jueves, 16 de enero de 2025

Lingüística diacrónica



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Diachronic linguistics



Bobes Naves, María del Carmen. "Los cambios semánticos." In Suma de Estudios en homenaje al Ilustrísimo Doctor Ángel Canellas López. Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1969. 149-76.*

Bossuyt, A. "Functional Requirements. Causes or Constraints upon Language Change?" Belgian Journal of Linguistics 1 (1986): 127-147.

Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo. "Putting Sociolinguistics to the Test of Time." Rev. of Historical Sociolinguistics: Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. By Terttu Nevalainen and Helena Raumolin-Brunberg. In Sociolinguistics and the History of English: Perspectives and Problems. Ed. Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. Monograph issue of IJES 5.1 (2005): 211-22.*

Connolly, J. H. Constituent order in Functional Grammar: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Berlin: Foris, 1991.

Deo, Ashwini. "Diachronic Semantics." Annual Review of Linguistics 1.1 (Jan. 2015).*



Díaz Vera, Javier E. "Estabilidad y cambio en lenguas con la alternancia personal/impersonal: hacia una aplicación diacrónica del modelo lexemático funcional." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 721-28.*

Eckert, Penelope, ed. New Ways of Analyzing Sound Change. Academic Press, 1991.

Fernández, Francisco. "Sobre la interpretación del cambio lingüístico." Alfinge 9 (1997): 43-62.*

Fleischman, Suzanne. "From Pragmatics to Grammar: Diachronic Reflections on the Development of Complex Pasts and Futures in Romance." Lingua 60 (1982): 183-214.

Guzmán-González, Trinidad "Out of the Past: A Walk with Labels and Concepts, Raiders of the Lost Evidence, and a Vindication of the Role of Writing." In Sociolinguistics and the History of English: Perspectives and Problems. Ed. Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. Monograph issue of IJES 5.1 (2005): 13-31.* (Sociohistorical linguistics).

Harris, A., and L. Campbell. Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Hjelmslev, Louis. Sistema lingüístico y cambio lingüístico. Madrid: Gredos, 1972.

Hockett, Charles F. "Sound Change." Language 41 (1965): 185-204.

Kytö, Marja, Matti Rissanen, and Susan Wright, eds. Corpora Across the Centuries. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on English Diachronic Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Labov, William. Principles of Linguistic Change: Internal Factors. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

_____. Principios del cambio lingüístico. 2 vols. Trans. Pedro Martín Butragueño. Madrid: Gredos, 1996.

Li, C. N., ed. Mechanisms of Syntactic Change. Austin: U of Texas Press, 1977.

Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. "'Synchronic' versus 'Diachronic' Linguistics: A Historical Note." Linguistics 36 (1967): 18-28.

_____. Sprachstadium und Sprachsystem: Umrisse einer Sprachtheorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1970.

Lightfoot, D. "Syntactic Change and the Autonomy Thesis." Journal of Linguistics 13 (1977): 191-216.

_____. Principles of Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1978.

Martín Arista, Javier, and Ana Ibáñez Moreno. "El rasgo [±] animado y las explicaciones funcionales: dos casos de morfosintaxis diacrónica." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 9 (2001).

Martinet, André. "Language Dynamics and Diachrony." In AEDEAN Select Papers in Language, Literature and Culture: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. [U of Córdoba, 1993]. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra. Vigo: AEDEAN, 2000. 79-83.*

McMahon, April M. S. Understanding Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Nevalainen, Terttu, and Helena Ramolin-Brunberg. Historical Sociolinguistics: Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. (Longman Linguistics Library). London: Pearson Education, 2003.

Penchoen, Thomas. "La glottochronologie." In Le Langage. Ed. André Martinet. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 25). Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 865-84.*

Purchas, Samuel. "[Part I, Book 1] Chap. XII. Enquiries of languages by Edw. Brerewood, lately professor of Astronomie in Gresham Colledge. Extent of the Greeke tongue in antient times. Extent of the Greeke tongue in vulgar use. Decay of the old Greeke, where and whence. How corrupted. Difference of the old and moderne Greeke. Extent of the Latine. Roman tongue spread by Roman Colonies. The Latine abolished not the vulgar Languages. Afircan, Gallike, Spanish, Panonian and Roman tongues. Latine, not vulgarly spoken in all places of the Roman Empire. When the Latine degenerated into Italian, French & Spanish. Roman Emp. when and by whom it fell. Threefold corrruption of Latines. Extent of the Latine tongue, discussed. Change of the Roman and English tongues. Tongues of Italy and France. Originall of French, Welsh language of the Celtae. Spanish, &c. Punike or Phoenician language, that of Canaan & Hebrew. Punike, the same, or neere to hebrew. Extent of Slavonian. The Arabike, Syriake & Turkish languages where spoken. Chaldee paraphrase. Hebrew not vulgarly understood after Captivity." In Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumus: or, Purchas His Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others. Vol. 1. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. Rpt. (Cambridge Library Collection). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 256-304.*

Sankoff, David, ed. Diversity and Diachrony. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 53). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986.

Taavitsainen, Irma, and Andreas H. Jucker, eds. Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002. (Early Mod.E, Emod. Spanish, Modern German).

Tejada Caller, Paloma. "Redescubriendo el tiempo: el papel de la lingüística histórica en el currículum universitario." Atlantis 20.1 (1998 [issued Dec. 1999]): 161-73.*

Trask, R. L. Historical Linguistics. London: Arnold, 1996.





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  Retropost, 2015: Bibliografía de Herder by Marcus Ortiz