the King: Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Larrea Palacín, Arcadio de. El dance aragonés y las representaciones de moros y cristianos: Contribución al estudio del teatro popular. (Instituto General Franco de Estudios e Investigación Hispano-Árabe). Tetuán: Editora Marroquí, 1952.

Visser, Margaret. "Parades: Taking Over the Street." In Visser, The Way We Are. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1997. 93-97.*








Avery, Emmett L. "Dancing and Pantomime on the English Stage, 1700-1737." Studies in Philology 31 (1934): 417-52.

_____. "The Defense and Criticism of Pantomimic Entertainments in the Early Eighteenth Century." ELH 5 (1938): 127-45.

Fewster, Carole. "Look Behind You!" In Britain (December1999): 24-27. (About pantomime)

Hunt, Leigh. "Pantomimes." In Hunt, Essays. London: Walter Scott, n. d. 98-102.*

O'Brien, John. Harlequin Britain: Pantomime and Entertainment, 1690-1760. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2004.

_____. "7. Pantomime." In The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830. Ed. Jane Moody and Daniel O'Quinn. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 103-14.*

Trussler, Simon. "16. The Speculative theatre 1871-1891." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 246-60.* (Popular culture, the Victorian Christmas, and the new pantomime. Music hall as big business. Political reform and economic decline. A boom in theatre building. The coming of electricity. Irving, the fashionable tragedian. Management and influence of the Lyceum. Prosperity in the West End. New laws of copyright, and harbingers of a 'new drama'. Light opera, farce, and society drama: Gilbert, Pinero, Jones, and Wilde. Critical controversy: Scott, Archer, and Bernard Shaw. Influences from abroad—and intimations of Ibsenism).






Internet resources


"Pantomimes at Drury Lane." It's Behind You








Dickens, Charles. "La pantomima de la vida." From Sketches. In Dickens, Obras completas XII. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar, 2005. 717-23.*







Pastoral drama


Clubb, Louise George. "La mimesi della realtà invisibile nel dramma pastorale italiano e inglese del tardo rinascimento." Misure Critiche 4 (1974): 65-92.

Fuchs, Elinor. "Another Version of Pastoral." In Fuchs, The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 92-107.*

Greg, Walter W. Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama. 1908.

Hidalgo, Pilar. "The Pastoral of Power." In Hidalgo, Paradigms Found: Feminist, Gay, and New Historicist Readings of Shakespeare. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 2001. 83-98.*






Montague, Walter. The Shepherd's Paradise. Pastoral drama. 1632.






Performance arts


Banes, Sally. Subversive Expectations: Performance Art and Paratheater in New York, 1976-85. U of Michigan P, 1998.

Cohen-Cruz, Jan. Radical Street Performance. Routledge, 1998.

Holland, Charlie, ed. Strange Feats and Clever Turns: Remarkable Speciality Acts in Variety, Vaudeville and Sideshows at the Turn of the 20th Century, as Seen by Their Contemporaries. London: Holland and Palmer, 1998.

Schechner, Richard, et al. Teatro de guerrilla y happening. (Cuadernos Anagrama, 51). Barcelona: Anagrama.






Poetic drama


Adler, Thomas P. "Tennessee Williams's 'Personal Lyricism': Toward an Androgynous Form." In Realism and the American Dramatic Tradition. Ed. William W. Demastes. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1996.  172-88.

Claudel, Paul. "Le Festin de la Sagesse." La Revue de Paris 1 July 1938 (On poetic drama).

Eliot, T. S. "'Rhetoric' and Poetic Drama." 1919. In Eliot, Selected Essays. 1934.

_____. "'Rhetoric' and Poetic Drama." In Eliot, Selected Essays. 3rd ed. 37-42.

_____. "'Rhetoric' and Poetic Drama / La 'retórica' y el teatro poético." In Eliot, El bosque sagrado: Edición bilingüe. San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid): Langre, 2004. 277-90.*

_____. "The Possibility of a Poetic Drama / La posibilidad de un teatro poético." In Eliot, El bosque sagrado: Edición bilingüe. San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid): Langre, 2004. 241-62.*

_____. "A Dialogue of Dramatic Poetry." 1928. In Eliot, Selected Essays. 1934.

_____. "A Dialogue on Dramatic Poetry." In Eliot, Selected Essays. 3rd. ed. London: Faber, 1951. 43-58.*

_____. "Poetry and Drama." 1951. In Eliot, On Poetry and Poets. London: Faber, 1956. 72-88.

Granville-Barker,  H. On Poetry in Drama. 1937.

Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. "Teatro en verso y teatro poético." In Las máscaras. Essays on drama. 4th ed. In Obras selectas de Ramón Pérez de Ayala. Barcelona: AHR, 1957. 1378-86.* (Lope de Vega, Antonio Roca).

Trapp, Joseph. Lectures on Poetry. (In Latin, 1711, 1715, 1719; English trans. 1742). (Nature of poetry; Poetic language; Genre; Poetic drama; Sublime; Classical literature)

_____. Lectures on Poetry; Read in the Schools of Natural Philosophy At Oxford. By Joseph Trapp. Translated from the Latin, with additional Notes. London: Printed for C. Hitch and C. Davis, 1742.

_____. Lectures on Poetry Read in the Schools of Natural Philosophy at Oxford. 1742. London: Routledge, 1994.

Valente, José Ángel. "Poesía y drama: A propósito de T. S. Eliot." In Valente, Obras completas, II: Ensayos. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores / Galaxia Gutenberg, cop. 2008. 823-26.*

Wu, Duncan. "5. Hare's 'Stage Poetry', 1995-2002." In The Cambridge Companion to David Hare. Ed. Richard Boon. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 79-91.*



Political drama. See Politics and drama.







Child, Harold H. "2. Secular Influences on the Early English Drama: Minstrels. Village Festivals. Folk-plays." In The Drama to 1642, Part One. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. 5 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Online at


Schwartz, Ursula. Young Children's Dyadic Pretend Play. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 14). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1991.

Trussler, Simon. "1. Roman Britain and the Early Middle Ages 44-950." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 2-13. (Traces of the theatre of Roman Britain. Evidence for the survival of the mimes in the Dark Ages. The 'scops' and their recitals of epics for the ruling elite. The case of Caedmon and the impact of Christianization. Seasonal celebrations of the people).



See also Ritual; Carnival; Play.






Psychodrama. See Therapeutic drama.







Puppet shows


Salazar, Adolfo. "Polichinela y Maese Pedro." Revista de Occidente 146-7 (1993): 282-7.*

Sherzer, Dina, and Joel Sherzer. Comedy and Humor in Puppetry. 1987.

Emmison, M., and L. Goldman. "What's that you said Sooty? Puppets, Parlance, and Pretence." Language and Communication 16.1 (January 1996): 17-36.*

Xie, Xinyi. "The Lifted Shadow." (Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Papers). Washington University Open Scholarship 6 May 2016.* (Chinese puppet theatre).







Cervantes, Miguel de. "Retablo de las Maravillas: Entremés." Drama. In Antología de piezas cortas de teatro. Ed. Nicolás González Ruiz. Barcelona: Labor, 1965. 1.51-55.*










Birtwistle, Harrison. Punch and Judy. Opera.








Radio plays


Bernaerts, Lars. "Voice and Sound in the Anti-Narrative Radio Play." In Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative. Ed. Jarmila Mildorf and Till Kinzel. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. 133-48.*

Brown, John Russell, ed. Drama and the Theatre, with Radio, Film and Television. London, 1968.

Drakakis, John. "The Essence That's Not Seen." In Radio Drama. Ed. Peter Lewis. London, 1981. 111-33.

Dunn, Anne. "14. Structures of Radio Drama." In Helen Fulton et al., Narrative and Media. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 191-202.*

Horstmann, Rosemary. Writing for Radio. London: Black.

Iges, José. "Beckett y la radio." El Urogallo 47 (April 1990): 52-55.*

Khalil, Hend. "The Revival of Radio Drama: A Narratological Analysis of John Dryden's Pandemic (2012) and Martin Millien's Covid39 (2021)." Journal of Scientific Research in Arts – Language and Literature 1 (2021): 26-53.*


Knight, Roger. "Broadcast Drama." In The Present. Vol. 8 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. 523-34.*

Lewis, Peter, ed. Radio Drama. London, 1981.

Lutostanski, Bartosz. "A Narratology of Radio Drama: Voice, Perspective, Space." In Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative. Ed. Jarmila Mildorf and Till Kinzel. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. 117-32.*

Trussler, Simon. "18. The War and the Long Weekend 1914-1939." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 278-99.* (The First World War—and after. Expansion on Shaftesbury Avenue. Old dramatists, new dramatists—and directors. A scenographic renaissance. The 'other theatre'. Stratford and the Old Vic. Actors and vehicles. The cinema, the provinces, and the declining music hall. The coming of broadcasting. The autodidactic 'thirties. Amateur theatre and the one-act play. The Workers' Theatre Movement. Intimations of war and the theatrical response).

_____. "19. The Utility Theatre 1939-1956." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 300-19.* (Paradoxes of a people's war. The theatre and the blitz. ABCA, ENSA, and CEMA. The Old Vic in exile. The return of 'true repertoire'. The Arts Council, the provinces, and 'the Group' Escapism in the West End. Acting style in an age of austerity. The false dawn of poetic drama. The Festival of Britain. Radio comedy and drama, from the Archers to the Third Programme. Theatre Workshop. The little theatres in decline, Godot in waiting. New ideas in Stratford. Influences from the universities—and from abroad).






Best Radio Plays of 1978. (Methuen's Modern Plays). London: Eyre Methuen.

Drakakis, John, ed. British Radio Drama. 1981.






Religious drama


Alborg, Juan Luis. "XXIII. El teatro prelopista." In Alborg, Historia de la Literatura Española (I): Edad Media y Renacimiento. 2nd ed., enlarged. Madrid: Gredos, 1970. 958-89.* (Lope de Rueda; Juan de la Cueva; religious drama; Danza de la Muerte).

Bravo Vega, Julián "Los 'dramas bíblicos' de Tirso y algunas de sus implicaciones ideológicas." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 26 (2000): 221-34.*

Creizenach, W. "3. The Early Religious Drama." In The Drama to 1642, Part One. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. 5 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Online at


Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. "La comedia de santos." In Las máscaras. Essays on drama. 4th ed. In Obras selectas de Ramón Pérez de Ayala. Barcelona: AHR, 1957. 1412-22.*

Suárez Miramón, Ana. "La dramatización de las tres edades del mundo." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  

Trussler, Simon. "3. The Later Middle Ages 1400-1485." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 32-49.* (Famine, plague, politics, and faith. Midsummer 'tamed': the Feast of Corpus Christi. 'Official' and 'Unofficial' pagenatry: from 'entries' and tableaux to mystery plays. The cycles as gothic art, their locations, and forms of staging. Cornish rounds. Clerks' plays and saints' lives. Interludes, secular and moral. Fol drama for the elite: Mummings and disguisings).



See also Auto sacramental; Mystery plays; Morality plays.





Satirical drama


Trussler, Simon. "11. Opposition and Oppression 1728-1741." In Trussler, The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000. 162-77.* (The Whig ascendancy consolidated. The rise of Walpole—and of ballad opera. New audiences, new theatres. Fielding, Lillo, and the theatrical opposition. Power struggles at Drury Lane. The building of Covent Garden. 'The Great Mogul¡ at the Little theatre. Dramatic satire. The passing of the Licensing Act. The end of experiment. Actors and acting. Garrick at Goodman's Fields. The Acting Style of David Garrick).



See also Farce; Comedy.




Sentimental drama


Sherbo, Arthur. English Sentimental Drama. East Lansing (MI), 1957.*




Shadow plays


Becker, A. L. "Text-Building, Epistemology, and Aesthetics in Javanese Shadow Theatre." In The Imagination of Reality. Ed. A. L. Becker and Arem Yengoyan. Norwood (NJ): Ablex, 1979. 211-43.



See also Puppet shows.






Short plays




Juliá Martínez, Eduardo, ed. Piezas teatrales cortas. Madrid: Biblioteca Literaria del Estudiante, 1944.






Rinehart, Robert E. Players All: Performances in Contemporary Sport. (Drama and Performance Studies). Bloomington: Indiana UP, c. 1998.




Stagings and framings


Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1974.

_____. Frame Analysis. New York: Harper-Colophon.

_____. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Foreword by Bennett M. Berger. Boston: Northeastern UP, 1986.*





Calle mayor. Dir. Juan Antonio Bardem. Spain, 1956.

Diabolique. Dir. Jeremiah Chechic. 1996.

The Game. Dir. David Fincher. Written and produced by John Brancato and Michael Ferris. Prod. Steve Golin and Ceán Chaffin. Cast: Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger, James Rebhorn, Peter Donat, Carroll Baker, Anna Katarina, Armin Mueller-Stahl. Photog. Harris Savides. Prod. des. Jeffrey Beecroft. Ed. James Haygood. Music Howard Shore. Exec. prod. Jonathan Mostow. Casting Don Phillips. Polygram, 1997.*

Half Light. Written and dir. Craig Rosenberg. Cast: Demi Moore, Hans Matheson, James Cosmo, Henry Ian Cusick, Kate Isitt, Therese Bradley. Prod dir. Guy Tannahill. Music by Brett Rosenberg. Ed. Bill Murphy. Prod. des. Don Taylor. Photog. Ashley Rowe; Exec. prod. Andreas Schmid. Prod. Clive Parsons, Andreas Grosch, Steve Samuels, Joe B. Michaels, Garh H. Drabinsky. VIP Medienfilms 3/Half Light / Rising Star, 2005.

_____. Half Light. DVD. SpeakUp / Filmax, 2007.*

The Truman Show. Dir. Peter Weir. Cast: Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Ed Harris, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone, Holland Taylor, Brian Delate, Paul Giamatti, Harry Shearer. USA, 1998.






Fowles, John. The Magus. 1965. London: Cape, 1966.

_____. The Magus: A Revised Version. Novel. London: Cape, 1977.*

Nabokov, Vladimir. Kamera obskura. Novel. Berlin: Sovremennye Zapiski, 1932.

_____. Camera Obscura. (= Laughter in the Dark). Trans. Winifred Roy. London: John Long, 1936.

_____. Laughter in the Dark. Trans. and rev. Vladimir Nabokov. Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1938. Trans. of Kamera obskura.

_____. Laughter in the Dark. New York: New Directions, 1938.

_____. Laughter in the Dark. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963.* 1969.

_____. Laughter in the Dark. New York: Random House-Vintage International [c. 1989?].

_____. Chambre obscure. Novel. Paris: Grasset, 1934, 1959.

_____. Rire dans la nuit. New ed. Paris: Grasset, 1992.

_____. Risa en la oscuridad. Trans. Antonio Samons. (Colección Reno, 370). Barcelona: Ediciones G.P., 1971.*

Shaw, G. Bernard. Too True to Be Good. Drama. Prod. Boston, 1932. Pub. Berlin, 1932.

_____. Too True to Be Good: A Political Extravaganza. Online at Project Gutenberg Australia




See also Deception; Framing (of innocents).








Barthes, Roland. "Strip-tease." In Barthes, Mythologies. Paris: Seuil, 1957. 147-9.

Molares do Val, Manuel. "Strip-tease en Kabul." Crónicas Bárbaras 7 Dec. 2001 / 8 Dec. 2021.*





Therapeutic drama


Innes, Christopher D. "Therapy and Subliminal Theatre." (Expressionism, psychodrama). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 36-58.*






Bevis, Richard W. "The Jaws of Defeat: Tragicomedy." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 53-56.*

_____. "The Luxury of Grief: Georgian Tragedy and Tragicomedy." In Bevis, English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century, 1660-1789. Harlow: Longman, 1988. 201-11.*

Bliss, Lee. "Pastiche, Burlesque, Tragicomedy." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 237-61.

_____. "7. Pastiche, Burlesque, Tragicomedy." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 228-53.*

Brown, Laura. "The Divided Plot: Tragicomic Form in the Restoration." ELH 47 (1980): 67-79.

Cohen, Walter. "Pre-Revolutionary Drama." In The Politics of Tragi-Comedy: Shakespeare and After. Ed. Gordon McMullan and Jonathan Hope. London: Routledge, 1992.

Edwardes, Richard. Prologue to his Damon and Pithias.

Fulwell, Ulpian. Prologue to his Like will to Like. 1568.

Gilbert, A. H., ed. Literary Criticism: Plato to Dryden. 1940. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962.

Guardamagna, Daniela, and Rossana M. Sebellin, eds. The Tragic Comedy of Samuel Beckett: 'Beckett in Rome' 17-19 April 2008. (University Press On Line). Rome:  Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' / Laterza, 2009. Online at Academia.*


Guarini, Giambattista. The Compendium of Tragicomic Poetry. 1601. Select. and trans. Allan H. Gilbert. In Literary Criticism: Plato to Dryden. Ed. A. H.  Gilbert. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1962. 505-33.*

Guthke, Karl S. Modern Tragicomedy. New York, 1966.

Herrick. Tragicomedy. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1962.

Hunter, G. K. "20. Tragicomedy."  In English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. VI of The Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 2008.*

Johnson, Samuel. (On tragicomedy). The Rambler 156 (Sept. 14, 1751).

Maguire, Nancy Klein. Regicide and Restoration: English Tragicomedy, 1660-1671. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

McMullan, Gordon, and Jonathan Hope, eds. The Politics of Tragicomedy: Shakespeare and After. London: Routledge, 1992.

Mulryne, J. R. "Webster and the Uses of Tragicomedy." In John Webster. Ed Brian Morris. (Mermaid Critical Commentaries). London: Benn, 1970.

Orr, J. Tragicomedy and Contemporary Culture: Play and Peformance from Beckett to Shepard. Macmillan.

Pearson, Jacqueline. Tragedy and Tragicomedy in the Plays of John Webster. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1980.

Styan, J. L. The Dark Comedy: The Development of Modern Comic Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968.

Waith, Eugene M. "The Rhetoric of Tragicomedy: The Poet as Orator." From The Pattern of Tragicomedy in Beaumont and Fletcher. 1952. 174-201. In The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1268-74.*

Whetstone, George. Dedication to his Promos and Cassandra. 1578.



See also Shakespeare: Tragicomedies.






TV drama. See Drama and TV.





Avery, Emmett L. "Vaudeville on the London Stage, 1700-1737." Research Studies of the State College of Washington 5 (1937): 65-77.

Chekhov, Anton (Antón P. Chéjov). "El vodevil." 1884. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 859-62.*

Holland, Charlie, ed. Strange Feats and Clever Turns: Remarkable Speciality Acts in Variety, Vaudeville and Sideshows at the Turn of the 20th Century, as Seen by Their Contemporaries. London: Holland and Palmer, 1998.







Verbatim Theatre


Blythe, Alecky. "Alecky Blythe." In Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. Ed. Will Hammond and Dan Steward. London: Oberon, 2008. 77-102.

Cheeseman, Peter. "Peter Cheeseman . . . on Documentary Theatre." In Talking to Terrorists. By Robin Soans. London: Oberon, 2006. 104-7.

Clements, Rachel. "'What I See Has Indeed Existed': Mis-Iteration and British Verbatim Theatre." Paper presented at the Performance Studies international conference 15, Zagreb, 24-28 June 2009.

Crook, Clive. "David Hare & Max Stafford-Clark." In Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. Ed. Will Hammond and Dan Steward. London: Oberon, 2008. 45-75.

Hammond, Will, and Dan Steward, eds. Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. London: Oberon, 2008.

Jeffers, Alison. "Refugee Perspectives: The Practice and Ethics of Verbatim Theatre and Refugee Stories." Platform 1.1 (2006): 1-17.

Luckhurst, Mary. "Verbatim Theatre, Media Relations and Ethics." In A Concise Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Drama. Ed. Nadine Holdsworth and Mary Luckhurst. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. 200-22.

Norton-Taylor, Richard. "Richard Norton-Taylor." In Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. Ed. Will Hammond and Dan Steward. London: Oberon, 2008. 103-31.

Paget, Derek. "'Verbatim Theatre': Oral History and Documentary Techniques." New Theatre Quarterly (1987).

Soans, Robin. "Robin Soans." In Verbatim Verbatim: Contemporary Documentary Theatre. Ed. Will Hammond and Dan Steward. London: Oberon, 2008. 15-44.





Barry, Kieron. Stockwell: The Inquest into the Death of Jean Charles de Menezes. Verbatim drama. Prod. Landor Theatre, Clapham, 2009.

Cheeseman, Peter, dir. The Knotty. Verbatim theatre. Prod. Victoria Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, 1966.

Hare, David. Yesterday's News. Verbatim drama. Joint Stock Theatre Compnay, 1976.

_____. The Permanent Way. Verbatim drama. Prod. Joint Stock, National Theatre, 2004.

_____. Via Dolorosa. Verbatim monodrama, performed by Hare, 1998. (Israel and Palestine).

Kelly, Dennis. Taking Care of Baby. 2007. (Parody of verbatim drama).

Kent, Nicolas. Srebrenica. Verbatim drama. Tricycle Theatre, Kilburn.

_____. Srebrenica. London: Oberton, 2005.

Norton-Taylor, Richard.  The Colour of Justice. Verbatim play.

Soans, Robin. A State Affair. Verbatim drama. Prod. Joint Stock, 2001.

_____. Talking to Terrorists. Verbatim drama. Prod. Joint Stock, 2005.

_____. Talking to Terrorists. London: Oberon, 2006.






Barthes, Roland. "Le monde où l'on catche." 1952. In Barthes, Mythologies. Paris: Seuil, 1957. (Rpt. Points). 13-23.*

_____. "The World of Wrestling." Trans. Annette Lavers. In Barthes: Selected Writings. 18-30.

_____. "The World of Wrestling." In Barthes, Mythologies. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972. 18-30.

_____. "The World of Wrestling." 1952. From Barthes, Mythologies. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972. 18-30. In Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Jonathan Culler. London: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 3.






The Wrestler. Dir. Darren Aronofsky. Writer Robert Siegel, based on a story by Clint Mansell. Coprod. Mark Heyman. Ed. Andrew Weisblum. Prod. des. Tim Grimes. Photog. Maryse Alberti. Exec. Pprod. Cast: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood. Prod. Scott Franklin. Wild Bunch / Protozoa Pictures, 2008. Spanish DVD. DeA Planeta. N.d.*








Zurita, Marciano. Historia del género chico. Madrid: Prensa Popular, 1920.





Domingo, Plácido. Romanzas de zarzuelas. Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid / Moreno Buendía. CD. (Grandes Voces). Barcelona: EMI Classics / Altaya, 1997.* (Guerrero, Los Gavilanes, La rosa del azafrán, El huésped del sevillano; Alonso, Coplas de Ronda, La parranda; Sorozábal, La del manojo de rosas, La tabernera del pueto; Moreno Torroba, Luisa Fernanda, Maravilla; Bretón, La Dolores; Soutullo / Vert Carbonell, La del soto del parral; Serrano, La canción del olvido; Chapí, La bruja).

50 años de zarzuela. Prod. Columbia, 1977. CD. Madrid: BMG Ariola, 1988.* (La verbena de la paloma, Marina, La Revoltosa, El cantar del arriero, La del manojo de rosas, El caserío, Cançó d'amor i de guerra, La del soto del parral, La rosa del azafrán, La villana, Luisa Fernanda, Doña Francisquita, La leyenda del beso, La pícara molinera, Maruxa, La dolorosa).




Series: CDs


 (La Zarzuela, 3). Barcelona: BMG-Columbia-Alhambra / Salvat, 1990.*


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