viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024

Narratología interdisciplinar, Explicaciones narrativas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Interdisciplinary Narrative theory,

narratology and "Storytelling"



Aarseth, Espen J. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997.* (Based on his Ph.D. diss).

_____. "Quest Games as Post-Narrative Discourse." In Narrative across Media: The Languages of Storytelling. Ed. Marie-Laure Ryan. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2004. 361-76.*

Abbott, H. Porter. "The Evolutionary Origins of the Storied Mind: Modeling the Prehistory of Narrative Consciousness and Its Discontents." Narrative 8 (2000): 247-256.*

_____. "What Do We Mean When We Say 'Narrative Literature?' Looking for Answers Across Disciplinary Borders." Style 34.2 (Summer 2000): 260-73. In Literature Online.*


_____. "Unnarratable Knowledge: The Difficulty of Understanding Evolution by Natural Selection." In Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Ed. David Herman. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2003. 143-62.*

_____. "Narrative and Emergent Behavior." Poetics Today 29.2 (Summer 2008): 227-44.*

         DOI 10.1215/03335372-2007-024

Abell, Peter. "Narrative Explanation: An Alternative to Variable-Centered Explanation?" Annual Review of Sociology 30.1 (2004): 287-310.*

Abelson, Robert P. "Concepts for Representing Mundane Reality in Plans." In Representation and Understanding. Ed. Daniel G. Bobrow and A. M. Collins. New York: Academic Press, 1975.  273-309.

Adams, Jon-K. "Narrative Explanation: Aspects of a Theory of Narrative Discourse." Habilitation, U of Freiburg (Germany).

_____. Narrative Explanation: A Pragmatic Theory of Discourse. 1996.

Alcorn, Marshall W., Jr. "Character, Plot, and Imagery: Mechanisms that Shift Narcissistic Investments." In Alcorn, Narcissism and the Literary Libido. New York: New York UP, 1994. 103-57.*

Alber, Jan, and Monika Fludernik, eds. Postclassical Narratology. De Gruyter. Online at Scribd (Sandra Marín) 29 Feb. 2016.*


Aldama, Frederick Louis, ed. Toward a Cognitive Theory of Narrative Acts. (Cognitive Approaches to Literature and Culture, 4). Austin: U of Texas P,  2010.

Alemany Oliver, Mathieu. "Navigating Between the Plots: A Narratological and Ethical Analysis of Business-Related Conspiracy Theories (BrCTs)." Journal of Business Ethics 28 Aug. 2020.* (Springer)


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Allen, Chadwick. "Blood as Narrative/Narrative as Blood: Declaring a Fourth World." Narrative 6.3 (October 1998):236-255.

Allen, Dennis W. "Homosexuality and Narrative." Modern Fiction Studies 41.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995): 609-634.*

Alphen, Ernst van. "The Narrative of Perception and the Perception of Narrative." Poetics Today 11.3 (1990): 483-510.*

_____. "5. The Decline of Narrative and the Rise of the Archive." In Storytelling and Ethics: Literature, Visual Arts and the Power of Nature. Ed. Hanna Meretoja and Colin Davis. New York and London: Routledge, 2018. 68-83.*

Alter, Robert. "Mimesis and the Motive for Fiction." Tri Quarterly 42 (Spring 1978).

Amsterdam, Anthony, and Jerome Bruner. Minding the Law.

Andrews, Molly. Narrative Imagination and Everyday Life. Oxford UP, 2014.

Andrews, Molly, Corinne Squire, and Maria Tamboukou. Doing Narrative Research. London: Sage, 2008. 2nd ed. 2013.*


Antoine, Frédéric, ed. Recherches en Communication, vol. 37: Radio et narration: de l'enchantement au réenchantement (Dec. 2013).

         UC de Louvain


Applebee, Arthur N. The Child's Concept of Story: Ages Two to Seventeen. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1978.

Archibald, Samuel, and Bertrand Gervais. "Le récit en jeu: Narrativité et interactivité." Protée 34.2-3 ("Actualités du récit: Pratiques, théories, modèles" - Autumn-Winter 2006): 27-39.*

         Online at Semantic Scholar.*


Armstrong, Nancy and Leonard Tennenhouse. "History, Poststructuralism, and the Question of Narrative."Narrative 1.1 (1993): 45-58.*

Arnauld, Andreas von. "Norms and Narrative." German Law Journal 18.2 (2017): 309-29. (Special issue: Law's Pluralities). Online at Cambridge Core.*


Arnold, Annika. "Narratives of Climate Change: Outline of a Systematic Approach to Narrative Analysis in Cultural Sociology." Ph.D. diss. U of Stuttgart, 2015. Online at Academia.*


_____. "How to Understand the Role of Narratives in Environmental Communication: Cultural Narrative Analysis." In Arnold, Climate Change and Storytelling: Narratives and Cultural Meaning in Environmental Communication. (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Sociology and Policy). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 56-81.


_____. Climate Change and Storytelling: Narratives and Cultural Meaning in Environmental Communication. (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Sociology and Policy). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 56-81.


Asensi, Manuel. "Narrativity, Example (Exemplarity), Endlessness, Uncontrolled Performatives." In Asensi, J. Hillis Miller; or, Boustrophedonic Reading. Trans. Mabel Richart. [With] J. Hillis Miller, Black Holes. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999.*

Astington, Janet W. "Narrative and the Child's Theory of Mind." In Narrative Thought and Narrative Language. Ed. B. K. Britton and A. D. Pellegrini. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1990. 151-72.*

Aumüller, Matthias, and Filippo Smerilli. "Interdisziplinarität als Anspruch und in Wirk­lichkeit. Narratologische Institutionen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts." Diegesis 1.1 (2012): 1-14.

Bach, Michaela. "Dead Men—Dead Narrators: Überlegungen zu Erzählern und Subjectivität im Film." In Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context. Ed. Walter Grünzweig and Andreas Solbach. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 231-46.*

Baetens, Jan. "Image and Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 236-37.*

Baetens, Jan, and Mieke Bleyen. "Photo Narrative, Sequential Photography, Photonovels." In Intermediality and Storytelling. Ed. Marina Grishakova and Marie-Laure Ryan. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2010. 165-82.*

Báez Miranda, Belén. "Génération de récits à partir de données ambiantes." Diss. 2018. Online abstract at ResearchGate.*


Bagley, Jennifer. "Narrative and Context of Early La Tène Art in Central Europe." In  Image – Narrative – Context: Visual Narration in Cultures and Societies in the Old World. Ed. Elisabeth Wagner-Durand, Barbara Fath and Alexander Heinemann. (Freiburger Studien zur Archäologie und visuellen Kultur, 1). Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019. 193-213.  Online at Academia.*  (Iron Age)


Baker, Mona. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London: Routledge, 2006.* (Narrative theory; discourse analysis; narrativity).

Bal, Mieke. "Close Reading Today: From Narratology to Cultural Analysis." In Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context. Ed. Walter Grünzweig and Andreas Solbach. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 19-40.*

_____. "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 250-52.*

Bamberg, Michael. "Narrative Discourse and Identities." In Narratology beyond Literary Criticism: Mediality-Disciplinarity. Ed. Jan Christoph Meister with Tom Kindt and Wilhelm Schernus. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 213-37.*

_____. "Identity and Narration." In Handbook of Narratology. Ed. Peter Hühn et al. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 132-43.*

_____. "Who am I? Narration and its Contribution to Self and Identity." Theory & Psychology 21.1 (2010): 1–22.

Bamberg, Michael and Molly Andrews, eds. Considering Counter-Narratives: Narrating, Resisting, Making Sense. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2004.

Baroni, Raphaël, and Alain Corbellari, eds. Rencontres de narrativités: Perspectives sur l'intrigue musicale. Monograph issue of Cahiers de Narratologie 21 (2011).*


Barros Leite, Francisco, Pedro Antunes, Nuno Guimaraes, and José A. Pino. "Method Supporting the Adoption of Visual Stories in Judicial Systems." (ECIS 2019 Proceedings). Association for Information Systems, AISeL Electronic Library. Online at Semantic Scholar.*


Barry, Jackson G. "Narratology's Centrifugal Force: A Literary Perspective on the Extensions of Narrative Theory." Poetics Today 11 (1990): 295-307.

Barton, Richard W. "Plato/Freud/Mann: Narrative Structure, Undecidability, and the Social Text." Semiotica 54.3-4 (1985).

Bassett, Caroline. The Arc and the Machine: Narrative and the New Media. Manchester and New York: Manchester UP, 2007. Online at Google Books:


Baynham, M. "Narrative in Argument, Argument in Narrative." in Competing and Consensual Voices: The Theory and Practice of Argument. Ed. P. J. M. Costello and S. Mitchell. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1995.

Beaugrande, Robert de, and Benjamin Colby. "Narrative Models of Action and Interaction." Cognitive Science 3 (1979): 46-66.

Beaugrande, Robert de, and G. W. Miller. "Processing Models for Children's Story Comprehension." Poetics 9 (1980): 181-200.

Beer, Gillian. Darwin's Plots: Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth Century Fiction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983.

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_____. "Darwin's Plots." From Beer, Darwin's Plots. London: Routledge, 1983. In Darwin: Texts. Commentary. Ed. Philip Appleman. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2001. 645-52.*

Belling, Catherine. "Narrating Oncogenesis: The Problem of Telling when Cancer Begins." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010): 229-47.*

Bennett, W. L. "Storytelling in Criminal Trials: A Model of Social Judgment." Quarterly Journal of Speech 64 (1978): 1-22.

Benzon, William L. "The Evolution of Narrative and the Self." Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 16(2): 129-155, 1993. Rpt. In Mind-Culture Coevolution


Beran, Eszter, and Zsolt Unoka. "6. Construction of Self-Narrative in Psychotherapeutic Setting: An Analysis of the Mutual Determination of Narrative Perspective Taken by Patient and Therapist." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 151-67.*

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Berning, Nora. "Narrative Journalism from a Transdisciplinary Perspective: A Narratological Analysis of Award-Winning Literary Reportages." In Beyond Classical Narration: Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges. Ed. Jan Alber and Per Krogh Hansen. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. 117-35.*

Bernstein, J. M. "Self-Knowledge as Praxis: Narrative and Narration in Psychoanalysis." In Narrative in Culture. Ed. Christopher Nash. London: Routledge, 1990. 51-79.*

_____. "Grand Narratives." In On Paul Ricœur: Narrative and Interpretation. Ed. David Wood. London: Routledge, 1991. 102-23.*

Besley, A. C. (Tina). "Foucault and the Turn to Narrative Therapy." British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 30.2 (2002): 125-43. Online at Taylor and Francis Online 17 June 2010.*


Bhabha, Homi K. "DissemiNation: Time, Narrative, and the Margins of the Modern Nation." In Nation and Narration. Ed. Homi K. Bhabha. London: Routledge, 1990. 2002. 291-322.*

Bird, S. Elizabeth, and Robert W. Dardenne. "15. Rethinking News and Myth as Storytelling." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 205-17.*

Birke, Dorothee. Memory's Fragile Power: Crises of Memory, Identity and Narrative in Contemporary British Novels. 2008.

Birke, Dorothee, and Robyn Warhol. "Multimodal You: Playing with Direct Address in Contemporary Narrative Television." In How to Do Things with Narrative: Cognitive and Diachronic Perspectives. Ed. Jan Alber and Greta Olson. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2017. 141-55.*

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Bode, Ingvild (PhD). "Storytelling in den Vereinten Nationen: Mahbub ul Haq und menschlische Entwicklung." In Politische Narrative: Konzepte – Analysen – Forschungpraxis. Ed. Frank Gadinger, Seabastian Jarzebski, and Taylan Yildiz. Springer, 2014.


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Goldman, Brian (MD). Podcast on narrative medicine in CBC's "White Coat Black Art."


Harari, Yuval Noah. "Les fictions qui donnent sens à notre vie." Audio. From 21 leçons pour le XXI siècle, Chapitre 20 "La vie n'est pas un récit." Online audio. YouTube (Deus sive natura) 30 April 2019.*


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Games and Narrative.



Ishmael's Corner: Storytelling Through a Business Prism



Just Story It! Biz Storytelling. Ed. Karen Dietz.



Narratología evolucionista. Facebook group.



Retrospection: Perspectives on Narrative Theory, Hindsight, Hindsight Bias, and the Dynamics of Narrativity. Blog.



The Story in All Stories: Items on Cosmology, Evolution, (Big) History and Representation. Blog at Storify. (José Ángel García Landa).*










PLANDEMIC: Indoctornation - The Movie. Documentary. Dir. Mikki Willis. Prod. Freedom Platform. Video. YouTube (London Real) 4 Feb. 2023.* (Judy Mikovits, David Martin, Bill Gates, A. Fauci, R. Baric, Disinformation, FactCheckers, Scenarios, Narratives, Conspiracies, Rockefeller Foundation).

         2023 DISCONTINUED 2023

         Plandemic: Indoctornation. Full movie. Digital Freedom Platform 18 Aug. 2020.*






Institutions and societies



Program in Narrative Medicine (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia U).








Internet resources




Bild - Erzählung – Kontext. By Elisabeth Wagner-Durand et al. Conference website at Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg.




Evolutionary Narratology Facebook group.



Narrative & Story (SSRN).*



Narrative Works:  Issues, Investigations, & Interventions. 

Online journal on interdisciplinary narrative studies, twice a year.

Ed. William L. Randall, EdD (Gerontology), St. Thomas University, CA, and A. Elizabeth McKim, PhD (English), St. Thomas University, CA


Narrative and Multimodality. PALA Narrative group web page.



Narratives in Media and eCommunication

Alvaro Ramírez, Bergen, Norway).









Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology

(University of Amsterdam's School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA).

Ed. Wolf Schmid & Willem G. Weststeijn

(University of Hamburg, University of Amsterdam).

Vol. 1 (2004); Vol. 2 (Autumn 2005).



Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung
E-Journal for Narrative Research across the Disciplines. 
Ed. Matei Chihaia, Matías Martínez, Michael Scheffel, Roy Sommer. 

Vol. 10.2 (2020): Erzähltheorie und Anthropozän




Digital Storytelling. Monograph issue of Digital Education 22 (Dec. 2012):



Journal of Narrative Politics

York U, Canada

Vol. 7 (2017)



Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics


Vol. 8.3 (Winter 2018)

Online at ProQuest:



Scandinavian Journal of History 47.1 (2022) (Issue 1: Narrative and Experience: Interdisciplinary Methodologies between History and Narratology).



Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies.

Storytelling in Higher Education Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network.

Florida Atlantic University.

Vol. 1 (2003).



Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies

Founding ed. David Herman (Ohio State U)

University of Nebraska Press.

Vol. 1 (June 2009)

Ed. (2013-) Andreea Deciu Ritivoi.









Pratchett, Terry, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. Science of Discworld series. (The Science of Discworld II: The Globe, on narrativity and evolutionary theory).








(Explorations in Narrative Psychology). Oxford: Oxford UP, c. 2018.*


(Frontiers of Narrative). Series ed. Jesse E. Matz. U of Nebraska P, c. 2014.


(Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature). London and  New York: Routledge, c. 2014.






Societies and Institutions


University of East London, MA in Narrative Research










Bontea, Adriana. "Narratives as Figures of Thought." Lecture at the 3rd ENN conference, Paris, 2013. Online at YouTube (CRAL) 2 July 2013.*



Brand, Russell. "Full Uncut Jordan Peterson Interview: This Conversation Changed My Mind!" Video. YouTube (Russell Brand) 2 Sept. 2023.*  (Psychopathy, control, mass culture, meaning of life, Religion, storytelling).



Fridman, Lex. "Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies – Lex Fridman Podcast #390." Video interview. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 17 July 2023.* (Consciousness, Empathy, Artificial intelligence, control, conspiracy theories, explanations, stories, conflicts, Self-delusion, LGBT).



Gijón, Francisco. "El virus del relato." Video. YouTube (El Secreto de la Comprensión) 29 Sept. 2022.*



Harari, Yuval Noah. "Versión Completa. La historia de los imparables." Video. YouTube (Aprendemos Juntos 2030) 10 July 2023.* (Mankind, future, conventions, power, AI, cooperation, globalization, storytelling, education).




Krauss, Lawrence, Richard Dawkins, et al. "The Great Debate - The Storytelling of Science." YouTube (PrimitivePatri0t) 29 Sept. 2013.*



Marty, Nicolas. "Furthering the Bases of a 'Natural' Narratology for Music." Lecture at the 3rd ENN Conference, Paris. YouTube (CRAL) 8 July 2013.*



Runia, Eelco, et al. "Tears in the Fabric of the Past: New Theories of Narrative and History." Video of the panel at the Townsend Center for the Humanities, 30 Oct. 2014. YouTube (UCBerkeley Events) 7 Nov. 2014.*



Salmon, Christian. "Politique de la littérature." Video lecture.  YouTube (CRAL) 3 Feb. 2014.*



Schaeffer, Jean-Marie. "De quelques fonctions de la narration." Video. YouTube (CRAL) 16 April 2021.* (Memories, experience, identity, narrativity).



Sennett, Richard, and Rowan Williams. "On Narrative and Ritual." Video lecture, Sheikh Zayed Theatre. YouTube (lsewebsite) 17 Dec. 2010.*



Snowden, David. "Combining Complexity Theory with Narrative Research." Video Lecture (Advancing P4 Medicine Through Innovations in Science). YouTube (osumedicalcenter) 22 Oct. 2012.*



Spivey, Ted, et al. "Once Upon a Time." (How Art Made the World, 4). BBC. Online at YouTube



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