martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

Subject Index: T



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Subject Index: T-



Tables. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tables of Contents. See Lit.Theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Paratextuality. Specific. Tables of contents.

Taboo. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taboo (in film). See Genres. Film. Specific.

Taboo language. See Linguistics. Other linguistic topics.

Tacit agreements. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tact, Tactfulness. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tactics. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tagalog. See Linguistics. Other languages. Tagalog.

Tags. See Cybernetics. Internet. Other Internet topics. Tags.

Tahiti. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography&Culture. Other areas. Other areas. Tahiti.

Tailors. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taiwan (history of). See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. Other areas. Other areas. Taiwan.

Takeovers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taking. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tale. See Genres. Narrative. Fiction. Short fiction. Other shorter genres.

Tale (Folk). See Folk tale.

Talent. See Motifs. T motifs.

Talismans. See Motifs. T motifs.

Talk. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Other linguistic categoreis.

Talk shows (Radio). See Genres. Other genres. Radio. Genres. Talk shows.

Talk shows (TV). See Genres. Other genres. TV and video. Specific. Talk shows.

Tall people. See Motifs. T motifs.

Talmud. See Lit. History. Other. Jewish. Talmud.

Tamarins. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tamil. See Linguistics. Other languages.

Tanatories. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tangram. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tanks. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tanners. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taoism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tapestry. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Art. Other arts. Tapestry.

Tapeworms. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taphonomy. See Paleontology.

Tarawa (Battle of). See 20th c. history. 2nd World War.

Tardigrada. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tariana. See Linguistics. Other languages.

Tariffs. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tarot. See Motifs. T motifs.

Task-based instruction. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taste (sense). See Motifs. T motifs.

Taste (art, aesthetics). See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories.

Taste (bad). See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories. Other aesthetic categories. Vulgarity and bad taste.

Tattoos. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Art. Other arts.

Tautologies. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Logic. Other logic.

Taverns. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tavistock Institute. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tax havens. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tax inspectors. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tax evasion. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taxes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taxis. See Motifs. T motifs.

Taxonomy. See Motifs. T motifs. Taxonomy.

Taylorism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tea. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teachers. See Motifs. T motifs. Teachers.

Teachers / Professors /Lecturers (Spanish university). See Motifs. U motifs. University. Spanish university system. Teachers / Professors.

Teachers (of English). See Linguistics. English. Teachers.

Teachers (of language). See Teachers.

Teaching, Politics of. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Education.

Teaching. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teaching (Criticism and literary theory). See Lit. theory-General. Criticism. Specific. Other topics. Teaching criticism and theory.

Teaching (English language). See Linguistics. English. ESL Teaching English.

Teaching (Language). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Teaching.

Teaching (Literature). See Lit. Theory-Specific. Literature and-. Education and literature.

Teaching (Drama). See Genres. Drama. Specific topics.

Teaching (Philosophy). See Genres. Other genres. Philosophy. Specific. Teaching philosophy.

Teaching (Poetry). See Genres. Poetry. Specific. Teaching poetry.

Teaching quality assessment. See Motifs. T motifs. Teaching Quality Assessment.

Teamwork. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tears. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teasing. See Linguistics. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Pragmatics. Speech acts. Specific. Teasing.

Technical terms. See Linguistics. Other linguistic categories.

Technicians. See Motifs. T motifs.

Technique (in art). See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories. Technique.

Technique (in literature). See Literary theory. Specific. Other LT topics.

Techniques. See Motifs. T motifs.

Technocracy. See Motifs. T motifs.

Technology, Art and. See Aesthetics. Art. Art and.

Technology, Drama and. See Genres. Drama. Specific. Technology and drama.

Technology, Education and. See Motifs. E motifs. Education. Technology and education.

Technology, Fiction and. See Genres. Narrative. Fiction. Fiction: Specific Topics.

Technology, Film and. See Genres. Film. Specific.

Technology, Literature and. See Lit. Theory-Specific.

Technology, Sexuality and. See Technology and the Body.

Technology. See Motifs. T motifs.

Technology and the Body. See Motifs. B motifs. Body. Technology and the body.

Technophobia. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tectonics. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teenagers. See Motifs. T motifs. Teenagers.

Teeth. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teheran. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography&Culture. Other areas. Other areas. Iran. Teheran.

Tel Quel. See Authors, schools. Critics, schools. Structuralism. On structuralism. French.

Telegony. See Motifs. T motifs.

Telegraph. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teleology. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific topics.

Telepathy. See Motifs. T motifs.

Telephone conversations. See Motifs. T motifs. Telephones. Telephone conversations.

Telephone messages. See Motifs. T motifs. Telephones. Telephone messages.

Telephones. See Motifs. T motifs.

Teleportation. See Motifs. T motifs.

Telescopes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Telesinna. See Classical Greek authors.

Television and films. See Genres. Film. Specific.

Tellability. See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Action, agents. Narrativity. Tellability.

Telling. See Linguistics. Pragmatics. Speech acts. Telling.

Telling/Showing. See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Story, structure. Mode.

Tempe. See Greek mythology. Tempe.

Temper. See Temperament.

Temperament. See Motifs. T motifs.

Temperance. See Motifs. T motifs.

Temperance activism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tempests. See Motifs. T motifs.

Templars. See Motifs. T motifs.

Temples. See Motifs. T motifs.

Temporal paradoxes. See Motifs. T motifs.Time.

Tempus programmes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Temporal structures in narrative. See Time (in narrative).

Temporal structures in language. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Tense.

Tenderfeet. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tenderness. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tense. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Tense.

Tense (Engish). See Linguistics. English.

Tension. See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories. Other aesthetic categories.

Term papers. See Genres. Academic writing. Other academic genres. Term papers.

Termagants. See Motifs. T motifs.

Terminology (literary, critical, philosophical, scientific). See Lit. theory-Specific. Other LT topics.

Termites. See Motifs. T motifs.

Terms (in logic). See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Other topics.

Territories. See Motifs. T motifs.

Terror. See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories. Horror&Terror.

Terrorism. See Motifs. T motifs. Terrorism.

Teruel. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. Spanish-speaking. Spain. Areas. Teruel.

Testaments. See Motifs. T motifs.

Testimony. See Genres. Narrative. Biographics. Testimony.

Testing (English). See Linguistics. English. ESL. Testing English.

Testing (Language). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Testing language.

Testing (products, technology). See Motifs. T motifs.

Tests. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tetanus. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tetrapods. See Motifs. T motifs.

Text (linguistic). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Text.

Text (narrative). See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Text, voice.

Text (semiotic). See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Text.

Text (visual). See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Visual text.

Text generation (automatic). See Automatic text.

Text grammar. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Text. Text grammar.

Text processing. See Cybernetics. Other cybernetic topics.

Textbooks. See Genres. Academi writing. On other academic genres.

Textbooks (English). See Coursebooks (English).

Textual analysis. See Semiotics. Semiotics of literature.

Textual criticism. See Textual philology.

Textual criticism (of Shakespeare). See English authors. Shakespeare. Topical criticism. TextualShak.

Textual philology. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Other topics.

Textures. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thatcherism. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. British history. 20th c.

Theatre. See Drama.

Theatre on theatre. See Drama. Specific. Theatre on theatre.

Theatre-going. See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Theatres. See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Theatres (Shakespeare). See English authors. Shakespeare. Criticism. Theatres.

Theatrical companies. See Genres. Drama. Specific. Companies.

Theatrical terminology. See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Theatricality. See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Thefts. See Motifs. T motifs.

Theism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thematic Criticism. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Other topics.

Thematics. See Motifs (Theory).

Theme (in linguistics). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Theme&Topic. Theme.

Theme (in English). See Linguistics. English. Grammar. Theme/Topic. Theme.

Theme (in narrative). See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Action, agents. Theme.

Theme parks. See Motifs. T motifs.

Themes. See Motifs (Theory).

Theodicy. See Genres. Other genres. Theodicy.

Theology. See Genres. Other genres. Theology.

Theories. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Theory&Theories.

Theory. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Theory&Theories.

Theory of criticism. See Lit. Theory-General. Critical theory.

Theory of Lit. History. See Literary History. HL Theory.

Theory of Literature. See Lit. Theory-General. Literary theory.

Theory, Interpretive. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Interpretation.

Theosophy. See Motifs. T motifs.

Therapeutic discourse. See Motifs. T motifs.

Therapeutic drama. See Genres. Drama. Dramatic genres. Other dramatic genres. Therapeutic drama.

Therapeutic narrative. See Genres. Narrative. Biographics. Therapeutic narrative.

Therapy (physiotherapy). See Motifs. T motifs.

Therapy (psychotherapy). See Psychotherapy.

Therapy (sexual). See Motifs. S motifs. Sexuality. Other topics. Sexual theorapy.

Thermodynamics. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thermometres. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thermoregulation. See Motifs. T motifs.

There-constructions. See Other disciplines. Linguistics. English. There-constructions.

Thesis (in narrative). See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Narrator&Narration. Other topics voice. Thesis.

Thieves. See Motifs. T motifs.

Things. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thinking. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thinness. See Motifs. T motifs.

Third culture. See Motifs. T motifs.

Third parties. See Motifs. T motifs.

Third World. See Motifs. T motifs.

Third World criticism. See Minority criticism.

Third World Literature. See Literary History. Other LH. Other LH. General. Third World literature.

Third World women. See Motifs. T motifs.

Third-person narrative. See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Text, voice. Person. Third-person narrative.

Thirty Years' War. See Motifs. W motifs. War. Thirty Years' War.

Thomism. See Authors, schools. Critics, schools. Early-1800. Medieval criticism. Aquinas. Thomism.

Thorax. See Motifs. P motifs.

Thought. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Thought.

Thought figures. See Lit. theory-Specific. Rhetoric&Style. Thought figures.

Thoughts. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thracians. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. General. Ancient history. Thracians.

Threats (perceived). See Motifs. T motifs.

Threats (verbal). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Pragmatics. Speech acts. Specific. Threats.

Three Wise Men. See Subjects. Lit. history. Other. Jewish LH. Bible. Bible mythology.

Thresholds. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thrillers (Film). See Genres. Film. Specific. Thrillers.

Thrillers (Narrative fiction). See Genres. Narrative. Fiction. Fictional Genres. Other fictional genres.

Thrills. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thrombosis. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thrushes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thumbs. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thunder. See Motifs. T motifs.

Thwaites, W. M. See Scientists. 

Tibet. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography&Culture. Other areas. Other areas.

Tics. See Motifs. T motifs.

Ties. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tigers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tiles. See Motifs. T motifs.

Timber. See Motifs. T motifs.

Timbiria. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography and culture. General. America. American indians.

Time. See Motifs. T motifs.

Time (cosmic). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time (experiential). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time (geological). See Time (scientific perspectives).

Time (historical). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time (mythical). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time (philosophical perspectives). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time (scientific perspectives). See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time and film. See Genres. Film. Specific.

Time and language. See motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time and literature. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Literature and... Time and literature.

Time and literature. See motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time and narrative. See Genres. Narrative. Fiction. Fiction: Specific Topics.

Time and poetry. See Genres. Poetry. Specific topics.

Time and women. See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Time travel. See Motifs. T motifs. Time.

Timelines. See Motifs. T motifs. Time. Specific.

Timezones. See Motifs. T motifs. Time. Specific.

Tinkers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tipping. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tipping points. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tips (Advice). See Motifs. T motifs.

Tisue (manufactured textiles). See Motifs. T motifs.

Tissue regeneration. See Motifs. T motifs.

Titanic. See Motifs. O motifs. Ocean liners.

Tithes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Titles. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Paratextuality. Titles.

Titles of honour. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tits. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tlingit. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography&Culture. Other areas. Other areas.

Toads. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tobacco. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tobruk (Battle of). See B motifs. Battles.

Today, See Motifs. T motifs.

Toddlers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Todenhagen, Christian. See German historical scholarship 1950-

Tokens. See Semiotics. Semiotic categories. Other semiotic categories.

Tokyo. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. Other areas. Japan. Areas. Tokyo.

Toleration. See Motifs. T motifs. Toleration.

Tomatoes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tomorrow. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tone (in literature). See Lit. theory-Specific. Other LT topics.

Tone (in phonology). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Phonology&Phonetics. Prosody and intonation.

Tongan. See Linguistics. Other languages.

Topic (in linguistics). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Theme&Topic. Topic.

Topic (in English). See Linguistics. English. Grammar. Theme/Topic.

Topica (rhetorical). See Lit. theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Other intertextual topics. Topica.

Topicalization (in English). See Linguistics. English. Grammar. Theme/Topic.

Topless. See Motifs. T motifs.

Topography. See Motifs. T motifs.

Topological terms. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories.

Toponyms. See Place names.

Topos, topoi. See Motifs. A.Motifs-Theory.

Topsight. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tories. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. English-speaking. Britain. Britain-UK. Politics. Tories.

Tormenting. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tortoises. See Motifs. T motifs.

Torts. See Motifs. T motifs.

Torture. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toscana. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. Italian-speaking. Italy: Areas.

Totalitarianism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Totality. See Motifs. T motifs.

Totemism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Touching. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toulouse. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. French-speaking. France. Areas. Toulouse.

Tourette syndrome. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tourism. See Motifs. T motifs. Tourism and Tourists.

Tourism studies. See Motifs. T motifs. Tourism and Tourists.

Tourists. See Moitfs. T motifs. Tourism and Tourists.

Towers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Towns. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toxic people, Toxic relationships. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toxicology. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toxoplasmosis. See Motifs. T motifs.

Toys. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traces. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Traces.

Trackers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trade. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trade (English and British). See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. English-speaking. Britain. Britain-UK. Trade.

Trade unions. See Motifs. T motifs. Trade unions.

Trademarks. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tradition, Poetry and. See Genres. Poetry. Specific topics.

Tradition, Drama and. See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Tradition. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tradition (Literary). See Lit. History. Theory LH. Tradition.

Traditional societies. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traditionalism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traditions (Popular). See Motifs. T motifs.

Traffic. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traffic (Internet). See Cybernetics. Internet. Other topics.

Traffic signals. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trafficking (Human). See Motifs. T motifs.

Tragedy. See Genres. Drama. Dramatic subgenres.

Tragedy (Shakespearean). See English authors. Shakespeare. Criticism-P-Z. Tragedy.

Tragic. See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories.

Tragicomedy. See Genres. Drama. Dramatic subgenres.

Trainers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Training. See Motifs. T motifs.

Training (animals). See Motifs. T motifs.

Trains. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traitors. See Treason.

Traits. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories.

Tramways. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trances. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transcendence. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transcendentalism (and criticism). See Authors, schools. Critics, schools. 19th-century criticism. Romanticism. English. On English Romantic criticism. On American Romanticism and Transcendentalism.

Transcendentalism (and literature). See Literary history. English etc. US. 19th century. Romanticism and Transcendentalism.

Transcription. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Transcription.

Transfer (in second language acquisition). See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Second language acquisition. Interlanguage&Language transfer.

Transference (in psychoanalysis). See Motifs. T motifs. Transference.

Transfictionality. See Lit. theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Other intertextual modes.

Transformations. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transformational grammar. See Generative grammar.

Transgenics. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transgression. See Motifs. T motifs. Transgression.

Transhumanism. See Post-humanism.

Transicence. See Transitoriness.

Transitions (political). See Motifs. T motifs.

Transitoriness. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transitivity. See Linguistics. Linguistic categories. Transitivity.

Translation. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Translation.

Translation (audiovisual). See Translation (Film).

Translation (Film). See Litt. Tjheory-Specific. Intertextuality. Translation. Film.translation.

Translation handbooks (English). See Linguistics. English. Translation.

Translation (of poetry). See Lit. Theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Translation. Translation of poetry.

Translation (drama). See Genres. Drama. Specific.

Translation (Shakespeare). See English authors. Shakespeare. Criticism. Translation.

Transliteration (Russian). See Linguistics. Other languages. Russian. Transliteration.

Transmediality. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories.

Transmission. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transmission (cultural). See Cultural transmission.

Transparence (in style). See Aesthetics. Aesthetic categories. Other aesthetic categories.

Transparency (in behaviour). See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Transparency.

Transparency (in politics, economics). See Motifs. T motifs.

Transplants. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transportation. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transpositions. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transsexuality. See Motifs. T motifs. Transsexuality.

Transtextuality. See Literary theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Other intertextual modes.

Transubstantiation. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transvestism (in texts). See Lit. Theory-Specific. Intertextuality.

Transvestism. See Motifs. T motifs.

Transvestites. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traps. See Motifs. T motifs.

Traumas (psychic). See Motifs. T motifs.

Travel. See Motifs. T motifs.

Travel books. See Genres. Narrative. Biographics. Travel books.

Travel poetry. See Genres. Poetry. Poetic subgenres.

Travellers. See Motifs. T motifs. Travel. Travellers.

Travels (in England). See Motifs. E. motifs. England. Travel.

Travels (in Italy). See Motifs. I motifs. Italy .Travel.

Travels (in Spain). See Motifs. S motifs. Spain. Travel.

Travels (in Russia). See Motifs. R motifs. Russia. Travel.

Treachery. See Motifs. T motifs.

Treason. See Motifs. T motifs.

Treasure hunt. See Motifs. T motifs. Treasure hunt.

Treaties. See Motifs. T motifs.

Treatises. See Genres. Academic writing. Other academic genres.

Treatment (Medical). See Motifs. T motifs.

Trees. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trench war. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trepanation. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trespassers. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tresses. See Motifs. T motifs.

Triangles (Love). See Motifs. T motifs.

Trial-and-error. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trials (Experience). See Motifs. T motifs.

Trials (Judicial). See Motifs. T motifs.

Triangles. See Motifs. T motifs.

Triassic. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tribes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tribulation. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tributes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tricks. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tricksters. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trigonometry. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trilateral Commisson. See Motifs. N motifs. NGOs. Trilateral Commission.

Trilingual communication. See Linguistics. Other linguistic categories.

Trilobites. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trinity. See Lit. history. Other LH. Jewish LH. The Bible. Bible mythology.

Tristan da Cunha. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography, culture. English-speaking. Other Commonwealth areas. Tristan da Cunha.

Tristan da Cunha English. See Linguistics. English. Varieties. Other varieties. Tristan da Cunha English.

Triton (Satellite). See Motifs. T motifs.

Trivia. See Motifs. T motifs.

Triviality. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trivium. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trolls. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trolls (in Internet). See Cybernetics. Internet. Other Internet topics. Trolls.

Tropes. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Rhetoric.

Tropical regions. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography and culture. Other geographical areas.

Troubadours. See Poetry. Areas. Other areas. Occitan poetry. Troubadours.

Trouble. See Motifs. T motifs.

Troy. See Greek mythology. Troy.

Truisms. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Logic. Other.

Trust. See Motifs. T motifs.

Trusts. See Motifs. T motifs.

Truth. See Genres. Philosophy. Specific. Truth.

Truth, Art and. See Aesthetics. Art. Art and.

Truth, Literature and. See Lit. Theory-Specific.

Truth, Poetic. See Lit. Theory-Specific. Fictionality.

Truth, Poetry and. See Genres. Poetry. Specific topics. Truth.

Tsez. See Linguistics. Other languages.

Tuberculosis. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tulips. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tumuli. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tupamaros. See Latin American history. Uruguay. Tupamaros.

Turbans. See Motifs. T motifs.

Turkey. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. Other areas. Other areas. Turkey.

Turkeys. See Motifs. T motifs.

Turkish. See Linguistics. Other languages.

Turkish culture. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. Geography-Culture. Other areas. Other areas. Turkey. Culture.

Turkish empire. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. Other areas. Other areas. Turkey. Turkish empire.

Turkish history. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. Other areas. Other areas. Turkey.

Turkish poetry. See Genres. Poetry. Areas.

Turn-taking. See Motifs. T motifs.

Turncoats. See Motifs. T motifs.

Turning points. See Genres. Narrative. Narrative theory. Action, Agents. Specific.

Turnips. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tuscany. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tutorials. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tutors. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tuvaluan. See Linguistics. Other languages.

TV and video. See Genres. Film.

Twentieth-century history. See Other subjects. Other disciplines. History. General. 20th-c history.

Twilight. See Motifs. T motifs.

Twins. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tylacynes. See Motifs. T motifs.

Tyneside English.  See Linguistics. English. Varieties. Specific. Tyneside English.

Types. See Semiotics. Other semiotic categories. Types.

Types (Biological). See Phyla.

Typewriters, typewriting. See Motifs. T motifs.

Typhoid fever. See Motifs. T motifs.

Typicality. See Aesthetics. Other aesthetic categories.

Typography. See Linguistics. Other linguistic categories.

Typography and visual form. Lit. theory-specific. Other LT subjects. Typography and visual form.

Typology (allegorical). See Lit. Theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Other intertextual modes.

Typology (linguistic). See Linguistics. Other linguistic categories.

Tyrannicide. See Motifs. T motifs. Tyranny. Tyrannicide.

Tyranny. See Motifs. T motifs. Tyranny.

Tyrants. See Motifs. T motifs. Tyranny. Tyrants.


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