lunes, 14 de octubre de 2024

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A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




(of literature and art)



Abercrombie, Lascelles. The Idea of Great Poetry. London: Secker, 1925.*

Adams, Hazard, ed. Critical Theory Since Plato. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971.

Addison, Joseph. "True and False Wit." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 1-25.*

_____. "Taste and the Pleasures of the Imagination." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 172-208.*

Alison, Archibald. On Taste. 1790.

Arp, Thomas R., and Greg Johnson. "Evaluating Fiction." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

_____. "Evaluating Poetry 1: Sentimental, Rhetorical, Didactic Verse." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

_____. "Evaluating Poetry 2: Poetic Excellence." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

Auden, W. H. "Hacer, saber y juzgar." In Auden, Los señores del límite: Selección de poemas y ensayos (1927-1973). Ed. and trans. Jordi Doce. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores – Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007. 393-428.*

Baudrillard, Jean. For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. Trans. Charles Levin. St Louis (MO): Telos Press, 1981.*

Beardsley, Monroe C. "Reasons and Judgments." In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. Liv-lviii.* (Evaluation).

_____. "Reasons and Judgments." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 444-62.*

_____. "Aesthetic Value." In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. Lix-lxiv.*

_____. "Aesthetic Value." (26. The Beauty Theory. 27. Psychological Definitions. 28. The Instrumentalist Theory).  In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. 500-56.*

_____. "The Arts in the Life of Man." (29. Moral and Critical Judgments. 30. The Inherent Value of Art). In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. 557-92.*

Bennett, Arnold. Literary Taste: How to Form It. 1909. 5th ed. London: Hodder, 1913.*

Beriger, Leonhard. Die Literarische Wertung. Halle, 1934.

Birrell, Augustine. "Is it possible to tell a Good Book from a Bad One?" In Birrell, Selected Essays 1884-1907. London: Nelson, 1909. 287-303.

Booth, Stephen. "On the Value of Hamlet." In Reinterpretation of Elizabethan Drama. Ed. Norman Rabkin. New York: Columbia UP, 1969. 137-76.

_____. "On the Value of Hamlet." In Shakespeare: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1945-2000. Ed. Russ McDonald. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.*

Bosanquet, Bernard. The Principle of Individuality and Value. Lectures. 1912.

Bouhours, Dominique. "Le Je ne sais quoi." In Bouhours, Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugène. 1671. Ed. René Radouant. Paris, 1920.

_____. Manière de bien penser dans les ouvrages d'esprit. 1687. English trans. 1705, 1728.

Bourdieu, Pierre. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. London: Routledge, 1984.

_____. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Libre Examen). Paris: Seuil, 1992. (Literary theory; ideology; social semiotics; sociology of literature; Flaubert; 19th-century French literature; authorship; aestheticism; perspective; reading; Mallarmé, Baudelaire, writing, literature, value, aesthetics).

_____. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Points; Essais, 370). Paris: Seuil, 1998.*

_____. Las reglas del arte: Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Trans. Thomas Kauf. (Argumentos, 167). Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995. 2nd ed. 1997. 3rd ed. 2002. 4th ed. 2005. 5th ed. 2011.*

_____. The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. 1992. Trans. Susan Emanuel. (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics). Stanford (CA), 1995.  1996.

Brownell, W. C. Standards. 1917.

Burke, Edmund. "On Taste." From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989.369-80.*

Carlyle, Thomas. On the Choice of Books. 5th ed. London: Chatto, 1878.

Compagnon, Antoine.  "La valeur." In Compagnon, Le démon de la théorie: Littérature et sens commun. Paris: Seuil, 1998. 2000. 241-74.* (Valuation, canon, classics).

Connor, Steven. Theory and Cultural Value. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.*

Daiches, David. "The Judging of Contemporary Literature." New Literary Values: Studies in Modern Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1936. 115-30.

de Rivera, Joseph. "Evaluating Believed-In Imaginings." In Believed-In Imaginings: The Narrative Construction of Reality. Ed. Joseph de Rivera and Theodore R. Sarbin. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association, 2002. 309-24.*

Della Volpe, Galvano. Critica del gusto. Milan, 1960.

Eagleton, Terry. "Marxism and Aesthetic Value." In Eagleton, Criticism and Ideology: A Study in Marxist Literary Theory. 1975. London: Verso-New Left Books, 1978.*

Eagleton, Terry, and P. Fuller. "The Question of Value: A Discussion." New Left Review 142 (1983): 76-90.

Easthope, Antony. "The Question of Literary Value." Textual Practice 4 (1990): 376-89.

Elbow, Peter. "Ranking, Evaluating and Linking: Sorting out Threee Forms of Judgement." College English 55.2 (1993).*

Estévez Saá, José Manuel. "Reflexiones sobre 'valor', 'gusto' e 'interpretación' desde una perspectiva cultural." 2003. In Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN / Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference. Ed. Antonio R[odríguez] Celada, Daniel Pastor García, and Pedro Javier Pardo García. CD-ROM. Salamanca: Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Salamanca) / Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2004.*

Fielding, Henry. "On Taste in the Choice of Books." In Selected English Essays. Ed. W. Peacock. London: Oxford UP, 1903. 139-43.

Fisher, Will. "Gabrielle's New Clothes: Cultural Valuations and Evaluations." Textual Practice 12.2: 251-268.

Foerster, Norman. Toward Standards: A Study of the Present Critical Movement in American Letters. 1930.

Fromm, Harold. Academic Capitalism and Literary Value.

Frye, Northrop. "On Value-Judgments." 1968. In Frye, The Stubborn Structure. 1968. London: Methuen, 1970. 66-73.

Gadamer, H. G. "The Eminent Text." Bulletin of the Midwest Langage Association 13 (1980): 3-10.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Escribir bien." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 23 Feb. 2008.


_____. "Torbellinos de información (El marco es más importante que el cuadro)."  Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 15 June 2009.*


_____. "El efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 July 2009.*


_____. "El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 15 July 2009.*


_____. "El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva (The Matthew Effect and Retroactive Quality." Social Science Research Network 10 Jan. 2017.*


_____. "El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 Jan. 2017.*


_____. "El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva." Academia 25 July 2017.*


_____. "El Efecto Mateo y la calidad retroactiva." ResearchGate 26 July 2017.*


_____. "Atención a la atención (Sociobiología, estética y pragmática de la atención." Analecta Malacitana (AnMal Electrónica) 33 (Dec. 2012): 3-27.*


Genette, Gérard. L'Œuvre de l'art, II: La relation esthétique. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1997.* (1. L'attention esthétique. 2. L'appréciation esthétique. 3. La fonction artistique).

Gerard, Alexander. An Essay on Taste. London: Scolar Press, 1971.

Grube, G. M. A. "Longinus on Great Writing." In Grube, The Greek and Roman Critics. London: Methuen, 1965. 340-53.*

Hawkins, Gay, and Stephen Muecke, eds. Culture and Waste: The Creation and Destruction of Value. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.

Hawthorn, Jeremy. "Evaluation." In Hawthorn, Unlocking the Text. London: Arnold, 1987. 124-9.

Heinich, Nathalie. Des valeurs: Une approche sociologique. (Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines). Paris: Gallimard-NRF, c. 2017.

Hirsch, E. D. The Aims of Interpretation. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1978. Hume, David. "Of the Standard of Taste." 1757. In Adams 314-323.

Holland, Norman. "24. Evaluating." In Holland, Literature and the Brain. Gainesville (FL): PsyArt Foundation, 2009. 303-20.*

Hornborg, Alf. "Machine Fetishism, Value and the Image of Unlimited Good: Towards a Thermodynamics of Imperialism." Man 1 (1992).

_____. "Codifying Complexity: Towards an Economy of Incommensurable Values." Paper presented at the 2nd meeting of the International Society of Ecological Economics, Stockhom, 5-6 Aug. 1992.

Hough, Graham. "Value and Criteria." In Hough, An Essay on Criticism. London: Duckworth, 1966. 87-95.*

Hume, David. Of the Standard of Taste and Other Essays. Ed. John W. Lenz. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.

Ingarden, Roman. "Bemerkungen zum Problem des ästhetischen Werturteils." Rivista di Estetica (1959).

Johnson, Samuel. "Worth of Petty Writers." The Rambler (145). 1750-2. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1953.

Kellett, E. E. The Whirligig of Taste.

Kermode, Frank. History and Value. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988.

Krieger, Murray. Arts on the Level: The Fall of the Elite Object. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1981.

Leavis, F. R. Valuation in Criticism and Other Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Lewes, G. H. "The Principles of Success in Literature." Fortnightly Review 1 (1865): 697-709.

_____. "The Principles of Success in Literature." (II and IV). In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It. Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 34-76.

Lewis, C. S. An Experiment in Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961.

Longinus. Pery hypsous / On the sublime. 80 A. D.? Bilingual edition. Ed. and trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. In Aristotle, The poetics. 'Longinus'. On the Sublime. Demetrius. On Style. 119-254.

_____. Peri hypsous / Sobre lo sublime. Bilingual edition. InAnónimo, Sobre lo sublime. Aristóteles Poética. Barcelona: Bosch, 1977.

_____. On Literary Excellence. In Gilbert 146-98. Trans. of Peri hypsous.

_____. On the Sublime. Trans. T. S. Dorsch. In Classical Literary Criticism. 97-158.

López de Abiada, José Manuel, and Julio Peñate Rivero. Éxito de ventas y calidad literaria. Madrid: Verbum, 1996.

Lucas, F. L. Critical Thoughts in Critical Days. PEN Books.

Melchinger, Siegfried. "La separación entre análisis y juicio." In Crítica de la crítica. Ed. Peter Hamm. Barcelona: Barral, 1971. Trans. of Kritik / von wem / für wen / wie? Munich: Carl Hanser, 1968. 73-6.

Miner, Earl. "Some Remarks on the Question of Literary Values" Southern Review 12 (Adelaide, 1979): 124-34.

Moore, George Edward. "Es la bondad una cualidad?" In Moore, Defensa del sentido común y otros ensayos. Barcelona: Orbis, 1983. 101-12.

Muka®ovskÿ, Jan. Aesthetic Function, Norm and Value as Social Facts.  1936. Trans. M. E. Suino. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1970. 1979.

_____. "Aesthetic Function, Norm, and Value as Social Facts." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 35-8.

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Reputations Revisited." TLS 21 Jan. 1977: 66.

New, Christopher. "Literary Appraisals." In New, Philosophy of Literature: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 1999. 124-37.*

Okakura Kakuzo. "La apreciación del arte." 19th cent. In Textos de estética taoísta. Ed. Luis Racionero. Madrid: Alianza, 1983. 232-38.*

Olson, Elder. "On Value Judgments in the Arts." Critical Inquiry 1 (Sept. 1974).

_____. On Value Judgments in the Arts and Other Essays. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1976.

Pérez Galdós, Benito. "Un tribunal literario." In Galdós, Ensayos de crítica literaria. Ed. Laureano Bonet. Barcelona: Península, 1990. 1210-48.

Perry, Ralph Barton. General Theory of Value.

Pettersson, Bo. "Procrustean Beds and Strange Bedfellows: On Literary Value as Assigned by Literary Theories." Journal of Literary Theory 2.1 (2008): 19-33.*


Pfeiffer, Johannes. "Valoración: conceptos normativos fundamentales." In Pfeiffer, La Poesía: Hacia la comprensión de lo poético. Trans. Margit Frenk Alatorre. 3ª ed. México: FCE, 1959. 53-88.

Plantin, Christian. "Valor argumentativo." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 630-33.*

Quiller-Couch, Arthur (Sir). On the Art of Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1924.*

Raymond, Marcel.  Le Sens de la qualité. Neuchâtel: La Baconnière, 1948.

Richards, I. A. Principles of Literary Criticism. 1924. London: Routledge, 1967.

_____. Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgment. 1929. London: Routledge, 1964.

Robson, W. W. "Evaluative Criticism, and Criticism without Evaluation." In Robson, The Definition of Literature and Other Essays. 1982. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. 40-56.*

Schrader, M. Theorie und Praxis literarischer Wertung: Literaturwissenschaftliche und -didaktische Theorie und Verfahren. 1987.

Simylus. Fragment on the Conditions of Literary Achievement. In Saintsbury, Loci Critici. 32.*

Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. "Contingencies of Value." Critical Inquiry 10 (1983): 1-35.

_____. "Contingencies of Value." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 463-500.*

_____. From Contingencies of Value (Ch. 3, "Contingencies of Value"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988.

Spurr, Barry. "Evaluation of Poetry." In Spurr, Studying Poetry. Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia, 1997. 45-56.* (Dickinson, "There's a certain slant of light"; Pope, "The Dunciad"; Auden, "Lullaby"; George Herbert, "Love III"; D. H. Lawrence, "Piano").

Szanto, George. Narrative Tastes and Social Perspectives: The Matter of Quality. New York: St. Martin, 1987.

Taine, H. "Del ideal en el Arte." In Taine, Filosofía del Arte. Valencia: Sempere, n. d. 2.194-294.*

Thompson, Denys. What to Read in English Literature. London: Heinemann, 1975.

_____. Reading and Discrimination.

Tompkins, Jane. "'But Is It Any Good?': The Institutionalization of Literary Value." In Tompkins, Sensational Designs: The Cultural Work of American Fiction. New York: Oxford UP, 1989. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 455-63.*

Trilling, Lionel. "The Fate of Pleasure." In Trilling, Beyond Culture. 1965. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967. 62-86.

Sempere y Guarinos, Juan. Reflexiones sobre el buen gusto en las ciencias y en las artes. Traducción libre de las que escribió en italiano Luis Antonio Muratori, con un discurso sobre el gusto actual de los españoles en la Literatura. Madrid: Antonio de Sancha, 1782.

Smith, Barbara Herrnstein. "Contingencies of Value." Critical Inquiry 10.1 (1983): 1-36.

_____. "Contingencies of Value." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 463-500.*

_____. Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988.

Urban, Wilbur M. Valuation. 1909.

Volpe, Galvano della. Critica del gusto. Milan, 1960.

_____. Crítica del gusto. Barcelona: Seix-Barral, 1966.

Weber, Jean Jacques. "Conclusion: Towards a Cognitive Theory of Value in Literature." In Weber, Critical Analysis of Fiction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992. 161-7.*

Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. "Evaluation." In Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963. 238-51.

West, Alick. "The Relativity of Literary Value." In West, Crisis and Criticism. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1937. 135-42.

Wilde, Oscar. "The Decay of Lying." The Nineteenth Century (1889). Rpt. in Adams 673-686.

Wimsatt, W. K., and Monroe C. Beardsley. "The Affective Fallacy." Sewanee Review 57 (Winter 1949). Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. New York: Noonday, 1958. 21-40.*

_____. "The Affective Fallacy." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.





Internet resources



Aesthetic Experience, Judgment, Value










Carnevali, Barbara. "La dimension esthétique de la reconnaissance sociale." Video. (Séminaire Esthétique et Société: L'actualité de Georg Simmel). YouTube (CRAL) 11 Dec. 2015.* (Simmel, Bourdieu, social psychology, taste, recognition, evaluation, vanity, disctinction, prestige, reputation, attention, perception, self).



Gori, Roland. "La Fabrique des Imposteurs." Video lecture. YouTube (UnivNantes) 10 Sept. 2014.*



Heinich, Nathalie. "Présentation de Des Valeurs: Une approche sociologique." Video. (Arts et littératures: L'esthétique en question, 6 March 2017). YouTube (CRAL) 4 April 2017.*







See also Canon; Classics; Badness.

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