domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Individual theatres






Aubrun, Charles V[incent]. La Comédie espagnole (1600-1680). Paris: PUF, 1966.

_____. La comedia española (1600-1680). Trans. Julio Lago Alonso. (Persiles, 36). Madrid: Taurus, 1968.* (Conventions, theatres, actors, authorship, Guillén de Castro, Lope de Vega, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, Tirso de Molina, Antonio Mira de Amescua, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Juan Pérez de Montalbán, Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, Agustín Moreto, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Faith, social order, love, honour, justice).

Burling, William J. Summer Theatre in London, 1661-1820, and the Rise of the Haymarket Theatre. c. 2000.

Carlson, Marvin. Places of Performance: The Semiotics of Theatre Architecture. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989.

Eccles, C. The Rose Theatre. London: Hern, 1990.

Foakes, R. A. "Playhouses and Players." In The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Ed. A. R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. 1-52.*

Gurr, Andrew. "The Playhouses." In Gurr, The Shakespearean Stage, 1574-1642. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. 115-171*

Hartnoll, Phyllis. The Theatre. 1968. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Kaplan, Donald M., et al. La cavidad teatral. (Cuadernos Anagrama, 53). Barcelona: Anagrama.

Langhans, Edward. "The Theatres." In The London Theatre World, 1660-1800. Ed. R. D. Hume. Carbondale, 1980.

MacQueen-Pope, W. J. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London, 1945.

Mason, A. E. W. Sir George Alexander and the St James's Theatre. 1935.

Nelson, Alan H. Early Cambridge Theatres: College, University and Town Stages, 1464-1720. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Orrell, John. The Human Stage: English Theatre Design, 1567-1640. 1988.

Osborne, John. The Meiningen Court Theatre, 1866-1890. 1988.

Rowell, George. The Old Vic Theatre: Comparative History. 1993.

Southern, Richard. The Staging of Plays Before Shakespeare. London: Faber, 1973.

_____. "II.i. Theatres and Stages." In The Revels History of Drama in English, volume VI: 1750-1880. By Michael R. Booth et al. London: Methuen, 1975. 61-94.*

_____. "Theatres and Scenery." In The Revels History of Drama in English. Ed. T. W. Craik and C. Leech. Vol. 5. London, 1976.

Styan, J. L. "4. Place and Stage: The Shape of the Stage." In Styan, Drama: A Guide to the Study of Plays. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 2003. 2004. 35-50.*

Trussler, Simon. The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. pbk 2000.*

Turnbull, Olivia. Bringing Down the House: The Crisis in Britain's Regional Theatres. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009.

Victor, Benjamin. History of the Theatres of London and Dublin. 1761-71.

Wickham, Glynne. Early English Stages 1300-1660. New York, 1959-1981.





Internet resources



Observatorio de Espacios Escénicos.*







See also Performance; Staging.





Individual theatres





London playhouses:


The Globe.

Blackfriars theatre (destroyed 1655).

The Curtain. Opens at Shoreditch, 1577

The Hope

Phoenix playhouse (destroyed 1649).

Rastell, John. (allegedly first permanent stage in London, before 1526).

The Red Bull

Red Lion theatre built in Stepney 1567?

The Rose. Excavated late 1980s.

Salisbury Court (destroyed 1649).

The Theatre, built in Holywell, Shoreditch, 1576, dismantled 1599 to build The Globe. Excavated 2008-.

The Fortune (destroyed 1649).



García Landa, José Ángel. "London Theatres." From Trussler's Illustrated History of British Theatre. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 25 Oct. 2012.*






Henslowe, Philip, et al. "Contract for the Building of the Fortune Theatre." 1600. In The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1997. 3330-32.*



Internet resources


"London Theatres." From Trussler's Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre.



"The Fortune Playhouse." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*







See also Globe theatre.




Modern London theatres:


Drury Lane Theatre

Haymarket theatre

Old Vic

Royal Court Theatre

National Theatre, then Royal National Theatre (est. 1962, inaugurated 1976)




Other theatres:



Dorset Garden Theatre


Dorset Garden theatre, built by Sir Christopher Wren, 1671, for Sir William Davenant and the Duke of York's Men.




Drury Lane Theatre


Drury Lane theatre. Built by Thomas Killigrew, 1668; destroyed by fire, rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren 1674.




Lincoln's Inn's Field Theatre


Lincoln's Inn's Field theatre, opened by Sir William Davenant and the Duke of York's Men.




Mull Little Theatre


Hesketh, Barrie. Taking Off: The Story of the Mull Little Theatre. Inverness: New Iona P, 1997.





Royal Court Theatre


Little, Ruth, and Emily McLaughlin. The Royal Court Theatre: Inside Out. London: Oberon, 2007.



Sheldonian Theatre




Corbett, Owen. "Carmen Pindaricum in Theatrum Sheldonianum in solennibus magnifici Operis Encæniis. Recitatum Julii die 9, anno 1669, a Corbetto Owen, A.B. Æd. Chr. Alumno Authore. 1669. In Musaæ Anglicanæ.



The Swan Theatre



Internet resources



"The Swan (theatre)." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*




Teatro de las Esquinas


Teatro de las Esquinas




Teatro Romano de Zaragoza


Heraldo. "¿Se ha encontrado el Teatro Romano de Zaragoza? Así titulaba Heraldo este gran descubrimiento el 30 de abril de 1972…" Heraldo de Aragón 27 May 2018.*






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