lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023

Cine de terror



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Horror Films



Aldana Reyes, Xavier. Body Gothic: Corporal Transgression in Contemporary Literature and Horror Film. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 2014.

Azcona Montoliu, María del Mar. "From the 1980s Until Now: The Persistence of Slasher Movies." In Memory, Imagination and Desire in Contemporary Anglo-American Literature and Film. Ed. Constanza del Río-Álvaro and Luis Miguel García-Mainar. Heidelberg: Winter, 2004. 211-19.*

Berenstein, Rhona J. "Spectatorship as Drag: The Act of Viewing and Classic Horror Cinema." In Viewing Positions. Ed. Linda Williams. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1995. 231-70.*

Briefel, Aviva. "What Some Ghosts Don't Know: Spectral Incognizance and the Horror Film." Narrative 17.1 (Jan. 2009): 95-110.*

Brosnan, John. The Horror People. London: Macdonald and Jand, 1976.

Caraher, Brian. "Conclusion/Epilogue: Melodramas of Horror: On Contemporary Fiction and Film." In Caraher, Trespassing Tragedy: Melodramas of Horror. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Carroll, Noël. "Nightmare and the Horror Film." Film Quarterly 34.3 (1981): 16-25.

_____. The Philosophy of Horror: Or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Clemens, Valdine. "Alien and the Future of Gothic." In Clemens,The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien. Albany: SUNY Press, 1999. 213-18.*

Clover, Carol J. "Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film." In Fantasy and the Cinema. Ed. James Donald. London: BFI, 1989.

_____. "Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film." In Gender, Language, and Myth. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992. 252-302.*

_____. "The Eye of Horror." In Viewing Positions. Ed. Linda Williams. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1995. 184-230.*

Dadoun, Roger. "Fetishism in the Horror Film." In Fantasy and the Cinema. Ed. James Donald. London: BFI, 1989.

Davis, Hank, and Andrea Javor. "Religion, Death, and Horror Movies." Evolution and Cognition 10 (2004): 1-8.

Deleyto, Celestino. "Masochism and Representation in Modern Horror: The Case of Alien 3." Atlantis 18 (June-Dec.1996 [issued 1998]): 62-73.*

Dickstein, Morris. 'The Aesthetics of Fright." In Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

Dika, Vera. "The Stalker Film, 1978-81." In American Horrors: Essays on the Modern American Horror Film. Ed. Gregory A. Waller. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987.

Eisner, L. The Haunted Screen. London: Secker, 1973.

Evans, Walter. "Monster Movies: A Sexual Theory." In Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

Everman, Welch. Cult Horror Films. New York: Carol-Citadel Press.

Freeland, Cynthia. "Ordinary Horror on Reality TV." In Narrative across Media: The Languages of Storytelling. Ed. Marie-Laure Ryan. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2004. 244-66.*

French, Sean. "The Heart of the Cavern." Sight and Sound 56.2 (1987): 101-4.

Gelder, Ken. "Vampires and Cinema: From Nosferatu to Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'." In Gelder, Reading the Vampire. London: Routledge, 1994. 86-107.*

Giles, Dennis. "Conditions of Pleasure in Horror Cinema." In Grant 1984.

Gomery, Douglas. "The Economics of the Horror Film." In Horror Films. Ed. James B. Weaver, III, and Ron Tamborini. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996. 49-62.

Grant, Barry Keith, ed. Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

Halberstam, Judith. Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1995..*

Huss, Roy, and T. J. Ross, eds. Focus on the Horror Film. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1972.

Jancovich, Mark. "The Emergence of the Horror Film." In Jankovich, Horror. London: Batsford, 1992. 53-61.*

Johnson, Tom. "Los monstruos de la Hammer." In El nuevo Frankenstein de DeNiro. Barcelona: Ediciones Zinco, 1994. 32-41.

Kendrick, Walter M. The Thrill of Fear: 250 Years of Scary Entertainment. New York: Grove Weidenfield, 1991.

Lowenstein, Adam. "Films without a Face: Shock Horror in the Cinema of Georges Franju." Cinema Journal 37.4 (Summer 1998): 37-58.*

Lowry, Edward, and Richard deCordova. "Enunciation and the Production of Horror in White Zombie." In Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

Lukas, Scott, and John Marmysz. "1. Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films Remade." In Fear, Cultural Anxiety, and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films Remade. Ed. Scott A. Lukas and John Marmysz. Lexington Books, 2009. Online at Academia.*


_____. "Fear, Cultural Anxiety, and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Films Remade." Online bibliography at Academia.*


_____, eds. Fear, Cultural Anxiety, and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films Remade. Lexington Books, 2009.

Luzón Aguado, Virginia. "Film Genre and Its Vicissitudes: The Case of the Psychothriller." Atlantis 24.1 (June 2002): 163-72.*

Martín Alegre, Sara. "Monstrous Business: The Alien Film Series." In Culture and Power: Business. Ed. Matilde Paredes et al. Zaragoza: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 1999. 141-52.*

_____. Siete relatos góticos: Del papel a la pantalla. Madrid: La Barca de Caronte - Jaguar, 2006.

_____. Rev. of Body Gothic, by Xavier Aldana Reyes. Atlantis 38.1 (June 2016): 269-73.*

Martínez Lucena, Jorge. Vampiros y zombis posmodernos: La revolución de los hijos de la muerte. Gedisa, 2010.

Modleski, Tania. "The Terror of Pleasure: The Contemporary Horror Film and Postmodern Theory." 1986. In Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. 5th ed. Ed. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 691-700.*

Oliver Marroig, José A. "El hombre es un zombi para el hombre: una lectura post-11-S del fenómeno de los muertos vivientes." In La década del miedo: Dramaturgias audivisuales pos-11 de septiembre. Ed. Marta Fernández Morales. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013. 269-94.*

Prawer, S. S. Caligari's Children: The Film as Tale of Terror. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.

Río Álvaro, Constanza del. "Genre and Fantasy: Melodrama, Horror, and the Gothic in Martin Scorsese's Cape Fear (1991)." Atlantis 26.1 (June 2004): 61-71.*

Rockett, Will H. Devouring Whirlwind: Terror and Transcendence in the Cinema of Cruelty. London: Greenwood Pres, 1977.

Russell, Sharon. "The Witch in Film: Myth and Reality." In Grant 1984.

Schechter, Harold. "The Bloody Chamber: Terror Films, Fairy Tales, and Taboo." In Gender, Language, and Myth. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992. 233-51.*

Schneider, Steven J., ed. Horror Film and Psychoanalysis: Freud's Worst Nightmare. Cambridge UP, 2004.

Sochack, Vivian. "Bringing It All Back Home: Family Economy and Generic Exchange." In American Horrors: Essays on the Modern American Horror Film. Ed. Gregory A. Waller. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987.

Spanke, Kai. "Kampf um Kontingenz und Darstellung von Providenz im Slasherfilm." In Welt(en) erzählen: Paradigmen und Perspektiven. Ed. Christoph Bartsch and Frauke Bode. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.*


Tarrat, Margaret. "Monsters from the Id." In Film Genre Reader. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986.

Telotte, J. P. "Faith and Idolatry in the Horror Film." In Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

Twitchell, James. Dreadful Pleasures: An Anatomy of Modern Horror. New York: Oxford UP, 1985.*

Weaver, James B., III, and Ron Tamborini, eds. Horror Films. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996.

Wood, Robin. "An Introduction to the American Horror Film." In American Nightmare: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Robin Wood and Richard Lippe. Toronto: Festival of Festivals, 1979. 7-28.

_____. "An Introduction to the American Horror Film." In Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Ed. Barry Keith Grant. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1984.

_____. "Returning the Look: Eyes of a Stranger." In American Horrors: Essays on the Modern American Horror Film. Ed. Gregory A. Waller. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987.

Wood, Robin, and Richard Lippe, eds. American Nightmare: Essays on the Horror Film. Toronto: Festival of Festivals, 1979.

Waller, Gregory A., ed. American Horrors: Essays on the Modern American Horror Film. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987.









Arrow in the Head.*








Grahame-Smith, Seth. Cómo sobrevivir a una película de terror: Todas las enseñanzas para eludir las matanzas. Illust. Nathan Fox. 2009.  Trans. Manu Berástegui. (Freak, 12). Barcelona: Alba, 2010.*




See also Gothic; Horror.

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