jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)







Ariza, Manuel. "Algunas estructuras complejas en los sonetos de Quevedo." In Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro: Homenaje al profesor Francisco Ynduráin. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1984. 31-44.*

Bertmann, Sandra. The Sonnet Over Time: A Study of the Sonnets of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Baudelaire. Chapel Hill (NC): U of North Carolina P, 1988.

Biadene, L. Morfologia del sonetto nei secoli XIII e XIV. 1889.

Blount, Marcellus. "Caged Birds: Race and Gender in the Sonnet." In Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism. Ed. Joseph Boone and Michael Cadden. New York: Routledge, 1990. 225-38.*

Bullock, W. L. "The Genesis of the English Sonnet Form." PMLA 38 (1923).

Casanova García, Jorge  "Meditation in the Sonnet." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Ed. Fernando Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 109-14.*

Fechner, J. U., ed. Das deutsche Sonett: Dichtungen, Gattungspoetik, Dokumente. 1969.

Ferry, Anne D. The 'Inward' Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Berkeley, 1976.

_____. The 'Inward' Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1983.

Françon, M. "L'Introduction du sonnet en France." RPh  26 (1972).

Fuller, John.  The Sonnet.   London: Methuen, 1972.

Fumerton, Patricia. "'Secret' Arts: Elizabethan Miniatures and Sonnets." Representations  15 (Summer 1986).

García Berrio, Antonio.  "Tipología textual de los sonetos españoles sobre el 'carpe diem'." Dispositio 3.9 (1978): 243-93.

_____.  "Tipología textual y análisis del microcomponente (Sonetos españoles del 'carpe diem')."  In J. S. Petöfi and A. García Berrio, Lingüística del texto y crítica literaria. Madrid: Comunicación, 1978. 367-430.

_____.  "A Text-Typology of the Classical Sonnets."  Poetics  8 (1979): 435-58. 

_____.  "Una tipologia testuale di sonetti amorosi nella tradizione classica spagnola." Lingua e Stile  3 (1980): 451-78.

_____.  "Estatuto del personaje en el soneto amoroso del Siglo de Oro." Lexis 4.1 (1980): 61-75.

_____.  "Macrocomponente textual y sistematismo tipológico: el soneto amoroso español de los siglos XVI y XVII y las reglas de género."  Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie  97.1-2 (1981): 146-71.

_____.  "Problemas de la determinación del tópico textual.  El soneto en el Siglo de Oro." Anales de Literatura Española.  Universidad de Alicante  1 (1983): 135-205.

Hecht, Anthony. "The Sonnet: Ruminations on Form, Sex, and History." Antioch Review 55 (1997): 134-47.

Innes, Paul. Shakespeare and the English Sonnet: Verses of Feigning Love. Basingstoke: Macmillan; St. Martin's, 1997.

Jasinski, M. Histoire du sonnet en France. 1903.

John, L. C. The Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences: Studies in Conventional Conceits. New York, 1938.

Johnson, L. M. Wordsworth and the Sonnet. 1973.

Jost, François. "The Sonnet in its European Context." Introduction to Comparative Literature. 1974.

Lee, Sidney (Sir). Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

_____. "12. The Elizabethan Sonnet." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, 3: English: Renascence and Reformation. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. New York: Putnam, 1907-21. Online at Bartleby.com, 2000.* (1. The model of construction. 2. French influences: Marot, Ronsard, Du Bellay. 3. Spenser and his French masters. 4. The influence of Petrarch. 5. Thomas Watson. 6. Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. 7. Spenser's Amoretti. 8. The Sonneteering conceit of immortality. 9. Constable's Diana. 10. Daniel. 11. Lodge. 12. Drayton. 13. Richard Barnfield. 14. Barnabe Barnes. 15. Giles Fletcher. 16. Sir William Alexander; Drummond of Hawthornden. 17. Elizabethan critics of the sonnet. 18. The sonnet of compliment).



Lever, J. W. The Elizabethan Love-Sonnet. London: Methuen, 1956. 2nd ed. 1965.

Levy, J. "The Development of Rhyme-Scheme and of Syntactic Pattern in the English Renaissance Sonnet."  "On the Relations of Language and Stanza Pattern in the English Sonnet." In Levy, Paralipomena. 1971.

Link, Franz. Das moderne amerikanische Sonett. (Anglistische Forschungen, 253). Heidelberg: Winter, 1997.

Marotti, Arthur F. "'Love Is Not Love: Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social Order." ELH 49 (1982): 396-428.

Kleinhenz, C. The Early Italian Sonnet: The First Century (1220-1321). 1986.

Kimmich, F. "Sonnets Before Opitz." GQ 49 (1976).

Martin, A. L. Cervantes and the Burlesque Sonnet. 1991.

Moorman, F. W. "I. Cavalier Lyrists." In Cavalier and Puritan. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. 1911. Vol. VII of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Ed. A. W. Ward et al. New York: Putnam's; Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1907–21. Electronic edition (Bartleby.com).* (Lyric, sonnets, Herrick, Carew, Suckling, Lovelace).



Muñoz Calvo, Micaela. "Soneto inglés versus  petrarquista." Stvdium, 2 (1986): 27-32.

Neely, Carol Thomas. "The Structure of English Renaissance Sonnet Sequences." ELH 45 (1978): 359-89.

Núñez Mata, E. Historia y origen del soneto. 1967.

Oliphant, E. "Sonnet Structure: An Analysis." Philological Quarterly 11 (1932).

Oppenheimer, P. The Birth of the Modern Mind. 1989. (Sonnets).

Parker, Tom W. N. Proportional Form in the Sonnets of the Sidney Circle: Loving in Truth. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Pérez Romero, Carmen.  "El soneto inglés en los períodos renacentista y barroco."  In Estudios literarios ingleses: Renacimiento y barroco.  Ed. Susana Onega. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986. 199-224.

Prince, F. T. "The Sonnet from Wyatt to Shakespeare." In Elizabethan Poetry. Ed. J. R. Brown and B. Harris. 1960.

Rigolot, F. "Qu'est-ce qu'un sonnet?" RHL 84 (1984).

Rivers, E. "Certain Formal Characteristics of the Primitive Love Sonnet." Speculum 33 (1958).

Rivers, Elias L. El soneto español en el siglo de oro.  Madrid, 1993.

Roche, Thomas P. Petrarch and the English Sonnet Sequences. 1986. New York: AMS, 1989.

Schaar, Claes. An Elizabethan Sonnet Problem: Shakespeare's Sonnets, Daniel's Delia, and their Literary Background. Lund: Gleerup, 1960.

Schlütter, H.-J. Sonett. 1979.

Scott, C. "The Limits of the Sonnet." RLC 50 (1976).

Scott, D. H. Sonnet Theory and Practice in 19th-century France. 1977.

Serpieri, Alessandro. I sonetti dell'immortalità. Milan: Bompiani, 1975.

Shakespeare Survey  15 (Shakespeare's songs, sonnets, poems).

Spiller, Michael R. G. The Development of the Sonnet: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 1992. (Book/eBook).

Sterner, L. G. The Sonnet in American Literature. 1930.

Stull, W. L. "'Why Are not Sonnets Made of Thee?'" Modern Philology 80 (1982). (Religious sonnets).

Tempo, Antonio da. Summa artis rithmici.  1332. (Sonnet).

Watts-Dunton, Theodore.  "The Sonnet." In Watts-Dunton, Poetry and The Renascence of Wonder.   London: Herbert Jenkins, 1916.  171-89.*

Weeks, L. T. "The Order of Rimes of the English Sonnet." MLN 25 (1910): 176-80, 231.

Welt, H. Geschichte des sonettes in der deutschen Dichtung.  1884.









Barnstone, W., ed. and trans. Six Masters of the Spanish Sonnet. 1992.

Evans, Maurice, ed. Elizabethan Sonnets.  (Sidney, Daniel, Drayton, Spenser...). London: Dent.

Lee, Sidney, ed. Elizabethan Sonnets. 2 vols. 1904.

Nye, Robert, ed.  The Faber Book of Sonnets.  London: Faber, 1976.

Pérez Romero, Carmen, and Montserrat Martín Vázquez, eds. Antología del soneto renacentista inglés: Sidney, Spenser y Shakespeare. Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1991.

Romanov, B., ed. Russkij sonet. Anthology. 1983.

Sovalin, V. S., ed. Russkij sonet. Anthology. 1983.

Withers, C., ed. The Penguin Book of Sonnets. 1979.









Hornsby, S. and J. R. Bennett. "The Sonnet: An Annotated Bibliography from 1940 to the Present." Style 13 (1979).

Donow, Herbert S. The Sonnet in England and America: A Bibliography of Criticism. Westport: Greenwood, 1982.









Donow, H. S. A Concordance to the Sonnet Sequences of Daniel, Drayton, Shakespeare, Sidney, and Spenser. 1969.







Internet resources




"Sonnet." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*




Sonnet Central











Cassou, Jean. Trente-trois sonnets composés au secret. 1944.

Desnos. "Le Legs." Sonnet on collaborators. In L'Honneur des poétes. Anthology. 1944.

Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. many editions

Starbuck, George. Space-Saver Sonnets. Cleveland: Bits Press, 1986.




See also Dante; Petrarch; Ronsard; Wyatt; Surrey; Sidney; Spenser; Daniel; Drayton; Shakespeare (Sonnets); Lope de Vega; Quevedo; Góngora; Miguel Hernández; Keats; Wordsworth; Seamus Heaney; Tony Harrison.


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