viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024

Cuentos tradicionales y folklore narrativo



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Oral storytelling





Alonso Romero, Fernando. "Método para el estudio de las técnicas de la narrativa popular." In Actas del IV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (Salamanca, del 18 al 21 de Diciembre de 1980). Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 1984. 57-61.*

Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment. New York: Vintage, 1977. 2010.

_____. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.

_____. Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas. Barcelona: Crítica, 1986.

Bottigheimer, Ruth B. Fairy Tales: A New History. New York: State U of New York P, 2009.

Brewer, Derek. Traditional Stories and Their Meaning. London: English Association, 1983.

Chevalier, Maxime. Cuento tradicional, cultura, literatura (siglos XVI-XIX). (Estudios Filológicos 272). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1999.*

Davidson, Hilda, Roderick Ellis and Anna Chaudhri, eds. A Companion to the Fairy Tale. Cambridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2003.

Dundes, Alan, ed. The Study of Folklore. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1965.

Ewers, Hans-Heino. "Children's Literature and the Traditional Art of Storytelling." Poetics Today 13.1 (1992): 169-178.*

Ferenczi, Sandor. "La psicología del cuento." 1918. In Ferenczi, Psicoanálisis. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1981. 2.393-4.*

Fischer, John L. "The Sociopsychological Analysis of Folktales". Current Anthropology 4 (1963): 235-295.

Fromm, Erich. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to an Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. New York, 1951.

Gottschall, J. "Patterns of Characterization in Folktales across Geographic Regions and Levels of Cultural Complexity." Human Nature 14.4 (2003): 365–82.

Hendricks, William O. Essays on Semiolinguistics and Verbal Art. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.

Jolles, André. Einfache Formen: Legende / Sage / Mythe / Rätsel / Spruch / Kasus / Memorabilie / Märchen / Witz. Halle: Niemeyer, 1929.* 1956.

_____. Formes simples. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1972.

Joosen, Vanessa. Critical and Creative Perspectives on Fairy Tales. Michigan: Wayne State UP, 2011.

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "VII. Le monde mythique et le folklore." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 995-1028.* (Folk tales: Marind-anim, Kiwai, New Guinea, American indians, Eskimos).

_____. "VIII. Le monde mythique et le folklore (suite)." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007.  1029-68.* (Folk tales: Bantu, African, New Guinea, Australian aborigines, fictionality, literature and myth).

Lord, Albert. The Singer of Tales. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1960.

Maranda, Elli Köngas, and Pierre Maranda. Structural Models in Folklore and Transformational Essays. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.

Martínez Gázquez, José Miguel. "Folclore (1). Cuentos de Europa" Der Golem 10 Jan. 2019.*


Neemann, Harold. "Fairy Tale." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 157-58.*

Neumann, Michael. Die fünf Ströme des Erzählens: Eine Anthropologie der Narration. (Narratologia, 35). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013.* (Genre theory, literature and anthropology, Folk tale, legends, myth, religion, comedy; Heliodorus, Goethe, Audrey Hepburn, Conan Doyle, witches, artists, Wackenroder, Hoffman, Shakespeare, As You Like It, Céline, chinese novel Shuihu zhuan, Propp).

Perés, R. D. La leyenda y el cuento populares. Barcelona: Sopena, 1981.

Pinon, Roger. El cuento folclórico. Buenos Aires: Juan Goyanrte Editor, 1972.

Propp, Vladimir. Morfologija skazky. 2nd ed. Leningrad: Nauka, 1968.

_____. Morphology of the Folktale. 1st. ed., trans. Laurence Scott, introd. Svatava Pirkova-Jakobson. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1958.

_____. Morphology of the Folk Tale. Trans. Laurence Scott. 2nd. ed., rev. and ed. Louis A. Wagner, introd. Alan Dundes. Austin: U of Texas P, 1968. 1988. 

_____."Morphology  of the Folktale." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

_____. Morphologie du conte. Paris: Seuil, 1970. (Rpt.: Points).

_____. Morfologia della fiaba. With an answer to Lévi-Strauss. Trans. Gian Luigi Bravo. Turin: Einaudi, 1966.

_____. "Morphologie des Märchens." Extract. Trans. Christel Wendt, ed. Christiane Hauschild. In Russische Proto-Narratologie: Texte  in kommentierten Übersetzungen. Ed. Wolf Schmid. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 131-61.*

_____. Morfología del cuento. In Propp, Morfología del cuento: Seguida de Las transformaciones de los cuentos maravillosos. E. Mélétinski El estudio estructural y tipológico del cuento.  Trans. (from the French versions) Lourdes Ortiz. 3rd ed. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1977.*

_____. Morfología del cuento. Madrid: Akal, 1985.

_____. "Transformacii volshebnykh skazok." Poetika 4 (1928): 70-89.

_____. "Fairy-Tale Transformations." In Narrative Dynamics: Essays on Time, Plot, Closure, and Frames. Ed. Brian Richardson. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2002. 73-93.*

_____. "Les transformations du conte merveilleux." In Théorie de la littérature: Textes des formalistes russes. Ed. T. Todorov. Paris: Seuil, 1965. 234-62.*

_____. "Las transformaciones de los cuentos maravillosos." In Propp, Morfología del cuento: Seguida de Las transformaciones de los cuentos maravillosos. E. Mélétinski El estudio estructural y tipológico del cuento.  Trans. (from the French versions) Lourdes Ortiz. 3ª ed. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1977.*

_____. Istoricheskie korni volshebnoï skázki. Leningrad, 1946.

_____. Historical Roots of the Wondertale. 1946. Trans. of two chapters in Theory and History of Folklore.

_____. Le radici storiche de conti di fate.  Trans. Clara Coisson. Turin: Einaudi, 1949.

_____. "Estructura e historia en el estudio de los cuentos". Polémica Claude Lévi-Strauss - Vladimir Propp. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1971.

_____. Theory and History of Folklore. Trans. Ariadna Martin and Richard Martin. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1984.

Propp, Vladimir, Anatoly Liberman, and Ariadna Y. Marin. Theory and History of Folklore. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1987.

Schechter, Harold. "12. The Bloody Chamber: Terror Films, Fairy Tales, and Taboo." In Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1992. 233-51.*

Sutton-Smith, B. The Folkstories of Children. Philadelphia (PA): U of Pennsylvania P, 1981.

Swann, Steven Jones. The Fairy Tale. UK: Taylor & Francis, 2002.

Tatar, Maria. Off With Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood.

Tate, Arnold. "Folktale." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 179-80.*

Thompson, Stith. Motif-index of Folk Literature. 6 vols. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1932; Helsinki, 1932-36.

_____. The Folktale. Berkeley: U of California P, 1946.

Tolkien, J. R. R. "On Fairy-Stories." In Essays Presented to Charles Williams. London: Oxford UP, 1947. 38-89.

_____. "On Fairy-Stories." In The Tolkien Reader. New York: Ballantine, 1966.

_____. "On Fairy Stories." In Tolkien, The Monsters and the Critics: Selected Essays. Ed. Christopher Tolkien. London: HarperColllins, 1997.

_____. "Sobre los cuentos de hadas." In J. R. R. Tolkien, Los Monstruos y los Críticos y otros ensayos. Ed. Christopher Tolkien. Barcelona: Minotauro / Planeta DeAgostini, 2002. 135-95.*

Trejo, Malena Pilar. "Sintaxis narrativa folklórica en Historia Apolonii Regis Tyri: Historia, personajes, tiempo y espacio." Ph. Diss. U Nacional de la Plata, 2020. Online at Academia.*


Walsham, Alexandra. "Reformed Folklore? Cautionary Tales and Oral Tradition in Early Modern Enland." In The Spoken Word: Oral Culture in Britain, 1500-1850. Ed. Adam Fox and Daniel Woolf. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2002. 173-95.

Warner, Marina. From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and their Tellers. London: Chatto, 1994.

_____. From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers. London: Vintage, 1995.

Ziolkowski, J. M. "A Fairy Tale from before Fairy Tales: Egbert of Liège’s 'De puella a lupellis seruata' and the Medieval Background of 'Little Red Riding Hood'." Speculum 67.3 (1992): 549–75.

Zipes, Jack. Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales. New York: Methuen, 1979.

_____. Romper el hechizo: Una visión política de los cuentos folklóricos y maravillosos. Trans. Vanina Cúccaro. Buanos Aires and Mexico: Lumen, 2001.

_____. "The Instrumentalization of Fantasy: Fairy Tales and the Mass Media." In The Myths of Information: Technology and Post-Industrial Culture. Ed. Kathleen Woodward. Madison (Wi): Coda, 1980. 88-110.

_____. The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood: Versions of the Tale in a Sociocultural Context. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1993.

_____. When Dreams Came True: Classic Fairy Tales and Their Tradition. London: Taylor & Francis-Routledge, 1998. (Grimm, Andersen, Wilde, Collodi, Baum, Hesse).

_____. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization. New York: Routledge, 2007.

_____. Relentless Progress: The Reconfiguration of Children's Literature, Fairy Tales, and Storytelling. London: Taylor & Francis, 2009.

_____, ed. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.*













Acerbi, Alberto, Jeremy Kendal, and Jamshid J. Tehrani. "Cultural Complexity and Demographics: The Case of Fairy Tales." Evolution & Human Behavior 0.0 (2017).*



Aguirre, Manuel. An Outline of Propp's Model for the Study of Fairytales. 2011.

Amores García, Montserrat. "Escritores del siglo XIX frente al cuento folklórico." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 19/20 (1993/94): 171-81.*

Apo, Satu "The Structural Schemes of a Repertoire of Fairy Tales: A Structural Analysis . . . Following Propp's Model." In Genre, Structure and Reproduction in Oral Literature. Ed. Lauri Honko and Vilmos Voight. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1980.

Bacchilega, Cristina. "Folk and Literary Narrative in a Postmodern Context: The Case of Marchen." Fabula 29.3-4 (1988).

_____. Fairy Tales Transformed? Twenty-First-Century Adaptations and the Politics of Wonder. Michigan: Wayne State UP, 2013.

Bartlett, Frederic Charles (Sir). "Some Experiments on the Reproduction of Folk Stories." Folk-Lore 31 (1920): 30-47.

Beckett, Sandra. Recycling Red Riding Hood. New York: Routledge, 2002.

_____. Red Riding Hood for All Ages: A Fairy-tale Icon in Cross-cultural Contexts. Wayne State UP, 2008.

Benjamin, Walter. (The Storyteller). Orient und Okzident (1936).

_____. "The Storyteller: Reflections on the Work of Nikolai Leskov."1936. In Benjamin, Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 83-109.*

_____. "The Storyteller." In Theory of the Novel: A Historical Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000. 77-93.*

_____. "The Storyteller." In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 361-78.*

_____. "El narrador." In Benjamin, Para una crítica de la violencia y otros ensayos. Madrid: Taurus, 1991.

Benson, Stephen. Contemporary Fiction and the Fairy Tale. Michigan: Wayne State UP, 2008.

Blakemore, Erin. "Fairy Tales Could Be Older Than You Ever Imagined." Smithsonian 20 Jan. 2016.*


Bobby, Susan Redington. "Introduction." In Fairy Tales Reimagined: Essays on New Retellings. London: MacFarland, 2009. 5-12.

Bogomilova Atanassova, Denitza. "Literalidad y alegorismo de los cuentos maravillosos y estilística de su traducción. De los formalismos rusos a los teóricos del polisistema." Hermeneus 8 (2006): 23-43.*

Bouckaert-Ghesquiére, Rita. "Cinderella and Her Sisters." Poetics Today 13.1 (1992): 85-96.*

Cerda Gutiérrez, Hugo. Literatura infantil y clases sociales. Madrid: Akal, 1978, 1982.*

da Silva, Sara Graça, and Jamshid J. Tehrani. "Comparative Phylogenetic Analyses Uncover the Ancient Roots of Indo-European Folktales." Royal Society Open Science 3.1 (2016): 1506-45.



Domínguez García, Beatriz "Madrastras y brujas: Una reacción al cuento de hadas tradicional." In AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999). CD-ROM. León: AEDEAN, 2003.*

Fernández Rodríguez, Carolina. "La ideología feminista y los cuentos de hadas contemporáneos." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 189-94.*

Finlayson, Mark Alan. Learning Narrative Structure from Annotated Folktales. 2012.

Fisher, Jerilyn, and Ellen S. Silber. "Fairy Tales, Feminist Theory, and the Lives of Women and Girls." In Analyzing the Different Voice: Feminist Psychological Theory and Literary Texts. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998. 67-95.

Frankenberg, Hartwig. "Ein Beitrag zur Strukturalen Narrativik: Sprache - Märchen - Mythos." In Bedeutung, Sprechakte und Texte: Akten des 13 Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Gent 1978 (vol. 2). Ed. Willy Vandeweghe and Marc van de Velde.; Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1979. 351-359.

Franz, M. von. "Lecture I from Problems of the Feminine in Fairy Tales." In. Psychoanalysis and Woman: A Reader. Ed. Shelley Saguaro. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Freud, Sigmund. "Märchenstoffe in Träumen." Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 1.2 (1913): 147-51.

_____. "Sueños con temas de cuentos infantiles." In Freud, Obras completas. Madrid: Orbis, 1988. 9.1729-33.

García Abad, Belén. "El príncipe encantado en la narrativa tradicional." Folklore.

Gennep, A. van. La formación de las leyendas. Barcelona: Alta Fulla, 1982.

González Marín, Susana. Existía Caperucita Roja antes de Perrault? (Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios Filológicos, 310). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2005.*

Gottschall, Jonathan. "Quantitative Literary Study: A Modest Manifesto and Testing the Hypotheses of Feminist Fairy Tale Studies." In The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative. Ed. Jonathan Gottschall and David Sloan Wilson. Evanston (IL): Northwestern UP, 2005. 199-224.*

Greimas, A. J. "Le conte populaire russe, analyse fonctionnnelle." International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 9 (1965). Rpt. in Greimas, Sémantique structurale. Paris: Larousse, 1966.

Harries, Elizabeth Wanning. Twice Upon a Time: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001.

_____. "4. New Frames for Old Tales." In Harries, Twice Upon a Time: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 2001.

Hartland. Science of Fairy Tales.

Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga, Francisco Javier. "At the Crossroads Between Literature, Culture, Linguistics, and Cognition: Death Metaphors in Fairy Tales." Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 20 (2007): 59-83. Online at Dialnet:


Holbek, Bengt. "Formal and Structural Studies of Oral Narrative: A Bibliography." Unifol: Årsberetning 1977: 149-94.

Jakobowski. "Primitive Erzählungskunst." Gesellschaft 3 (1899).

Jung, Carl Gustav. Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido. 1912.

_____. Symbole der Wandlung: Analyse des Vorspiels einer Schizophrenie. Zürich: Rascher Verlag, 1952.*

_____. The Psychology of the Unconscious. New York, 1916. (= Transformations and Symbols of the Libido).

_____. Symbols of Transformation. (= Transformations and Symbols of the Libido).

Köngas, Elli-Kaija, and Pierre Maranda. "Structural Models in Folklore." Midwest Folklore 12.3 (1962).

Lakoff, G. P. "Structural Complexity in Fairy Tales." In The Study of Man 1 (1972): 128-90.

Larocque, G. E. "You Gotta Kiss a Lotta Frogs Before You Find Prince Charming." English Journal 68 (December 1979): 31-5.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. Historia de Lince. 1992.

Levorato, Alessandra. Language and Gender in the Fairy Tale Tradition: A Linguistic Analysis of Old and New Story Telling. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Lieberman, Marcia R. "'Some Day My Prince Will Come': Female Acculturation Through the Fairy Tale." College English 34 (1972).

MacRitchie (Mr.). On folk tales. Journ. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland iii.

Martin, Wallace, and Nick Conrad. "Formal Analysis of Traditional Fictions." Papers on Language and Literature 17.1 (1981): 3-22.

Meletinski, E. "El estudio estructural y tipológico del cuento." Postface to Vladimir Propp, Morfología del cuento. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1977.

Mukarovksy, Jan. "Detail as the Basic Semantic Unit in Folk Art." In Mukarovsky, The Word and Verbal Art:. New Haven: Yale UP, 1977. 180-204.*

Nikiforov, Aleksandr. "Zur Frage der morphologisches Erforschung des Volksmärchens." Ed. and trans. Christiane Hauschild. In Russische Proto-Narratologie: Texte  in kommentierten Übersetzungen. Ed. Wolf Schmid. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 163-178.*

Peinado, F., B. Díaz-Agudo, and P. Gervás. "A Description Logic Ontology for Fairy Tale Generation". In 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity, LREC'04. 29th May, Lisbon, Portugal. LREA, 2004. Ed. T. Veale, A. Cardoso, F. Camara Pereira and P. Gervás. 56-61. (PDF in Federico Peinado's website,

Rabkin, Eric S. "Fairy Tales and Science Fiction." In Bridges to Science Fiction. Ed. George E. Slusser et al. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1980. 78-90.

Ritson. Fairy Tales.

Roberts, J., B. Sutton-Smith, et al. "Strategy in Games and Folk Tales." In Mythology. Ed. P. Maranda. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1963. 194-211.

Rowe, Karen E. "Feminism and Fairy Tales." Women's Studies 6 (1979).

Herrero Ruiz, Javier.  "At the Crossroads between Literature, Culture, Linguistics, and Cognition: Death Metaphors in Fairy Tales." Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 20 (2007): 59-84. Online PDF at Dialnet.*


Ruskin, John. "Fairy stories." 1868. In The Literary Criticism of John Ruskin. New York: Doubleday, 1965. 220-3.*

Sautman, Francesca Canadé, Diana Conchado and Giuseppe Di Scipio, eds. Telling Tales: Medieval Narratives and the Folk Tradition. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Schechter, Harold. "The Bloody Chamber: Terror Films, Fairy Tales, and Taboo." In Gender, Language, and Myth. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992. 233-51.*

Sermonti, Giuseppe. Le fiabe del sottosuolo. Milan: Rusconi, 1989. (Alchemy and fairy tales).

Soriano Marc. "Contes (merveilleux, de fées, etc)." In Soriano, Guide de littérature pour la jeunesse. Paris: Flammarion, 1975.

Von Franz. Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Texas: U of Dallas. Spring Publications, Seminar Series, 1988.

Waelti-Walters, Jennifer. "On Princesses: Fairy Tales, Sex Roles and Loss of Self." International Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1979): 180-8.

Warner, Marina. No Go the Bogeyman: Scaring, Lulling and Making Mock. London: Chatto and Windus, 1998.*

Yong, Ed. "The Fairy Tales that Predate Christianity." Atlantic 20 Jan. 2016.* (da Silva and Tehrani)









Zipes, Jack, ed. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.* 2002.









Carter, Angela, ed. The Virago Book of Fairy Tales. London: Virago, 1990.

_____, ed. The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales. London: Virago, 1993.*

_____, ed. Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales. London: Gollancz, 1982.

Colum, Padraic, and Joseph Campbell, eds. The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales. London: Routledge, 1983.

Tatar, Maria, ed. The Classic Fairy Tales. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1999.*

Zipes, Jack, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 2001.





Dictionaries and Encyclopedias



Haase, Donald, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2008.






The Brothers Grimm. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Written by Ehren Kruger. Cast: Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Jonathan Pryce, Peter Stormare, Lena Headey, Monica Bellucci. Prod. Daniel Bobker and Charles Rowen. Exec. prod. Jonathan Gordon, Chris McGurk, John D. Schofield, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein. Music by Dario Marianelli. Cinematography by Nicola Pecorini, Newton Thomas Sigel. Ed. Lesley Walker. Prod. des. guy Dyas. Art dir. Andy Thomson, Frank Walsh. Mosaic Media Group, Dimension Films, MGM., The Weinstein Company LLC, Summit Entertainment, Reforma Films, 2005.*

_____. The Brothers Grimm / El secreto de los hermanos Grimm. DVD. (SpeakUp DVD). Barcelona: SAV / DeAPlaneta, 2006. (Misleading date in case: "1985").

Shrek. Animation feature. Dir. Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. USA: DreamWorks, 2001.*

Shrek 2. Dir. Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury and Conrad Vernon. Animation feature. Screenplay by Andrew Adamson and Joe Stillman and J. David Stem and David N. Weiss. Voice cast: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Julie Andrews, Antonio Banderas, John Cleese, Rupert Everett, Jennifer Sanders, based on a story by Andrew Adamson. Exec. prod. Jeffrey Katzenberg. Music by Harry GregsonWilliams. Prod Aron Warner, David Lipman, John H. Williams. Dreamworks, 2004.

_____. Shrek 2. DVD. Dreamworks, 2004.*

Shrek the Third. Dir. Chris Miller. Codirected by Raman Hui. Written by Jeffrey Price, Peter S. Seaman, Chris Millera and Aron Warner, based on the story by Andrew Adamson. Based on William Steig's book. Music: Harry Gregson-Williams. Coprod. Denise Nolan Cascino. Exec. prod. Andrew Adamson and John H. Williams. Prod. Aron Warner. USA: Dreamworks, 2007. Spanish DVD: Shrek Tercero. Dreamworks, 2007.*



Internet resources



ProtoPropp: The Fairy Tale Generator. (Federico Peinado, Pablo Gervás, Belén Díaz-Agudo and Raquel Hervás).



Talking Stories: Encyclopedia of Traditional Ecological Knowledge. (Michelle Scalise Sugiyama).*










Folk-Lore 31 (1920).


Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies

Wayne State U


Merveilles et contes / Marvels and Tales. Special issue on Angela Carter (1998). Ed. Cristina Bacchilega and Daniele Roemer. E-mail:








Carter, Angela. The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. London: Gollancz, 1979 (Cheltenham Festival of Literature Award). many editions

Donoghue, Emma. Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins.

Garner, James Finn. Politically Correct Bedtime Stories.  Simon and Schuster, 1994.

_____. Cuentos infantiles políticamente correctos.Trans. Gian Castelli Gair. Madrid: Circe, 1995. 2nd ed. 1996.*





See also Conversational narrative.





Folk Tale: Ages




Bremond, Claude, Jacques Berlioz and Cathérine Velay-Vallantin, eds. Formes médiévales du conte merveilleux. 1989.




20th c.


Concha Muñoz, Ángeles de la. "Análisis bajtiniano de la novelización del cuento maravilloso de Angela Carter." In Bajtín y la Literatura. Ed. José Romera et al. Madrid : Visor, 1995, 193-198.

Eisfield, Conny. How Fairy Tales Live Happily Ever After: The Art of Adapting Fairy Tales. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Pub., 2014.

Fernández Rodríguez, Carolina. "Cuentos de ayer y de hoy: de la heterosexualidad obligatoria tradicional a la inscripción del amor lésbico." ." BELLS 13 (Autumn 2004):

Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, Martine. "Queering the Fairy Tale Canon: Emma Donoghue's Kissing the Witch." In Fairy Tales Reimagined: Essays on New Retellings. London: MacFarland, 2009. 13-30.

Levorato, Alessandra. Language and Gender in the Fairy Tale Tradition: A Linguistic Analysis of Old and New Story Telling. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Tiffin, Jessica. "Fairy Tale as Art and Metafiction in the Writing of A. S. Byatt." Marvels & Tales 20.1 (2006): 47-66.

Tosi, Laura. "Smart Princesses, Clever Choices: The Deconstruction of the Cinderella Paradigm and the Shaping of Female Cultural Identity in Adult and Children's Contemporary Rewritings of Fairy Tales." Miscelánea 24 (2001- issued 2003): 93-106.*



Related works


Donoghue, Emma. Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skin. 1997. New York: HarperCollins-Joanna Cotler Books, 1999.




Folk Tale: Areas






Auerbach, Nina, and U. C. Knoepflmacher, eds. Forbidden Journeys: Fairy Tales and Fantasies by Victorian Women Writers. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1992.

Brewer, Derek. Symbolic Stories: Traditional Narratives of the Family Drama in English Literature. Cambridge: Brewer, 1980.

Herrero Ruiz, Javier. "At the Crossroads between Literature, Culture, Linguistics, and Cognition: Local Character-Based Metaphors in Fairy Tales."  Journal of English Studies 13 (2015): 47-70.* (Andrew Lang).

Knoepflmacher, U. C. Ventures into Childland: Victorians, Fairy Tales, and Femininity. Chicago: U of Chicago P, c. 1998.

Roemer, Danielle Marie, and Cristina Bacchilega. Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale. Michigan: Wayne State UP, 2001.

_____, eds. Merveilles et contes / Marvels and Tales. Special issue on Angela Carter (1998).

Stone, Harry. Dickens and the Invisible World: Fairy Tales, Fantasy and Novel-Making. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979; London: Macmillan, 1980.

Walker, Nancy A. "Witch Weldon: Fay Weldon's Use of Fairy Tale Tradition." In Fay Weldon's Wicked Fictions. Ed. Regina Barreca. Hannover: UP of New England, 1994. 9-20.*





Park, Christine, and Caroline Heaton, eds. Caught in a Story. Adult fairy stories.





Briggs, Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Languge. 2 vols. London: Routledge, 1991.





Nutt (Mr.). Folk and Hero Tales from Argyleshire.




Black American


Edwards, Jay. "Structural Analysis of the Afro-American Folk Tale." In Black Literature and Literary Theory. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York: Methuen, 1984. 81-103.





Dorson, Richard M., ed. American Negro Folktales. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett, 1967.






Pérez Agustín, Mercedes. El Origen del Mundo y otros cuentos de los indios de Canadá. Illust. Sylvia Vivanco. (Colección Infantil-Juvenil). Madrid: Verbum, 2018.








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American Indian


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Australian aborigines


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Adrados, Francisco R. El cuento erótico griego, latino e indio. Madrid, 1994.






Jones and Kropf. Folk Tales of the Magyars.






Adrados, Francisco R. El cuento erótico griego, latino e indio. Madrid, 1994.







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_____. Mythes et dieux des Indo-Européens. Preface by Hervé Coutau-Bégarie. Paris: Flammarion, 1992. (Rpt. in Mythes et dieux des Indo-Européens. Précédé de Loki. Heur et Malheur du guerrier. Ed. Bernard Sergent. (Mille & une pages). Paris: Flammarion, 2011).

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_____. Historias del Antiguo Japón. Trans. Cirilo Iriarte. (Clásicos en el presente, 8). Barcelona: Erasmus Ediciones, 2009.*











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Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "VII. Le monde mythique et le folklore." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 995-1028.* (Folk tales: Marind-anim, Kiwai, New Guinea, American indians, Eskimos).







Adrados, Francisco R. El cuento erótico griego, latino e indio. Madrid, 1994.





Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "VII. Le monde mythique et le folklore." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 995-1028.* (Folk tales: Marind-anim, Kiwai, New Guinea, American indians, Eskimos).




New Guinea


Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "VII. Le monde mythique et le folklore." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 995-1028.* (Folk tales: Marind-anim, Kiwai, New Guinea, American indians, Eskimos).

_____. "VIII. Le monde mythique et le folklore (suite)." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive. 1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007.  1029-68.* (Folk tales: Bantu, African, New Guinea, Australian aborigines, fictionality, literature and myth).







Dumézil, Geroges. Loki. Paris. Flammarion, 1986.

_____. Mythes et dieux des Indo-Européens. Précédé de Loki. Heur et Malheur du guerrier. Ed. Bernard Sergent. (Mille & une pages). Paris: Flammarion, 2011.*









Ispirescu, Petre. Cuentos populares rumanos / Basme populare românesti. Prologue by Dana Oprica. Several translators. Madrid: Ediciones Crusoe, 2013.







Bloom, Mia and Sophia Moskalenko. "Cómo los cuentos construyen el espíritu de lucha: La diferencia entre los relatos infantiles rusos y ucranianos." The Conversation 4 April 2022.*


Haney, Jack V., ed. The Complete Russian Folktale. Volume 1: An Introduction to the Russian Folktale. Volume 2: Russian Animal Tales. M. E. Sharpe, 1998.

Propp, Vladimir. Morfologiia skazki. 1928. Leningrad: Nauka, 1968.

_____. Morfología del cuento. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1971.*

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Romanov, E. R. Velikorusskiye skazi. (Zapiski Imperskovo Russkovo Geograficheskovo Obschestva, 42, no. 52). (Great Russian Tales, Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, 32, no. 52).

Zelenin, Dmitry S. Velikorruskye skazki Permskoy gubernii. St. Petersburg, 1913. (Great Russian Tales of the Permian Province).



Internet resources



Russian Folklore (Alex's Tours & Travel).*










Dumézil, Geroges. Loki. Paris. Flammarion, 1986.

_____. Mythes et dieux des Indo-Européens. Précédé de Loki. Heur et Malheur du guerrier. Ed. Bernard Sergent. (Mille & une pages). Paris: Flammarion, 2011.*

Kviedeland, Reimund. and Henning K. Sehmsdorf. Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend. Oxford: Oxford UP-Norwegian UP, 1991.







The Mabinogion. Introd. and trans. Thomas Jones and Gwyn Jones. (Everyman's Library, 97). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.


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