domingo, 11 de febrero de 2024

Metaficción y Reflexividad Narrativa



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Reflexivity in narrative; Metafiction


Top ten





Top ten


Alter, Robert. Partial Magic: The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre. Berkeley: U of California P, 1975. 1978.*

Christensen, Inger. The Meaning of Metafiction: A Critical Study of Selected Novels by Sterne, Nabokov, Barth and Beckett. Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, 1981.*

Currie, Mark, ed. Metafiction. (Longman Critical Readers). London: Longman, 1995.*

Heath, Stephen. The Nouveau Roman: A Study in the Practice of Writing. London, 1972.

Hutcheon, Linda. Narcissistic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox. 1980. New York: Methuen, 1984.*

McCaffery, Larry. The Metafictional Muse: The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, and William H. Gass. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1982.*

McHale, Brian.  Postmodernist Fiction. London: Methuen, 1987.

Ricardou, Jean. Problèmes du nouveau roman. Paris: Seuil, 1967.

Scholes, Robert. Fabulation and Metafiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1979. 1980.

Waugh, Patricia. Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction. London: Routledge, 1984.*







Adams, Martin. Afterjoyce: Studies in Fiction after Ulysses. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.

Adorno, Theodor W. "La situation du narrateur dans le roman contemporain." In Adorno, Notes sur la littérature. Trans. Sibylle Muller. Paris: Flammarion, 1984. 37-44.*

Aguirre, Manuel. "Some Commonsense Notions on Postmodernist Fiction." In Stvdia Patriciae Shaw oblata. Ed. Santiago González Fernández-Corugedo et al. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 1991. 3.3-13.*

Albérès, René Marie. Métamorphoses du roman. Paris: Albin Michel, 1966.

_____. Metamorfosis de la novela. Madrid: Taurus, 1971.*

Albers, Frank. "Metafiction: Theory and Practice." Ph.D. diss. Oxford U, 1986.

Alexander, Marguerite. Flights from Realism: Themes and Strategies in Postmodern British and American Fiction. London: Arnold, 1990.

Altenberg, Tilmann. "Metadiégesis y pseudodiégesis en la narrativa de Juan Valera." In La narración paradójica. Ed. Nina Grabe et al. Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt a/M: Vervuert Verlag, 2006. 155-69.*

Alter, Robert. Partial Magic: The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre. Berkeley: U of California P, 1975. 1978.*

Arizti Martín, Bárbara. Metafiction in Changing Places. Trabajo de investigación de Tercer Ciclo. Universidad de Zaragoza, 1994.

Astier, Pierre. Encyclopédie du Nouveau Roman. Paris: Debresse, 1968.

Athanasiou-Krikelis, Lissi. "Twisting the Story: Margarita Karapanou's Rien ne va plus and Amanda Michalopoulou's Θα ήθελα as Metaautobiographical Novels." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34.1 (2016):  Online at Project Muse / Internet Archive.*


_____. "Twisting the Story: Margarita Karapanou's Rien ne va plus and Amanda Michalopoulou's Tha éthela as Metaautobiographical Novels." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34.1 (May 2016): 103-29. Online at Project Muse.*


Baquero Goyanes, Mariano. Estructuras de la novela actual. 1975. Madrid: Castalia, 1989.*

Bareis, J. Alexander, and Frank Thomas Grub. Metafiktion: Analysen zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Berlin, 2010.

Barnes, Hazel E. "Modes of Aesthetic Consciousness in Fiction." Bucknell Review 12 (March 1964): 82-93.

Barth, John. "The Literature of Exhaustion". The Atlantic Monthly (August 1967): 29-34.

_____. "The Literature of Exhaustion." In The American Novel since World War II. Ed. Marcus Klein. New York: Fawcett World Library, 1969. 267-79.

_____. "The Literature of Exhaustion". In Federman, Surfiction. Chicago: Swallow, 1975.

_____. "The Literature of Replenishment". The Atlantic Monthly (January 1980): 65-71.

_____. "La literatura de la plenitud: la novela postmodernista." In La novela postmodernista norteamericana: Nuevas tendencias narrativas. Ed. J. Coy Ferrer and Enrique García Díez. Madrid: SGEL, 1986.

Barthes, Roland. S/Z. Paris: Seuil, 1970.*

_____. S/Z. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1974.*

_____. S/Z. Trans. Richard Miller. London: Jonathan Cape, 1975.

_____. S/Z. 1970. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

_____. S/Z. Trans. Nicolás Rosa. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1980.

Beebe, Maurice. "Reflective and Reflexive Trends in Modern Fiction." Bucknell Review 22.2 (1976): 13-26.

Bellamy, Joe David. The New Fiction: Interviews with Innovative American Writers. Urbana, 1974.

_____. Superfiction: Or the American Story Transformed. New York, 1975.

Bene, Adrian. "Intertextualité et reflexivité chez Mauriac. Le récit et la vie dans Un adolescent d'autrefois." In Panorama des études françaises en Europe centrale. Ed. Adrian Bene. (Acta Romanica Quinqueecclesiensis). Pecs: Universitas Quinqueeclesiensis,  2017. 45-56. Online at Academia.*


_____, et al. Narratívák 6: Narratív beágyazás és reflexivitás. Budapest: Kijárat Kiadó, 2009.

Bertens, Hans. "Postmodern Characterization and the Intrusion of Language." In Exploring Postmodernism. Ed. Mateo Calinescu and Douwe Fokkema. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1987. 139-59.

Bishop, Lloyd. "Romantic Irony and the Novel: Friedrich von Schlegel and Mikhail Bakhtin." In Bishop, Romantic Irony in French Literature. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 1991. 205-8.*

Bloch-Michel, J. Le Présent de l'indicatif. Paris: Gallimard, 1963.

_____. La 'nueva novela'. Barcelona: Guadarrama.

Boisdeffre, Pierre de. La cafetière est sur la table: Contre le 'nouveau roman'. Paris: La Table Ronde, 1967.

Booth, Wayne C. "The Self-Conscious Narrator in Comic Fiction Before Tristram Shandy." PMLA 67 (March 1952): 163-85.

_____. "The Struggle to Tell the Story of the Struggle to Get the Story Told." Narrative 5.1 (1997): 50-59.

Borges, Jorge Luis. "Nathaniel Hawtorne." 1949. In Borges, Nueva antología personal. Barcelona: Bruguera, 1982. 213-38.* (Reflexivity)

_____. "Nathaniel Hawthorne." In Borges, Otras inquisiciones. 1960. Madrid: Alianza, 1985. 56-75.*

_____. Otras inquisiciones. 1960. Madrid: Alianza, 1985.*

Boyd, Michael. The Reflexive Novel: Fiction as Critique. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 1983.*

Bradbury, Malcolm. The Modern American Novel. 1983. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.

_____. "Closer to Chaos: American Fiction in the 1980s." TLS 22 may 1992: 17-18.

_____. The Modern British Novel. London: Secker, 1993.*

_____, ed. The Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction. Glasgow: Fontana, 1977. Rev. ed. 1990.*

Brooke-Rose, Christine. A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, Especially of the Fantastic. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981.*

_____. "Is Self-Reflexivity Mere?" Quarterly West (U of Utah, Dec. 1996).

Burden, Robert. "The Novel Interrogates Itself." In The Contemporary English Novel. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and David Palmer. London: Arnold, 1979. 1986. 133-57.

Butler, Christopher. After the Wake: An Essay on the Contemporary Avant-Garde. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.*

Butor, Michel. "Le roman comme recherche." 1960. In Butor, Essais sur le roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1992. 7-14.

_____. "The Novel as Research." 1970. In The Novel Today; Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury. 1977. New ed. London: Fontana, 1990. 45-52.

_____. Essais sur le roman. 1970. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.*

Calvino, Italo. The Literature Machine. London, 1987.*

Caramello, Charles. Silverless Mirrors: Book, Self, and Postmodern American Fiction. Tallahassee, 1983.

Carroll, David. The Subject in Question: The Languages of Theory and the Strategies of Fiction. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982.

Castagnino, Raúl. "Cuento-Artefacto" y artificios del cuento. Buenos Aires: Nova, 1977.

Cazzato, Luigi. "Hard Metafiction and the Return of the Author Subject: The Decline of Postmodernism?" In Postmodern Subjects / Postmodern Texts. Ed. Jane Dowson and Steven Earnshaw. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 25-41.*

Chambers, Ross. Story and Situation: Narrative Seduction and the Power of Fiction. Manchester UP, 1984.*

Chatman, Seymour. "9. Narrative Limits: Experimental and Postmodern Fiction." In Chatman, Reading Narrative Fiction. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 304-47.* (Undermining Conventions; Questioning the Discourse; Attacks on the Discourse by the Story: Julio Cortázar, 'Continuity of Parks'; Filter at Odds with Itself: Jorge Luis Borges, 'The Garden of Forking Paths'; John Barth, 'Lost in the Funhouse'; Julio Cortázar, 'The Idol of the Cyclades').

Chihaia, Matei. "Mögliche Welten als Allegorien der Fiktion: Die Grenzen narrativer Sinnstiftung bei Julio Cortázar." In Welt(en) erzählen: Paradigmen und Perspektiven. Ed. Christoph Bartsch and Frauke Bode. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. 217-34.*


Christensen, Inger. The Meaning of Metafiction: A Critical Study of Selected Novels by Sterne, Nabokov, Barth and Beckett. Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, 1981.*

Clark, J. R., and A. L. Motto. "Intrusion, Obstruction, and the Self-Reflexive Narrator in So-called Post-modern Literature." CML (1986): 31-37.

Collado, Francisco. "History and Metafiction: V.' s Impossible Cognitive Quest." Atlantis 15 (1993): 61-78.

Connor, Steven. Samuel Beckett: Repetition, Theory and Text. Oxford: Blackwell, 1988.*

Conrad, Peter. Shandyism: The Character of Romantic Irony. Oxford: Blackwell, 1978.

Cornwell, Neil. The Literary Fantastic: From Gothic to Postmodernism. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.

Cortázar, Julio. Teoría del túnel. 1947. In Cortázar, Obra crítica I. Ed. Saúl Yurkievich. Madrid: Alfaguara, 1994.

Cropley-Gonzalez, Madelena. "The Birth of Revolt Through Historiographic Metafiction in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children and The Satanic Verses." In Historicité et métafiction hdans le roman contemporain des Iles Britanniques. Ed. Max Duperray. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 1994. 197-206.

Currie, Mark, ed. Metafiction. (Longman Critical Readers). London: Longman, 1995.*

Dällenbach, Lucien. Le Livre et ses Miroirs dans l'œuvre romanesque de Michel Butor. Paris: Minard, 1972.

_____. Le Récit spéculaire: Essai sur la mise en abyme. Paris: Seuil, 1977.*

_____. The Mirror in the Text. Trans. Jeremy Whiteley and Emma Hughes. Oxford: Polity Press/Blackwell, 1989.*

_____. El relato especular. Trans. Ramón Buenaventura. Madrid: Visor, 1977.*

_____. El relato especular. Trans. Ramón Buenaventura. (Visor Literatura y Debate Crítico, 8). Madrid: Visor, 1992.

de Man, Paul. Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.*

Dearlove, Judith E. Accomodating the Chaos: Samuel Beckett's Nonrelational Art. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1982.*

D'haen, Theo. Text to Reader: Fowles, Barth, Cortázar and Boon. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1983.*

D'haen, Theo, and Hans Bertens, eds. Postmodern Fiction in Europe and the Americas. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1988.

_____, eds. History and Post-War Writing. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990.*

_____, eds. Postmodern Fiction in Canada.  Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.*

_____, eds. British Postmodern Fiction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993.*

Díaz, María Eugenia. "La novela postmodernista norteamericana: una aproximación general." Atlantis 9 (1987): 83-94.*

Dickinson, Morris. "Fiction Hot and Kool: Dilemmas of the Experimental Writer." Tri Quarterly 33 (1975).

Dinkler, Michal Beth. "The End of Fact vs. Fiction: Reflexivity in Ancient Narratives." In Fictionality, Factuality, and Reflexivity Across Discourses and Media. Ed. Erika Fülöp et al. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2021. 88-107.*


Dipple, Elizabeth. "A Novel Which Is a Machine for Generating Interpretations." In Metafiction. Ed. Mark Currie. London: Longman, 1995. 221-45.*

Ditsky, John. "The Man on the Quaker Oats Box: Characteristics of Recent Experimental Fiction." Georgia Review 26 (1972): 297-313.

Docherty, Thomas. "Postmodern Characterization: The Ethics of Alterity." In Postmodernism and Contemporary Fiction. Ed. Edmund J. Smyth. London: Batsford, 1991. 169-88.*

Dotrás, Ana Mª. La novela española de metaficción. Madrid: Júcar, 1994.*

Duffy, Maureen. "New Trends in British Fiction." In Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Alicante: AEDEAN, 1991. 69-72.*

Duperray, Max, ed. Historicité et métafiction dans le roman contemporain des Iles britanniques. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 1994.

Eco, Umberto. Obra abierta. Barcelona: Planeta, 1984. Trans. of Opera aperta. Milano: Bompiani, 1962.*

_____. "Postmodernism, Irony, The Enjoyable." Select. from Reflections on The Name of the Rose. Trans. William Weaver. London: Secker, 1985. 65-72. In Modernism/Postmodernism. Ed. Peter Brooker. London: Longman, 1992. 225-8.*

_____. "From Reflections on The Name of the Rose." In Metafiction. Ed. Mark Currie. London: Longman, 1995. 172-80.*

_____. Faith in Fakes. USA, 1986. Published in Britain as Travels in Hyperreality. Trans. William Weaver. London: Picador, 1987.

Egebak, Niels. L'écriture de Samuel Beckett. København: Akademisk Forlag, 1973.*

Elam, Diane. "Postmodern Romance." In Postmodernism Across the Ages. Ed. Bill Readings and Bennet Schaber. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1992. New version in Elam, Romancing the Postmodern.

_____. Romancing the Postmodern. London: Routledge, 1992.

Elias, Amy J. "Meta-mimesis? The Problem of British Postmodern Realism." In British Postmodern Fiction. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. 9-31.

Elliott, Emory, et al., eds. The Columbia History of the American Novel. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.*

Engler, Bernd. "The Cultural Dynamics of Metafictional Discourse in Early American Literature: A Response to Jürgen Wolter." Connotations 5.1 (1995-96): 95-107.*

Engler, Bernd, and Kurt Müller, eds. Historiographic Metafiction in Modern American and Canadian Literature. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1994.

Ermath, Elizabeth Deeds. Sequel to History: Postmodernism and the Crisis of Representational Time. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.

Federman, Raymond. "Surfiction: Four propositions in Form of an Introduction." In Federman, Surfiction 5-15.*

_____. "What are Experimental Novels and Why Are There so Many Left Unread?" In Studies in American Literature: Essays in Honor of Enrique García Díez. Ed. Antonia Sánchez Macarro. Valencia: Universitat de València, Facultat de Filologia, 1991. 323-30.*

_____. Critifiction: The Way of Literature. Albany: State U of New York P, 1993.*

_____, ed. Surfiction: Fiction Now and Tomorrow. Chicago: Swallow, 1975.*

Federman, Raymond, and Carl R. Lovitt, eds. Current Trends in American Fiction. Sub-Stance 27 (1980).

Fernández Cardo, J. M. El "nouveau roman" y la significación. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 1983.

Fitch, Brian T. Dimensions, structures et textualité dans la trilogie romanesque de Beckett. Paris: Minard, 1977.*

Fletcher, John, and Malcolm Bradbury. "The Introverted Novel." In Modernism. Ed. M. Bradbury and J. McFarlane. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. 1991. 394-415.

Fogel, Stanley. "And all the Little Typtopies: Notes on Language Theory in Contemporary Experimental Novel." Modern Fiction Studies 20.2 (Fall 1974): 28-36.

Fokkema, Aleid. "The Linguistic Turn: Metafiction in America." In Fokkema, Postmodern Characters. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991. 100-19.*

_____. Postmodern Characters: A Study of Characterization in British and American Postmodern Fiction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991.*

Fowler, Roger. Linguistics and the Novel. 1977. London: Methuen, 1985.*

Friedman, Ellen, and Miriam Fuchs, eds. Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1989.

Fuentes, Carlos. Geografía de la novela. Madrid: Alfaguara, 1993.*

Furst, L. R. Fictions of Romantic Irony. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1984.

Galván, Fernando. "Postmodernismo: las formas de la heterogeneidad." La página 2 (1992): 33-48.

_____. "Textos y códigos de la metaficción británica." Actas del XV Congreso de AEDEAN. Logroño: Colegio Universitario de La Rioja, 1993. 39-55.*

_____. "Travel Writing in British Metafiction: A Proposal for Analysis." In British Postmodern Fiction. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. 77-86.

Galván, Fernando, Aída Díaz Bild, Tomás Monterrey and Manuel Brito. Ensayos sobre metaficción inglesa. Universidad de La Laguna: Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1994. *

García Díez, Enrique, y Javier Coy. La novela post-modernista. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librería, 1986.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "La structure narrative dans La Dentellière de Pascal Lainé." Typescript, U of Zaragoza, 1984. Online edition (2004):


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