viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023

Estilo literario



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)





(in Literature and Writing)




Early works








Albalat, A. Le travail du style. Paris: Colin, 1903.

Alcina, J. Estilo. Barcelona: Vicens Vives, 1984.

Alonso, Amado. Materia y forma en poesía. Madrid: Gredos, 1977.

_____. "The Stylistic Interpretation of Literary Texts". Modern Language Notes 57 (1942): 489-96.

Alonso, Martín. Ciencia del Lenguaje y Arte del Estilo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Aguilar, 1953.* (I. Libro teórico - Parte preliminar: Trilogía del lenguaje; Parte primera: Fraseología; Parte segunda: Lexicología; Parte tercera: Estilística. II. Libro sinóptico.  III. Libro práctico)

_____. Ciencia del lenguaje y arte del estilo. Madrid: Aguilar, 1975.

Auerbach, Erich. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1953. Trans. of Mimesis. Berne: Francke, 1946.

Barthes, Roland. Le degré zéro de l'écriture. 1953. New ed. with Nouveaux essais critiques. Paris : Seuil, 1972.*

_____. Writing Degree Zero. Trans. Annette Lavers and Colin Smith. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.

_____. El grado cero de la escritura. Buenos Aires: J. Alvarez, 1967.

_____. El grado cero de la escritura. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1973.

_____. El grado cero de la escritura. Nuevos ensayos críticos. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1973.

_____. "Le style et son image." 1971. In Barthes, Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984. 141-151.*

_____. "Style and Its Image". In Literary Style. Ed. Seymour Chatman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971. 3-15.*

Beardsley, Monroe C. "Form in Literature." (14. Style: Semantic and Phonetic. 15. Literary Structure). In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. 220-66.*

Benet, Juan. "La inspiración y el estilo." 1966. In El ensayo español: Siglo XX. Ed. Jordi Gracia and Domingo Ródenas. Barcelona: Crítica, 2009. 700-06.*

Bennett, Arnold. "The Question of Style." In Bennett, Literary Taste: How to Form It. 1909. 5th ed. London: Hodder, 1913. 43-58.*

Birch, David, and Michael O'Toole, eds. Functions of Style. London: Pinter, 1987.

Brownell, W. C. The Genius of Style. 1924.

Callus, Ivan, James Corby and Gloria Lauri-Lucente, eds. Style in Theory: Between Literature and Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.*

Chatman, Seymour. "On the Theory of Literary Style". Linguistics 27 (1966): 13-25.

_____. "Style: A Narrow View". College Composition and Communication 18 (1967): 72-76.

_____, ed. Literary Style: A Symposium. London: Oxford UP, 1971.

Clark, Matthew. A Matter of Style: On Writing and Technique. Canada: Oxford UP, 2002.

Compagnon, Antoine. "Le style." In Compagnon, Le démon de la théorie: Littérature et sens commun. Paris: Seuil, 1998. 2000. 177-208.*

Cunningham, J. V., ed. The Problem of Style. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett World Library, 1966.

Freeman, Donald C. Essays in Modern Stylistics. London: Methuen, 1981.

_____, ed. Linguistics and Literary Style. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1970.

Genette, Gérard. "Style et signification." In Genette, Fiction et diction. Paris: Seuil, 1991. 95-151.

_____. Fiction et diction. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1991.*

_____. Fiction and Diction. Trans. Catherine Porter. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1993.

_____. Ficción y dicción. Barcelona, 1993.

Goodman, Nelson. "The Status of Style." In Goodman, Ways of Worldmaking.

_____. "The Status of Style." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 254-66.*

_____. "On Being in Style." In Goodman, Of Mind and Other Matters.

Granger, Gilles-Gaston. Essai d'une philosophie du style. Paris: Armand Colin, 1968.

Hough, Graham. Style and Stylistics. London: Routledge, 1969.

Huemer, Wolfgang. "17. Literary Style." In The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. Ed. Noël Carroll and John Gibson. London: Routledge, 2015.

Hulme, T. E. "Notes on Language and Style." In Selected Writings. Ed. Patrick McGuinness. Manchester: Carcanet.

Kayser, Wolfgang. Interpretación y análisis de la obra literaria. Madrid: Gredos, 1985.*

Lang, Berel, ed. The Concept of Style. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1979.

Lanham, Richard A. Style: An Anti-Textbook. New Haven: Yale UP, 1974.

Lanson, Gustave. L'Art de la prose. 1895-7. Paris: Nizet, 1968?*

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words. London: Bodley Head, 1923.

_____. The Handling of Words and Other Essays in Literary Psychology Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1968.

Lucas, F. L. Style. 1955.

Martín, J. L. Crítica estilística. Madríd: Gredos, 1973.

Meyer, T. A. Das Stilgesetz der Poesie. Leipzig, 1901.

Miles, Josephine. "Style as Style." In Chatman, Literary Style: A Symposium. Ed. Seymour Chatman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971. 24-28.*

Müller, Wolfgang G. Topik der Stilbegriffs. 1981.

Murry, John Middleton. The Problem of Style. 1922. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1960.*

_____. El estilo literario. México: F.C.E., 1956.

Quiller-Couch, Arthur (Sir). "On Style." In Quiller-Couch, On the Art of Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1920. 232-47.*

Read, Herbert. English Prose Style. 1928.

Schapiro, Meyer. "Style." In Anthropology Today. Ed. A. L. Kroeber. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1953.

Sebeok, Thomas, ed. Style in Language. Cambridge (MA): M. I. T. Press, 1960.

_____, ed. Estilo del lenguaje. Madrid: Cátedra, 1974.

Segre, Cesare. "Estilo." In Segre, Principios de análisis del texto literario. Barcelona: Crítica, 1985. 175-86.*

Simpson, Paul. Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2014.

Sontag, Susan. "On Style." In Sontag, Against Interpretation.  London: Deutsch, 1987. 15-37.*

Strelka, J., ed. Patterns of Literary Style. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1971.

Strunk, William, Jr., and E. B. White. The Elements of Style with Index. 3rd ed. Allyn and Bacon, 1979.

Todorov, Tzvetan. "Style." In Oswald Ducrot and Tzvetan Todorov, Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage.  Paris: Seuil, 1972. 383-9.

Unamuno, Miguel de. Alrededor del estilo. Ed. Laureano Robles. (Biblioteca Unamuno, 20). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998.* (Essay, style, individuality, metaphor, biography, Zorrilla, modernismo, character, objectivity, novel, Galdós, Basho, authorship, literary translation, Cervantes, Pedro Fernández de Saavedra, exile).

Verdonk, Peter. "The Concept of Style." In Verdonk, Stylistics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. 3-10.*

_____. "Style in Literature." ." In Verdonk, Stylistics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. 11-16.*

Vinogradov, Viktor. "Des tâches de la stylistique." Todorov, Théorie de la littérature 109-113. Trans. from Russkaja rec' 1 (1922): 286-293.

_____. "Itogi obsuzhdeniia voprosov stilistiki." Voprosy iazykoznaniia 1 (1955)

Vossler, Karl. Filosofía del lenguaje. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1978.

Watson, William. "The Mystery of Style." In Watson, Excursions in Criticism. London: Mathews, 1893. 104-12.*

Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. "Style and Stylistics." In Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963. 174-85.*

Williams, Joseph M. Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace. 6th ed. New York: Longman, 2000.

Wimsatt, W. K., Jr. "Style as Meaning." In Wimsatt, The Prose Style of Samuel Johnson. New Haven, 1941.

_____. "Verbal Style: Logical and Counterlogical." PMLA 65 (March 1950): 5-20.

_____. "Verbal Style: Logical and Counterlogical." Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. 1954. New York: Noonday, 1958. 201-19.*







Early works


Aelfric. "Translating into Our Ordinary Speech." Preface to Book I of Catholic Homilies. (989). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. "Pure and Plain Words." Preface to Book II of Catholic Homilies. (992). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. "Translating into Idiomatic English." Preface to Genesis. (997?). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Aristotle. Peri poietikés. Bilingual edition (Greek and English). In S. H. Butcher, Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. 1895. 4th. ed.: London: Macmillan, 1932. 1-111.

_____. Peri poietikés. Bilingual edition (Greek and Spanish). In Sobre lo Sublime. Poética. Ed. and trans. José Alsina Clota. Barcelona: Bosch, 1977. 208-327.

_____. On the Art of Poetry. Trans. T. S. Dorsch. In Classical Literary Criticism 29-76.

_____. The Poetics. Trans. in Gilbert 69-124.

_____. Poetics. Trans. S. H. Butcher. In H. Adams 47-66.

_____. Poética. Trilingual edition (Greek, Latin and Spanish). Ed. Valentín García Yebra. Madrid: Gredos, 1972.

_____. La poétique. Ed. and trans. Rosalyne Dupont-Roc y Jean Lallot. Paris: Seuil, 1980.

_____. Poética. Ed. and trans. Juan David García Bacca. 4th. ed. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ediciones de la Biblioteca,1982.

_____. El arte poética. Trans. José Goya y Muniain. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1948. 7th. ed., 1984. Trans. of Peri poietikés.

_____. The Poetics. Trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. In Aristotle: The Poetics. "Longinus": On the Sublime. Demetrius: On Style. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1927.

Bacon, Francis (Sir). From The Advancement of Learning  [The Abuses of Language]. 1605. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.1542-44.*

Bembo, Pietro. Lingue volgare. 1512.

_____. Prose scelte. Ed. Francesco Coster. Milano, 1880.

Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de. "Discours . . . prononcé à l'Académie française par M. de Buffon le jour de sa réception . . . le samedi 25 août 1753." ("Discours sur le style"). In Œuvres complètes de Buffon.  Paris: Delangle, 1874. 1.1-15.

_____. "Discourse on Style." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921.  277-87.

Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de. De l'art d'écrire.

De Quincey, Thomas. "Style as Organic and as Mechanic." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 295-301.

Demetrius. On Style. In Aristotle, The Poetics. ‘Longinus’. On the Sublime. Demetrius. On Style. (Loeb Classics). Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1927.*

_____. (Demetrio). Sobre el estilo. 'Longino'. Sobre lo sublime. Introd., trans. and notes by José García López. (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 15). Madrid: Gredos.*

_____. Sobre el estilo. In Demetrio. Sobre el estilo. 'Longino'. Sobre lo sublime. Introd., trans. and notes by José García López. (Biblioteca Básica Gredos, 126). Madrid: Gredos, 2002.*

Diderot, Denis. "What Everyone Knows About Expression and Something Which All the World Does Not Know." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921.  187-92.

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. La composición literaria. In Dionysius, Tres ensayos de crítica literaria. Ed. and trans. Vicente Bécares Botas. Madrid: Alianza, 1992. 115-216.*

Donatus, Aelius. Ars Major or Secunda. (Style). 4th century.

Eco, Umberto. "Sobre el estilo." In Eco, Sobre literatura. Barcelona: RqueR editorial, 2002. 171-88.*

Erasmus of Rotterdam. De copia verborum. 1511.

_____. (Desiderio Erasmo de Rotterdam). Recursos de forma y de contenido para enriquecer un discurso. Ed. Eustaquio Sánchez Salor. (Letras Universales). Madrid: Cátedra, c. 2011.

_____. Ciceronianus. 1528.

_____. El Ciceroniano o Del Mejor estilo de oratoria. Ed. Fernando Romo Feito. (Letras Universales). Madrid: Cátedra, c. 2010.

Hazlitt, William. "On Familiar Style." In Hazlitt, Table-Talk. 1821.

_____. "On Familiar Style." In Brown, The Writer's Art 323-32.

_____. "On Familiar Style." In Hazlitt, Table-Talk. 1821. Rpt. in Hazlitt, Collected Writings. Ed. Ronald Blythe. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.*

_____. "On Familiar Style." In Selected English Essays. Ed. W. Peacock. London: Oxford UP, 1903. 274-83.

_____. "Sobre el estilo familiar." In Hazlitt, Ensayos sobre el arte y la literatura. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2004. 109-18.*

_____. "On the Prose Style of Poets." 1822.

_____. "Sobre el estilo prosístico de los poetas." In Hazlitt, Ensayos sobre el arte y la literatura. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2004. 151-70.*

Horace. Epistola ad Pisones. Barcelona: Bosch, 1966.

_____. The Art of Poetry. Trans. Edward H. Blakeney. In Gilbert 128-43.

_____. On the Art of Poetry. Trans. T. S. Dorsch. In Classical Literary Criticism 77-96.

Hoskins, John. Directions for Speech and Style. c.1599. Ed. H. H. Hudson. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1935.

Hume, David. "Of Simplicity and Refinement in Writing." In Selected English Essays. Ed. W. Peacock. London: Humphrey Milford/ Oxford UP, 1903. 152-56.*

Jean de Meun. "Translating for Lay People." From the prologue to the Roman de la Rose. (c. 1280). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. "Plainly Rendering the Sense." From the dedication to the translation of Boethius' Li Livres de Confort de Philosophie. (between 1285-1305). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Jonson, Ben. Timber: Or, Discoveries. Criticism. 1st ed. in Workes. Vol. 2. 1640.

_____. Discoveries. Ed. Maurice Castelain. Paris, 1906.

_____. Timber: Or, Discoveries. Selection. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 212-21.*

_____. Discoveries. Ed. G. B. Harrison. (Bodley Head Quartos).

_____. Timber: Or, Discoveries. Ed. Ralph S. Walker. London: Greenwood Press, 1976.

_____. Timber, or, Discoveries. In Ben Jonson (The Oxford Authors) 521-94.*

_____. From Timber, or Discoveries. 1640-41. (Style). In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.1616-18.*

Lamb, Charles. "The Genteel Style in Writing." In Lamb, The Essays of Elia. London: Dent, 1906. 233-7.*

(Pseudo-)Longinus (attr.). Peri hypsous. Anonymous treatise. 80 A. D.?

_____. Peri Hypsous. Ed. Robortelli. 1554.

_____. Peri Hypsous / On the Sublime. Bilingual edition. Ed. and trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. In Aristotle, The Poetics. 'Longinus'. On the Sublime. Demetrius. On Style. (Loeb Classics). Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1927. 119-254.*

_____. Longinus on the Sublime. Trans. W. R. Roberts. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1899.

_____. Longinus on the Sublime. Trans. A. O. Prickard. 1906.

_____. On the Sublime. Trans. W. Rhys Roberts. In The Great Critics. Ed. James Harry Smith and Edd Winfield Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 39-85.*

_____. On the Sublime. Trans. W. R. Roberts. In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 76-102.*

_____. Peri hypsous / Sobre lo sublime. Bilingual edition. In Anónimo, Sobre lo sublime. Aristóteles Poética. Barcelona: Bosch, 1977.*

_____. On the Sublime. Ed. and trans. Leonard Welsted. 1712.

_____. On the Sublime. (Select.). In Saintsbury, Loci Critici. 41-53.

_____. On Literary Excellence. In Gilbert 146-98. Trans. of Peri hypsous.

_____. On the Sublime. In Classical Literary Criticism. Trans. T. S. Dorsch.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965. 97-158.*

_____ On the Sublime. Trans. W. Rhys Roberts. Online at Classic Persuasion.


_____. De Sublime. Bilingual ed. Greek/French M. Labrègue. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1965.

_____. Sobre lo sublime. In Demetrio. Sobre el estilo. 'Longino'. Sobre lo sublime. Introd., trans. and notes by José García López. (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 15). Madrid: Gredos.*

_____. Sobre lo sublime. In Demetrio. Sobre el estilo. 'Longino'. Sobre lo sublime. Introd., trans. and notes by José García López. (Biblioteca Básica Gredos, 126). Madrid: Gredos, 2002.*

_____. On the Sublime. Selection. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 103-14.*

_____. From On Sublimity. In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Lucian. "On Precious and Eccentric Style." In Saintsbury, Loci Critici. 39-40.*

Nietzsche, Friedrich. "Translating the Tempo of the Original." From Jenseits Gutes und Böses. 1886. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Nizolius, M. Thesaurus Ciceronianus. 1535.

Norris, Frank. "Simplicity in Art." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 141-7.

Pallavicino, Sforza Trattato dello stile e del dialogo. Rome, 1622.

Pater, Walter. "Style." In Pater, Appreciations: With an essay on Style. 1889. London: Macmillan, 1918. 5-38.*

_____. From Appreciations (From "Style"). 1889. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.1645-48.*

Peacham, H. Garden of Eloquence. 1577.

Ruskin, John. "Language and the Man." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 147-9.

_____. "The Morality of Style." From Lectures on Art. 1870. In The Literary Criticism of John Ruskin. New York: Doubleday, 1965. 335-37.

Scaliger, Julius Caesar. Pro M. Tullio Cicerone, contra D. Erasmum Roterodamum. 1531.

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "On Style." In Schopenhauer, The Art of Literature. London: Allen, 1891. 15-38.*

_____. "23. Sobre actividad literaria y estilo." In Schopenhauer, Parerga y Paralipómena II. Madrid: Trotta, 2009. 513-64.*

Spencer, Herbert. The Philosophy of Style. (Humboldt Library, 39). New York, 1882.

Stevenson, R. L. "On Style in Literature: Its Technical Elements." The Contemporary Review (1885). (Nature of literature; Nature of poetry; Nature of prose; Metre; Rhythm; Style)

_____. "On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature." In Stevenson, Essays in the Art of Writing. London: Chatto, 1910. 3-46.*

_____. "Sobre algunos elementos técnicos del estilo literario." In Stevenson, Obras completas. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 4.248-60.*

Swift, Jonathan. "On Style." In Selected English Essays. Ed. W. Peacock. London: Oxford UP, 1903. 56-61.*

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius. Dialogvs de oratoribvs. Barcelona: Bosch, 1976.* (Oratory; Poet; Style; Fame; Education; Morality)

_____. Dialogue on Orators. In Ancient Literary Criticism. Ed. D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

_____. Diálogo sobre los oradores. In Tacitus, Agrícola. Germania. Diálogo sobre los oradores. Introd., trans. and notes by J. M. Requejo. (Biblioteca Básica Gredos, 91). Madrid: Gredos, 2001.*

Thoreau, Henry David. "Thomas Carlyle and his Works." Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature and Art (1847).

_____. "The Sinews of Style." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It.  Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 288-94.

Vives, Luis. De ratione dicendi.

Valla, Lorenzo. Elegantiae linguae latinae. c. 1435.

Wilson, Thomas The Arte of Rhetorique. 1553. 1560.

_____. The Arte of Rhetorique, for the use of all soche as are studious of Eloquence, ... by Thomas Wilson. London: Iohn Kingston, London, 1560.

_____. The Arte of Rhetorique, 1560. Ed. G. H. Mair. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909.

_____. The Art of Rhetoric. 1560. Ed. Peter E. Medine. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1994.*

_____. The Arte of Rhetorique, 1560. Ed. G. H. Mair. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909.

Woodhouselee, Alexander Fraser Tytler (Lord). Essay on the Principles of Translation. Edinburgh: Printed for T. Cadell; and W. Creech, 1791.

Zymner, Rüdiger. "Stilwahrnehmung. Zur Beziehung von Stilistiken, Stil und Gestalts." Journal of Literary Theory 2.2 (2008): 305-20.*









Adam, Jean-Michel. Le style dans la langue. Lausanne: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1997.

Adams, Martin. "Transparency and Opaqueness." Novel 7.3 (1974): 197-209.

Aguiar e Silva, Vítor Manuel de. "La estilística." In Aguiar e Silva, Teoría de la literatura. Trans. Valentín García Yebra. Madrid: Gredos, 1972. 434-59.*

Alonso, Dámaso. Poesía española: Ensayo de métodos y límites estilísticos. 1950. Madrid: Gredos, 1976.

Alonso, Dámaso, and Carlos Bousoño. Seis calas en la expresión literaria española. Madrid: Gredos, 1979.

Alvarez Amorós, José A. "Por una estilística textual." In Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Alicante: AEDEAN, 1991. 363-7.*

Balibar, Renée. Les Français fictifs: Le rapport des styles littéraires au français national. Paris: Hachette, 1974.

Bally, Charles. "Le style indirect libre en français moderne". Germanisch-Romanische Monatschrift 4 (1912): 549-56, 597-606.

_____. Traité de stylistique française. 1909. Paris: Klincksieck, 1951.

Baroja, Pío. "La intuición y el estilo." 1948. In El ensayo español: Siglo XX. Ed. Jordi Gracia and Domingo Ródenas. Barcelona: Crítica, 2009. 240-44.*

Benet, J. La inspiración y el estilo. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1973.

Benford, Gregory. "Style, Substance, and Other Illusions." In Styles of Creation: Aesthetic Technique and the Creation of Fictional Worlds. Ed. George Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin. Athens (GA): U of Georgia P, 1992. 47-57.*

Benjamin, Andrew. Style and Time: Essays on the Politics of Appearance. Northwestern UP, 2006.

Bernhardsson, S., L. E. Correa da Rocha, and P. Minnhagen. "The meta book and size-dependent properties of written language." New Journal of Physics 11 (2009).

Blasco, Javier. "Atribuciones cervantinas desde la estilometría: El entremés de Los mirones"." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  

Bousoño, Carlos. Teoría de la expresión poética. 2 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1976.

Bridgman, Richard. The Colloquial Style in America. New York: Oxford UP, 1966.

Brown, Roger, and Albert Gilman. "The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity." In Sebeok 253-76.

Carter, R., ed. Language and Literature: An Introductory Reader in Stylistics. London: Allen and Unwin, 1982.

Carter, Ronald, and Michael N. Long. The Web of Words: Exploring Literature Through Language. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.

Carter, Ronald, and Walter Nash. Seeing Through Language: A Guide to Styles of English Writing. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

Carter, R., and P. Simpson, eds. Language, Discourse and Literature. An Introductory Reader in Discourse Stylistics. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Chapman, R. Linguistics and Literature. London: Arnold, 1973.

Chatman, Seymour. The Later Style of Henry James. Oxford: Blackwell, 1972.

Chatman, Seymour, and Samuel R. Levin, eds. Essays on the Language of Literature. Boston: Houghton, 1967.

Cluysenaar, A. An Introduction to Literary Stylistics. London: Batsford, 1976.

Cohen, Milton A. "11. Styles." In Ernest Hemingway in Context. Ed. Debra A. Moddelmog and Suzanne del Gizzo. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. 109-18.*

Coupland, Nicholas, ed. Styles of Discourse. London: Croom Helm, 1988.

Craig, Hugh. "Stylistic Analysis and Authorship Studies." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 273-88.*

Croce, Benedetto. Philosophy, Poetry, History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1966.

Croll, Morris W. Style, Rhetoric and Rhythm. Ed. Max Patrick and Robert O. Evans. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1966.

Crystal, David, and Derek Davy. Investigating English Style. London: Longmans, 1969.

Derrida, Jacques. Eperons. Sporen. Spurs. Sproni. Venizia, Corbo e Fiore, 1976.

_____. Eperons: Les styles de Nietzsche. Preface by Stefano Agosti, "Coup sur coup". (Champs). Paris: Flammarion, 1978.*

_____. Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles. Trans. Barbara Harlow. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1979.*

Devito, Joseph A. "Style and Stylistics: An Attempt at Definition". Quarterly Journal of Speech 53 (1967): 248-55.

Dillon, G. Constructing Texts: Elements of a Theory of Composition and Style. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1981.

Dolezel, Lubomír. "Vers la stylistique structurale." PTL 1 (1976): 257-66.

_____. "Literary Text, Its Word and its Style." In Identity of the Literary Text. ed. Mario J. Valdés and Owen Miller. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985.

Dolezel, Lubomir, and Richard W. Bailey, eds. Statistics and Style. New York: American Elsevier, 1969.

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Language and Literaturre 4.1 (1995): 64-7.


Language and Style 23.4 (1994 for 1990).



Department of English

Northern Illinois University

DeKalb, Illinois 60115-2863


Style 28.3 (1994).


Stylistica 1 (Sevilla, 1995).










(Language and Style series, 11). Oxford: Blackwell, 1972.







See also: Stylistics; Rhetoric; Register and style; Idiolects.




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