domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Otras narrativas anglófonas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Fiction in English: Other Areas






Blaber, Ronald, and Marvin Gilman. Roguery: The Picaresque Tradition in Australian, Canadian and Indian Fiction. Springwood (NSW): Butterfly Books, 1990.

Galván, Fernando, José Santiago Fernández Vázquez and Juan Francisco Elices Agudo. El realismo mágico en lengua inglesa: Tres ensayos. Alcalá de Henares: U de Alcalá, 2001.*

Ganner, Heidi. "The New English Literatures on the Bookmarket for the Young Reader." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996. 29-40.*

Gorra, Michael. "Rudyard Kipling to Salman Rushdie: Imperialism to Postcolonialism." In The Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 631-57.*

King, Bruce, ed. The Commonwealth Novel since 1960. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1981.

Kanaganayakam, Chelva. "The Anxiety of Being Postcolonial: Ideology and the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel." Miscelánea 28 (2003 [issued Nov. 2004]): 43-54.*

Kwan-Terry, John, and Koh Tai Ann, eds. ACLALS Bulletin 7.1 (Commonwealth Fiction 1). Singapore: Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore, 1985.

Newman, Judie. The Ballistic Bard: Postcolonial Fictions. London: Arnold, 1995.

Okonkwo, Chidi. Decolonization Agonistics in Postcolonial Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Sight, Kirpal, and Robert Yeo, eds. ACLALS Bulletin 7.4 (Commonwealth Fiction 2. Singapore: Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore).

Skinner, John. The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.*

Stummer, Peter, ed. The Story Must be Told: Short Narrative Prose in the New English Literatures. Würzburg, 1986.






Commonwealth Novel in English 5.1 (Bluefield,WV, Spring 1992).







African fiction in English


McGee, Patrick. "Texts between Worlds: African Fiction and Political Allegory." In Decolonizing Tradition: New Views of Twentieth-Century "British" Literary Canons. Ed. Karen R. Lawrence. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992. 239-60.*

Nazareth, Peter. "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag: Current Trends in African English Fiction." World Englishes 12.3 (1993).*

Ravenscroft, Arthur. "African Novels of Affirmation." In The Uses of Fiction. Ed. Douglas Jefferson and Graham Martin. Milton Keynes: Open UP, 1982. 171-80.

Skinner, John. "Africa." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Zabus, Chantal. The African Palimpsest: Indigenization of Language in the West African Europhone Novel. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991.





Kehinde, Ayo. "Rulers against Writers, Writers against Rulers: The Failed Promise of the Public Sphere in Postcolonial Nigerian Fiction." Journal of English Studies 8 (2010): 73-102.*





South Africa


Rich, P. "Tradition and Revolt in South African Fiction: The Novels of André Brink, Nadine Gordimer and J. M. Coetzee." Journal of Southern African Studies 9.1 (1982): 54-73.

Skinner, John. "South Africa and Canada." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Smith, M. Van Wyk. "Waiting for Silence; or, The Autobiography of Metafiction in Some Recent South African Novels." Current Writing 3 (1991): 91-104.







Asian fiction in English


Skinner, John. "Asia." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.





Australian and New Zealand fiction in English


20th century


Bird, Delys. "Towards an Aesthetics of Australian Women's Fiction." Australian Literary Studies 11 (1983): 171-81.

Bliss, Carolyn. "Categorical Infringement: Australian Prose en the Eighties." Journal of Narrative Technique 21.1 (1991): 43-51.*

Ferrier, Carole, ed. Gender, Politics, and Fictionality: Twentieth Century Australian Women's Novels. St. Lucia: U of Queensland P, 1985.

LaFleur, Frances. "Images of China in Australian Fiction: Shifting Perceptions of Self and Other." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996. 503-10.*

Longley, Kateryna. "Hidden Stories: Stories of the Stolen Generation in Australia." In Culture and Power IV: Cultural Confrontations. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy. Zaragoza, 1999. 17-30.*

Perrett, Bill. "Only When I Laugh: Humor, Gender, and the Rewriting of Colonialism in Black Australian Fiction." Journal of Narrative Technique 21.1 (1991): 62-71.*

Skinner, John. "Australia and New Zealand." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Williams, Mark. Leaving the Highway: Six Contemporary New Zealand Novelists. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.









Canadian fiction in English




Blodgett, E. D. "Le Mythe des ethnies dans les romans de l'Ouest canadien: du père dominateur à la mere conciliatrice." Voix & Images 9.1 (Autumn 1983).

Darias Beautell, Eva. "The Map of Canadian Fiction: Deconstructing History and Nation." Proceedings of the XIXth International Conference of AEDEAN. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra et al. Vigo: Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemana da Universidade de Vigo, 1996. 229-34.*

_____. "Spatial/Identity Deconstructions: Nation and Maps in Canadian Fiction." Atlantis 19.2 (December 1997, pub. December 1998): 45-50.*

_____. Shifting Sands: Contemporary Theories and Canadian Fiction. New York: Mellen, 2000.

Gibert, Teresa. "'Ghost Stories': Fictions of History and Myth." In The Cambridge History of Canadian Literature. Ed. Coral Ann Howells and Eva-Marie Kröller. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. 478-98





19th century


Ruiz Sánchez, Antonio. Los comienzos de la novela canadiense en lengua inglesa: Estudio, guía de investigación y antología de textos. Foreword by Bernd Dietz. [Córdoba]: Universidad de Córdoba, c. 2002.

Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. The Social Dimensions of Fiction: On the Rhetoric and Function of Prefacing Novels in the Nineteenth-Century Canadas. Preface by Clément Moisan. (Siegen University NIKOL series, 15). Braunschweig-Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher (Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn), 1993. 




Late 20th century


Bessner, Neil. "Beyond Two Solitudes, After Survival: Postmodern Fiction in Canada." In Postmodern Fiction in Canada. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1992. 9-25.*

Cuder-Domínguez, Pilar, Belén Martín-Lucas and Sonia Villegas-López. Transnational Poetics: Asian Canadian Women's Fiction of the 1990s. Toronto: TSAR, 2011.

Carmona Rodríguez, Pedro. "'En Route': Narratives of Travel and Displacement in Contemporary Canadian Writing." Journal of English Studies 3 (2002/2, issued 2003): 21-36.*

_____. "Beyond the Edge of the Century: The Postcolonial Imagination in the 'New' Fictions of the Canadas." Miscelánea 38 (2008): 29-45.*

Darias Beautell, Eva. "No Degree of Predictability: Travelling Texts and Canadian Literature." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 441-46.*

_____. "'Touching the Future': Nation and Narration in Some Contemporary Canadian Fictions." Journal of English Studies 2 (2000): 34-51.*

_____. Rev. of Transnational Poetics: Asian Canadian Women's Fiction of the 1990s. By Pilar Cuder-Domínguez et al. Miscelánea 46 (2012): 119-23.*

D'haen, Theo, and Hans Bertens, eds. Postmodern Fiction in Candada. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1992.*

Delbaere, Jeanne. "Magic Realism: The Energy of the Margins." In Postmodern Fiction in Candada. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1992. 75-104.*

Engler, Bernd, and Kurt Müller, eds. Historiographic Metafiction in Modern American and Canadian Literature. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1994.

Howells, Coral Ann. Private and Fictional Worlds: Canadian Women Novelists of the 1970s and 1980s. London: Methuen, 1987.

Hutcheon, Linda.The Canadian Postmodern: A Study of Contemporary English-Canadian Fiction. 1988.*

_____. (The Canadian Postmodern). Chinese trans. by Zhao Fa and Han Yunxue.Beibei: Chongquing Publishing House, 1993.

_____. Introd. to The Canadian Postmodern. Korean trans. in Contemporary World Literature (Fall 1991): 46-63.

Hutcheon, Linda, and M. Richmond, eds. Other Solitudes: Canadian Multicultural Fiction and Interviews. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1990.

Kuester, Martin. Framing Truths: Parodic Structures in Contemporary English-Canadian Historical Novels. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992.*

Lernout, Geert. "Postmodernist Fiction in Canada." In Postmodern Fiction in Europe andthe Americas. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1988. 127-42.*

Skinner, John. "South Africa and Canada." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Varsava, Jerry. "History and/or His Story: A Study of Two Canadian Biographical Fictions." In History and Post-War Writing. Ed. Theo d'Haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. 205-25.*










Indian fiction in English


Afzal-Khan, Fawzia. Cultural Imperialism and the Indo-English Novel  University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993.

Alphonse, S. Xavier. Kanthapura to Malgudi: Cultural Values and Assumptions in Selected South Indian Novelists in English. London: Sangam, 1998.

Anand, Mulk Raj. Roots and Flowers: Two Lectures on the Metamorphoses of Technique and Content in the Indian-English Novel. Dharwar: Krnatak University, 1972.

Bandyopadhyay, Sumana. Indianization of English Analysis of Linguistic Features in Selected Post 1980 Indian English Fiction. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 2010.

Coppola, Carlo. "Politics and the Novel in India: A Perspective." Contributions to Asian Studies 6 (1975): 1-6.

Crane, Ralph J. Inventing India: A History of India in English-Language Fiction. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.

Escobedo, C., and J. L. Caramés. El Comentario de Textos Antropológico-Literario: Análisis de cinco casos representativos de la novela indo-angla contemporánea. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 1994.

Ganapathy-Doré, Geetha. The Postcolonial Indian Novel in English. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

Gupta, G. S. Balarama, ed. Studies in Indian Fiction in English. Gulbarga: JIWE, 1987.

Hand, Felicity. "In the Shadow of the Mutiny: Reflections on Two Post-Independence Novels on the 1857 Uprising." In Onega, Telling Histories: Narrativizing History, Historicizing Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 61-70.*

Kapadia, Novy. "Narrative Techniques in the New Indian Novel." In The New Indian Novel in English: A Study of the 1980s. Ed. Viney Kirpal. New Delhi: Allied, 1990. 239-50.

Kirpal, Viney, ed. The New Indian Novel in English: A Study of the 1980s. New Delhi: Allied, 1990.

Kuortti, Joel. "Taking Place: The  Emergence of Contemporary Indian English Women's Writing." In Literature, Gender, Space. Ed. Sonia Villegas-López and Beatriz  Domínguez-García Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la  Universidad de Huelva, 2004.

Lanero, J. "The New Indian Novel in English: Narrative Techniques." Babel-AFIAL 2 (1993): 41-54.*

Mahajan, Serena. Stream of Consciousness: Indo-Anglian Novel. Delhi: Jayshree Prakashan, 1985.

Mathi, Kavita. "National Identity in Recent Indian Novels in English." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996. 435-42.*

Moreno-Álvarez, Alejandra. "Romance Novels in Postcolonial India: From Mills & Boon to Pageturn's Red Romance Series." In Romantic Escapes: Post-Millennial Trends in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction. Ed. Irene Pérez Fernández and Carmen Pérez Ríu. Bern: Peter Lang, 2022. 223-42.*

Naik, M. K., ed. Perspectives on Indian Fiction in English New Delhi: Abhinav, 1985.

Paranjape, Makarand R. "Inside and Outside the Whale: Politics and the New Indian English Novel." In The New Indian Novel in English: A Study of the 1980s. Ed. Viney Kirpal. New Delhi: Allied, 1990. 213-26.

Ross, Robert L. "The Emerging Myth: Partition in the Indian and Pakistanian Novel." ACLALS Bulletin 7.4 (Commonwealth Fiction  2, ed. Kirpal Singh and Robert Yeo. Singapore: Departement of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore, 1986. 63-69.

Sarangi, Jaydeep. Indian Novels in English: A Sociolinguistic Study. Bareilly (India): Prakash Book Depot, 2005.

Sinha, Ravi Nandan, and R. K. Sinha. The Indian Novel in English. Ranchi: Ankit, 1987.

Skinner, John. "Asia." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Walsh, William. "India and the Novel." In The Present. Vol. 8 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. 245-60.*









Irish fiction in English




Estévez-Saá, Margarita (coord.), María Jesús Lorenzo Modia, José Manuel Estévez Saá, José María Tejedor Cabrera. "The Lost Female Tradition: Predecessors, Contemporaries and Successors of James Joyce in Irish Writing." In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference, UAB/Barcelona 14-16 November 2011. Ed. Sara Martín et al. Barcelona: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, U Autònoma de Barcelona / AEDEAN, 2012. 226-229.*






19th century


Díez Fabre, Silvia. "The Marriage of Conflicting Identities as a Literary Device in the Beginning of the Nineteenth-Century Irish Novel." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

Ross, Ian. "'A Kind of National Pride': Imagining a Nation in Eighteenth-Century Irish Fiction." XIV Congreso de AEDEAN. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 1992. 133-46.*



20th century


Barros del Río, María Amor. "'Heroines Don't Have to Be Good Anymore': Figuras femeninas en las narrativas irlandesa y española de mediados de siglo." In AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999). CD-ROM. León: AEDEAN, 2003.*

D'haen, Theo. "Irish Regionalism, Magic Realism and Postmodernism." In British Postmodern Fiction. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. 33-46.

Duperray, M., ed. Historicité et métafiction dans le roman contemporain des Iles britanniques. 1994.

Harte, Liam, and Michael Parker, eds. Contemporary Irish Fiction: Themes, Tropes, Theories. Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's, 2000.*

Jeffares, A. Norman. "The Realist Novel: 1900-1945." In The Genius of Irish Prose. Ed. Augustine Martin. Dublin: Mercier, 1985. 42-52.*

Kearney, Richard. Transitions: Narratives in Modern Irish Culture. Dublin: Wolfhound Press, 1988.

_____. Transitions: Narratives in Modern Irish Culture. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1984. 1988.

Kiely, Benedict. "The Historical Novel." In The Genius of Irish Prose. Ed. Augustine Martin. Dublin: Mercier, 1985. 53-66.*

Kilroy, Thomas. "The Autobiographical Novel." In The Genius of Irish Prose. Ed. Augustine Martin. Dublin: Mercier, 1985. 67-75.*

Martin, Augustine, ed.The Genius of Irish Prose. Dublin: Mercier, 1985.*

McMahon, Séan. "The Realist Novel after the Second World War." In The Genius of Irish Prose. Ed. Augustine Martin. Dublin: Mercier, 1985. 145-54.*

Morales Ladrón, Marisol. "La literatura norirlandesa actual en el panorama político de los 'troubles'." In Márgenes y centros en la literatura británica actual. Ed. Fernando Galván. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2000. 147-94.*

Pérez Vides, Auxiliadora. Sólo ellas: familia y feminismo en la novela irlandesa contemporánea. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 2003.

Praga Terente, Inés, ed. La novela  irlandesa del siglo XX.  Barcelona: PPU, 2005.

Sarangi, Jaydeep. Indian Legendary Writings in English: Mulk Raj Anand, R. K. Narayan and Raja Rao. Delhi: Authorspress, 2009.

Shaffer, Brian. A Companion to the British and Irish Novel 1945-2000. Oxford: Blackwell, forthcoming 2004.

Skinner, John. "The British Isles." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Smyth, Gerry. The Novel and the Nation: Studies in the New Irish Fiction. London: Pluto Press, 1997.*

St Peter, Christine. Changing Ireland: Strategies in Contemporary Women's Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.





21st-c. Irish fiction


Morales-Ladrón, Marisol, ed. Family and Dysfunction in Contemporary Irish Narrative and Film. Bern: Peter Lang, 2016.

Pérez-Vides, Auxiliadora. Rev. of Family and Dysfunction in Contamporary Irish Narrative. Ed. Marisol Morales-Ladrón. Atlantis 39.2 (Dec. 2017): 243-46.*

Temple, Emily. "15 Great Irish Writers You've Probably Never Read (But Should)." Literary Hub 17 March 2017.*








New Zealand fiction


Suárez Lafuente, María Socorro. "La interacción de los ex/céntricos en la literatura neozelandesa contemporánea." In Autor y texto: Fragmentos de una presencia. Ed. Ángeles Sirvent, Josefina Bueno, and Silvia Caporale. Barcelona: PPU, 1996. 351-58.* (Janet Frame, Keri Hulme, Anne Kennedy).




Scottish fiction in English





Craig, Cairns. Out of History: Narrative Paradigms in Scottish and English Culture. [Cover title: ... in Scottish and British Culture]. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1996.*

Skinner, John. "The British Isles." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.





Dickson, Beth. "The Gospel and Scottish Fiction." 1998. In Internet:

Gifford, Douglas. The Dear Green Place? The Novel in the West of Scotland. Glasgow: Third Eye Centre, 1985.

Manlove, Colin. Scottish Fantasy Literature. A Critical Survey. Edinburgh: Canongate Academic, 1994.





Manlove, Colin, ed. An Anthology of Scottish Fantasy Literature  Edinburgh: Polygon, 1996.*




19th century


Fielding, Penny. Writing and Orality: Nationality, Culture, and Nineteenth-Century Scottish Fiction. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.



20th century


Bell, Ian A. "Imagine Livng There: Form and Ideology in Contemporary Scottish Fiction." In Studies In Scottish Fiction: 1945 to the Present . Ed. S. Hagemann.  217-234.

Craig, Cairns. The Modern Scottish Novel: Narrative and the National Imagination. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999.*

Gifford, Douglas. "Imagining Scotlands: The Return to Mythology in Modern Scottish Fiction", in Studies in Scottish Ficton: 1945 to the Present . Ed. S. Hagemann. 17-50.

Hagemann, Susanne, ed. Studies in Scottish Fiction: 1945 to the Present. (Scottish Studies 19). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1996.

Harvie, Christopher. "Gnawing the Mammooth: History, Class and Politics in the Modern Scottish and Welsh Novel." In The Scottish Novel since the Seventies. Ed. Gavin Wallace and Randall Stevenson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993. 187-205.

Malzahn, Manfred, Aspects of Identity: The Contemporary Scottish Novel (1979-1981) as National Self-Expression. (Scottish Studies 2). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1984.

Monnickendam, Andrew. "Cabbages or Plastic Flowers? A Look at the Kailyard." In Actas del X Congreso Nacional AEDEAN. Zaragoza: AEDEAN, 1988. 391-8.*

Monterrey, Tomás. "Límites y marginalidad en la novela escocesa de finales del siglo XX." In Márgenes y centros en la literatura británica actual. Ed. Fernando Galván. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2000. 121-46.*

Morgan, Edwin. "Tradition and Experiment in the Glasgow Novel." In The Scottish Novel since the Seventies. Ed. Gavin Wallace and Randall Stevenson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993. 85-98.

Wallace, Gavin, and Randall Stevenson, eds. The Scottish Novel since the 70s: New Visions, Old Dreams. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993.

Murray, Isobel, and Bob Tait. Ten Modern Scottish Novels. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1984.





Lumsden, Alison."The Scottish Novel since 1970: A Bibliography." In The Scottish Novel since the Seventies. Ed. Gavin Wallace and Randall Stevenson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993.  232-243.




21st century




Bissett, Alan. Damage land: New Scottish Gothic Fiction. Edinburgh: Polygon, 2001.





Welsh fiction in English


20th century


Harvie, Christopher. "Gnawing the Mammooth: History, Class and Politics in the Modern Scottish and Welsh Novel." In The Scottish Novel since the Seventies. Ed. Gavin Wallace and Randall Stevenson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993. 187-205.

Skinner, John. "The British Isles." In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.




West Indian fiction in English


Birbalsingh, Frank. "National identity in the Caribbean Novel in English." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996.  371-8.*

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. "Jazz and the West Indian Novel (Parts I, II and III)." 1967-1968. In Roots: Essays in Caribbean Literature. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1993. 55-109.

_____. "Jazz and the West Indian Novel." In The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Ed. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. London: Routledge, 1995. 327-31.*

Patteson, Richard I. Caribbean Passages: Critical Perspectives on New Fiction from the West Indies. (Three Continents Books). Lynne Rienner Publishers-Eurospan, 1998.

Lamming, George. "Colonialism and the Caribbean Novel." In Postcolonial Discourses. Ed. Gregory Castle. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. 271-79.*

López Ropero, Mª Lourdes. The Anglo-Caribbean Migration Novel: Writing from the Diaspora. Alicante: Publicaciones UA, 2004.

Ramchand, Ken. The West Indian Novel and its Background. London: Faber, 1970.

Sanz, Ileana. "Fiction Rewrites Caribbean History." In Narratives of Resistance: Literature and Ethnicity in the United States and the Caribbean. Ed. Jesús Benito and Ana María Manzanas. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1999. 131-42.*

Skinner, John. "The Caribbean."In Skinner, The Stepmother Tongue: An Introduction to New Anglophone Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.



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