martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

Teatro inglés de la Restauración y el siglo XVIII



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Restoration and 18th-century

English drama



Early works





Early works


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Moody, Jane, and Daniel O'Quinn, eds. The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007.* (I. Performance. II. Genres. III. Identities. IV. Places of performance. V. Further reading).

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Anthologies: Criticism



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Anthologies: Drama


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Lawrence, Robert G., ed. Restoration Plays. London: Dent, 1992.*

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McMillin, Scott, ed. Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1973.

Morgan, Fidelis, ed. The Female Wits. London: Virago, 1981.*

Nettleton, George H., and Arthur E. Case, eds. British Dramatists from Dryden to Sheridan. Anthology. Boston, 1939.

Nettleton, George, Arthur Case, and George Winchester Stone, Jr., eds. British Dramatists from Dryden to Sheridan. 2nd ed. Boston, 1969.

Rogers, Katharine M., ed. The Meridian Anthology of 18th- and 19th-Century British Drama.  Meridian / Penguin Books, 1996.

Salgado, Gamini, ed. Three Restoration Plays. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.*

Stevens, David H., ed. Types of English Drama, 1660 to 1760. Anthology. Boston, 1923.

Von Sneidern, Maja-Lisa, and J. Douglas Canfield, eds. The Broadview Anthology of Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century Drama. (Broadview Anthologies of English Literature). Broadview Press, 2001.

Womersley, David, ed. Restoration Comedy. (Blackwell Essential Literature). Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.

Wood, Nigel, ed. She Stoops to Conquer and Other Comedies. (Oxford World's Classics.). New York: Oxford UP, 2008.







Baskervill, Charles R. "Playlists and Afterpieces of the Mid-Eighteenth Century." Modern Philology 23 (1926): 445-64.

MacMillan, Dougald. Drury Lane Calendar, 1747-1776. Oxford, 1938.

_____. Catalogue of the Larpent Plays in the Huntington Library. San Marino (CA), 1939.

Nicoll, Allardyce. A Short-title Alphabetical Catalogue of Plays Produced or Printed in England from 1660-1900. Vol. 6 of A History of English Drama 1660-1900. Cambridge, 1959.

Paine, Clarence S. The Comedy of Manners (1660-1700): A Reference Guide to the Comedy of the Restoration. Boston, 1941.

Summers, Montague. A Bibliography of the Restoration Drama. 1935.

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Van Lennep, William, Emmett L. Avery, Arthur H. Scouten, George Winchester Stone, Jr., and Chalres Beecher Hogan, eds. The London Stage, 1660-1800: A Calendar or Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces, together with Casts, Box-Receipts and Contemporary Comment, Compiled from the Playbills, Newspapers and Theatrical Diaries of the Period. 5 parts. Carbondale (IL), 1960-1968.

Woodward, Gertrude L., and James G. McManaway. A Check-list of English Plays, 1641-1700. Chicago, 1945. (Supplement by Fredson Bowers; Charlottesville (VA), 1949).





Dictionaries and encyclopedias



Owen, Susan J., ed. A Companion to Restoration Drama. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.







The Libertine. Dir. Lawrence Dunmore. Written by Stephen Jeffreys, based on his play (on the 2nd Earl of Rochester). Cast. Johnny Depp, Samantha Morton, John Malkovich, Paul Ritter, Francesca Annis, Rosamund Pike, Tom Hollander, Johnny Vegas, Richard Coyle, Tom Burke, Hugh Sachs, Rupert Friend, Kelly Reilly, Jack Davenport, Trudi Jackson, Clare Higgins, Freddy Jones. Music by Michael Nyman. Photog. Alexander Melman. Ed. Jill Bilcock. Prod. des. Ben van Os. Art dir. Patrick Rolfe. Set decor. Robert Winchhusen-Hayes. Costumes by Dien van Straalen. Prod. Lianne Halfon, John Malkovich, Russell Smith. Odyssey Entertainment / Isle of Man Films / Mr Mudd Productions, 2004. DVD Aurum, 2006. Spanish DVD (The Libertine). Aurum/Historia, 2012.*

Stage Beauty. Dir. Richard Eyre. Written by Jeffrey Hatcher, based on his play Compleat Female Stage Beauty. Cast: Billy Crudup (Ned Kynaston), Claire Danes (Maria Hughes), Rupert Everett (King Charles II), Hugh Bonneville (Samuel Pepys), Richard Griffiths (Sir Charles Sedley), Edward Fox (Sir Edward Hyde), Tom Hollander (Sir Peter Lely), Zoë Tapper (Nell Gwynn). Music by George Fenton. Cinematography by Andrew Dunn. Ed. Tariq Anwar. Prod. Des. Jim Clay. Art dir. Keith Slote, Jan Spoczynski. Set Decoration by Caroline Smith. Costume design by Tim Hatley.  Exec. Prod. Rachel Cohen, Richard Eyre, Michael Kuhn, Amir Malin, James D. Stern. Coprod. Michael Dreyer. Prod. Robert de Niro, Hardy Justice, Jane Rosenthal. Lions Gate Films / Qwerty Films, Tribeca Productions / N1 European Film Produktions / BBC Films, 2004.* (Spanish title: Belleza prohibida).






Internet resources



"Comedia de la Restauración." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*



"Restoration Drama." Victoria & Albert Museum









Restoration and 18th-Century Theatre Research 15 (1976).









Hatcher, Jeffrey. Complete Female Stage Beauty. Drama.








(Regents Restoration Drama). c. 1966.




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