sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)





Specific topics

            Attacks vs. comics

            Early comics

            Graphic novels

            Internet comics


            Publishing, etc.


            Semiotics and language

Comics: Areas

On specific comics: Characters and Titles





Barker, Martin. Comics: Ideology, Power, and the Critics. Manchester UP, 1989.

Barrier, Michael, and Martin Williams. A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics. Smithsonian institution Press / Harry N. Abrahams, 1981.

Eisner, Will. Comics and Sequential Art.

Fresnault-Deruelle, Pierre. La Bande Dessinée. Paris: Hachette, 1972.

Gardner, Jared. Projections: Comics and the History of Twenty-First Century Storytelling. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 2012.*



Gifford, Denis. The International Book of Comics. Crescent Books, 1984.

Goulart, Ron. Ron Goulart's Great history of Comic Books. Contemporary Books, 1986.

Pomier, Frédéric. Comment lire la bande dessinee? Klincksieck, 2005.

Rey, Alain. Les Spectres de la bande: Essai sur la B. D. Paris: Minuit.

Steranko, Jim. History of Comics. Foreword by Federico Fellini. Supergraphics, 1970-







Baetens, Jan, and Steven Surdiacourt. "European Graphic Narratives: Toward a Cultural and Mediological History." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 347-62.*

Ballesteros González, Antonio, and Claude Duée. Cuatro lecciones sobre el cómic. (Colección Estudios). Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2000.

Bandes dessinées et figuration narrative. Paris: Musée des arts décoratifs, 1967.

Blackbeard, Bill, and Dale Crain. The Comic Strip Century: Celebrating 100 Years of an American Art Form. 2 vols. Northampton (MA): Kitchen Sink, 1995.

Bruns, John.  "Get Out of Gaol Free, or: How to Read a Comic Plot."  Journal of Narrative Theory 35.1 (Winter 2005): 25-59.

"Comics vocabulary." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*



Conde, Javier. Del tebeo al cómic: Un mundo de aventuras. Madrid: Libsa, 2001.*

Eisner, Will. Comics and sequential art. 1985. Tamarac: Poorhouse Press, 2000.

Ewert, Jeanne C. "Comics and Graphic Novel." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 71-73.*

Fresnault-Deruelle, Pierre. "Lo verbal en las historietas." In Análisis de las Imágenes. By Christian Metz et al. Barcelona: Ediciones Buenos Aires, 1982. 182-204.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Reinventando la narración." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 16 April 2007.



Groth, Gary, and Robert Fiore. The New Comics. Berkley, 1988.

Gubern, Román. "El lenguaje de los comics." Imagen y Sonido 85-94 (1970-1971).

_____. El lenguaje de los comics. (Ediciones de Bolsillo). Barcelona: Península, 1972. 1974.

Hatfield, Charles. "Indiscipline, or, The Condition of Comics Studies." Transatlantica: Revue d'études américaines / American Studies Journal 1 (2010).



Inge, M. Thomas. Comics as Culture. UP of Mississippi, 1990.

Jenkins, Henry. "Archival, Ephemeral, and Residual: The Functions of Early Comics in Art Spiegelman's In the Shadow of No Towers." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 301-22.*

Kaul, Susanne, and Oliver Kohns, eds. Politik und Ethik der Komik. 2012.

Lefèvre, Pascal. "Narration in the Flemish Dual Publication System: The Crossover Genre of the Humoristic Adventure." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 255-69.*

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. New York: Harper Collins-HarperPerennial, 1993.

_____. I Can't Stop Thinking. Online comic /theory.



Mikkonen, Kai. "Focalisation in Comics: From the Specificities of the Medium to Conceptual Reformulation." Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art  1.1 (Spring 2012): 71-95. Online at Academia.*



_____. "Subjectivity and Style in Graphic Narratives." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 101-23.*

Moix Meseguer, Ramón. (Terenci Moix). Los comics.

Muñoz Calvo, Micaela. "La transmisión de emociones y sentimientos a través de los cómics / novelas gráficas." Paper presented at the conference 'Representación y hermenéutica de las emociones', Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 20-21 June 2017.*

Pratt, Henry John. "Medium Specificity and the Ethics of Narrative in Comics." Storyworlds 1 (2009).

Romero Jódar, Andrés. The Iconical Discourse Community, the Narrative Iconical Subgenres and the Trauma Graphic Novel in English. Ph.D. diss. U of Zaragoza, 2012.

Sabin, Roger. Adult Comics: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 1993.

Saraceni, Mario. The Language of Comics. London: Routledge, 2003.

Schmitz-Emans, Monika. "Graphic Narrative as World Literature." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 385-406.*

Shaw, Patricia. "The Linguistic Content of the Popular Comic." Atlantis 2.1 (Dec. 1980 / Jan. 1981): 15-19.*

Spanke, Kai. "Fun ist ein Blutbad: Zur Komik von Gewalt und Tod im amerikanischen Verlfolgungscartoon." In Politik und Ethik der Komik. Ed. Susanne Kaul and Oliver Kohns. Munich, 2012. 133-49.

Stein, Daniel, and Jan-Noël Thon. "Introduction: From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.*

Thon, Jan-Noël. "Who's Telling the Tale? Authors and Narrators in Graphic Narrative." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 67-99.*

_____. "Toward a Transmedial Narratology: On Narrators in Contemporary Graphic Novels, Feature Films, and Computer Games." In Beyond Classical Narration: Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges. Ed. Jan Alber and Per Krogh Hansen. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. 25-56.*




Anthologies: Comics



Perry, George, and Alan Aldridge. The Penguin Book of Comics. Penguin, 1967. New Ed. 1989.



Anthologies: Criticism


Cohn, Neil. The Visual Narrative Reader. 2015.









Comics Worth Reading




La Communauté des Bédéastes et Amateurs de Bande Dessinée (Facebook).*




Zona Negativa. Blog on comics.












Gasca, L and R. Gubern. Diccionario de onomatopeyas del cómic. Madrid: Cátedra, 2008.






Internet resources







Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. Ohio State U.










Les Cahiers du Musée de la bande dessinée, no 4 (Jan. 1999).


The Comics Journal.  Ed. Gary Groth.


European Comic Art 3.1 (2010).


Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics

Ed. David Huxley and Joan Ormrod.

Vol. 1 (July 2010).




Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art  1.1 (Spring 2012).



Yellow Kid:

Estudios sobre la historieta.

Ed. Alejo Cuervo.

Barcelona: Ediciones Gigamesh.

c/ Ausias March, 26, desp. 44,

08010 Barcelona; No. 6









Mann, Ron. Comic Book Confidential. TV documentary. Channel 4, 1990.




Comics: Specific topics


Attacks vs. comics


Wertham, Frederick. Seduction of the Innocent. (Vs. comic books).



Early comics


Boyd, Brian. "On the Origins of Comics: New York Double-take." The Evolutionary Review 1 (2010): 87-111.*

Guiral, Antoni, with Lluís Giralt. 100 años de TBO: La revista que dio nombre a los tebeos. Barcelona, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, México D. F., Miami, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile: Ediciones B, 2017. 2nd ed. 2017.*





Graphic Novels


Ewert, Jeanne C. "Comics and Graphic Novel." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 71-73.*

Hescher, Achim. Reading Graphic Novels: Genre and Narration. (Narratologia, 50). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.


Kukkonen, Karin. "Metalepsis in Comics and Graphic Novels." In Metalepsis in Popular Culture. Ed. Karin Kukkonen and Sonja Klimek. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011. 213-31.*

Meyer, Christina. "Un/Taming the Beast, or Graphic Novels (Re)Considered." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 271-99.*

Pedri, Nancy. "Graphic Memoir: Neither Fact Nor Fiction." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 127-53.*

Romero-Jódar, Andrés. "Comic Books and Graphic Novels in their Generic Context. Towards a Definition and Classification of Narrative Iconical Texts." Atlantis 35.1 (June 2013): 117-35.*

Stein, Daniel, and Jan-Noël Thon, eds. From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. (Narratologia, 37). Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.* (I. Graphic Narrative and Narratological Concepts; II. Graphic Narrative beyond the 'Single Work'. III. Genre and Format Histories of Graphic Narrative; IV. Graphic Narrative Across Cultures).








 (Salamandra Graphic). Barcelona: Salamandra, c. 2015.*








Internet comics


McCloud, Scott. I Can't Stop Thinking. Online comic /theory.



"Web Comics." In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia



Wilbur, J. D. "Networked Comics." In ifBook 9 April 2007.







Publishing, etc.


Groensteen, Thierry. "L'Empire des séries." Les Cahiers du Musée de la bande dessinée, no 4 (Jan. 1999): 78-87.




Semiotics and language of comics


Cohn, Neil. The Visual Language of Comics: Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

_____. "7. Structural Complexity in Visual Narratives: Theory, Brains, and Cross-Cultural Diversity." In Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution. Ed. Marina Grishakova and Maria Poulaki. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2019. 174-99.*

Eisner, Will. Comics and Sequential art. 1985. Tamarac: Poorhouse Press, 2000.

Gardner, Jared. "A History of the Narrative Comic Strip." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 241-53.*

Grant, Patrick. "Bodies on the Board: Materiality and Movement in the Production of Comics and Graphic Novels." Sydney: Macquarie U, 2014.

Grennan, Simon. A Theory of Narrative Drawing. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Groensteen, Thierry. "The Monstrator, the Recitant and the Shadow of the Narrator." European Comic Art 3.1 (2010): 1-21.

Gubern, Román. El lenguaje de los comics. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

Hague, Ian. Comics and the Senses: A Multisensory Approach to Comics and Graphic Novels. (Routledge Research in Culture and Media Studies, 57). New York: Routledge, 2014.

Horstkotte, Silke. "Zooming In and Out: Panels, Frames, Sequences, and the Building of Graphic Storyworlds." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 27-48.*

Horstkotte, Silke, and Nancy Pedri. "Focalization in Graphic Narrative." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 330-57.*

Kukkonen, Karin. "Metalepsis in Comics and Graphic Novels." In Metalepsis in Popular Culture. Ed. Karin Kukkonen and Sonja Klimek. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011. 213-31.*

_____. "Space, Time, and Causality in Graphic Narratives: An Embodied Approach." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 49-66.*

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. Northampton (MA): Kitchen Sink Press, 1993.

_____. Understanding Comics. New York: HarperPerennial, 1993.

McHale, Brian. "Narrativity and Segmentivity, or, Poetry in the Gutter." In Intermediality and Storytelling. Ed. Marina Grishakova and Marie-Laure Ryan. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2010. 27-48.* (Martin Rowson, The Waste Land).

Muñoz-Basols, Javier, and Micaela Muñoz-Calvo. "7. La traducción de textos humorísticos multimodales." In La Traducción: Nuevos planteamientos teórico-metodológicos. Ed. Mª Azucena Penas Ibáñez.  Madrid: Síntesis, 2015. 159-84.*

Rippl, Gabriele, and Lukas Etter. "Intermediality, Transmediality, and Graphic Narrative." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 191-217.*

Romero-Jódar, Andrés. "Comic Books and Graphic Novels in their Generic Context. Towards a Definition and Classification of Narrative Iconical Texts." Atlantis 35.1 (June 2013): 117-35.*

Saraceni, Mario. The Language of Comics. London: Routledge, 2003.

Smith, Greg M. "Comics in the Intersecting Histories of the Window, the Frame, and the Panel." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 219-37.*

Steimberg, Oscar. Leyendo historietas: Textos sobre relatos visuales y humor gráfico. Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia, 2013.

Stein, Daniel. "Superhero Comics and the Authorizing Functions of the Comic Book Paratext." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 155-89.*

Stein, Daniel, and Jan-Noël Thon, eds. From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. (Narratologia, 37). Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.* (I. Graphic Narrative and Narratological Concepts; II. Graphic Narrative beyond the 'Single Work'. III. Genre and Format Histories of Graphic Narrative; IV. Graphic Narrative Across Cultures).

Szawerna, Michal. "Visual Metaphorization of Events as Objects in Comics." Language, Mind, Culture and Society 2 (2018) – Special issue: Multimodality in Communication, Language, and Culture. In Memoriam Prof. Alina Kwiatkowska.  150-79. Online at Academia.*



Thon, Jan-Noël. "Who's Telling the Tale? Authors and Narrators in Graphic Narrative." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 67-99.*









(Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels, 4). Leuven: Leuven UP.








Gabilliet, Jean-Paul. "L'aventure comme expérience éthique: les super héros des comic-books américains." In Dramaxes. Ed. Denis Mellier and Luc Ruiz. Fontenay: ENS, 1995. 235-48.*

Kornhaber, Spencer. "The Superhero Fantasies of Trump's Mob."  The Atlantic 8 Jan. 2021.*



Prieto, Darío. "Muere Stan Lee, el mayor creador de superhéroes y padre de Spiderman, los 4 Fantásticos y Thor." El Mundo 12 Nov. 2018.*



Stein, Daniel. "Superhero Comics and the Authorizing Functions of the Comic Book Paratext." In From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Ed. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 155-89.*




Dictionaries and encyclopedias


The Marvel Encyclopedia. Dorling Kindersley, 2007.

_____. La enciclopedia Marvel: La guía definitiva de los personajes del universo Marvel. Madrid: Pearson, 2007.*







Birdman. Dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu ("Alejandro G. Iñárritu"). Written by Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, et al. Cast: Michael Keaton, Zach Galifianakis, Edward Norton. USA, 2014.*

Hancock. Dir. Peter Berg. With Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman. 2008.

Special. Written and dir. Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore. Cast: Michael Rapaport, Paul Blackthorne, Josph Peck, Jack Kehle, Alexandra Holden. Music by Tom Wolfe and Manish Raval. Prod. Edward Parks and Frank Mele. Spanish DVD. Especial. Warner Bros, 2008.*


Watchmen. Dir. Zack Snyder. Screenplay by David Hayter and Alex Tse. Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Cast: Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson, Stephen McHattie, Carla Gugino, Matt Frewer, Laura Mennell, Rob Labelle and Gary Houston. USA, 2009.








REDEN 5.1 (2023). Special issue: (Super)Heroes in the 21stc. American Imagination.*









Eisenberg, Deborah. Twilight of the Superheroes. Fiction. 2006.

Millar, Mark, and Steve McNiven. Civil War. Comic book series. Script by Mark Millar, drawings by Steve McNiven. Marvel comics, Jul. 2006-Jan. 2007.

_____. Marvel Spotlight: Civil War. Comic book. Script by Mark Millar, drawings by Steve McNiven. 2006.

_____. Civil War. Graphic novel. Script by Mark Millar, drawings by Steve McNiven. Trans. Santiago García and Uriel López. (Marvel Deluxe). Panini España, n.d.*








Lukacs de Pereny, Miklos. "El Gran Reinicio: una revisión crítica / The Great Reset: a critical review." Video. YouTube (Miklos Lukacs) 23 Nov. 2020.* (Technology, Human nature; Post-humanism, globalism, progress, Cyborgs, control, genetics; Soros; Gates; philanthropy; World Economic Forum, WHO, UN, NGOs, superheroes, ideology, Christianity).




Roussel-Gillet, Isabelle. "Figures et emblèmes culturels : Revivance de quelques anges, super héros et vierges." Lecture at the École Normale Supérieure (Survivance des Icônes). Videolecture. YouTube (École Normale Supérieure) 23 March 2016.*










Saunders, Buddy. "Drawing the Line." (Violence in comics). Comics Journal 138: 109-22.





Comics: Areas


English comics


Orwell, George. "Boys' Weeklies." 1939. In Orwell, A Collection of Essays. New York: Harcourt, 1953? 279-309.




US comics


Benton, Mike. The Comic Book in America: An Illustrated History. Taylor Publishing, 1989.

Feiffer, Jules. The Great Comic Book Heroes. Dial Press, 1965.

Reynolds, Richard. Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology. London: Batsford, 1992.*

Overstreet, Robert M. The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. 22nd ed. Avon Books, 1992.

Romero Quintano, José Aurelio. "La censura en el noveno arte en EE.UU." In Fifty Years of English Studies in Spain […] Actas del XXVI Congreso de AEDEAN, ed. Ignacio Palacios et al. Santiago de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 2003. 117-23.*



Internet resources


Marvel Directory








Spanish comics


Cuadrado, Jesús. Atlas Español de la Cultura popular: De la historieta y su uso (1873-2000). 2 vols. Fundación Sánchez Ruipérez.

González Aguiar, Isabel. "La utilización de las unidades fraseológicas en las viñetas de los periódicos españoles." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 79-94.

Marín, Rafael. "De Mortadelo a Rambla: Los cómics en España (1968-2002): 4." Yellow Kid 6 (2003): 34-64.*



Internet resources


La cárcel de papel: Diario de un lector de tebeos






Japanese comics


Perper, Timothy, and Martha Conog, eds. Mangatopia: Essays on Manga and Anime in the Modern World. Westport (CT): ABC-Clio/Greenwood - Libraries Unlimited, 2011.







On Comics: Characters and Titles (Specific)



Alien legion


Portacio, Whilce. Alien Legion. Scripts for the comic book series. Epic.






Martin, J. Alix. Comic book series.




Alpha Flight


Alpha Flight. Comic book journal. Marvel Comics.

Lee, Jim. Alpha Flight. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. (1987).




Animal Man


Morrison, Grant. Animal Man 1-26. DC Comics.




Ant-Man 1st appears in Tales to Astonish 35 (Sept. 1962).




The Arrow

The Arrow. 1st appears in Funny Pages 21 (1938).





Goscinny, R., and A. Uderzo. Astérix en Hispanie. Paris: Dargaud, 1969.

_____. Asterix in Spain. Madrid: Ediciones del Prado, 1971.

_____.  Astérix en Hispania. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud, 1980.

_____. Asterix Hispanian. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud; Donostia: elkar, 1991.

_____. Astérix en Hispania. Barcelona Grijalbo/Dargaud; Vigo:  Editorial Galaxia, 1997.

_____. Astèrix a Hispania. Salvat, 1999.

_____. Astérix na Hispânia  Salvat, 2009.

_____. Uderzo and Goscinny. Asterix in Belgium. Paris: Dargaud, 1979.

_____. Astérix: El golpe de menhir. El álbum de la película. Barcelona: Ediciones Junior, 1991. (Ghostwritten).

Conrad, Didier, and Jean-Yves Ferri. Astérix chez les Pictes. 2013.




Amón, Rubén. Interview with Albert Uderzo. In  elmundo.es April 15 2007.

Bell, Anthea. "Translating Astérix." In Translation Here and There Now and Then. Ed. Jane Taylor, Edith McMorran and Guy Leclercq. Wiltshire: Elm Bank Publications, 1996. 125-138.

_____. "Astérix–What's in a Name." In Literary Translation.com, The British Council Arts (online)


         14 June  2008

Campos Pardillos, Miguel Angel. "Las dificultades de traducir el humor: Astérix le Gaulois-Asterix the Gaul-Asterix el Galo." Babel-Afial 1 (1992): 103-24.*

Lago, Concha. "Los traductores del cómic trabajaron en verano con estricta confidencialidad." Deia


Muñoz-Calvo, Micaela. "Asterix's Voyage to Hispania: The Adventure of Translating Humor into the Languages of the Iberian Peninsula." In The Limits of Literary Translation: Expanding Frontiers in Iberian Languages. Ed. Javier Muñoz-Basols et al. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2012. 333-61.*

Muñoz Calvo, Micaela, and Carmen Buesa Gómez. "Ils sont fous ces traducteurs!: La traducción del humor en cómics de Asterix." In Lengua, traducción, recepción: En honor de Julio César Santoyo / Language, Translation, Reception: To Honor Julio César Santoyo. Ed. Rosa Rabadán, Trinidad Guzmán, Marisa Fernández. León: Universidad de León, 2010. 419-76.

Pascua Febles, I. and C. Delfour. "La traducción subordinada. Estudio de las onomatopeyas en Astérix." Actas del II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. El Guiniguado 3 (1992): 387-392.

Wouters, Christian. (U de Valladolid). Rev. of Asterix in Belgium. By Uderzo and Goscinny. Hermeneus 1 (1999): 207-13.*






Astérix y Obélix: misión Cleopatra. Dir. Alain Chabat. DVD. Madrid: Tripictures.*






The Avengers


"The Coming of the Avengers!" The Avengers 1 (Sept. 1963). ("Can the combined power of the Avengers defeat the sinister spells of Loki, God of Evil?") By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by Dick Ayers.

_____. "¡La llegada de los Vengadores!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 56-79.*

The Avengers no. 2 (Nov. 1963). ("Armed with a Fantastic Power, the Space Phantom sets out to destroy the Earth's mightiest super-heroes!"). By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by Paul Reinman.

The Avengers  no. 3 (Jan. 1964). ("The Hulk and Sub-Mariner vs. The Avengers!"). By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by Paul Reinman.

The Avengers no. 4 (March 1964). ("Captain America Lives Again"). By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by George Roussos.

The Avengers no. 5 (May 1964). ("The Invasion of the Lava Men!"). By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by Paul Reinman.

The Avengers no. 6 (July 1964). ("Introducing Zemo! and his Masters of Evil!"). By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Ink by Chic Stone

Los Vengadores 1 (Excelsior: Biblioteca Marvel). Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostin-Comics Forum, 2001.* (Contains The Avengers nos. 1-6).

"Behold… the Vision"! The Avengers 57 (Oct. 1968).

_____. "¡He aquí… la Visión!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 282-303.*

"Even an Android Can Cry." The Avengers 58 (Nov. 1968). In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014.*

_____. "Hasta un androide puede llorar." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 304-25.*

"To Fall By Treachery!" The Avengers 164 (Oct. 1977).

_____. "¡Ataque a traición!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 486-503.*

"Hammer of Vengeance!" The Avengers  165 (Nov. 1977).

_____. "¡Martillo de venganza!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 504-21.*

"Day of the Godslayer!" The Avengers 166 (Dec. 1977).

_____. "¡El día del asesino de dioses!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 522-41.*



Clemente, Julián M. "Un día como ningún otro." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 54-55.*

_____. "Humano, demasiado humano." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 280-81.*

_____. "La era de las grandes amenazas." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 484-85.*







The Avengers. Dir Joss Whedon. Written by Zak Penn and Josh Whedon, based on the Marvel comic book. Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans,  Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Clark Gregg, Samuel L. Jackson, Gwyneth Paltrow. Prod. Kevin Feige. USA, 2012.*

Avengers: Age of Ultron. Written and dir. by Joss Whedon, based on the characters by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Cast: Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner /Hulk), Chris Evans (Steve Rogers / Captain America), Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton / Hawkeye), James Spader (Ultron), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Don Cheadle (James Rhodes / War Machine), Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver), Elizabethe Olsen (Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch), Paul Bettany (Jarvis / Vision), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson / Falcon), Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter), Idris Elba (Heimdall), Linda Cardellini (Laura Barton), Stellan Skarsgard (Erik Selvig), Claudia Kim (Dr. Helen Cho), Thomas Kretschmann (Strucker), Andy Serkis (Ulysses Lkaue). Julie Delpy (Madame B), Stan Lee as himself. Music by Danny Elfman and Brian Tyler. Cinemat. Ben Davis. Ed. Jeffrey Ford and Lissa Lassek. Prod. des. Charles Wood. Prod. Kevin Feige. Exec. prod. Victoria Alonso, Louis d'Esposito, Jon Favreau, Jeremy Latchem, Stan Lee, Patricia Whitcher. USA, 2015. IMDb








Barney Google and Snuffy Smith



Internet resources


"Barney Google and Snuffy Smith." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*






Batman (Created by Bob Kane).

Batman 1st appears in Detective Comics 27 (1939).


Gold, Mike, ed. The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told. DC Comics, 1988.

The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told. DC Comics / Hamlyn, 1989.

Miller, Frank. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Introd. Alan Moore. New York: DC Comics, 1986.

_____. Batman: El regreso del caballero oscuro. Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley. Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, 2006.*

Miller, Frank, and Dave Mazzuchelli. Batman: Year One. DC Comics / Titan Books, 1989.

Moore, Alan, and Brian Bolland. Batman: The Killing Joke. DC Comics/Titan Books, 1988.




Adair, Gilbert. "Batman." In Adair, The Postmodernist Always Rings Twice. London: Fourth Estate, 1992. 29-31.*

Brooker, Will. "Batman: One Life, Many Faces." In Adaptations: From Text to Screen, Screen to Text. Ed. Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan. London: Routledge, 1999. 185-98.*

Kane, Bob. Batman & Me. Eclipse Books, 1989.

Pearson, Roberta E., and William Uricchio, eds. The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media. Routledge, 1991.






Batman Begins.

The Dark Knight. Dir. Chistopher Nolan. Story and screenplay by Jonathan Nolan, Christoper Nolan, David S. Goyer. Based on the DC comics character by Bob Kane. Cast: Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Morgan Freeman. Music by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. Ed. Lee Smith. Prod. des. Nathan Crowley. Exec. prod. Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin de la Noy, Thomas Tull. USA: Legendary Pictures / Syncopy / Warner, 2008. Spanish DVD: Warner, 2008.*

Joker. Dir. Todd Phillips. With Joaquin Phoenix. 2019.







Beavis and Butthead


Beavis and Butthead's Greatest Hits. Marvel Comics, 1994.






Ostrander, John, and Carlos Pacheco. Bishop: Huída del mañana. (One Shot, 7). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.



Black and White


_____. Black & White. Comic book series. With Pamela Thibert (wife). Image.



Black Dragon


Claremont, Chris. Black Dragon. Comic book. Artwork by John Bolton.



Blake et Mortimer


Jacobs, P. Blake et Mortimer. Comic book series.



Olivera, Ángel. "Blake y Mortimer: La edad de oro de la línea clara." Yellow Kid 6 (2003): 14-33.*






Nicieza, Fabian, and John Romita, Jr. Cable: Sangre y metal. (One Shot, 3). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Thibert, Art. Cable. Artwork for the comic-book series. New York: Marvel Comics. Nos. 1-3 (1993).



Capitán Trueno


Mora, Víctor. El Capitán Trueno. Comic book, illust. by Miguel Ambrosio Zaragoza, "Ambrós". 1st pub. 1956.

_____. El Capitán Trueno: Edición Histórica. Illust. by Ambrós. Barcelona: Fondos Editoriales. Vol. 10, 1987.*

Mora, Víctor, and Ambrós. ¡A Sangre y fuego! Y otras aventuras. (El nuevo y genuino Trueno Color: Aventuras de El Capitán Trueno). Barcelona: Grupo Zeta-Ediciones B, 2009.* (1st pub. 1956).

El Capitán Trueno: Tomo 4. Los vikingos prehistóricos. El ídolo siniestro. Los normandos de Osfold. ¡La guardia negra! El foso de la muerte. Pesca siniestra. El círculo de la muerte. El "Pulpo" desenmascarado. Written by Víctor Mora. Illust. "Ambrós". Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1987.*

El Capitán Trueno, Tomo 5: ¡Las ruinas de Tintagel! (Edición Coleccionista 60 Aniversario). Written by Antoni Guiral. Illust by Fuentes Man and Ambrós. Prod. Ediciones B. Barcelona: Salvat, 2017.*

El Capitán Trueno, Tomo 9: El templo del pantano. (Edición Coleccionista 60 Aniversario). Written by Antoni Guiral. Illust by Fuentes Man and Ambrós. Barcelona: Salvat, 2017.*



Cuenca, Luis Alberto de. "Capitán Trueno sexagenario." Libertad Digital 30 June 2016.*



Marías, Javier. "Continuará el Capitán Trueno." In javiermarias.es 9 April 2006. 







El Capitán Trueno y el Santo Grial. Dir. Antonio Hernández. Cast: Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Natasha Yarovenko, Gary Piquer, Manuel Martínez. Spain, 2011.






Captain America

Captain America 1st appears in Captain America 1 (1941). By Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.


"No Longer Alone!" Captain America 110 (Feb. 1969).

_____. "¡Nunca más solo!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 147-68.*

"Tomorrow You Live, Tonight I Die!" Captain America 111 (March 1969).

_____. "¡Mañana vivirás… Esta noche moriré!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 169-90.*

"The Strange Death of Captain America." Captain America 113 (May 1969).

_____. "La extraña muerte del Capitán América." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 191-213.*



Brubaker, Ed, Mike Perkins, Lee Weeks and Gene Colan. Capitán América: Civil War. (Marcel Deluxe). Torroella de Montgrí (Gerona): Panini España, 2011.* (From Captain America 5.22-24 (Nov.-Dec. 2006, Jan. 2007), Winter Soldier: Winter Kills 1 (Feb. 2007); Captain America 601(Sept. 2009)).

Clemente, Julián M. "El hombre fuera del tiempo." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 145-46.*








Capitán América: Civil War. Dir. Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Cast: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Renner. USA, 2016.*









Captain Marvel


Captain Marvel 100 (1949).



Jiménez Torres, David. "La nueva vida del Capitán Marvel." Libertad Digital 2 March 2001.








Charles Atlas


Brett, Mark. "The Insult that Made a Man out of Mac." (Charles Atlas). Comics Journal 144: 87-90.




Charlie Brown


Eco, Umberto. "El mundo de Charlie Brown." In Eco, Apocalípticos e integrados. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2013. 2015. 303-12.*






El Corsario de Hierro


El Corsario de Hierro, 1: La mano azul – La vieja dama del mar -  Los mercaderes de ébano – En la boca del lobo – El secreto de los espejos – El tesoro de Marco Polo – El secreto del pergamino – La pagoda de los suplicios. (Colección Super Aventuras / Ediciones Bruch). Barcelona: Grupo Zeta-Ediciones B, n.d.*

El Corsario de Hierro, 3. Written by Víctor Mora. Illust. Ambrós. (Colección Super Aventuras / Ediciones Bruch). Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1991.*






Cracked. Comic.






Daredevil. Comic book journal. Marvel Comics.

_____. "Roulette." Daredevil 191 (Feb. 1983).

_____. "Ruleta." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014.*


Clemente, Julián M. "Acierto seguro." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 658-59.*

Miller, Frank. Daredevil: A Lonely Place of Dying. Marvel Comics, 1989.





Lee, Jim. Deathblow. Scripts for the comic book series. Image.




Doctor Strange




Doctor Strange. Dir. Scott Derrickson. Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Mads Mikkelsen, Tilda Swinton. USA, 2016.







Thibert, Art, ed. Elfquest. Comic book series. WarpGraphics.





Claremont, Chris. Excalibur. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. (to 1992).

Davis, Alan, and Mark Farmer. Excalibur: El regreso de Fénix.. Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Higgins, Michael., Tom Morgan and Justin Thyme. Excalibur: La III Guerra sobrenatural. (Novela Gráfica, 15). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.



Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four 1st appear in Fantastic Four 1 (November 1961).


"The Fantastic Four!" Fantastic Four 1 (USA, Nov. 1961).

_____. "¡Los 4 Fantásticos!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 10-37.*

"The Coming of Galactus!" Fantastic Four  48 (March 1966).

_____. "¡La llegada de Galactus!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 216-36.*

"If This Be Doomsday!" Fantastic Four 49 (1966).

_____. ¡El día del Juicio!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 237-57.*

"The Startling Saga of the Silver Surfer!" Fantastic Four  50 (May 1966).

_____. "¡La asombrosa saga de Estela Plateada!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 258-79.*

"Terror in a Tiny Town." Fantastic Four  246 (Nov. 1981).

_____. "Terror en una ciudad pequeña." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 616-57.*

Lee, Jim. Fantastic Four. Scripts and artwork for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. 1990s.

Lee, Jim, and Brandon Choi. Fantastic Four  2.1-6 (March-Aug. 1997). Illust. Jiml Lee, Scott Williams and JD, Joe Chioooo.

_____. Los 4 Fantásticos: Heroes Reborn. Trans. Eduardo Braun. (Best of Marvel). Torroella de Mongtrí (Girona): Panini España, 2005.*



Clemente, Julián M. "La llegada de los 4 Fantásticos." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 8-9.*

_____. "Cuatro contra Dios." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 214-15.*

_____. "Un retorno a lo fantástico." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 614-15.*

García Landa, José Ángel. Rev. of Los cuatro fantásticos, dir. Tim Story. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 August 2005.


_____. "Un tipo calvo llamado Estela." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 28 August 2007. (Rev. of The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer, dir. Tim Story).








Fantastic Four. Dir. Tim Story. Written by Mark Frost, based on the Marvel comic book by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. Cast: Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Julian McMahon. USA, 2005.







Messner-Loeb, Bill, and Greg LaRocque. The Flash. DC Comics.





Flash Gordon


Flash Gordon: Tomo V: del 12 de marzo de 1953 al 2 de junio de 1954. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1991.*

Flash Gordon: Tomo VIII: Del 15 de noviembre de 1956 al 5 de febrero de 1958. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1991.*

Flash Gordon: Tomo IX. Del 6 de febrero de 1958 al 29 de abril de 1959.  Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1992..*





Hauteville House


Duval, Fred, et al. Hauteville House 1. Guy Delcourt Productions.

_____. Hauteville House, 2: Destino Tulum. Prod. Guy Delcort Productions, 2005. Written by Fred Duval. Drawings by Thierry Gioux. Storyboard by Christophe Quet. Colors by Carole Beau. Cover by Manchu and Thierry Gioux. Nbarcelona: Io Edicións, 2006.




Hazañas Bélicas


Hazañas Bélicas. Comic book. Spain: Toray. Collected rpt. (Edición Coleccionistas). Barcelona: Fondos Editoriales, n. d.




Heavy Metal


Labarre, Nicolas. Heavy Metal, l'autre Métal Hurlant. 2017.



Hogan's Alley


Marín, Rafael. "Hogan's Alley." Yellow Kid 6 (2003): 1, 64.*





Hop-là. Children's weekly. France, c. 1937.




The Incredible Hulk 1st appears in The Incredible Hulk 1 (May 1962). Marvel Comics.



García Landa, José Ángel. "Hulk." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Nov. 2005.



Rizwan, Mahmood. "Psychological Analysis of The Incredible Hulk." Prezi 10 Dec. 2012.*









The Hulk. Screenplay by John Turman, Michael France and James Schamus. Story by James Schamus, based on the Marvel comic-book. Cast: Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, Nick Nolte. Music by Danny Elfman. Ed. Tim Squyres. Prod. des. Rick Heinrichs. Photog. Frederick Elmes. Exec. prod. Stan Lee and Kevin Feige. Prod. Gale Ann Hurd, Avi Arad, James Schamus, Larry Franco. Visual effects aqnd animation by Industrial Light and Magic. Universal Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Valhalla Motion Pictures / Good Machine, 2003. Spanish DVD: Hulk. Universal, 2003.*




The Inhumans


Los Inhumanos. Script by Carlos Pacheco and Rafael Marín. See Illustrations by José Omar Ladrón (chs. 1-3) and Jorge Pereira Lucas (Ch. 4). Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 2001.*





Iron Fist


Claremont, Chris. Iron Fist. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.



Iron Man


"Demon in a Bottle."  The Invincible Iron Man  128- (No. 1979).

_____. "El demonio en una botella." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 544-63.*

Lee, Jim. Iron Man. Scripts and artwork for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. 1990s.

Portacio, Whilce. Iron Man. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. 1996-.


Clemente, Julián M. "Millonario, inventor, playboy… y alcohólico." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 542-43.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Iron Man." Rev. of Jon Favreau's film. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 May 2008.







Iron Man. Dir. Jon Favreau. Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges. Marvel. 2008.







Jet Logan


Jet Logan no. 22. Comic book. Monthly. Lyon: Imperia, 1969.*





Jodelle. By Péllaert and Bartier. Adult comic book. Paris: Losfeld, 1966.







Gold, Mike, ed. The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told. DC Comics, 1988.

Ramírez, Pedro J. "El gobierno del Joker." El Mundo 24 Nov. 2019.*








Joker. With Joaquin Phoenix. 2019.


Justice League of America


The Justice League of America. 1st appears in The Brave and the Bold 28 (March 1960).

The Justice League of America. Comic book. (October 1960-).




Krazy Kat


Herriman, George. Krazy Kat comics.





Legion of Night


Portacio, Whilce. Legion of Night. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.





Portacio, Whilce. (b. Philippines). Longshot. Ink for the comic book series, artwork by Art Adams. New York: Marvel Comics, 1985.



Lucky Luke


Lucky Luke: L'Empéreur Smith. Script by Goscinny. Illust. Morris. Paris: Dargaud, 1976.

_____. Lucky Luke: El Emperador Smith. 1982. In El Emperador Smith. Script by Goscinny; illust. Morris. Barcelona: Grijnalbo Dargaud, 1988.*

_____. Lucky Luke: El jinete blanco. In El Emperador Smith. Script by Goscinny; illust. Morris. Barceolona: Grijnalbo Dargaud, 1988.*

_____. Lucky Luke: El Gran Duque. In El Emperador Smith. Script by Goscinny; illust. Morris. Barcelona: Grijnalbo Dargaud, 1988.*

_____. Lucky Luke: El pie tierno. In El Emperador Smith. Script by Goscinny; illust. Morris. Barcelona: Grijnalbo Dargaud, 1988.*

_____. Lucky Luke: Les rivaux de Painful Gulch. Written by Goscinny, illust. Morris. Paris: Dargaud, 1978.

_____. Lucky Luke: Los rivales de Painful Gulch. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud, 1987. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: Sur la piste des Dalton. Paris: Dargaud, 1977.

_____. Lucky Luke: Sobre la pista de los Dalton. Trans. Alfred Sala. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud, 1987. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: Nitroglycerine. By Morris (illust.) and Lo hartog van Banda, script.  Paris: Dargaud, 1987.

_____. Lucky Luke: Nitroglicerina. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud, 1987. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: Le Juge. Written and illustrated by Morris. París: Dargaud, 1987.

_____. Lucky Luke: El juez. Trans. Alfred Sala. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud, 1988. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: Los Dalton en libertad. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: Los Dalton van al Canadá. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____.- Lucky Luke: Sarah Bernhardt. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Lucky Luke: La diligencia. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. La curación de los Dalton. . In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. La herencia de Ran Tan Plan. In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. El 7º de Caballería. . In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).

_____. Los Dalton van a México. . In Morris, Las aventuras de Lucky Luke. Barcelona: Grijalbo/Dargaud. (Multivolume collected edition).
















Leonard, Brett, dir. Man-Thing. Written by Hans Rodionoff, based on the Marvel comic-book character. Cast: Matthew Le Nevez, Rachael Taylor, Rawiri Parateme, Steve Bastoni, Robert Mammone, Alex O'Lachlan, Jack Thompson. USA: Marvel Enterprises / Fierce Entertainment / Lions Gate Films, 2004. Spanish DVD. 2006.*






Maranda the She-Wolf


Claremont, Chris. Maranda the She-Wolf. Comic book. Artwork by John Bolton.










Vidal, César. "Marvel a punto de la quiebra." La Voz 26 Jan. 2018.*









Masked Marvel

Masked Marvel 1st appears in Keen Detective Funnies 11 (1940).




Ewert, Jeanne. "Art Spiegelman's Maus and the Graphic Narrative." In Narrative across Media: The Languages of Storytelling. Ed. Marie-Laure Ryan. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2004. 178-94.*




Miracle Man


Moore, Alan. Miracle Man 1-16. Eclipse Comics.




Miss Fury


Miss Fury 1 (Winter 1942).



Ms Marvel


Claremont, Chris. Ms Marvel. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.



The New Mutants


Claremont, Chris. The New Mutants. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. (to 1992).

Simonson, Louise. The New Mutants. Scripts of the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.

Liefeld, Rob. The New Mutants. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.





Phantom Lady


Phantom Lady 1 (August 1947).

Baker, Matt. Phantom Lady. (Comic book). Fox Features.






Internet resources



Picsou Wiki.*










Lezama, Nicolás. "Planetary: Una aventura arqueológica." Yellow Kid 6 (2003): 2-13.*










Power Pack


Bogdanove, Jon. Power Pack. Scripts for the comic book series.

Simonson, Louise. Power Pack. Scripts for the comic book series. Artwork by June Brigman. New York: Marvel Comics, 1984-1991.



Prince Valiant


Prince Valiant. Comic book series. By Foster.



Prudence & Caution


Claremont, Chris. Prudence & Caution. Scripts for the comic book series. Artwork by Jim Fern. Defiant publishing house.





Lee, Jim. Punisher War Journal. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. 1988.




Lécureux, R., and A. Chéret. Rahan, Fils des Ages Farouches. L'Intégrale, t. 1: L'enfance de Rahan – Le secret du soleil – La horde folle – Le piège à poissons – La pierre magique – Le tombeau liquide – Le dieu Mammouth. Toulon: Soleil Productions, 1998.* (Text by Lécureux; drawings by Chéret).

_____. Rahan, Fils des Ages Farouches. L'Intégrale, t. 2: La jeunesse de Rahan – Le pays à peau blanche – La longue griffe – L'arc du ciel – La bête plate – Les hommes aux jambes lourdes – Le petit d'homme.  Toulon: Soleil Productions, 1998.* (Text by Lécureux; drawings by Chéret).

_____. Rahan: Fils des Ages Farouches: L'intégrale, t. 6: Le lagon de l'effori – Le signe de la peur – Les liens de vérité – Le dernier homme – La falaise d'argile – Le démon des marais – L'herbe miracle – L'île du clan perdu. Paris: Soleil Productions, 2000.* (Text by Lécureux; drawings by Chéret).






Saint-Barthélemy: 1. Sauveterre. Graphic novel. Written by Pierre Boisserie and Éric Stalner. Illust. Éric Stalner. Color by Florence Fantini. (Les Arènes BD). Paris: Éditions des Arènes, 2016.*

Saint-Barthélemy: 2. Tuez-les tous! Written by Pierre Boisserie and Éric Stalner. Illust. Éric Stalner. Color by Florence Fantini. (Les Arènes BD). Paris: Éditions des Arènes, 2017.*

Saint-Barthélemy: 3. Ainsi se fera l'histoire... Written by Pierre Boisserie and Éric Stalner. Illust. Éric Stalner. Color by Florence Fantini. (Les Arènes BD). Paris: Éditions des Arènes, 2017.*





Gaiman, Neil. The Sandman comic book series. DC Comics, 1988-89-.

_____. The Sandman: Preludios y nocturnos. Written by Neil Gaiman. Illust. Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg and Malcolm Jones III. Robbie Busch, color. Dave McKean, covers. (Col. Vértigo, 93). 3rd ed. Barcelona: Norma Editorial, 2003.* (Nos. 1-7 of The Sandman series).



Scarlett Dream


Scarlett dream. By Gigi and Moliterni. Adult comic book. Paris: Losfeld, 1967.





Byrne, John. She-Hulk Graphic Novel. Marvel Comics, 1985.




Shock Gibson

Shock Gibson 1st appears in Speed Comics (October 1939).



Silver Surfer


"The Power and the Prize!" The Silver Surfer 3 (Dec. 1968).

_____. "¡El poder y el premio!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 374-415.*

Estela Plateada: La muerte de Galactus nº 1. Written by Glenn Greenberg and Mike Lacey. Illustrations by Tom Morgan, Tom Grindberg et al. Trans. Paco Reina. Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 1996.* (Trans. of Silver Surfer 103-106. Marvel Comics Group, 1995).



Clemente, Julián M. "La gran tentación de Estela Plateada." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 372-73.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Alegorías de la Bomba." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 28 August 2005.





The Simpsons


Bart Simpson'sTM  Guide to Life. By Jamie Angell et al. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.*

_____. Bart SimpsonTM: Guía para la vida. Trans. and adapt. Jaume Ribera. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1994. 31st rpt. 2003.*

Groening, Matt, et al. The SimpsonsTM: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family. Created by Matt Groening. Ed. Ray Richmond and Antonia Coffman, Scott M. Gimple et al. HarperCollins, 1997.

_____. Guía completa de los Simpson. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1998. 11th ed. 2004.*

Groening, Matt, et al. Super Simpson 1. Comic book. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 2003.* (Orig. Pub. Brogo Comics).



García Landa, José Ángel. "Family Man." Rev. of The Simpsons: The Movie, dir David Silverman. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 Jan. 2008







The Simpsons. TV series.

The Simpsons: Around the World in 80 D'ohs. Created by Matt Groening. Developed by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening and Sm Simon. Prod. Twentieth Century Fox 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003. DVD. Los Simpson: La vuelta al mundo en ochenta ¡yuju! Madrid: 20th Century Home Entertainment, 2005.*

The Simpsons the Movie. Dir. David Silverman. Written by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, George Meyer, David Mirkin, Mike Reiss, Mike Scully, Matt Selman, John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti.  Animated feature; voices by Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer and A. Brooks. Music by Hans Zimmer. Coprod. Jay Kleckner. Prod. superv. Richard Rayni. Prod. James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Al Jean, Mike Scully and Richard Sakai.  Twentieth Century Fox / Gracie Films / Matt Groening, 2007. Spanish DVD: Los Simpson la película. Fox 20th Century Fox España, 2007.*




Sovereign Seven


Claremont, Chris. Sovereign Seven. Scripts for the comic book series. DC comics.




Spiderman 1st appears in Amazing Fantasy 15 (August 1962).


"'Spider-Man!" Amazing Fantasy 15 (August 1962).

_____. "¡Spiderman!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 41-53.*

Amazing Spider-Man 1 (March 1963)-

_____. "The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man!" The Amazing Spider-Man 248 (Jan. 1984).

_____. "¡El niño que coleccionaba Spiderman!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 685-95.*


Amazing Spider-Man Annual NO. 1.

Lee, Stan, and Steve Ditko. The Amazing Spider-Man 1-38. Marvel Comics. (1-20 rpt. as hardback).

"If This Be My Destiny…! The Amazing Spider-Man 31 (Dec. 1965).

_____. "¡Si éste es mi destino!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 82-102.*

"Man on a Rampage!" The Amazing Spider-Man 32 (Jan. 1966).

_____. "¡Un hombre furioso!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 103-23.*

"The Final Chapter!" The Amazing Spider-Man 33 (Feb. 1966).

_____. "'¡El capítulo final!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 124-44.*

"The Night Gwen Stacy Died." The Amazing Spider-Man  121 (June 1973).

_____. "La noche que murió Gwen Stacy." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 328-49.*

"The Goblin's Last Stand!" The Amazing Spider-Man 122 (July 1973).

_____. "¡El último asalto del duende!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014.*

Marvel Team-Up. (Spiderman team-up).


Clemente, Julián M. "El héroe que puedes ser tú." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 38-40.*

_____. "El desafío imposible de Spiderman." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 80-81.*

_____. "El día en que murió la inocencia." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 326-27.*

_____. "Sueños de lector." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 683-84.*





Spider-Man. Dir. Sam Raimi. Written by David Koepp, based on the comics by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Cast: Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dusnt, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris. Music by Danny Elfman. Costume des. James Acheson. Visual effects dir. John Dykstra. Sony Pictures Imageworks. Coprod. Grant Curtis. Ed. Bob Murawski and Arthur Coburn. Prod. des. Neil Spisak. Photog. Don Burgess. Exec prod. Avi Arad and Stan Lee. Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises, Laura Ziskin. USA, 2002.

_____. Spider-Man. Spanish DVD. Madrid: Columbia Tristar, n.d. (c. 2002).*

Spider-Man 2. 2004. DVD. Marvel / Columbia Tristar, 2004.*

Spider-Man 3. Dir. Sam Raimi. Written by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi and Alvin Sargent. Based on the comic book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Cast: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Thomas Haden Church, Topher Grace, Dallas Howard, J. K. Simmons, James Cromwell, Willem Dafoe. Columbia Pictures, 2007.

The Amazing Spider-Man. Director: Marc Webb. Interpretes: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, 2012.





Star Trek


Claremont, Chris. Star Trek: Debt of Honor. Comic book. 1992.





Claremont, Chris. Marvel Preview: Starlord. Scripts for the comic book series. Artwork by John Byrne. New York: Marvel Comics.



Steve Canyon


Eco, Umberto. "Lectura de 'Steve Canyon'." In Eco, Apocalípticos e integrados. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2013. 164-222.* 2015. (Milton Caniff).



Strikeforce Morituri


Portacio, Whilce. Strikeforce Morituri. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.


Sub Mariner

Sub Mariner. 1st appears in Marvel Comics 1 (1939).



Supergirl. 1st appears in Action Comics 252 (May 1959).





Superman 1st appears in Action Comics 1 (June 1938).


Action Comics 1 (June 1938). Rpt. in The Smithsonian Book of Comic Book Comics. Ed. Michael Barrier and Martin Williams. Smithsonian Institution Press / Harry N. Abrams, 1981.

Byrne, John. Man of Steel 1-6 (Superman). DC Comics.

Moore, Alan. Superman: The Man of Tomorrow. Titan Books, 1988.

Simonson, Louise. Man of Steel. Scripts for the comic book series. Artwork by Jon Bodganove DC Comics. July 1991- 1996-.

Superman 1 (Summer 1939). Rpt. in The Great Comic Book Heroes. Ed. Jules Feiffer. Dial Press, 1965. 57-67.

The Man of Steel 1 (June 1986).

The World's Finest Comics. (Superman team-up).

Superman. Illust. Denis Rodier. DC.




Dooley, Dennis. "The Man Of Tomorrow and the Boys of Yesterday." In Superman at Fifty!. Ed. Dennis Dooley and Gary Engle. Octavia, 1987.

Dooley, Dennis, and Gary Engle. Superman at Fifty! The Persistence of a Legend. Octavia Press, 1987.

Eco, Umberto. "El mito de Superman." In Eco, Apocalípticos e integrados. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2013. 2015. 257-302.*

Engle, Gary. "What Makes Superman So Darned American?" In Superman at Fifty!. Ed. Dennis Dooley and Gary Engle. Octavia, 1987.

Roebuck, Lester. "The Good, the Bad, and the Oedipal." In Superman at Fifty!. Ed. Dennis Dooley and Gary Engle. Octavia, 1987.





Bennet, Spencer G., dir. Superman. Series. 1940s.

Donner, Richard, dir. Superman. With Christopher Reeves, Marlon Brando, Harry Andrews. 1978.




Swamp Thing


Moore, Alan. Saga of the Swamp Thing. Comic book. Art by Stephen Bissette and John Tottleben. DC Comics, 1983, 1984, 1987.






Hogarth. Tarzan. Comic book series.



See also Edgar Rice Burroughs.






TBO: El vergonzoso.  Barcelona: Ediciones B, 2003.* (Rpt. ed.).


Guiral, Antoni, with Lluís Giralt. 100 años de TBO: La revista que dio nombre a los tebeos. Barcelona, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, México D. F., Miami, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile: Ediciones B, 2017. 2nd ed. 2017.*




The Thing


Marvel Two-in-One. (The Thing team-up).




The Mighty Thor 1st appears in Journey into Mystery 83 (August 1962). Retitled The Mighty Thor in March 1966.


Kirby, Jack. Journey into Mystery / The Mighty Thor 83-179. Marvel Comics.



Time Master


Thibert, Art. Time Master. Artwork for the comic-book series. DC Comics.





Hergé. Las aventuras de Tintín, 5 (El asunto Tornasol, Stock de Coque, Tintín en el Tibet, Tintín y el Lago de los Tiburones). Barcelona: Juventud, 1989.*





Moore, Alan, and Dave Gibbons. Watchmen 1-12. DC Comics, 1986-87. Rpt. as graphic novel: DC Comics / Titan Books, 1988.





Thibert, Art. Warlord. Artwork for the comic-book series. DC Comics.





Portacio, Whilce. WetWorks. Scripts for the comic book series. Image.





Claremont, Chris.Wildc.a.t.s. Scripts for the comic book series. Image.

Lee, Jim. Wildc.a.t.s. Scripts for the comic book series. Image.






"And Now… The Wolverine!" The Incredible Hulk 181 (Nov. 1974).

_____. "Presentando a… ¡Lobezno!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 464-83.*

Claremont, Chris. Wolverine. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics.

Davis, Peter, and Sam Kieth. Lobezno:¡Sediento de sangre! (One Shot, 2). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

DeFalco, Tom, and John Buscema. Lobezno: Elecciones sangrientas. (Novela Gráfica, 9). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Goodwin Archie, and Howard Chaykin. Lobezno & Nick Furia: Conexión Scorpio. (Novela Gráfica, 1). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Guggenheim, Mark, and Humberto Ramos. Civil War: Lobezno. (Marvel Deluxe). Torroella de Montgrí (Spain): Panini Comics, 2010.*  (From Wolverine 3.41-48, 2007).

Hamma, Larry, and Mark Texeira. Lobezno: Estado de gracia. Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Windsor-Smith, Barry. Lobezno: Arma-X. (Obras maestras, 14). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.


Clemente, Julián M. "El nacimiento del último gran icono." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 462-63.*



Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman. 1st appears in All Star Comics 8 (1941).


Borges, Luigi Benedicto. "Wonder Woman: Mitología, feminismo y ¿bondage?" El Mundo 23 March 2016.*







Layton, Bob. X-Factor. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. Nos. 1-5 (1986).

Simonson, Louise. (Louise Jones). X-Factor. Scripts for the comic book series. Artwork by Jackson Guice, Marc Silvestri, David Mazzucchelli, Sal Buscema, Steve Lightle and Walter Simonson, Rob Liefeld, Arthur adams, Paul Smith, Rich Buckler, Terry Shoemaker, Andy Kubert, John Bogdanove and Whilce Portacio. New York: Marvel Comics. No. 6 (1986) - no. 64 (1991).





Nicieza, Fabian, and Rob Liefeld. Los nuevos mutantes / X-Force. (One Shot, 1). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.




X-Men first appear in X-Men 1 (Sept. 1963).


Casey, John, Steve Rude and Essad Ribic. X-Men: Hijos del átomo. Comic book. Trans. Lorenzo Díaz. Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 2001.*

"Before I'd Be a Slave." The X-Men 65 (Feb. 1970).

_____. "Antes de ser un esclavo…" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 418-39.*

"The Mutants and the Monster." The X-Men 66 (March 1970).

_____. "Los mutantes y el monstruo." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 440-61.*

Claremont, Chris. The Uncanny X-Men. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. From no. 94 (August 1975). Artwork by Dave Cockrum to no. 107; by John Byrne from 108 (1977) - 143 (1981).

_____. X-Men. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. (to 1992).

Claremont, Chris, Paul Smith and Arthur Adams. La Patrulla-X: las guerras asgardianas. (Obras maestras, 6). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Claremont, Chris, and Brent Andeson. La Patrulla-X: Dios Ama, el hombre mata. (Novela Gráfica, 12). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Claremont, Chris, Arthur Adams, and Walt Simonson. La Patrulla-X: Días del futuro presente. (Obras maestras, 13). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Claremont, Chris, Bill Sienkiewicz. Los nuevos mutantes La saga del oso místico. (Archivos X-Men). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Claremont, Chris, Jim Lee, Louise Simonson, and Rob Liefeld. La Patrulla X: Proyecto exterminio. (Obras maestras, 18). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Claremont, Chris, Paul Smith, and Bob Wiacek. La patrulla-X: Desde las cenizas. (Obras maestras, 2). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Chris Claremont, Bill Sienkiewicz and Dave Cockrum. Legion: Preludio al Apocalipsis. (Archivos X-Men: Los nuevos mutantes: la Patrulla X). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Byrne, John, and Chris Claremont. The Uncanny X-Men 108-9, 111-43. Marvel Comics.

Kavanagh, Terry, and Carlos Pacheco. Universo-X. Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Lee, Jim. The Uncanny X-Men. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. No. 248 (1989), 256-58, 267-77 (1990-91).

_____. X-Men. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. Nos. 1-11 (1991-92).

Lee, Stan (text), and Jack Kirby (illustrations). "X-Men." The X-Men 1.1 (Sept. 1963).

_____. "No One Can Stop the Vanisher!" X-Men 1.2 (Nov. 1963).

_____. "Beware of the Blob!" The X-Men 1.3 (Jan. 1964).

_____. "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!" The X-Men 1.4 (March 1964).

_____. "Trapped, one X-Man!" The X-Men 1.5 (May 1964).

_____. "The Return of the Blob!" The X-Men 1.7 (Sept. 1964).

_____. "The Uncanny Threat of 'Unus, The Untouchable'." The X-Men 1.8 (Nov. 1964).

_____. "Guest-Starring: The Mighty Avengers." The X-Men 1.9 (Jan. 1965).

_____. "Introducing: Ka-Zar, Lord of the Jungle." The X-Men 1.10 (March 1965).

_____. "Introducing 'The Stranger'." The X-Men 1.11 (May 1965).

_____. "The Origin of Professor X! Featuring: The Almost Indescribable Menace of 'The Juggernaut!'" The X-Men 1.12 (July 1965). With Alex Toth.

_____. "Where Walks the Juggernaut!" The X-Men 1.13 (Sept. 1965). With Jay Gavin.

_____. Orígenes Marvel: The X-Men Nos. 1-5. (Forum). Trans. Pérez Navarro. Barcelona: Planeta-De Agostini, 1991.

_____. Patrulla-X. (Excelsior: Biblioteca Marvel, 2). Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini-Comics Forum, 2000.* (Comprises The X-Men  1.7-13).

"Days of Future Past." The Uncanny X-Men 141 (Jan. 1981).

_____. "Días del futuro pasado." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 566-88.*

"Mind Out of Time!" The Uncanny X-Men (Feb. 1985).

_____. "¡Mente fuera del tiempo!" In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 589-613.*

Lobdell, Scott, Peter David, Jae Lee, Andy Kubert, and Greg Capullo. X-Men: La canción del verdugo, 1. (Obras maestras, 19). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

_____. X-Men: La canción del verdugo, 2. (Obras maestras, 20). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Lobdell, Scott, and Gene Ha. Cíclope y Fénix: Luna de miel. (One Shot, 6). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

Nicieza, Fabian, Jim Lee, Joe Lee and Greg Capullo. Shattershot (La Patrulla X). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

La Patrulla X: La era de Apocalipsis: Omega. 1995. (Marvel Héroes, 73). Torroella de Montgrí: Panini, 2016.*

Portacio, Whilce. The Uncanny X-Men. Scripts for the comic book series. New York: Marvel Comics. Nos. 281-90.

Simonson, Louise, Chris Claremont and Whilce Portacio. Scott Summers. (Archivos X-Men 4). Ed. Antonio Martín. Trans. Francisco Pérez Navarro. Foreword by Trajano Bermúdez. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini, 1996.*

Simonson, Louise, and Walter Simonson. Arcángel. (Archivos X-Men/Factor X). Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.


Clemente, Julián M. "Un presagio de grandeza." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 416-17.*

Clemente, Julián M. "Cuando el destino alcanzó a los mutantes." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 564-65.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "X-Men: The Last Stand." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 29 May 2006.








X-Men. Dir. Bryan Singer. Based on the Marvel comic-book series. Cast: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romjin-Stamos, Bruce Davison. Panavision. USA, 2000.*

X-Men: The Last Stand. Dir. Brett Rattner. Written by Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn. Cast: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, Rebecca Romijn, James Marsden, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones, Patrick Stewart, Ben Foster, Dania Ramirez, Ellen Page. USA, 2006.*

X-Men: Primera generación. Dir. Matthew Vaughn. Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence. USA: 20th Century Fox / Marvel / Dune, 2011.

X-Men: Days of Future Past. Dir. Bryan Singer. Screenplay by Simon Kinberg, based on a story by Jane Goldman, Simon Kinberg and MatthewVaughn. Cast: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Halle Berry, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Shawn Ashmore, Omar Sy, Evan Peters, Josh Helman, Daniel Cudmore, Bingbing Fan, Adan Canto, Booboo Stewart, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Lucas Till, Evan Jonigkeit, Mark Camacho. Music by John Ottman. Cinemat. Newton Thomas sigel. Ed. Michael Louis Hill and John Ottman. Prod. des. John Myhre. Art dir. Vincent Gingras-Liberali, Michele Laliberte, and Félix Larivière-Charron. USA: Twentieth Century Fox / Marvel / TSG /Bad Hat Harry (etc.). 2014.





Comic book titles: Areas





Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 (April 1985).

Crypt of Terror (Later Tales from the Crypt). Comic book. 1950-.

Elektra. Comic book journal. Marvel Comics.

Haunt of Fear. Comic book. 1950-.

Heroes for Hire. Comic book journal. Marvel Comics.

Journey into Mystery. Marvel Comics.

Marvel Adventures 1.12 (March 1998). Marvel Comics.

Marvel Preview. New York: Marvel Comics.

Marvel Team-Up. Scripts by Chris Claremont et al. New York: Marvel Comics.

Myth Adventures. Comic book series. Art Thibert, with Jim Valentino. WarpGraphics.

Strange Tales. Comic book series. Scripts by Whilce Portacio. New York: Marvel Comics.

Tales of Suspense. Marvel Comics.

Vault of Horror. Comic book. 1950-.








Robin des Bois. Trimestriel. Paris: Editions Jeunesse et Vancances.  Album no. 26 (1978).*







TBO. Rpt. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 2003.

El víbora. Ed. Josep Maria Berenguer. Spain, 1979-2004.





On Comics: Titles




Gaines, W. M., ed. The Bedside MAD. New York: Signet, 1953. (Comic book).




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