miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

Ataques a la crítica



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Attacks on Criticism



Aullón de Haro, Pedro. "Las caras de la malversación: la crítica literaria lamentable en el siglo XX y sus genealogías." In Contra los mitos y sofismas de las 'teorías literarias' posmodernas. Ed. Jesús G. Maestro and Inger Enkvist. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2010. 55-88.

Beatty, Richmond C. "Criticism in Fielding's Narratives and his Estimate of Critics." PMLA 49 (1934): 1087-1100.

Birrell, Augustine. "Authors and Critics." In Birrell, Essays about Men, Women, and Books. London: Stock, 1895. 210-33.*

Faulkner, William. Ensayos y discursos. Capitán Swing, 2012.

Johnson, Samuel. "Contrariety of Criticism." The Rambler (23). 1750-2. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1953.

_____. "Caprices of Criticism." Rambler 93.

_____. "Directions to Authors Attacked by Critics." Rambler 176.

_____. "A Club of Antiquaries." Rambler 177.

_____. "Dick Minim the Critic." Rpt. in Selected English Essays. Ed. W. Peacock. London: Humphrey Milford / Oxford UP, 1903. 144-51.

Knapp, Steven, and Walter Benn Michaels. "Against Theory." Critical Inquiry 8 (1982): 723-42.

McGilchrist, Iain. Against Criticism. London, 1982.

Mencken, H. L. "A Footnote on Criticism." In Mencken, Prejudices. Third series. 84-86.

_____. "A Footnote to Criticism." In Mencken, Criticism in America.

_____. "Criticism of Criticism of Criticism." In Mencken, Prejudices. First series. 18-20.

Mitchell, W. J. T., ed. Against Theory. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985.

Peyre, Henri. Writers and Their Critics: A Study of Understanding. 1944. Rev ed.: The Failures of Criticism. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1967.*

Righter, William. The Myth of Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Sontag, Susan. "Against Interpretation." 1961. In Sontag, Against Interpretation. 1964. London: André Deutsch, 1987.  1-15.*

_____. "Against Interpretation." In Twentieth Century Literary Criticism. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 152-60.*

_____. From "Against Interpretation." From A Susan Sontag Reader. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. In Postmodernism: A Reader. Ed. Patricia Waugh. London: Routledge, 1992. 48-55.*

Swift, Jonathan. "Digression Concerning Critics." In Swift, A Tale of A Tub. 1704.

Todorov, Tzvetan. La Littérature en péril. (Café Voltaire). Paris: Flammarion, 2007.

Washington, Peter. Fraud: Literary Theory and the End of English. London: Fontana, 1989.



Internet resources


The Postmodernism Generator. By Andrew C. Bulhak. http://www.elsewhere.org/cgi-bin/postmodern/

(Automatically generates parodies of postmodern essays).



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